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Ann Coulters, leaves a bad taste in my mouth

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posted on Jun, 7 2006 @ 04:06 PM
For those of you who have heard some of Ann Coulters', you probably have a bad taste in your mouth. I know I sure do. I've heard some of her recent remarks, and they have seemed to be "Fox like" news. If any of you know Fox news, you'll completely understand. It's our #1 political disinformative, twist the story, humiliate the anyone who questions the real story, biggest government media outlet in the country. Sounds bad? Just watch this video.

Is this the kind of media personnel that should really be even credible in our media programs. I think not. Personally, I think shes a disgrace to our country. To actually get airtime is ridiculous. Two words. White Trash.

posted on Jun, 7 2006 @ 04:23 PM
There are some good shots of "her" adams apple out there on the web. I think "she" thought a blonde horsefaced female would be more marketable than a skinny, ugly guy.

Not that there's anything wrong with the transgendered.

But saying 9/11 widows should be 'happy' and 'enjoying their money' instead of pushing for answers on government knowledge/involvement in the attack is beyond sick.

posted on Jun, 7 2006 @ 08:50 PM
Problem is she does have a point. She did (iagree) cross over with her stupid remark but those ladies are using the democrats and the media for a political point. It's kinda like exploiting to get a point across. I understand that it is their right to protest and all and it is coulters right to her opinion. There are a lot of politicians that do exactly the same thing. But it is her opinion and she may have been wrong in saying it. The woman in my humble opinion are wrong in doing what they are doing as well. But what has been said is said. I do not necessarily support her but sdhe does have her right to opinion.

posted on Jun, 7 2006 @ 08:56 PM
I think people have a problem with Ann Coulter because she tells it like it is, and is very blunt about it. She says things that a lot of us think, but dont say. She isnt worried about being pc.

Heres a thought.. she's the conservative answer to Michael Moore, but without the spin or twisting of truths!

Go Ann!

posted on Jun, 7 2006 @ 09:06 PM
She should learn to watch her mouth.

If Ann continues to piss off the people the way (s)he does (s)he'll need
a lot more body guards than (s)he already has.

Now that's a simple, say it like it really is statement that is not PC without any truth twisting or spin. If (s)he were in my local pub, (s)he'd have been cleaned off the sidewalk a long time ago.

posted on Jun, 7 2006 @ 09:35 PM

Originally posted by xander68
Heres a thought.. she's the conservative answer to Michael Moore, but without the spin or twisting of truths!

Go Ann!

Yeah right, Tell that to the wives she slandered! Try reading the links X.

Her main problem is that she is so butt ugly it colors her personality, to her detriment I'm afraid. Condi compared to Ann is "Miss USA" material.

posted on Jun, 7 2006 @ 09:44 PM

Originally posted by xander68Heres a thought.. she's the conservative answer to Michael Moore, but without the spin or twisting of truths!

No, Ann Coulter is not like Michael Moore. Ann Coulter makes a living by spewing garbage and insults towards others. She's filled with spite and hate, and she gets off on that. It seems many of her supporters do too.

posted on Jun, 7 2006 @ 09:47 PM
Ann Coulter is pathetic and transparent. I'm not a big fan of Moore's ambush journalism, but at least he has the decency not to defame parents and spouses of people who suffered and died.

Who does she think she is, to make a comment like that?

I'd like to see her try that crap face-to-face with the people she's slandering. They'd knock her on her bony man-ass.

[edit on 7-6-2006 by WyrdeOne]

posted on Jun, 7 2006 @ 10:27 PM
Ann Coulter is the fouth horseman of the Apocalypse. Or maybe just the neocon answer to Al Sharpton.

Capable of sliming anyone with her acid tongue. She may have gone too far trashing the widows of 9/11 victims only because they want DHS to actually do its job instead of just spreading pork around.

She says these four widows are "self obsessed." But what is is about their trying to improve US security that gets ol Ann's boxers in a twist? It really sounds as if she's the one who is self-obsessed.

posted on Jun, 7 2006 @ 10:52 PM
She's nothing more than a televised Troll.

posted on Jun, 8 2006 @ 02:24 AM
According to some sources, she used to be a Key West drag queen working under the name Pudenda Shenanigans. Apparently she got dumped by an arab and that would explain a lot.

