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Internal bombs brought down WTC. Video Tape testimony

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posted on May, 20 2006 @ 03:10 PM
Not really much to say. It pretty well sums it up. Lets bury the bush administration's side of the story already. Thats all it is, one side to the story. As the saying goes, you have one side, then the otherside and somewhere inbetween is the truth.

Some of these are from firefighters and police officers themselves. I don't know about you but I certainly can't ignore their side of the story. They were there. They saw and heard these bombs go off as some of their own paid the ultimate price. By ignoring the issue of bombs in the WTC and Military involvment in 9/11 then these brave people died in vain.

And what really gives it away that 9/11 was an inside job is that alot of these reports or other media reports were edited and removed from television networks almost immediately.

[edit on 20-5-2006 by Crazy_Mr_Crowley]

[edit on 20-5-2006 by Crazy_Mr_Crowley]

posted on May, 20 2006 @ 04:23 PM
These guys are clearly sincere with their message. Notice how the one one left rear want to get some words in an back up his friends.

This is conclusive.

to their voices.

posted on May, 20 2006 @ 10:46 PM
Definately. These people were there and they went to hell and back during that period of time. A few months back I was watching CNN when there was FF Chief who was supposed to get the top position, or maybe he was a Chaplin or something but anyways he didn't get the job because he believed something other then the airliners brought down the towers.

Anyone here from NY? I'm willing to bet 9/10 fire fighters believes 9/11 was an inside job.

[edit on 20-5-2006 by Crazy_Mr_Crowley]

posted on May, 21 2006 @ 09:01 PM
So I take it from the Bush supporters silence on this one that a few more people have abandoned that ever shrinking circle...

posted on May, 21 2006 @ 09:05 PM
No, the silence means we're tired of all these "Bush/Halliburton/Rumsfeld/Cheney destroyed the WTC so they could launch a war" crap conspiracies. Why is the notion of terrorists being behind it so hard to believe? I suppose that the logical is irrelevant when the far-fetched is so much more interesting. Al this so-called "evidence" is at best circumstantial. And this is coming form a trained

posted on May, 21 2006 @ 09:20 PM
Its all the evidence of how 2 airplanes could not possibly brought down these towers. There is substantial evidence as well as serious testimony that explosives were critical in bringing down the towers.

I know the idea of someone selling the United States down the river is a terrible idea but perhaps thats what these people are counting on. Our disbelief that our sacred nation would be so compromised in order to accomplish ... what?

posted on May, 21 2006 @ 09:46 PM
Keep in mind rightwinger THe Bush Administration has yet to provide any physical evidence that 9/11 was done by who they say did it.

Do you know the meaning of False Flag?

I agree that terrorists brought down the WTC. However these "terrorists" are the people who are running your country. Neocon Zionists.

It's just way to coincidential that the miliary was conducting hijacking and building collapse exercises in NY and Washington at the exact same moments as the attacks themselves.

That and it just doesn't make any sense how 9/11 was the only day Norad failed miserably when all other times they have had off course aircraft covered in or around 10 minutes.

[edit on 21-5-2006 by Crazy_Mr_Crowley]

posted on May, 21 2006 @ 10:12 PM
I've been reading all these theories about 9/11 you guys posted and I really see strong arguments from both sides, but my only question is, on the South Tower, the plane basically clipped the corner of the building, and through all of my work in physics (not much, just physics and AP physics) that leads me to believe the top of the South Tower should have "snapped" so to speak and just fell, leaving the remaining floors, but instead it just kind of fell straight down, that's what led me to initially believe the conspiracies.

posted on May, 22 2006 @ 10:42 AM

Originally posted by articulateka0s
Its all the evidence of how 2 airplanes could not possibly brought down these towers. There is substantial evidence as well as serious testimony that explosives were critical in bringing down the towers.

lmao, did you just say there was substantial evidence?
You can't possible be serious.
There is not one shred of evidence that something other than the planes brought down the towers. All the tin foil hat crowd can provide is BS speculation that's posted on BS conspiricy sites. What a load.

All this yapping about the lack of evidence that planes could do this or that, yet there's NO EVIDENCE whatsoever showing there was anything but planes. These people don't realize it would be 10000x more complicated to place bombs in buildings in which 10s of thousands of people work and have that go unnoticed. It would make it even more complicated to have those bombs exactly where the plane went in. You people yap about how difficult it is to steer a plane that size going that fast, yet somehow they were 100% accurate in slamming the planes right where the bombs were and did it without making the bombs explode? Get real.

