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Originally posted by Arkham
They can't all be aliens, right? If I am to understand correctly, the race/species of the MIB is evenly spread, including humans.
Originally posted by ed 209
I think those things only happen because our species farms in the way it does, and because we test on animals. It's some kind of 'as above so below' effect we make happen.
Originally posted by ed 209
I'm open to the idea that maybe we picked that up from aliens of some kind, but it seems more the other way around to me.
Originally posted by Enkidu
Men In Black, the real ones, are actually all humans. They travel back in time to stop the release of information about other time travel events, including UFO sightings and sightings of strange phenomena associated with major historic events.
Originally posted by Paul_Richard
You mean that we are being punished for doing it ourselves?
That would make sense if not for the fact that many of us do not participate in experimenting on animals and do not side with those that do.
Originally posted by Paul_Richard
You mean that we are being punished for doing it ourselves?
That would make sense if not for the fact that many of us do not participate in experimenting on animals and do not side with those that do.
Originally posted by obsidian468
Just to play devil's advocate on this one point. Many of us do not actively participate in the actual testing on animals done by medical researchers, but on the other hand, have you ever used an asprin? Advil? Had a surgical procedure? Used any sort of perscription or off the shelf medication? If you can answer yes to any of those, you have contributed to the animal testing done for medical reasons.
Originally posted by obsidian468
Now to address the original question in this thread, the MIB do exist. We see them all the time. Most of the time we call them the Secret Service. They also exist as agents within the FBI, CIA, NSA, etc. Sometimes their job function is publicly known. Sometimes it is not. How you get these positions are through service in the military and respective government organization that you wish to work for.
Originally posted by obsidian468
As far as MIBs regarding alien life, I have yet to see any hard evidence even proving their existence...
Originally posted by ed 209
That may well be, yet it does judge us here. Like I said everyone is born into it, why have things that way when it could just as easily be as it is apres-death here also.
Originally posted by ed 209
And how are you expected to know what is ok and what isn't? I have been lucky - I knew something was up from way back, and it starts with things like reading the labels on food and thinking 'what the hell is all this stuff?' - what if you can't take the huge amount of time and money to find out what comes from where and how best to avoid what and so forth?
Originally posted by ed 209
What I mean is - what are the limits of how anyone is to be evaluated upon death. What if you thought 'well surely if these things that everyone uses and are advertised all the time are wrong, then they wouldn't be allowed to make them and promote them' - because that would be the logical choice. But it's not, the paranoid choice is the logical one and it's fraught with grave dangers to the self and the soul. I wonder what the point is of expecting people to go down that path when as I say they are born into the world like it is normal and ok (insofar as what's availible to humans goes).
Originally posted by ed 209
You really do have to split with all that surrounds you just to extricate yourself from being a slave to all kinds of harmful products and practices - why should that be the case. How many families have major problems just because someone wants to be a vegetarian, for example. How many people are forced down employment choices they would never want to support - rich and poor alike.
Originally posted by ed 209
Without being presumptious, perhaps the view you are aware of sees some of those aliens as bad guys because they are highlighting the real problems, and the real problems are not coming from how they exist at all. Maybe those aliens are like the people that don't fit in to the wrong-things that everyone is always expected to conform to in life, they know it's wrong and by trying to do the right thing are labelled as anti-social or anarchistic or - well, haul out the usual slurs on that one.
Originally posted by ed 209
Oh come on, who has any choice in where-how-etc they will be born into this reality?
Originally posted by ed 209
If that were true, why is then not possible to contact whomever you selected your circumstances from? It's not like buying a holiday and maybe being able to lodge a complaint if the hotel is actually an hours drive away when the brouchure said it was beside the beach.
Originally posted by ed 209
I have tried Quorn. It's not organic though, and it's frozen or pre-packed (the slices). I heard that there is something dodgy about it but I don't know if that was true or not.
Originally posted by ed 209
And in no way did I mean the aliens are sociopathic, that has to be more than obvious and you have quoted my post too.
Originally posted by ed 209
I'm saying there's plenty of evidence that human culture is based on the suffering of the planet and animals on it, but as to humans being abducted and so forth there's not anything conclusive as to why some people get bad experiences and others only positive - maybe it's the same as NDEs. Some folks get hell, some folks get heaven. Why would anyone be scared of a UFO for example? When others are comfortable when that level of reality, if you like, is not being denied.