The pictures of P.S. floating around the net certainly look a LOT like the thing that now calls itself Ann Coulter.

posted on Jun, 8 2006 @ 02:43 AM
Does anyone else find it ironic that after her friend Barbara Olson was killed in 9/11, shortly after she started spewing anti-Arab garbage to push her "agenda" for racial profiling on airlines?

I guess when it comes to Ann Coulter, you don't have a right to a political opinion unless you agree with hers.

[edit on 6/8/2006 by Pink_Cola]

posted on Jun, 8 2006 @ 03:12 AM
Sadly, I suspect this is not true about Pudenda Shenanigans. I had my doubts when the putative Pudenda was supposed to have dated a guy called Usetahav Tubohls, and then I found a page (damn, I've lost it and I can't be bothered, but it's on page 2 or 3 of a Google search on "pudenda shenanigans") from a liberal blogger who did manage to find evidence to support the independent existence of Coulter, her parents and her brother. She's supposed to be listed in her university's yearbook, as you'd expect.

However... weird things are :-

  1. that she hasn't sued Strap-On Veterans for truth
  2. that you don't seem to find her and Pudenda in the same room
  3. the Adam's apple thing.

So I guess I don't quite know where I am on it but I think I'm leaning towards thinking that she's an absolutely repellant human being but probably female rather than transgendered.

posted on Jun, 8 2006 @ 03:19 AM
I think Pudenda disappeared off the radar before Coulter came along. If they were different people one wouldn't expect to see them pulling a Clark Kent/Superman phone booth routine.

I don't know for sure what's up, and I don't pretend to. It's strange though, that there hasn't been a thunderous condemnation from Coulter's PR team and lawyers and so forth. It stands to reason that if it's not true, she has nothing to lose by taking legal action. If it is true, on the other hand, she has every reason not to engage the question in the courts.

posted on Jun, 8 2006 @ 03:25 AM

[edit on 10-6-2006 by sanctum]

posted on Jun, 8 2006 @ 03:52 AM
Why isn't this in PTS, I know I'm somewhat new and all, but this isn't exactly conspiracy oriented.

If Ann's butt ugly and a dude, that what in the world is Randi Rhodes?

posted on Jun, 8 2006 @ 03:56 AM
Not being from the US, I don't know much about Ann Coulter, but from what I've heard

Is she for real, or just says these kind of things for ratings value. Surely she can't be serious.

posted on Jun, 8 2006 @ 04:16 AM

Originally posted by madhatter
Not being from the US, I don't know much about Ann Coulter, but from what I've heard

Is she for real, or just says these kind of things for ratings value. Surely she can't be serious.

It's called shock value, it's the quickest way to make it big in the U.S. Even if you're hated, you still walk away with a ton of dough, just cause people like to be ticked, they'll watch you on T.V. Advertisers make money, trickles down, ect. Everyone loves a good bomb thrower.

posted on Jun, 8 2006 @ 04:25 PM

Originally posted by WithoutEqual

Originally posted by madhatter
Not being from the US, I don't know much about Ann Coulter, but from what I've heard

Is she for real, or just says these kind of things for ratings value. Surely she can't be serious.

It's called shock value, it's the quickest way to make it big in the U.S. Even if you're hated, you still walk away with a ton of dough, just cause people like to be ticked, they'll watch you on T.V. Advertisers make money, trickles down, ect. Everyone loves a good bomb thrower.

Unfortunately, since TV is "instruction," it means kiddies watching horror shows like Coulter and Sharpton and Springer see the limits of what's acceptable behavior moved farther to the fringes.

I heard on the radio that a survey of 12-year-old schoolgirls showed 40% or so thought 'lap dancer' was a desirable profession. I'm not one of those 'world is going to hell in a handbasket' types, but I'm a big believe in sending a wake-up call to America. And soon.

BTW: WithoutEqual, I noticed the USS LIberty logo avatar. That's an important topic for ATS, it seems to me. i'm new here. Has it been discussed recently?

posted on Jun, 8 2006 @ 04:39 PM
I'm not sure if it has been discussed before, when I get home I'll have to check. If it hasn't been discussed it's a damn shame, considering how hard the U.S. gov't, as well as the Israeli gov't did everything they could to keep the truth from getting out about the incident.

Funny how everyone freaks out over the U.S.S. Cole, yet at the same time they ignore the attack on the U.S.S. Liberty.

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