It's absolutely hillarious and sad at the same time. You people (the tin foil hat crowd) don't believe or completely ignore the dozens of eye witnesses who saw the plane crash into the pentagon, yet you are so quick to believe anyone who says they believe bombs were in the building. wtf? So the only credible witnesses are the ones who say what you say?

Also, since you obviously can't plan and carry something like that out in a few months, this had to be planned during previous administrations so the list of those who would have to be in on it would include
-members of the previous admin
-members of the current admin
-whatever demo company they used
-the airline companies
-the FAA
-possibly passengers and crew on those flights
Yet no leaks? Everyone just agreed to play along because (the illuminati? :lol
said so?


the plane basically clipped the corner of the building, and through all of my work in physics (not much, just physics and AP physics) that leads me to believe the top of the South Tower should have "snapped" so to speak and just fell, leaving the remaining floors, but instead it just kind of fell straight down, that's what led me to initially believe the conspiracies.

Ohhhh AP physics! You're an expert now

Seriously though, watch the videos again. The top part (from the plane entrance up) didn't fall straight down. It was approaching 90 degrees before the bottom part started to fall.

posted on May, 22 2006 @ 11:39 AM
Not a very helpful response

original quote by:ThatsJustWeird
There is not one shred of evidence that something other than the planes brought down the towers. All the tin foil hat crowd can provide is BS speculation that's posted on BS conspiricy sites. What a load.

tsk tsk... of course theres evidence! Sure if you only look at the mainstream media(aka controlled tool of the govt.) then yes the planes brought down the towers.
But, if you dig deeper like so many of us have here at ATS,,,,

Just because its not in the mainstream media, doesnt mean that its not true.
sure on the net you have to sift through tons of crap to find the gem, but there are gems there.. and the internet is the one thing that this administration didnt have control of; but, of course are trying to. And we the people are trying to get to the bottom of what our govt(who works FOR us not inspite of us) wont answer.
So thatsjustwierd so you are saying that the valiant fire and police personel who tried and died saving lives on that day have no valid arguement?
theres another thread on ATS that has a similar topic,, and it shows a video with evidence that contradicts the official story. Aswell as the forementioned links by this threads author. maybe you should actually watch them thatsjustwierd BEFORE you discount it all as "tin foil." We are not trying to get to the bottom of this to "get" the govt we are concerned american citizens who are trying to remain vigilant in defense of our nation from enemies both foreign AND domestic.

read my signature thatsjustwierd and read it well.
Ben knew.. how about you?

[edit on 22-5-2006 by TONE23]

posted on May, 22 2006 @ 11:46 AM
yeah i have to agree with picking apart ideas even thoe MANY think they have the answers, we wont be fully sure till you have it all in pieces an can put it back together.

an i find it funny how theres peices to be picked at. like a ( pull here ) Tab Book.

(press here to find out where really happened)--------->([Press me to find out what happened to the american people.])

[edit on 22-5-2006 by Tranceopticalinclined]

posted on May, 22 2006 @ 11:47 AM
Let me see. This is pure speculation but I'm guessing it goes something like this.

*Explosion from kitchen or room collapsing.
*People panic and shout things like "there are bombs in the building".
*Fireman calls in possibility of bomb in the building.
*Firemen outside get the order to evacuate because of a bomb threat in the building.

It's just a hypothesis but it's quiet likely. About as likely as a fireman inside the building just stubling upon a bomb and identifying it.

I thin the only way we'd know for sure is if you went and ask the firemen that were there what they think now, and as far as I remember a few of them hav spoken up about thier words being used out of context, but I wouldn't be able to find a source for that off the bat.

posted on May, 22 2006 @ 12:00 PM
Oh there isn't an ever shrinking circle, nor is it because no-one has an explanation - it's just that when some of you get an idea in your head and demand an explanation, when you hear one which is perfectly reasonable and viable, but more importantly deviates away from your ideas, you're not interested in listening and just throw around your 'disinfo', 'shill', 'agent' insults.
So sometimes it's easier (and funnier) to sit back and watch you encourage each other while you gloat over your new found 'evidence'.

Here goes anyway :

Example 1:

When I was in town a while back an area got cordoned off while bomb squad arrived, everyone was talking about the 'bomb' in the shop doorway. Anyway they carried out a controlled explosion, much to the dismay of the tramp that turned up later to find his belongings gone. I guess there was no tramp and Bush planted it maybe? To put fear into the people of the town and help the NWO?

