A few months ago I was visting the home of an artist friend of mine. We were discusing aliens and life on earth, government denial and such... when
her 12 year old daughter came into the room...
Out of the blue she made the comment that she thinks the government is trying to tell us whats really going on through TV, namely the popular series
Stargate. She is convinced that what we see on Stargate is really happening and it is the government's way of breaking it to us...
I kinda looked at her stunned... [I too have had that though cross my mind before, though originally with films such as Star Trek and Star Wars]
I have since taken a closer look at Stargate... and WOW they have really done their homework... they have researched history and make very plausible
explanations of the old "Gods" and things that have appeared even on this board as mysteries of the past.
I will point some out over the next few weeks for thought and comment... but imagine my surprize when they airred one episode where they made a series
about Stargate within their own show[A spoof]... and then at the end of the show General Hammond comments, when asked if they [the Airforce] should
squash the show, that no, leave it alone because if anyone ever hears about the Stargate program we can always point to the TV show...
And this thought is in the mind of a 12 year old?
Over the years TV and movies have always portrayed Aliens and UFO's as something we need to shoot down... then suddenly Aliens are made funny, and
even cute...ET, Ewoks etc. Our kids are in love with them.... the adults are coming to accept all kinds of Aliens as nothing to fear.... [sure smacks
of a conspiracy here - by the government? Aliens controlling Hollywood?]
Personally the story line of Stargate where we are direct descendants of the Ancients, and are now coming into our own.... rediscovering lost secrets,
kicking those old Gods out... is very satisfying. It is also cool, though perhaps a little arrogant, that we get to kick major but and wipe out bad
guys around the galaxy, and come back to tell the tale.
But most important, it also explains a LOT about previous civilzations, evolution, the gods and even covers the next step up the ladder... Ascension -
where we evolve into immortal beings of light.
I'm sold... Now to gather the facts and evidence... I am sure others out there agree with this and perhaps you have facts to share in my quest for
this new TRUTH
[One last tidbit. The Alien characters found on the Roswell artifact... same as those shown on the space ship found in the water on X-Files... also
appear on the metal beams on Stargate Atlantis when they show exterior views]
[edit on 21-6-2006 by zorgon]
Mod Edit: title
[edit on 21-6-2006 by kinglizard]