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Planetary Defense

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posted on Jun, 13 2006 @ 03:14 AM
I think we have the reason here about why they keep soo much things secret on UFO, they simply have no way to control them. They are superior on almost every field. Sure you can say Governments are good at scaring ppl but as soon as they got somthing to sell to us. On most of the scenario ive come up, i think Paul have a good understanding of a posible situation, i think our only way of survivability would be to co exist or put our head into the sand.

On another side, nuclear could be an option but i doubt you can win any type of war going nuclear.

posted on Jun, 13 2006 @ 04:08 AM
i dunno what to say about all your replies but lets get to basics and stop speculating!!!! most of these things said here are fuel for disinformation campaine that we put amongst ourselfs who seek the truth. ps, sorry im kinda drunk!!!!

posted on Jun, 13 2006 @ 04:42 AM
G'day all,

Mate! This topic can so easily branch out to cover many aspects of planetary defence that its not funny.

Where to begin? Im sure many of you have heard of ICBM silo's in the states that have had UFO's buzzing over them and the UFO's have shut-off their computer networks thus rendering the nuclear missiles obselete, then turning them back on.....I assume this is a warning to humans to not even contemplate using the ICBM's because in the even of a launch or attempted launch the aliens could shut down our systems.

Secondly - I cannot remember which piece of NASA footage it was (hopefully some of you can remember), but it showed the horizon of Earth's atmosphere recorded from the space shuttle and there was a UFO just hovering in the distance. This UFO must have sensed danger because as soon as it took off, a laser beam weapon fired from the ground just missed it, and actually went directly through the position the UFO was hovering at.

This only strengthens my belief that us humans have aquired and developed alien technology to use against them as a last resort in the event of an attack. Like the technology aquired from the Roswell accident, that was reverse engineered for our domestic use.

We all know the famous Ronald Reagan speech of "how quick we would forget our differences if faced by a common threat from outer space"; well, he didn't just balb this out for no reason-he was actually hinted at something.

I have heard many people write about the Cold War as a covert partnership between the USA and the USSR into fooling their public to thinking that they were on a war footing against each other when in fact they were bilaterally arming up with the fooled publics support, against the extra-terrestrial threat from space, thinking that Nuclear Missiles were the best form off defence against them, and now we see that it isnt.

To counter a threat, you need a radar system, and if these craft can only be seen in infra-red, then what is to say that NASA's covert missions over the past 20 years hasn't been to build an infra-red grid around the Earth via many sattellites that would detect when an unknown craft has brocken the grid and fire a laser particle beam weapon at that object?

This is the only way to make some sort of dent in the air superiority of the UFO's. In regards to the underground fight a Dulce air-force base, Im suprised Hollywood hasnt taken it up as the plot for a blockbuster movie to scare the hell out of us all!

If their superiority is in the air, then why can't we take out their bases on or below the Earth? C'mon, seriously, some of those nuclear bunker busting bombs have gota hurt them?

If you cant fight them hand to hand or with small arms in underground bases and tunnels then burry those maggot creatures for eternity with the precious soil of our planet Earth.


posted on Jun, 13 2006 @ 05:11 AM
Here's a way to go (I'm still flogging the LFA horse):

Write down and post what you think is the most important problem to be solved in the area of planetary defence. Don't post more than one problem.

Once we have a few responses, I can help you work out a hierarchy of problems, which will help us start to set objectives. You'll see the way the process evolves from that point onwards.

posted on Jun, 13 2006 @ 06:22 AM
The problem of effectively defending Earth and its inhabitants from alien invasion needs to be considered on a number of levels, with a variety of approaches in mind. The first aspect of establishing the possibility and effectiveness of any defence system lies in addressing exactly what the intent of an extraterrestrial attack upon Earth would be. Do the aliens wish to simply colonise the planet with their own population, which would suggest an intention to eradicate Humanity itself? Or do they want to destroy the planet entirely? The difference is significant, for it assumes that the aliens will adopt different “invasion” techniques to fulfil their objectives. The approach involved in destroying Humanity would be very different from that of simply destroying Earth itself. The alien’s methods would change depending on their objectives. Consequently, our defence plans would have to be tailored to defeat the alien’s objectives, which would require them to be similarly different depending on the approach the aliens adopted. To illustrate, let’s assume that the aliens fancy the Earth as a home away from home and want to remove the irksome Human species from their new world.

