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Planetary Defense

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posted on Jun, 14 2006 @ 11:26 AM

Originally posted by Access Denied
If you want somebody's DNA you can get it from a cigarette butt or any number of other items they've come in contact with.

If you were a geneticist (on a large team of them) who was conducting a long-term DNA engineered experiment, you would want to have the best sources of DNA you could find, and plenty of it.

[edit on 14-6-2006 by Paul_Richard]

posted on Jun, 14 2006 @ 01:00 PM

To identify the actual hominids - and their DNA - used by the Annunaki would be an even bigger discovery

Asking local Zetan commanders to let us access their computer database on ancient historical records would probably not go over well.

[edit on 14-6-2006 by Paul_Richard]

posted on Jun, 14 2006 @ 04:02 PM
I think, one of the best tactic is to unite.

Someone saw the movie V for Vendetta?

Oh yea, here is the video "Disclosure Project" now on Goolge

hi all

posted on Jun, 15 2006 @ 01:49 AM

Originally posted by Paul_Richard
True, but if they are indeed the descendents of the Annunaki, then they have had hundreds of thousands of years to acclimate to our environment. The solution found in HG Wells' War of the Worlds won't work on them. They also have various underwater and underground bases here and one large one in the Moon. Moreover, one of the moons orbiting Saturn may be artificial (Saturn VIII/Iapetus).

That is happening now with the reverse engineering programs and ongoing black projects. But the common citizen doesn't have access or influence on this, even though we supply the tax funding to support it.

humans can threaten to destroy the world, it worked every time in Star Trek

Clever idea but I don't think it will work in this case.

I don't think we will find allies within the other Space Races. By definition, they are all self-serving. It would not behoove us to be liberated by another empire only to lose our autonomy and be subjugated by another.

PR: thanks for the enlightened response but I wish to further disagree on a few points.

1. Aliens that we are encountering do not appear of this realm but a higher realm. They can only exist in this realm under controlled conditions and not for very long as proven by the EBE situation. If we are elevated to a higher realm alongside the aliens then we will be equals physically but as you suggest they have much more experience in that realm, that is too our disadvantage of course. Yet, we do not fully know our capabilities being elevated either and whether they would make us much more powerful vis a vis our present incarnation.

2. Average citizens can learn alien technology.. at least well enough to sabotage it if not fully comprehend it. An ape can learn how to smash a television even if he cannot understand how to work it or what it can do for him.

3. Humans can destroy the world we are capable of that now. If the aliens want us as slaves and they want the earth then destroying what they want is a zero-sum game. If humans have to die they can evade slavery and the aliens get nothing. This only succeeds if humans can seed themselves elsewhere so that they do not deliberately plan their own demise.

4. The universe that you and I know is based on one simple rule: balance. If there is evil there is good and vice versa. There is good lifeforms out there and they will work to assist other good lifeforms in mutual need and reliance for survival. This I know to be true.

I hope you agree with me that this is one of the most intelligent and relevant discussions probably ever held on this forum although few would agree with me or you.

posted on Jun, 15 2006 @ 08:33 AM
Hi denythestatusquo,


Originally posted by denythestatusquo
1. Aliens that we are encountering do not appear of this realm but a higher realm. They can only exist in this realm under controlled conditions and not for very long as proven by the EBE situation. If we are elevated to a higher realm alongside the aliens then we will be equals physically but as you suggest they have much more experience in that realm, that is too our disadvantage of course. Yet, we do not fully know our capabilities being elevated either and whether they would make us much more powerful vis a vis our present incarnation.

IMHO, that is a common misperception.

The Zetans do not operate from a "higher realm." They use advanced technology which enables their ships and probes to be optically invisible to the naked eye. When their probes and manned spacecraft fade out - often in a glow of light - it isn't because they are traveling interdimensionally; it is because their technology enables them to become optically invisible. [Infrared nightvision, which sees through their cloaking devices, is becoming more and more popular these days.] As physicist and engineer, Bob Lazar says, their gravity wave propulsion systems distort space and time. This is one reason why many think they are interdimensional beings.