Originally posted by ed 209
If you can show me examples of humans that have bad experiences with ETs and who are doing their best to live as we ought to be able to here, then I want to know about it.
Originally posted by ed 209
All my bad experiences are from people! Never animals, never the Earth, never anything alien-like. Just from people - people can do harm just by opening their mouths and talking. Everything else is pure and it does not judge. It's tempting to call some bad people things like 'aliens' but really they are people - they look like them, talk like them, go to work or school etc, live in houses, so they are people.
Originally posted by ed 209
Just to further illustrate my original point here in this context - you were saying why would innocent people be harmed by aliens just because of what people in general as a society allow to happen - well, think of it in terms of how many animals we raise in non-organic farming all over the world - what did they ever do individually to deserve never to see the sun and all that, to be geneticly mutated and not able to walk and so forth, no space to ever even turn around. Why is it any different for people who perhaps if you are right are being treated that way by aliens.
Originally posted by ed 209
What about zoos and other caged animals - what did they do individually to deserve the treatment we reserve in our own species for the worst criminals we convict?
Originally posted by ed 209
You are in an extreme form of denial then.
Originally posted by ed 209
Your post is littered with contradictions that make no sense when I've laid it all out for a reasoned discussion.
Originally posted by ed 209
You claim people choose their circumstances, you can offer no proof of this - none whatsoever, it's a belief and it's not based in any reality at all.
Originally posted by ed 209
Yet - somehow! - people don't choose their circumstances when it comes to their being abducted or tested on by aliens.
Originally posted by ed 209
I asked for examples of people that have had bad UFO experiences who can be shown to live as humans are meant to be living, the accounts availible do not cover that. It's pretty much impossible to find that out without spying on the people involved if they did not offer the info. up themselves - and who's going to admit to doing anything bad in that regard?
Originally posted by ed 209
And then they aren't aliens anymore - they're people now. So why are you calling people things like 'zetans' and 'insectoids' and 'reptilians'? Are they genetically different, can this be shown in tests?
Originally posted by ed 209
At least try to explain why it is that people are allowed to be abducted if they haven't chosen it then - without using something else that is a religious belief such as 'it's to show the abusers what they shouldn't do'.
Originally posted by ed 209
Don't take me the wrong way, this is not an 'angry at god' post, it's a 'people that believe such things are holding up the rest of us' type of post - people just need to accept that they are not entirely natural and that they have a responsibility to do things here the right way. Not blame what is done by people on some aliens. Believe me, if people who are the problem stopped having the power they steal and exercising it over others and other species, there would be no bad aliens if there ever were any at all.
Originally posted by ed 209
I don't consider it gods fault that this place exists and I am in it when I have not chosen that to happen - it's this way because people in here choose to be how they are. So anyone that does try to do things right can't get very far.
Originally posted by ed 209
What if god or whatever your equivalent of that would be told you that they didn't make this world as a test or for any suffering to be possible, that some other created beings made people as slaves originally, then tried to wipe out their mistake, but some survived and that's where many people of todays dominant civilisation came from and it's also where their propensity to do things so out of harmony with nature came from. Have you ever tried to communicate something of your intent to a wild animal? It's not easy. If you could speak to them or to the Earth, what do you think they would say caused them the most pain and problems - people or aliens. Who's moved into their habitat the most? Who's altered their world the most? Are they going to see UFOs or cars and trucks and planes on a daily basis? All I'm saying is when such things happen then of course it's going to come back upon where it originated from. I'm not saying we should have no roads or vehicles, but overall it has not been done right.
Originally posted by ed 209
How about when people are trying to help a wild animal - but the animal panics and runs around fretting - sound like any abductions?
Originally posted by ed 209
People - as a species - dominate other lifeforms, so it follows that there will then be higher lifeforms than people that will use them the same way. You can't whinge and complain because the species you belong to is not top of the food chain when you are in the food chain yourself.
Originally posted by ed 209
What really went down in Tibet may turn out to be very related to this kind of topic.
Apart from the MIB & MIIB movies, where do the same suits turn up in popular culture -
The Blues Brothers
The Matrix
Reservoir Dogs
and um The Secret Service (not a film though)
and as worn by Kabbalists (also not a film)
at funerals
on Stanley Kubrick on-set of Dr. Strangelove.