You know, madnessinmysoul, when I heard her say those things you mentioned besides the 9/11 stuff, I thought, here is someone going downhill fast, and
I think the interviewers, too, saw that. Some producer probably felt, here's a story, but, honestly, it was embarrassing to watch.
Giving out misinformation, hoping people will wallow in it, and you profit from it, is not entertainment.
Maximusx...I can not stop myself from saying...that if Ann Coulter leaves a BAD TASTE in your mouth, just STOP TASTEING her and it will end with your
next toothbrushing.
Problem solved
(your not alone really....her excessive desire for fame leads her to say & write horrid things for attention)
What Al Franken does is make fun of peoples body weight, ( Rush Limbaugh is a big fat idiot ). Which is immature & a disgusting sort approach to
intelligent political diatribe. He's a mud slinger. Not a very intelligent one either. Makes little of the conservative idea of a balanced budget.
Would he prefer an unbalanced one?
He also put a photo of O Reilly with splotches on his face on his liars book. What an insensitive jerk.
Hello Darkmind. I suppose Hitler "was" the governmnet to a degree, therefore small gov he had in a way.
& just because you don't "feel" emasculated, doesn't mean you aren't. You very much are. In Australia guns were taken away & hundreds of store
owners were killed following that decision, why? cause the bad guys know there would be no retaliation. Single moms need to protect their children &
do not have time to wait for police.
Liberals are quite insensitive to this most important issue. & guns thwart waaay more crime in US than they create. Guns that aren't even fired in
most cases, just get out of my house or else sort of thing.