Destroy All Humans

The most obvious aspect of this approach is that the aliens will be required to leave much of the Earth intact for subsequent resettlement. This precludes the use of widespread weapons of mass destruction. You can’t annihilate the planet you wish to live on, unless you have the capacity to rebuild that planet from the ground up (which speaks more to the next section than it does to this one). In this scenario, there will likely be no meteors launched at us from the asteroid belt or post-nuclear weapons rained down on the planet. That is not to say that the aliens would not employ weapons to destroy large population centres. They may, after all, have some form of technology which is capable of destroying large numbers of Humans and their infrastructure whilst leaving the rest of the planet relatively untouched. The recent reworking of War of the Worlds is a good example of this, where the alien’s heat rays where able to eradicate humans in record numbers, as well as destroying much of the infrastructure of Humanity whilst leaving the actual face of the planet relatively unscathed.

Of course, the easiest way to remove Humanity from the face of the Earth would be with a virus, perhaps one keyed to our genetic makeup. This scenario becomes especially terrifying when we realise that such an attack would probably not even be viewed as such. A virus could be seeded by a cloaked alien ship, or could be hidden within a meteor which, after disintegrating in the Earth’s atmosphere, would disperse the virus throughout the Earth’s atmosphere. When significant numbers of Humans began dying of a previously unknown virus, it is likely that a majority of the Earth’s population would regard the act as an act of terrorism or as a terrible accident. It would not be out of the realm of possibility that the blame would be placed on our own institutions of defence and governance, rather than the more abstract possibility of an alien invader.

Defending against such an attack would primarily require strict monitoring of Earth’s immediate neighbourhood, as well as more local screenings of Earth’s atmosphere for anomalous or obviously extraterrestrial pathogens. If such anomalies were detected early enough, there is the chance that a cure might be devised, although this would likely require an unprecedented level of cooperation by national governments. If a cure or early detection proved effective, it would then fall to our defenders to ascertain whether or not the virus was a naturally-occurring plague or whether it was, after all, a deliberate attack on Humanity as a whole. If the latter proved to be the case (and I am assuming that Earth scientists would be able to effectively demonstrate that the virus was engineered, perhaps by demonstrating its tailored devastation of our specific physiology), defence would have to be geared towards an expected follow-up attack. It might prove beneficial to devise a means to intercept or block all transmissions from leaving Earth’s atmosphere. This would hopefully lull our would-be attackers into a sense of security by leading them to believe that the resultant absence of traffic and noise coming from Earth was indicative of the demise of the Human race. This might buy us some time to devise an effective counter-attack – to lay a trap for the aliens. This scenario requires one thing which makes it an impossibility in our present circumstances – international cooperation. This would be required for the monitoring of Earth’s atmosphere and solar neighbourhood, as well as the detection and countering of any virus and the formation of an effective counter-attack. Such a level of cooperation suggests diplomatic skills currently beyond those of our leaders and ambassadors. This would be compounded by the fact that a viral attack might not register as an extraterrestrial threat. If, as is more likely, one or more Human governments are blamed for the virus, any implementation of an international counter-attack would be effectively killed off before it arose. To counter this, a demonstration of the extraterrestrial nature fo the virus by a number of international sources would be necessary, to galvanise support against a common exterior threat.

I Hope You Realise This Means War

Then there is the possibility, though remote, that the aliens would engage Humanity in a more recognisable, conventional form of warfare. This approach, whilst not as likely as a sneak or biological attack, in my opinion, is far from impossible. After all, human history has demonstrated the effectiveness of warfare in annihilating Humans and in spreading one’s dominion into rival territories. This kind of attack has been popularised through Hollywood films such as Independence Day, Signs, Mars Attacks and countless others. The notion here is of conventional warfare, albeit it against a foe infinitely more advanced than ourselves. Such a conflict, at least in the initial stages, would be predominantly fought in the air, since aliens would be unlikely to commit ground troops before ensuring their ability to resupply them and annihilate resistance without fear of being challenged. This is bad news for Humanity, since any attack craft utilised by aliens would doubtless be far more advanced than our own. Recent examples of “high-tech” warfare, such as the two Gulf Wars, have demonstrated that whichever force has dominance of the skies is far more likely to succeed in accomplishing their overall goals. Here, then, is our problem – we have absolutely no way of establishing how effective alien attack craft are, or of devising effective techniques to counter their technology and tactics, without actually going up against them in combat. This would doubtless result in the destruction of many of our most advanced aircraft, thus limiting our ability to engage the aliens successfully in future engagements.

