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AGM 86A Cruise Missle hit pentagon PROOF!!!

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posted on Jun, 3 2006 @ 08:31 AM
Jedi's reply says it all. Why does a missile need boeing landing gear?

posted on Jun, 3 2006 @ 08:32 AM

Originally posted by Skeptik1st
This Video is completely fabricated... as ive said in the past "It really was a plane ppl your gonna have to come to grips there was, NO missle involved".

Just because some half-wit makes a fake video doesnt reflect on the Pentagon theories either way.

Infact fabricating such an obvious fake video of a missile hitting the Pentagon would bolster the plane theory case more than it would a missile theory. Then you have to ask yourself who would want to do that.

posted on Jun, 3 2006 @ 08:38 AM

Originally posted by Jedi_Master

Originally posted by diggs

Originally posted by Jedi_Master
Howdy folks...

Just gotta ask a question...

Just what does a Cruise Missle need with landing gear ????

What landing gear?


You haven't seen this thread yet have you ???

Browse that thread and you will see the landing gear...

Honestly, please read this thread that has been put together with what must have been hours and hours of research. This forum has the hardest working researchers online. Please take full advantage of this awesome resource before you try to do "cruise missle hit the pentagon" theories.

[edit on 3-6-2006 by ConstantlyWondering]

posted on Jun, 3 2006 @ 08:53 AM

It was an American Airlines plane, my mistake.

[edit on 3-6-2006 by shanemcbain]

posted on Jun, 3 2006 @ 10:05 AM

Originally posted by jaguarmike
The masters of terror forgot the order on how to enslave a people. You knock out communications first, and the internet is their enemy. Problem-reaction-solution will never win as long as people have free and efficient communication.

Lies like this hardly serve the public and freedom.

posted on Jun, 3 2006 @ 10:42 AM
So many closed minded morons on this site.
They live their sorry lives around this premise "Bush Sucks".
They will believe ANYTHING that fits that original sorry belief blindly even if it's obviously crappy, fake animation. Their perception is so blinded by their foundational "Bush Sucks" premise and hate that they will believe ANYTHING and manufacture ANYTHING that supports that foundational belief. By God if somehow it can make Bush look bad, whatever it is, it MUST be true. Mental Midgets indeed.
Well I'm sorry cretins, that's not how intelligent people act. You analyze evidence and facts then make your deductions. You don't twist the evidence, make stuff up, and blindly believe opinion just to support your initial belief.

It's just like the global warming hacks. The create a theory "humans are destroying the planet" and then go out an do all they can to try to find evidence of it, totally ignoring any that goes against their initial theory. Junk science at it's best.

posted on Jun, 3 2006 @ 10:58 AM

Originally posted by Apoc
So many closed minded morons on this site.
They live their sorry lives around this premise "Bush Sucks".
They will believe ANYTHING that fits that original sorry belief blindly even if it's obviously crappy, fake animation. Their perception is so blinded by their foundational "Bush Sucks" premise and hate that they will believe ANYTHING and manufacture ANYTHING that supports that foundational belief. By God if somehow it can make Bush look bad, whatever it is, it MUST be true. Mental Midgets indeed.
Well I'm sorry cretins, that's not how intelligent people act. You analyze evidence and facts then make your deductions. You don't twist the evidence, make stuff up, and blindly believe opinion just to support your initial belief.

It's just like the global warming hacks. The create a theory "humans are destroying the planet" and then go out an do all they can to try to find evidence of it, totally ignoring any that goes against their initial theory. Junk science at it's best.

What does any of this ATS character assassination have to do with the point at hand?

Not only was it rude but also inaccurate.. most of the people in thread seem to know that its a fake.

That being said this video (to me) appears to be a pretty sad fake at best. If it were the real thing there wouldve been MUCH more coverage AFTER the impact, not before. Not to mention the pathetic quality(which has already been handled.)

As for the who and why: its one of three things IMO.

1.)its legitimate- which I think we have pretty much debunked just from casual observation, let alone any real disecting of the film.

2.) its a hoax- by a person(persons) who have either; A.)nothing better to do and wanna screw around with peoples heads. B.) a people unaffiliated with the govt but are trying to help reinforce the offcial story by debunking the missle theory.

3.)piss poor professional disinfo- meant to sway the opinion either A.)away from the missle theory or B.) backfiring and reinforcing the missle theory, knowing its a pro job.

I think ill go with 2A the pathetic quality of the effects (to me disqualifies 1 and 3) shows that its not a pro job and also disqualifies the legitimacy.

and thats my $.02 thanks for your time

[edit on 3-6-2006 by TONE23]

posted on Jun, 3 2006 @ 11:22 AM
are there anymore pictures?

posted on Jun, 3 2006 @ 11:26 AM
cruise missles dont need landing gears,they're fired from ships or planes.I think.

posted on Jun, 3 2006 @ 11:30 AM

Originally posted by King Henry
cruise missles dont need landing gears,they're fired from ships or planes.I think.

No one said they did need landing gear. A pic of 1 landing gear does not mean a 757 was there either.

posted on Jun, 3 2006 @ 11:31 AM

Originally posted by ConstantlyWondering
Jedi's reply says it all. Why does a missile need boeing landing gear?

Where is your proof that it is a Boeing landing gear ?

posted on Jun, 3 2006 @ 11:37 AM

"Are you saying I can’t think for myself?"

