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Star Gate and the Truth

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posted on Jun, 21 2006 @ 08:12 PM

Originally posted by zorgon
I'm sold... Now to gather the facts and evidence.

Might I suggest trying the reverse?

That is pretty humourus that they had a show within the show and left it as a sort of 'cover up'.

posted on Jun, 21 2006 @ 10:53 PM
The authors of the Left Behind series created a book called Soon. Towards the end they have a reference to Hollywood being a great ally to the government in helping disinform and rationalizing certain events or even groups. Once its shows in a movie the idea either becomes fantasy to the public, or a certain group is demonized and scrutinzed to the public. When you consider that technology is utilized by the military first, is then handed down to Hollywood, and finally made public you begin to make a lot of connections.

posted on Jun, 22 2006 @ 12:18 AM

I don't believe this at all. There is a simpler answer to consider

I certain will defend your right to your opinion, but I thought this was a conspiracy theory board?
Simple is boring, no matter if it be the truth or not. It leaves no room for speculation, discussion or debate and kinda defeats the purpose of a discusion board

For example, if this young lady grew up researching everything she could get her hands on to invent a working star gate and actually succeeded (presumably after years of study and trial), would her children think that star gates always existed

That would be very cool if she did, and her kids would most probably think it had always been around, take it for granted

If you are going to research that hollywood is being steered by some sort of conspiracy, you are only going to find posts like yours to back you up.

Ummm seeking like minded individuals was kinda the purpose of my original post

I'm not sure if you are being purposely flippant

Oops busted
But thank you for the lengthy debate, at least I have stimulated conversation

[edit on 22-6-2006 by zorgon]

posted on Jun, 22 2006 @ 12:23 AM

Might I suggest trying the reverse?

Oh yes you might.... Well actually I do have several research projects on the go, but sometimes starting out a little incredulous sounding really does get the ball rolling. And in truth this board is very helpfull in finding links on the stuff I seek. Having limited time on my hands its nice to have such input from around the world.

posted on Jun, 22 2006 @ 12:27 AM

When you consider that technology is utilized by the military first, is then handed down to Hollywood, and finally made public you begin to make a lot of connections.

To anyone that thinks Hollywood never works hand in hand with the government to reach the people... please explain to me all the "Movie Tone" news reels of world war 2 with all their gov fed propaganda. I am sure there are many more similar examples out there.

posted on Jun, 22 2006 @ 12:42 AM
Hmmm great plan...create a movie that wasn't very good (once they went through the gate). Then create a TV series on a minor cable channel that appeals to people who already probably believe in aliens. Next film this in Canada so that the US doesn't have as much control. Finally have half the show be tongue in cheek to emphasis the seriousness of the alien threat.

Sorry not to sound cranky but this show ain't disclosing anything. I'm not a big fan of Stargate or its plots. Love the actors in it and the people involved making the show, but I can hardly stand watching it due to the "were not taking ourselves too serious" theme.

Sure, ALL governments (not just the US) use the movies at times to promote propaganda and rally the citizens. I think Close Encounters did more to teach people about a possible real alien pressence more than any other show. If the aliens wanted to show up, they should of done it then. They would of had a much friendlier welcome.

posted on Jun, 22 2006 @ 01:51 AM

Originally posted by Pjpuas

Anywho, the USAF's sponsorship has always nagged at the back of my head.
I mean, why would the US air force need to consult a sci-fi show?
Other than the obvious "how to wear your uniform properly" bit...
But if that is used as an excuse, I would chalk that one right next to
Plasible deniablilty. Just as the whole afformentioned "Wormhole Extreme"

I'd go with the cheep advertising bit.
I joined AFROTC in part because I was (am) really into stargate and realized there's alot of things that we as civilians or low ranking enlisted men will never find out about.
I dropped out of the prog after 1 semester for personal reasons and a complete change in direction in life. Also the gas to get there and back 3 times a week was killing me financially.