Genuine resistance would require a familiarity with alien attack craft – with their offensive and defensive technology as well as with the utilisation of that technology on the field of battle. There are two factors which make such a familiarisation more likely. These are the increased presence of alien fighters, resulting in an increased likelihood of one either crashing or being shot down, as well as the natural rapid advancement of technology which is prompted by warfare. The acquisition and reverse engineering of alien spacecraft was popularised in Independence Day, where an alien craft was turned against the invaders. Whilst this was accomplished relatively easily in the movie, a number of factors would argue against the easy acquisition and application of alien technology.


posted on Jun, 13 2006 @ 06:23 AM
In the movie, scientists had decades to examine the alien craft. In reality, Earth’s forces might only have days or even hours to deduce the capabilities of the invaders and develop methods by which their superior technology might be nullified or turned against them. This might not be enough time, especially if alien systems prove sufficiently, well, alien, and defy our ability to comprehend them, let alone turn them to our benefit. Simply put, we simply might not be smart enough or have enough time to effectively reverse engineer alien technology.

The second factor is the increased pace of scientific and technological advancement which typically accompanies warfare. World War 2, for example, saw the rise of many significant technological innovations introduced into the battle arena and subsequently the public sphere. It is likely that, assuming Humanity manages to survive any initial confrontation (an assumption which is far from assured), the development of advanced technologies geared towards warfare would be given priority. I have no doubt that some of the finest minds on Earth would devote themselves to countering the alien threat. However, even this might not be enough. After all, advancement in warfare requires sufficient infrastructure and manpower. In the event of an alien invasion, it is not implausible to argue that scientific advancement would take a backseat to simple survival. In this case, any attack on the aliens is likely to take the form of desperate counter-attacks using the most advanced contemporary technology at Humanity’s disposal. The battle scene from War of the Worlds in which soldiers employ battle tanks, Javelin missiles and FA/22 fighter jets in a futile attempt to halt the advance of the Tripods is a good illustration of this kind of struggle. The Humans fought with great courage, but were ultimately overwhelmed by the superior technology of the aliens. Despite this, an attack along these lines is our best chance of fighting back. After all, even simple observation can reveal facts about our enemy, which in turn suggests potential methods of counter-attack. For example, the Tripods were protected by an impenetrable shield which was impervious to our greatest weapons. However, the simple fact that we were able to see the Tripods at all make it clear that at least one thing could penetrate the shielding – light. If I am able to deduce this, what might superior scientific minds come up with after even brief observations of an alien enemy and their offensive and defensive capabilities?

Humans are nothing if not adaptable and this is one area in which our aggression might actually prove beneficial. For a fictional account of how Humanity might turn its ingenuity against aliens, read Harry Turtledove’s Worldwar series, in which reptilian aliens invade Earth in an effort to colonise the planet with their own species, only to find themselves against a Humanity more advanced than their probes (which recorded Humanity during medieval times) had suggested. In the series, Humanity is able to out-think the slowly-advancing aliens, using innovative battlefield techniques against the invaders and placing a priority on the development of advanced weapons to stymie the aliens. This illustrates Humanity’s greatest advantage in a conventional-style war against aliens – our native ingenuity and adaptability. After all, on a planet with a level of bio-diversity as profound as Earth’s, who would have thought that a relatively weak, slow, naturally defenceless biped would become the dominant lifeform? Our ingenuity might prove to be our saviour, even in the face of superior technical know-how on the alien’s part.

