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"Screw Loose Change" video

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posted on Aug, 13 2006 @ 01:58 AM

The loose change video is a good sort of introduction to help question what really did happen, look more into specifics surrounding WTC 1, 2 and 7. Do a search for 9/11 posts by BSBray11, Wecomeinpeace and Billybob, they've done a lot of good work so far.

posted on Aug, 13 2006 @ 03:00 AM
Actually that isn't an introduction for me. I have done many hours of research and listened to both sides of the story. I checked out some posts by some of the people you recomended, and had a good chuckle. I really like this one by wecominpeace and found in his thread "Poll: The truth of 9-1-1.
He is taking a Poll and trying to get peoples answer on what they think is the truth, well here is the thread so you can read for yourself. It appears to me that WCIP is goading the voters Tinkleflower and Xmotex to vote A.) the Official story. When it was clear neither of them believed the official story, and he was like "o.k. well I'll just put you down for A.) then, unless you want B your first answer back!

It was like he was trying to get people who were yet undecided on whether they though it was an inside job or just had prior knowledge to vote for Accept official story, which he obviously does.
I don't know, it just seems like he wasn't getting the answers and votes he wanted to hear so he trys to mark these two down as A.) when it is clear they are not. That also leads me to believe he is biased in his views, so I have a hard time accepting what he says at face value. There are too many indisputable facts in loose change that cannot be debunked. That alone tells me the offical story is Bogus. After reading several other posts from WCIP I'm more convinced than ever.

posted on Aug, 14 2006 @ 11:44 PM
Masisoar, I haven't heard from you in a minute. You posted 5 minutes after my 1st response now its been 2 days and nothing. Are you a military recruiter by any chance?

posted on Aug, 15 2006 @ 02:26 AM
LOL - why would I be a military recruiter?

posted on Aug, 15 2006 @ 05:14 AM

The loose change video is a good sort of introduction to help question what really did happen, look more into specifics surrounding WTC 1, 2 and 7. Do a search for 9/11 posts by BSBray11, Wecomeinpeace and Billybob, they've done a lot of good work so far.

Did you ignore the part were loose change was shown to be fact free?

posted on Aug, 15 2006 @ 08:03 PM
Yeah the Bush Aministration told me all about it!!! Oh and Fox news filled me in as well
Yeah I guess your right. I should disregard everything I have collectively studied over the past 3 years. Thanks for showing me the light

posted on Aug, 15 2006 @ 08:09 PM
Lol j00 so crazy
Yes I am a military recruiter. The government is no way had foreknowledge of anything to do with the operations of Al Qaeda prior to 9/11. The terrorist activity was executed to do fialure in the intelligence department to intercept key transmissions, messages and not being able to follow leads successfully on the suspected terrorists.

However, since 9/11, we have successfully won two wars on Terrorism overseas in Afghanistan and Iraq, helping our nation's security.


Morrison would be proud

[edit on 8/15/2006 by Masisoar]

posted on Aug, 16 2006 @ 12:49 AM
Yeah, Mission Accomplished! Last time I checked soilders are still dying. Yeah we got that one wrapped up! And Osama is in what prison? Oh they haven't caught him yet? Well, which two wars on terrorism have we won? This is also why I think you are a military recruiter. Or W himself
I caught you George!! You better get off PTS and figure out what you gonna do when this conspriracy becomes common public knowledge

And yes I agree, Jim would be proud

posted on Aug, 16 2006 @ 03:18 PM
Masisoar, forgive me but I cannot tell if you are being serious of sarcastic. do you believe our govt had any prior knowledge of the 9/11 attacks?

posted on Aug, 16 2006 @ 03:53 PM
I believe people in our government did have prior knowledge of the attacks and planning. If you read David Ray Griffin's book "New Pearl Harbor" he gives a pretty good descriptions of attempts to investigate Al Qaeda being blocked. How some of the terorrists were on watch lists and questions how they got away with being loosely tailed and followed without question.

It's a very good book, I strongly recommend it.

posted on Aug, 16 2006 @ 05:48 PM
This is my first and final post regarding the whole 9/11 subject. The only consiracy here is that there is no consiracy. Please read from start to finnish. Think 'innocent till proven guilty'. Are you guys really gonna let one video full of misinforamtion be the base of your consiracy? Yes I know there are countless other sources with information regarding a 911 coverup. But there not much more out there that isn't in that video. Some guys here are not doing research and taking things as fact that really aren't. Alot of the information that backs the consiracy theory is fabricated, wrong or just damn right silly. As for the 'its too much of a coincidence for 2 buildings on fire to collapse at the same time, as buildings on fire don't just collapse!' Yeah you're right, they don't. But lets just ignore the fact that jetliners hit them.