The second reason why many think they are interdimensional beings is because of the telepathic influence of alien spirits in Group Entities who actively deceive people into believing that they are representative of the physical aliens in their spacecraft. These are the Billy Meier types who are in "telepathic contact" with the "Pleiadians," "The Galactic Federation," the "Zetas," and "The Council," among other terms used - all of which are nothing more than alien spirits in Group Entities.

Originally posted by denythestatusquo
2. Average citizens can learn alien technology.. at least well enough to sabotage it if not fully comprehend it. An ape can learn how to smash a television even if he cannot understand how to work it or what it can do for him.

I wholeheartedly agree with that appraisal

Originally posted by denythestatusquo
3. Humans can destroy the world we are capable of that now. If the aliens want us as slaves and they want the earth then destroying what they want is a zero-sum game. If humans have to die they can evade slavery and the aliens get nothing. This only succeeds if humans can seed themselves elsewhere so that they do not deliberately plan their own demise.

Give me liberty or give me death!

I don't think that most of the people here want to use our nuclear stockpiles to destroy this world in order to avoid further Zetan subjugation. That is legislation that would have difficulty passing in the US Congress.

Originally posted by denythestatusquo
4. The universe that you and I know is based on one simple rule: balance. If there is evil there is good and vice versa. There is good lifeforms out there and they will work to assist other good lifeforms in mutual need and reliance for survival. This I know to be true.

There is no cosmic balance in the physical sense. A great deal of evil is done to innocents constantly. Anyone who strives to protect and/or heal innocents is greatly serving The Light. Those who do evil to innocents are not rewarded for their "balance" but punished for it when they return to Spirit - by their inability to ascend in The Light to a spiritual place. Cosmic justice only occurs in and from The Light Of The God Force in the Primary Reality of Spirit. Any good that we can do here serves The Light and ultimately helps ourselves through our spiritual development

Originally posted by denythestatusquo
I hope you agree with me that this is one of the most intelligent and relevant discussions probably ever held on this forum although few would agree with me or you.

[edit on 15-6-2006 by Paul_Richard]

posted on Jun, 17 2006 @ 03:13 AM
How about known defenses? Other than maintaining and further developing space weapons, ie "space lasers", what is available for putting out the net so to speak?

Sats have been deployed, how about robot and even nano sats. They would be cheap, and effective in screening an area. Allow the nanosats to have tiny solar sails and they could travel far very fast, but what is needed is a plan of action.

All that wizgizmo tech is no good if a course isn't plotted. The book I linked to is just an intro, even the authors said a 101 and other courses are still just a concept.
I like the idea, and have confidence those of ATS can contribute a vital aspect to such a study. The idea of planetary defense is a concept, there is no way we as a world as this time could ever hope of being united to such a degree.

For crying out loud, supposed muslims are blowing each other up. The aliens have no resistance if they let us keep at each other like this for another century if half that.

Right now, we know ourselves and our opponents not. They are as the Sun Tzu of the Roman Conquest of Gaul, divide and soon to be conquerer is their success.

Like the Army now says, "An Army of one".

posted on Jun, 17 2006 @ 08:34 AM
i like the xbox halo2 approach to planetary defence, dozens of battlestations in orbit around the earth - each equipped with a massive rail gun that fires a #storm of high powered particles at the speed of light towards its target, lets see the aliens dodge that blast !

posted on Jun, 17 2006 @ 08:53 AM
The Cold war ended when the partnering up between superpowers was needed in order to confront the reality of the ET situation, even Reagan acknowledeged this situation in his now famed U.N speeches, hence why the MIR spacestation was built in a cooperative effort, but the real reason for MIR was that it was needed as a warehouse for the shuttle launches.
those shuttles have secret compartments that are and were used to sneak weapons materials into space to secretly deploy their ­"Star Wars" technology if needed. That same technology is being pushed into coercing Gongress into believing that it will be used to stop nuclear weapons in orbit before they hit their targets...the plan is working.