Exactly. I come into a place like this looking to see people discussing how the US Government carried out the attacks of 9/11, not to read about ridiculous jokes. That's what the "no plane at Pentagon" theory is: a joke. I will say again, there is tons of proof that American 77 hit the pentagon. Looking at your post, I think you only saw maybe 20 percent of all the images available from the crash scene. In pictures you can sometimes see hundreds of pieces of silver metal, where do you get one from? There are pics of plane wreckage clearly showing AA colors. The crappy stills are proof of a plane because they show something flying toward the Pentagon.

The lawsuit to obtain the video is chronicled at, you can go there and read all the documents. So you "did your own work" yet you've never been to that site? I can assure you that what you are reading now are my own words and just to defend my own integrity, on my site I copied and pasted three paragraphs noting that they aren't my own words right on top of the page.

posted on Jun, 3 2006 @ 11:58 AM
you people got jokes, aye?

posted on Jun, 3 2006 @ 12:37 PM
ya know everyone is allowed to believe whatever they want to believe... some may see this as the proof..some as a joke...

i for one dont see the video as 100%proof but i have read around and its hard for me to take what the government has said...

too bad there can not be an intellgent discussion without everyone on either side turning to verbal blows and not allowing a person to speak...

posted on Jun, 3 2006 @ 01:03 PM

Originally posted by ConstantlyWonderingHonestly, please read this thread that has been put together with what must have been hours and hours of research. This forum has the hardest working researchers online. Please take full advantage of this awesome resource before you try to do "cruise missle hit the pentagon" theories.

Yeah about that thread, see here:


posted on Jun, 3 2006 @ 01:30 PM
Are you for real man? The 'no plane' theory is a joke? Why, because YOU say so?
People like you are a dime a dozen and therefore I will not listen to your banter.
You have done NOTHING as far as I can tell in any of this.How much have you done other than copy/paste others work and put it on your site?
You are a fraud and should not even bother trying to have any discussions here.You have the nerve to say I cant think for myself? It is you buddy since you like to copy/paste others work AND suggestions on your site.

As for plane footage, again you are WRONG!!!
The first footage never was released because of a lawsuit.Get that through your head.It was released as any news worthy footage would be.It was this NEWEST footage weeks ago that was released due to a lawsuit.
Damn, talk about others not knowing anything.

Your conclusion that because we see small silver metal parts means that AA flight 77 Boeing 757 is retarded at best.I see all kinds of stuff there that could be from anything.For all we know, any plane could crash there and they can plant odd parts and ends to make us think it was a Boeing 757
I want you to tell me 100% that cant happen ever.YOU CANT as that would only be your opinion and not fact.

I suggest going back in your hole and tell yourself ....


posted on Jun, 3 2006 @ 01:36 PM
the hell is that? an alien buddha doll?

when i first saw that plane footage that was released i said (and i still say).... what plane?

i still dont see a damn plane. great footage assh*les. this proves nothing. you mean this is all you got big brother?


all we got here is material for people to keep speculating either way.

i thought i was actually going to see that passenger plane fly in.. but instead i just saw choppy blurred object come in and explode into the side of the pentagon... which in my RATIONAL understanding still leaves the door wide open.

posted on Jun, 3 2006 @ 01:52 PM
Hey MSR, STFU! How the hell can you insult me like this? You have no idea who I am or what I believe in! I don’t copy and paste # on my site, it took me years to make it what it is. And stop putting words into my mouth. I never said the 5 stills from 2003 were released via a lawsuit. The pieces of footage recently released were a result of a legal process that started more than two years ago. Understand that people like you, no matter what comes out, will believe in the no plane theory. The government can release high definition footage of the impact, all the black box data, publicly display all the recovered parts, and subpoena eyewitnesses for statements, you will still be holding on your ideas claiming that there is still no proof. People like you are out of touch with reality. You are not the majority of the 9/11 Truth Movement.

posted on Jun, 3 2006 @ 02:04 PM
heres a picture of the wheel found at the pentagon.

It shows the difference in the wheels of flight 77 and the rear wheel of a Global Hawk.

heres another:

heres one of hte landing gear at the pentagon:

and of the turbine:

another piece of the landing gear:

some good stuff right there.

[edit on 6/3/2006 by ludaChris]


posted on Jun, 3 2006 @ 02:06 PM

Originally posted by HybridEB
Hey MSR, STFU! How the hell can you insult me like this? You have no idea who I am or what I believe in! I don’t copy and paste # on my site, it took me years to make it what it is. And stop putting words into my mouth. I never said the 5 stills from 2003 were released via a lawsuit. The pieces of footage recently released were a result of a legal process that started more than two years ago. Understand that people like you, no matter what comes out, will believe in the no plane theory. The government can release high definition footage of the impact, all the black box data, publicly display all the recovered parts, and subpoena eyewitnesses for statements, you will still be holding on your ideas claiming that there is still no proof. People like you are out of touch with reality. You are not the majority of the 9/11 Truth Movement.

WOW! Little defensive are we. You dont know me yet you said I cant think for myself.You call me stupid and insult me.Seems you are one of those who can dish it out but cant take it.How old are you? You are now acting like a little brat.
You are also back peddling on the footage issue.If you look at your posts, you will see that you are.
People like you do not belong here if you are going to blow up and insult you have in many of your posts I saw on the board.

[edit on 3-6-2006 by SMR]

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