posted on Aug, 16 2006 @ 06:37 PM
Gotcha, I was't able to pick up on the sarcstic inflections of your voice through your keyboard
I will certainly check out the book.

posted on Aug, 16 2006 @ 08:13 PM
Actually R1gheous, make that 3, you had World Trade Center 7 as well
Did your research tell you that?

posted on Aug, 16 2006 @ 09:57 PM
Yeah, how many people died on the flight that hit tower 7. Didn't the guy who owned that tower own the other two? Dropped straight to the ground like is was rigged with explosives. How else would tower 7 have dropped? And if your brain allows you to ask that quesiton, the next one should be, well if that tower COULD have been rigged with explosives, COULDN"T the other two as well? Also, why didn't the buldings start to collaspe where they were hit instead of falling from the top floor down. Better yet, how could a Jet take down a building with a nearly impenatrable design. Twice. In less than an hour. THe Empire state building had no trouble staying up when a plane crashed into it in 1945. If zero red flags are raised in your mind, then you are either extremely niave, work for the NSA or you are just plain stupid. I refuse to believe the latter on the fact you found ATS. Did you notice the people just staring out of the hole. They didn't seem to conerned about any structural damage to a buliding that was 40 years older than it. You'll also notice how they mention that the bulidings integrity was not threated. Granted it was a smaller plane but it did not threaten the integrity of a building that was 40 years older. Not one bit. Weird huh?

[edit on 16-8-2006 by kleverone]

posted on Aug, 16 2006 @ 10:14 PM
If you want to take a look at the thread:

I began discussing WTC 7 as a whole and the main issues following it. Through out the thread you will notice my confrontations with Mr_Pointy, but due to his preconcieved notions that Steven Jones and his work is due to crack pots, makes a ridiculous claim that Loose Change is factless and that he doesn't take a critical view to anything I had to offer in response to the collapse of the building, I slammed him on ignore, which I don't think he realizes that he's still on, so if you see this Mr_Pointy, I can't read what you say :-P.

But besides that, yes the free fall speed of the building. That is total collapse, from bottom to top, it took the speed of freefall, which is to say, as with WTC 1 and 2, where was the resistance that was suppose to be provided by the building's still in tact structural supports? Where's the fire that engulfed the base and supposeably caused the building to fall pretty much simultaneously? What was the source of the fires getting ridiculously hot, the source of such heat and the hot spots, the molten material?

Questions that need to be ask, but with the scenario that NIST supports that FEMA suggest early on after the collapse, even they suggest it had a low probability of being the reason but here we see it in the official story.

posted on Aug, 18 2006 @ 03:14 PM

Originally posted by snoochies
IMHO, there are only 2 types of people who would try and refute the evidence provided by the conspiracy theorists.

1.) The American fascist lemmings blinded by the spoon fed media portrayal of the ACTUAL events of 9/11…
2.) Government DIS-informants trying to prevent exposing the blood thirsty neo-con regime currently in power…AND Fear of them having to REWRITE HISTORY.

I CAN'T believe the lid HASN'T been blown off as of yet to expose the REAL TERRORISTS...

The REAL TERRORISTS are the SAME people professing their DUTY to protect us.


and then therrees people like you constantly believe anything they're told, just from different sources. who piece together seamingly relevant facts and fictions to come up with a completely irrational sotry that they believe. because you always have this idea that the world is run by some one world government trying to enslave us all and we all have to realize this. why would our government blow up our own building. and then declare war on a random desert nation. Oh yeah that s*** hole full of mines and people wwith automatic rifles is quite the territory claim.

posted on Aug, 18 2006 @ 03:15 PM
really you and your crazy ideas are the things we should be afraid of.

posted on Aug, 18 2006 @ 03:15 PM
really you and your crazy ideas are the things we should be afraid of.

posted on Aug, 20 2006 @ 11:10 PM
There is no conspiracy...I am a huge conspiracy nut myself but there is no 9/11 conspiracy. Loose Change is nothing but a home movie made by some college punks that have nothing better to do. I have sites that disprove Loose Change and the whole conspiracy of the sites i couldnt even finish reading because i was so convinced that there was no conspiracy. Check them out.

posted on Aug, 20 2006 @ 11:33 PM

Originally posted by CTMoney
There is no conspiracy...I am a huge conspiracy nut myself but there is no 9/11 conspiracy. Loose Change is nothing but a home movie made by some college punks that have nothing better to do. I have sites that disprove Loose Change and the whole conspiracy of the sites i couldnt even finish reading because i was so convinced that there was no conspiracy. Check them out.

That alone isn't proof enough to downplay the 9/11 Conspiracy, nice try.

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