Prevention Is Better Than A Cure
These factors, however, all relate to offensive and defensive manoeuvres upon the surface of the Earth. Obviously, forestalling the alien’s objectives before they ever reached the Earth would be the most favourable option. Doing so would require space-born defensive and offensive capabilities on a scale previously unheard of. Early warning systems would have to be set up a considerable distance from Earth. These would have to be set up in stages away from the Earth, so that when they were tripped in sequence we would be able to gauge not only the aliens’ distance from Earth, but also their approximate speed, thereby affording us the opportunity to plan for their arrival. Such systems might also give us an idea of what we could expect and the opportunity to prepare appropriate counter-attacks, not to mention the possibility of intercepting any force before it reached a distance at which it posed a legitimate threat to Earth itself.

The technology to be used in the orbital defence of Earth is the province of minds greater than mine. Satellite-based weapons platforms, super-long-range scanners, planet-wide energy shields all come to mind. However, a greater knowledge of our enemies capabilities would be essential in devising these systems. There’s no point in spending countless trillions on a space-based weapons and defensive system if aliens are able to simply work around them or counter them with their own advanced technology. I invite other members to suggest their own techniques for fighting a war against aliens in outer space, but it need not be said that doing so requires a level of technology far in advance of that which we currently possess. Currently, it takes months of planning and careful attention to detail to launch a single vessel into space. Similarly, the International Space Station has languished in the face of a lack of cohesive international cooperation. These problems would have to be addressed before any realistic effort could be made at defending Earth against space-born threats. However, in the event of a massive meteor attack, I propose that, as a last resort, we devise a means to move the Moon to serve as a physical shield against the threat. Not very practical – and there are better methods – but cool nonetheless.

You Blew It Up! You Maniacs!!!

The destruction of Humanity is one thing. The destruction of the planet Earth is another altogether. There are any number of reasons why aliens might want to remove our troublesome planet. As in Titan AE, they may consider Humanity a significant threat to themselves. Or, alternately, Earth may simply be in the way of a proposed interstellar bypass, as in The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy. The annihilation of the planet removes some of the stumbling blocks aliens might face in the pursuance of their goals. They would be free to pursue avenues of destruction far greater than if they were prohibited by a fear of damaging the planet. The possibilities then become endless – nuclear or other form of planetary bombardment (whether by weapons systems or simply by flinging meteors at us), nudging the Earth out of its orbit or the use of super-exotic weaponry (imagine if you had the potential to form micro black holes right next to a planet) are all possibilities. Here again, knowledge of our enemy becomes our greatest advantage and hope for mounting a successful defence.

Well, I have rambled for far too long. However, I present the following points for subsequent discussion:

- The psychological implications of an alien attack or invasion of the Earth.
- The silencing of the SETI program or its conversion into an early warning system.
- The cost and timetabling of a space-based weapons/defence system.
- The ability to adapt modern technologies to counter an alien threat.

[edit on 13/6/06 by Jeremiah25]

posted on Jun, 13 2006 @ 06:35 AM

Originally posted by Jeremiah25
The easiest way to remove Humanity from the face of the Earth would be with a virus, perhaps one keyed to our genetic makeup... such an attack would probably not even be viewed as such... it is likely that a majority of the Earth’s population would regard the act as an act of terrorism or as a terrible accident.

How about a virus transmitted by exchange of bodily fluids, so that it would spread rapidly through sexual contact and deter reproductive activity at the same time? One that mutated so rapidly that neither the human immune system nor the best human scientists could mount a defence against it?

Just a thought.

posted on Jun, 13 2006 @ 09:01 AM

Originally posted by eagle eye
I think we have the reason here about why they keep soo much things secret on UFO, they simply have no way to control them. They are superior on almost every field. Sure you can say Governments are good at scaring ppl but as soon as they got somthing to sell to us. On most of the scenario ive come up, i think Paul have a good understanding of a posible situation, i think our only way of survivability would be to co exist or put our head into the sand.

On another side, nuclear could be an option but i doubt you can win any type of war going nuclear.

Thank you.

I am not advocating their continued subjugation or to ignore the situation. I am advocating taking a stand but not to the point of open war, which I believe is the stance of the US government.

You know, all of you would do well to get yourself a copy of this highly educational DVD.

