This is my theory on the whole sexuality thing, this also concerns homophobia...
It goes like this...
Humans are scared of death right? I mean REALLY REALLY scared yes?
So we all like to believe in a life after death of some sort, many will not admit it but when it comes down to it, when your life is threatened, we
all send up a little prayer don't we?
So if we believe, however vaguely, in an afterlife then we could naturally assume that reincarnation would be a natural progression, after all, who
among us can genuinely say that we learned everything we needed to know in one lifetime? Few, i should imagine.
Now, if there is reincarnation, are we really saying that we come back every time into the same sex body? or even the same species? (that's another
thread i'm sure). That wouldn't make any sense at all.
This could only mean that the 'soul' has to be asexual or indeed bisexual, ie. having elements of both sexes, it is this conclusion, however
unconciously it is aknowledged, that scares the bejesus out of you average straight man.
The fact of the matter is, we are all born asexual, statistics on the sexuality of youngsters bears this out, i can remember a time when i found
niether men nor women attractive sexually, i am sure that most of you can too.
It is also a fact that most people have homosexual fantasies at one time or another...
"A larger number of adults reported having had an isolated homosexual experience. And most people said they had had an occasional homosexual
Society conditions us to be afraid of the unknown, to fear that which is different or not understood, sometimes this is a good thing, it can keep us
safe from harm.
But what happens when we suspect that we are in fact different ourselves, that we may belong to a sexuality that is little understood?
Well, we are afraid of it aren't we? And what do we do to things that we are afraid of? we either ignore it, direct hate towards it, or try to
destroy it.
But what to do if you are afraid of yourself? You can't go around ignoring yourself for very long, after all you have to live with yourself don't
you? Can you destroy yourself? Well sure you can, and i suspect that lots of people have comitted suicide because they saw inside themselves and did
not like what they found (social conditioning again)
So maybe you can direct hate toward yourself but that is all too much hard work for most people.
No, the easiest thing to do is to take all that hate and destructive feeling and direct it toward whatever target seems fit for the purpose, this
applies equally to many things but in this particular case it is the entire non heterosexual population of the world, which is by my reckoning about
6.5 billion people!
In essence we are all bisexual, it's just that some of us lean one way or the other while others shoot straight down the middle
(no pun
intended, honestly!).
BTW, I am a heterosexual male and i am not afraid to admit that i have had homosexual fantasies at various points in my life, and even one brief
encounter, the upshot of it is that i prefer women, they are vastly more attractive than your average bloke!!!
Anyway, this is my humble opinion, none of which i can prove until i die and come back to set the world straight!
Oh dear, running out of characters now, time to stop babbling. I do hope this has been thought provoking, it's a theory that i tell to anyone i can,
i have even 'cured' the odd homophobe with it!