Example 2:

We were at the movies and the alarms started going off with a robotic voice telling us to evacuate, everyone just stood around so a woman in the front row got up and I followed her out by a few yards, by the time I got to the door she was coming back in and said there was a fire. I turned back and yelled ot everyone to get out, turned out there was no fire and someone got confused along the way.
Maybe Bush did that to?

In situations like that people exaggerate and chinese whispers only needs one person to take full effect, it's quite normal. There 'may' be a bomb easily turns into 'there is a bomb'. And as the other poster said, in an environment where there would be explosions and collapses with plenty of confusion people get scared and think the worst.

[edit on 22-5-2006 by AgentSmith]

posted on May, 22 2006 @ 12:24 PM
I'm certainly not attacking anyone nor am I saying that the towers were OR were NOT brought down by planes alone. I am saying that there are definate gaps in the evidence that have yet to be sufficiently explained by either the administration or by the 911 commision.

original qoute by:AgentSmith
Oh there isn't an ever shrinking circle, nor is it because no-one has an explanation - it's just that when some of you get an idea in your head and demand an explanation, when you hear one which is perfectly reasonable and viable, but more importantly deviates away from your ideas, you're not interested in listening and just throw around your 'disinfo', 'shill', 'agent' insults.

Quite true.. there are some who will not listen to anything that contradicts what they already have set in their heads; on BOTH sides. And us poor "fence sitters"-i hate that term-have to get the abuse from both ends. I prefer the to be someone who doesnt easily take a side without getting all the pieces of evidence in first.
Unfortunately it has become very difficult to believe anything that this administration says.. since it has been caught in soooo many lies already. the lying is NOT an opinion but fact and if need be I will list refereces of some of those lies. But I'm sure that I do not need to since anyone with a TV knows full well some of the major lies...IRAQ WAR,Abu Grahib,Phone taps..etc... So if I'm starting to lean alittle to the side of conspiracy in this matter its only because im seeing more and more evidence that contradicts the official story.
Why is it when Charlie Sheen gets up on national TV and asks what about building 7; to this day noone has answered him; all the mainstream can do is assault HIM and not his questions.. charliesheen Maybe they do this because they have no answers to his questions and thusly the only thing they DO have is petty character attacks.. thats usually what people do when they are full of crap. avoid the question and redirect it. this administration is no stranger to this policy.
It is because of reasons like these that we MUST ALWAYS question the govt that we OWN!
Thomas Jefferson once said 'when a people fear the govt, it is tyranny, when the govt fears the people, it is liberty'.
It is time for the govt to fear 'We the People' not the other way around.

posted on May, 22 2006 @ 01:48 PM

Originally posted by TONE23
tsk tsk... of course theres evidence! Sure if you only look at the mainstream media(aka controlled tool of the govt.) then yes the planes brought down the towers.
But, if you dig deeper like so many of us have here at ATS,,,,

Those sites are exactly what I'm talking about!!

Just because its not in the mainstream media, doesnt mean that its not true.

For the most part though, most of that stuff is BS and easily debunkable.

and the internet is the one thing that this administration didnt have control of; but, of course are trying to.

Why do you bring up the administration?
You're saying something like 9/11 was planned and carried out in a space of 8 months?
Which of those sites did you get that from?

So thatsjustwierd so you are saying that the valiant fire and police personel who tried and died saving lives on that day have no valid arguement?

Whats their argument?
That they heard secondary "explosions?" Well no s***. A 100+ story building is falling! You think it's going to fall quitely? I'm looking around my office now and count at least 6 things that will explode or burst if subject to high heat or pressure (not counting whatever inside the walls)

theres another thread on ATS that has a similar topic,, and it shows a video with evidence that contradicts the official story.

No it doesn't. It shows firefighters saying there was a bomb. You have no clue. As one in the middle of all that mess (in DC) there were DOZENS of reports of bombs and stuff throughout the day (probably the most famous was the reports of a car bomb at the State Department). That day was a mess for everyone in DC and NY as we had to sort out what threats were real and which weren't.

Aswell as the forementioned links by this threads author. maybe you should actually watch them thatsjustwierd BEFORE you discount it all as "tin foil."

Watch what? I've seen every 9/11 video out there.

We are not trying to get to the bottom of this to "get" the govt we are concerned american citizens who are trying to remain vigilant in defense of our nation from enemies both foreign AND domestic.