The aliens in question have antimatter weapons capability. A clear illustration of how much more powerful antimatter devices are next to traditional nuclear weapons is provided in the DVD documentary.

The bottom line is...WE ARE ALL OUTGUNNED.

From a technological standpoint, there is only one viable route to take:

Develop antigravity wave propulsion systems and explore deep space and other habitable worlds that are not under Zetan imperial control or dominated by any other Space Race empire - and START COLONIES.

This is difficult to do, to say the least, since the Zetans have hundreds of thousands of years jump on us in exploring and mapping The Milky Way. The findings of British hacker, Gary McKinnon, as well as the statement made by the former CEO of Lockheed Aircraft, Ben Rich, both point to the US military already having intersteller capability.

This should also be developed and deployed by private industry that is not attached to any government. There are many people around the world who would financially support an effort of this nature.

In the meantime, we should protect ourselves as best we can and avoid beng abducted while we pursue the above.

posted on Jun, 13 2006 @ 02:19 PM

Originally posted by Melbourne_Militia

recorded from the space shuttle and there was a UFO just hovering in the distance. This UFO must have sensed danger because as soon as it took off, a laser beam weapon fired from the ground just missed it, and actually went directly through the position the UFO was hovering at.

This only strengthens my belief that us humans have aquired and developed alien technology to use against them as a last resort in the event of an attack. Like the technology aquired from the Roswell accident, that was reverse engineered for our domestic use.

I can't rule out the possibility, but imho, this particular incident shows that there is indeed alien presence on earth. reverse engineering a planetary defense emplacement from downed saucers is just too much to swallow (granted they missed). everything we have depends on previous technological steps, if i gave my defunct 400Mhz CPU to a researcher in the fifties, do you believe he would have the slightest clue ? i doubt it. direct ET assistance otoh, would explain it.

The motive eludes me, though if you had an entire galaxy, would you want earth? i'd pass, sorry. if we are right ad aliens are here in force, the reason has to be historical, imho, since the planet in its current state does not seem justify the expense of semi-covertly meddling with our affairs.

posted on Jun, 13 2006 @ 03:03 PM

Originally posted by Melbourne_Militia

recorded from the space shuttle and there was a UFO just hovering in the distance. This UFO must have sensed danger because as soon as it took off, a laser beam weapon fired from the ground just missed it, and actually went directly through the position the UFO was hovering at.

This only strengthens my belief that us humans have aquired and developed alien technology to use against them as a last resort in the event of an attack. Like the technology aquired from the Roswell accident, that was reverse engineered for our domestic use.

If it is the footage I've seen, it looked more like a missile being shot at the craft as opposed to a lazer or particle beam weapon. Which is why it missed the target

Certainly, even within general public awareness, technology is rapidly increasing. But there is another facet to the equation - industrial strength.

For example, at the onset of WWII, the Germans had superior tanks and their soldiers were better trained, better equipped, and they also had greater esprit de corps than their counterparts in other nations in Europe and even the US. As the war unfolded, all that became painfully obvious.

But what the Germans did not have in the 1940s was America's industrial capacity. That is what defeated the Nazis. Toward the end of the war in Europe, you had situations when German tank commanders would surrender and say that they did not lose the battle; they simply ran out of ammunition

If the Zetan-alien civilization stems back to the Annunaki, which may indeed be the case, then that signifies that they have had THOUSANDS OF YEARS to develop and expand their military industrial complex into many solar systems.

Which means that we are not only OUTGUNNED but also OUTPRODUCED

Originally posted by Long Lance
I can't rule out the possibility, but imho, this particular incident shows that there is indeed alien presence on earth. reverse engineering a planetary defense emplacement from downed saucers is just too much to swallow (granted they missed). everything we have depends on previous technological steps, if i gave my defunct 400Mhz CPU to a researcher in the fifties, do you believe he would have the slightest clue ? i doubt it. direct ET assistance otoh, would explain it.

If you read up on the scant information that has leaked out about the initial contact with crashed alien spacecraft, you find that they were very much baffled at first. With time and extensive analysis, they slowly started to get innovative technological ideas. Like the microchip, kevlar, nightvision, etc.

Small steps at first, followed by larger ones.

