posted on Dec, 14 2008 @ 08:13 PM
I can't manage to think why some people would not at least give this a chance, ohh bla bla it's not working the same amound you put it you get out
and so on.
Acording to some people we would not have nuclear energy because it would be impossible.It was the same problem with nuclear fussion.At the begining
stage of nuclear fussion experiments at the time results pointed out that less energy came out from what was put in until everything changed, then
more energy came out than what was put in.So you put in something and you get more than what was in the bag in the first place, it's possible, get
over it.
Electrolisis is ineficient in standard form, but change that in to another form and something else happens.
Atoms can break apart at very low energy levels, as in water molecules.
Sometimes in rare cases molecules in the water will break apart by them selfs.Standart electrolisis is ineficiant, but what if everything is aplied
to a specific frequency, the frequency where everything breaks up easy and becomes free as in hidrogen and oxigen.A power suply plus a pulse circuit
tuned to a frequency can do the job.High energy diodes that transmit energy in to the water at a specific frequency cause the water molecules to
disasociate at lower energy levels setting the two elements free.
There is a frequency where everything will dance by pulse to give it only the amount it needs.