Anyways my point is that stargate was a major motivator in my decision to join AFROTC and that is exactly the reason the AF backs stargate IMO

on the up side i got a free pair of dress shoes, an AF cap (cover), gym shorts and t shirts, sweat pants and shirt, AF issue belt
they took everything else back but that stuff they give you for sanatary reasons

i strongly encourage college students to join the rotc program for a semester to see if they like it, especially if they talk about wanting to join the military
it's kinda like a "try before you sign your soul (or 4 years of it at least) away to the military" program
beginning your 3rd year in the program you go under contract to complete the prog or drop out and become an enlisted person.

[edit on 22-6-2006 by wondernut]

posted on Jun, 22 2006 @ 02:40 AM
Well certainly the Air Force has a lot of cool toys to play with, and we are pushing the envelope with sub orbital and super sonic planes again. Who knows what else in the near future...

And if any of our conspiracy theories bear any truth at all, you will be able to chase and blow up UFO's, visit Alien Worlds thru worm holes, etc.

So sign up now... then report back to us and tell us what's really going on

posted on Jun, 22 2006 @ 02:55 AM
I have every episode of Stargate SG-1 and Stargate Atlantis ever aired and can tell you you are precisely correct. I was once going to start a thread on here myself about the program but thought I might be the only person who's watched enough Stargate episodes to fully understand the big picture. Many wars and conspiracies and REPTILLIANS are also covered in Stargate episodes and all so are many religions Gods, technologies, etc. With Stargate being produced by MGM (a subsidiary of Freemason created Walt Disney Corporation) it's not hard to see how these guys are trying to desensitize viewers to ALL aspects related to Paranormal/Ancient Civilizations which are ALL covered in Stargate episodes.

posted on Jun, 22 2006 @ 02:59 AM

Originally posted by Atomic
Hmmm great plan...create a movie that wasn't very good (once they went through the gate). Then create a TV series on a minor cable channel that appeals to people who already probably believe in aliens. Next film this in Canada so that the US doesn't have as much control. Finally have half the show be tongue in cheek to emphasis the seriousness of the alien threat.

Firstly, I believe Canada is involved with the Illuminati as much as the US. Look at where the Bilderberg meeting was held this year!!! Secondly, a minor TV series? This show had been going for 9 years and is screened in most western countries including South Africa and Australia, with many seasons being screened at prime time 7:30pm slots in Australia. The series was so popular that they continued with it and created the spinoff series Stargate Atlantis!! None of the show is tongue in cheek except when Jack O'neil was still acting where he'd make a few jokes in addition to Daniel Jackson which is part of the process used to engage an audience and keep them watching the other stuff.

[edit on 22-6-2006 by sugeshotcha]

posted on Jun, 22 2006 @ 03:33 AM

Firstly, I believe Canada is involved with the Illuminati as much as the US.

Nicely put

Being from Canada myself I can assure you that is true

Minor indeed!

posted on Jun, 22 2006 @ 04:06 AM

Originally posted by zorgonI certain will defend your right to your opinion, but I thought this was a conspiracy theory board?
Simple is boring, no matter if it be the truth or not. It leaves no room for speculation, discussion or debate and kinda defeats the purpose of a discusion board

Fortunately, my opinion is only my opinion. I find the ideas of star gates interesting, but just cannot bring myself to subscribe to the theory that the writer's/producers have some kind of inside information about the subject.

Yes, this is a conspiracy board, but sometimes a non-conspiracy point of view is needed as well. I think my post left many points for speculation and debate, just as yours did. And sometimes boring is how reality really is.

Yes, your original post did spark some interest on my part, in that it got me thinking about how science fiction writers work to create their 'realities'. I've written a little myself, and find that the better the research, the better the story.


posted on Jun, 22 2006 @ 05:25 AM
Hollywood just wanna make money. It's a film industry, purpose = make money to make more movies to make more money. Many people benefit from it, fame and fortune people, that's what everyone is in search of.

First of, where the hell did you ever heard of a stargate? Only from someone that heard it from dubious sources, or in a website claiming that the US went to Iraq in part to claim it for theirselves. Ok, now what? The fountain of youth in Iran? Please, gimme a break.
Coincidentaly it seems that the Sumerians used to live in the current Iraq. Someone found a drawing of a ring with people around, and wow it's a stargate.
Plus, many people read somewhere that there's a dig site in Iraq and they found a Stargate. If there's any real source of this, please tell me. Just don't create a conspiracy based on dubious information, to say the least.