Originally posted by Long Lance
The motive eludes me, though if you had an entire galaxy, would you want earth?

This planet is rich in natural resources and teeming with life. Abductees have also reported that the Zetan-aliens have said that this world is rich in genetic material, which is why they abduct so many of us routinely. In the vastness of space, Terra is likened to a beautiful tropical island. Only fools would not set up shop here in some capacity.

Originally posted by Long Lance
i'd pass, sorry. if we are right ad aliens are here in force, the reason has to be historical, imho, since the planet in its current state does not seem justify the expense of semi-covertly meddling with our affairs.

They don't meddle in our politics or our local wars. They meddle with us as individuals. In some ways, that is worse.

[edit on 13-6-2006 by Paul_Richard]

posted on Jun, 13 2006 @ 03:35 PM
Some of the math is complicated. I'm leery of some of it, but would like to help w/the research.

btw: when i say the math is complicated I am referring to the information, not the formula itself. I think some serious research needs to be done on the numbers they are plugging into these formulas. The Drake Formula is so difficult because it is basically meaningless and the info changes all of the time.

Edited for clarity more than once.

[edit on 13-6-2006 by zenlover28]

[edit on 13-6-2006 by zenlover28]

[edit on 13-6-2006 by zenlover28]

posted on Jun, 13 2006 @ 04:46 PM
The formula is accurate logically at least. It's a stringed together syllogism.
The data nobody can predict for certain and yes it changes frequently.
But as long as they are not all zeroes we are in business.

Planetary defense brings up some interesting questions.
I'm far more worried about the power structures and organizations/individuals
controlling and organizing a hypothetical planetary defense strategy, then a threat to Earth from extraterrestrial entities.

posted on Jun, 14 2006 @ 02:31 AM
Some relevant points here:

- we are native to this world and the aliens are not, we are adjusted to the environment and they are not, this instills a weakness in them physically
- terrorist cells are the best way to fight a much more powerful enemy - witness Iraq
- all technology no matter how advanced has weaknesses
- human can steal and learn how to use alien technology and its strengths and weaknesses
- humans can threaten to destroy the world, it worked every time in Star Trek
- all sentient life forms have allies and enemies, find their enemies and align with them

Lastly, spiritual power is the way to go and we do need to get people outta here.


posted on Jun, 14 2006 @ 02:34 AM
Wow I never heard of this before. I can't believe I missed this thread. Downloading the first 25 pages now, if they are any good I'm going to order the book.

Thanks Advisor.

posted on Jun, 14 2006 @ 02:42 AM
Your welcome I guess. It is a good read, and just a teaser in my opinion. But brings up a valid point, if only for hypothetical reasons.

Personally I'm looking forward to reading the rest of the book, and may just opt for the ecopy before the hardcopy arrives. Knowing what the authors material covers will be of use for going over what they didn't.

posted on Jun, 14 2006 @ 06:07 AM

Originally posted by Paul_Richard
This planet is rich in natural resources and teeming with life. Abductees have also reported that the Zetan-aliens have said that this world is rich in genetic material, which is why they abduct so many of us routinely. In the vastness of space, Terra is likened to a beautiful tropical island. Only fools would not set up shop here in some capacity.

The problem is that you don't need to abduct individuals to attain genetic material, do you? By natural resources, you can only mean minerals and other raw materials, is that correct? if so, what makes this planet so special compared to say, Titan, or even Mars, materially speaking. water? Europa is alledgedly covered by a partially frozen ocean.

If you think about it, Life is the only redeeming feature of earth, If Life can be harvested one way or the other, ET presence makes a lot more sense, suddenly. Of course, cattle mutilations point in that direction.

posted on Jun, 14 2006 @ 07:40 AM

Originally posted by denythestatusquo
Some relevant points here:

I'd like to go through each point, which I have italicized:

we are native to this world and the aliens are not, we are adjusted to the environment and they are not, this instills a weakness in them physically

True, but if they are indeed the descendents of the Annunaki, then they have had hundreds of thousands of years to acclimate to our environment. The solution found in HG Wells' War of the Worlds won't work on them. They also have various underwater and underground bases here and one large one in the Moon. Moreover, one of the moons orbiting Saturn may be artificial (Saturn VIII/Iapetus).