posted on Jun, 17 2006 @ 08:55 AM
The Cold war ended when the partnering up between superpowers was needed in order to confront the reality of the ET situation, even Reagan acknowledeged this situation in his now famed U.N speeches, hence why the MIR spacestation was built in a cooperative effort, but the real reason for MIR was that it was needed as a warehouse for the shuttle launches.
those shuttles have secret compartments that are and were used to sneak weapons materials into space to secretly deploy their ­"Star Wars" technology if needed. That same technology is being pushed into coercing Gongress into believing that it will be used to stop nuclear weapons in orbit before they hit their targets...the plan is working.

posted on Jun, 17 2006 @ 10:21 AM
Well, i have to dissappoint you, but MIR was just built by the soviets.

Maybe you mean the Internation Space Station?

posted on Jun, 17 2006 @ 12:20 PM
Well.. technically yes, the russians were who initially ventured the MIR project, but the americains were highly involved.
In the end of the day, everything can be disproven, they had to transfer to the International space station because the wear and tear of MIR does not permit them to deploy their agenda properly.

posted on Jun, 23 2006 @ 07:57 AM
Well, i think that the so called glowing orbs are time machines!

EBE's are robots? intradimensional beings? or just ET's?

posted on Jun, 26 2006 @ 03:40 AM
Ok only off topic for a second, but the first American commander of the ISS was a SEAL right?

posted on Jun, 26 2006 @ 03:46 AM
I think he was human, I didnt notice any flippers or whiskers.... ?

posted on Jun, 26 2006 @ 03:55 AM

Originally posted by imbalanced
I think he was human.... ?

No, not that lol.

compliments wiki....there I said it...not happy about it....
William Shepherd — first American commander of the International Space Station

posted on Jun, 26 2006 @ 12:31 PM
i say we need more emp weapons, the aliens use a lot of high tech equipment, lets hope emp can neurolize their technology. (its is possible that they have emp shielding.)

we may need a dead mans switch to blow up most of the planet when we lose everything, but we need to develop anti-matter weapons for this to be successful.

we may need to find technologically advance alien allies who may help us after we aquire more technology for interstellar travel to reach them.

there isn't much else we can do when fighting against any race so much more technologically advanced than we are.

lastly we can appeal to their sence of moral and compassion if they have any.

posted on Jun, 26 2006 @ 01:14 PM
No worries here. Have any of you heard of Nikola Tesla?
We've been developing anti-grav tech for nearly as century now. I think if people would just sit back and take a breather they'd realize that a significant portion of UFO activity is man-made(if not all UFO activity). There is ample evidence to suggest that the US and possibly other Terrestrial governments possess powerful starships capable of interstellar travel and probably intergalactic travel as well. I'm sure you've all heard of Scalar Weapons too. Again thanks to Tesla.

posted on Jun, 26 2006 @ 05:03 PM

Originally posted by Amon_Ra

EBE's are robots? intradimensional beings? or just ET's?

all of the above ?

posted on Sep, 18 2006 @ 05:02 PM
Every thing from "New Roadmap in Hunt for Alien Life" and "Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer", to even "Spitzer Digs Up Troves of Possible Solar Systems in Orion".

Check it out, I just stumbled across it while surfing the net.
Solar System Sim

posted on Sep, 28 2007 @ 05:25 PM
I'm very surprised this died as it did, with all the talk about alien threats and such. So perhaps it will suffice to bump this thread in hope a renewed and continued on topic driven collaboration will entice some of you ATSers.

What I would like to see is a meaning full discussion lead to a possable Research Project. But what is needed is a group who will take the subject of this thread as serious as they do UFO hunting, and Alien abductions story exchanges.

At the time though, such a proposition is some time off still, due to lack on interest.

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