Stargate is based on some of this speculation, but only on the stargate aspect. Everything else is speculation (isn't it the stargate also? Just check your story), fiction.

People say that they are making us ready for something. It just makes money. UFOs, Aliens, Stargates, Alien Planets, if you are able you can take benefit from that.

I believe it is a real phenomena, aliens are here, they have been for many years, they crashed here, the governments covered it all up. One day they will reveal themselves and tell us what they are here for. For me, that's what remain to be uncovered. Now, all of this suspicion is just bad for finding the truth.

These are my 2cents, and if I were you I would take all that crap with a grain of salt.

posted on Jun, 22 2006 @ 05:29 AM

Fortunately, my opinion is only my opinion.

Oh dear I hope you didn't get the impression I did not value your opinion

posted on Jun, 22 2006 @ 05:36 AM

First of, where the hell did you ever heard of a stargate?

Well actually if you must know it was from a friend of mine at Nellis, but he used the term "space portal"

Only from someone that heard it from dubious sources, or in a website claiming that the US went to Iraq in part to claim it for theirselves. Ok, now what? The fountain of youth in Iran? Please, gimme a break.
Coincidentaly it seems that the Sumerians used to live in the current Iraq. Someone found a drawing of a ring with people around, and wow it's a stargate.
Plus, many people read somewhere that there's a dig site in Iraq and they found a Stargate.

Wow you seem to have more sources to this info than I do
Seems your disproving your own point

These are my 2cents, and if I were you I would take all that crap with a grain of salt.

Getting the salt shaker...

[edit on 22-6-2006 by zorgon]

posted on Jun, 22 2006 @ 05:48 AM

Originally posted by zorgon
Well actually if you must know it was from a friend of mine at Nellis, but he used the term "space portal"

Okay, did he see a space portal or heard of? Would appreciate if you got in details.

Wow you seem to have more sources to this info than I do
Seems your disproving your own point

Not quite. I know that because I read it. As someone claimed the US are in Iraq to claim it for their own i figured it was related to that.
Anyways, I was just trying to make a point, didn't you get it? Read again.

posted on Jun, 22 2006 @ 07:01 AM
I still can't seem to wrap my mind around there being an actual stargate in Iraq. Granted that would be an excellent reason to go to war, but are we to believe the people in Iraq have had access to a stargate for ??? years and haven't been using it? Or what could be a more interesting topic...How do we know they haven't been using it? What could they have been using it for?

posted on Jun, 22 2006 @ 07:22 AM

Originally posted by nyk537
I still can't seem to wrap my mind around there being an actual stargate in Iraq. Granted that would be an excellent reason to go to war, but are we to believe the people in Iraq have had access to a stargate for ??? years and haven't been using it? Or what could be a more interesting topic...How do we know they haven't been using it? What could they have been using it for?

Maybe thats where Saddams WMD have gone...

On a more serious note, I have often thought that SG-1 was a sort of cover. Especially since they did they're own episode within the series called Wormhole Extreme.

The USAf are technical advisors apparently, if you check the credits.

Technical advisors on what, exactly? Hmmm....

posted on Jun, 22 2006 @ 08:53 AM
The idea of actually having a stargate seems so cool to me. Wouldn't that be something to have. I'm sure we know how to do something like that, I just don't think we have the technology right now to actually have one. Hey but if we do get one from Iraq, then the good ol' US of A can start spreading our "freedom" all over the universe, not just small earth countries. Let's get the whole UNIVERSE to hate us!!

posted on Jun, 22 2006 @ 09:09 AM

Originally posted by jbondo
The guy from the mars record said that people went thru stargates to get from planet to planet, namely mars. He described it as a long tunnel leading to a gate. This was located inside of a military complex. I cant remember the rest of the description

*ahem*.... *cough* wright patterson AFB, Dayton OH. *ahem* *cough*

oh excuse me, terrible cough there...

[edit on 22-6-2006 by elevatedone]

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