posted on Jun, 15 2006 @ 10:08 AM
This Poll is designed to get an idea of the current political climate on ATS as we approach this very interesting mid-term election. My goal is to
discover whether or not I am correct in my assumption that Conservative doesn't necessarily equate to Bush Support. Conversely, I'm interested to
confirm that a Bush critic doesn't necessarily equate to a liberal mindset.
I'd also be interested in a few of your particular political views that cause you to consider yourself as either a conservative, a liberal or
Please answer with the letter that
most closely (generally) corresponds to your current political ideology and opinion of this administration.
Thank you.
A - Conservative - Support the Bush Administration
B - Conservative -
Do Not Support the Bush Administration
C - Liberal - Support the Bush Administration
D - Liberal -
Do Not Support the Bush Administration
E - Neither Liberal nor Conservative - Support the Bush Administration
F - Neither Liberal nor Conservative -
Do Not Support the Bush Administration
No Debate Please! I know that's asking for a lot, but I'd really appreciate you starting another thread if you feel the need to debate.
Thank you!