terrorist cells are the best way to fight a much more powerful enemy - witness Iraq

Covert operatations and guerilla warfare. I agree.

all technology no matter how advanced has weaknesses


human can steal and learn how to use alien technology and its strengths and weaknesses

That is happening now with the reverse engineering programs and ongoing black projects. But the common citizen doesn't have access or influence on this, even though we supply the tax funding to support it.

humans can threaten to destroy the world, it worked every time in Star Trek

Clever idea but I don't think it will work in this case.

all sentient life forms have allies and enemies, find their enemies and align with them

I don't think we will find allies within the other Space Races. By definition, they are all self-serving. It would not behoove us to be liberated by another empire only to lose our autonomy and be subjugated by another.

Lastly, spiritual power is the way to go and we do need to get people outta here.

I wholeheartedly agree.

The vast Space Race fleets, probes and antimatter weapons could not withstand The God Force of adequately trained and Ascended Co-Creators in The Light.

No contest.

A good illustration of this is found in the classic Star Trek episode called Errand of Mercy.

posted on Jun, 14 2006 @ 07:47 AM

Originally posted by Long Lance
The problem is that you don't need to abduct individuals to attain genetic material, do you?

According to them, you do

Not something I agree with.

Originally posted by Long Lance
By natural resources, you can only mean minerals and other raw materials, is that correct? if so, what makes this planet so special compared to say, Titan, or even Mars, materially speaking. water? Europa is alledgedly covered by a partially frozen ocean.

Let's go with what archeological research suggests. The Annunaki were interested in mixing the DNA of various species and to cultivate a farm planet. The Homo sapiens were genetically produced to work the mines for gold. Titan, Mars and Europa do not have the unique characteristics needed in order to have a large farm world for harvesting.

It is a logical assumption that every world in this, the Sol System, was checked out and/or mined for minerals at one time or another by The Zetan Empire.

Originally posted by Long Lance
If you think about it, Life is the only redeeming feature of earth, If Life can be harvested one way or the other, ET presence makes a lot more sense, suddenly. Of course, cattle mutilations point in that direction.

That's a pretty big redeeming feature you have there

posted on Jun, 14 2006 @ 10:54 AM

Originally posted by Paul_Richard

Originally posted by Long Lance
The problem is that you don't need to abduct individuals to attain genetic material, do you?

According to them, you do

Not something I agree with.

Is there any known plausible reason why they not only need life tissue but the whole organism for their program (assuming it's not about alteration, of course) ?

PS: Life on Earth is important to us, sure, but if you were an Alien, things would look a bit differently, wouldn't they? as for artificially bred workers mining gold, have they never heard of robots? robots work 24/7 and don't rebel.

[edit on 14-6-2006 by Long Lance]

posted on Jun, 14 2006 @ 11:07 AM

Originally posted by Long Lance
Is there any known plausible reason why they not only need life tissue but the whole organism for their program (assuming it's not about alteration, of course) ?

The word 'plausible' is open to interpretation. We get indications of what they want and what they take from abductees. According to them, the Zetan-aliens consider this to be an abundantly rich planet full of genetic material and natural resources.

Yes, their experiments and breeding programs do entail the whole organism. At least in some instances.

Originally posted by Long Lance
PS: Life on Earth is important to us, sure, but if you were an Alien, things would look a bit differently, wouldn't they? as for artificially workers mining gold, have they never heard of robots? robots work 24/7 and don't rebel.

Some of us definitely have a different mindset than the aliens that abduct many of us.

Purportedly (from Sitchin's archeological findings), the Annunaki found that it was more economical to use slaves rather than robots.

Indications of that policy in effect today is found in abductee reports that the Greys - like Homo sapiens - are also a genetically engineered race, and that they are bred to serve The Zetan Empire. The specific genetic blend that brought about the Greys coming from the DNA of Reptilians, Preying Mantises, and possibly from other humanoid races. If one studies the Grey anatomy and their faces, they even look like a cross between the reported Reptilians and the Preying Mantises - the latter two being representative of the Zetan ruling elite.

[edit on 14-6-2006 by Paul_Richard]

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