Let's say there's a muder. No one knows the gender of the murderer. You however focus solely on males. If the murderer was female you'll never find the truth.

posted on May, 22 2006 @ 04:34 PM
first of all:

original quote by:ThatsJustWeird
No it doesn't. It shows firefighters saying there was a bomb. You have no clue.

saying I have no clue is a personal attack on my intelligence and not a valid coun terpoint. please refrain from doing so in the future. you can still communicate your point WITHOUT the insult.

now for your points:
1st. you knock down my choice of sites. Alot of what,, print comes from reuters and A.P..
While they are going to twist everything to the left(just like fox twists everything left) It doesnt mean that there is NO useful information on these sites.

original quote by:ThatsJustWeird
Why do you bring up the administration? You're saying something like 9/11 was planned and carried out in a space of 8 months?
Which of those sites did you get that from?

OK three questions at first I mention the Administration because it is complicit in this attack on our country. and NO! I dont think they planned it in eight months.. This was something that arguably started with project northwoods. To answer your thrid and most pointless of the three questions is that I have come to the beliefs I have about this administration from countless hours of sifting and reading(some from our own members)and see the lies on the TV. I did not get my whole arguement from one site or from any one piece of evidence.

original quote by:ThatsJustWeird
Whats their argument? That they heard secondary "explosions?" Well no s***. A 100+ story building is falling! You think it's going to fall quitely? I'm looking around my office now and count at least 6 things that will explode or burst if subject to high heat or pressure (not counting whatever inside the walls)

My arguement is that people like fire and are not just a bunch of civilians running around with their heads cut off. And I'm fairly sure that at least a handful of the firefighters there that day have atleast some exp with demolitions either use or being around when used, and would probably know the difference between a collapsing building and detonations. I'm NOT saying they they do or dont have this knowledge but its worth looking into. then maybe we could sift through the testimonies to find some that are valid. Your mistake is thinking that: just because I'm leaning more towards the GOVT JOB idea it doesnt mean that I have cast my vote i said I like to find out the facts...

original quote by:ThatsJustWeird
Watch what? I've seen every 9/11 video out there.

maybe it was presumptuous of me I withdraw that statement-

original quote by:ThatsJustWeird
Let's say there's a muder. No one knows the gender of the murderer. You however focus solely on males. If the murderer was female you'll never find the truth.

My answer to this is as follows. If you take it that the male is the govt, and the females are the terrorists. then i stopped looking so much at the "females" as suspects when The fact that NORAD failed to respond and the FAA failed to respond on what should have been standard protocol. Something just wasnt right after that for me...Heres my question since ive tried to answer all of your... HOW COULD THE TERRORISTS STOP NORAD AND THE FAA FROM DOING THIER JOB?
I site a fellow member who has link from the NORAD site itself: jthat talks about all the departure times and other relevant info. ill post more about this in a bit im out of time and

[edit on 22-5-2006 by TONE23]

posted on May, 23 2006 @ 09:06 AM

Originally posted by TONE23
first of all:

original quote by:ThatsJustWeird
No it doesn't. It shows firefighters saying there was a bomb. You have no clue.

saying I have no clue is a personal attack on my intelligence and not a valid coun terpoint. please refrain from doing so in the future. you can still communicate your point WITHOUT the insult.

If I were going to insult you, you would know it (like I'm about to do now
Sorry, I didn't realize you were so sensative, I'll remember from now on to keep your feelings in mind. I didn't think I had to explain myself with such a simple sentence but it's obvious some of us are more intelligent than others.
"You have no clue" means, you have no clue as to what was going on that day and the chaos and confusion it caused here in DC and in NY, which was explained in the rest of the paragraph that you obviously ignored.

While they are going to twist everything to the left(just like fox twists everything left) It doesnt mean that there is NO useful information on these sites.

Occasionally they link mainstream articles, but why do they have to twist them? Why can't they leave the article as is?
Alot of what they post on those sites are bs commentary though.

original quote by:ThatsJustWeird
Why do you bring up the administration? You're saying something like 9/11 was planned and carried out in a space of 8 months?
Which of those sites did you get that from?

OK three questions at first I mention the Administration because it is complicit in this attack on our country.

As evidenced by......

and NO! I dont think they planned it in eight months.. This was something that arguably started with project northwoods.

Theres a reason why project northwoods wasn't carried out.
1) It's impossible
2) There's no way on God's green earth you could keep something like that a secret (especially not this day and age). ps - why do you think it's declassified now?
3) There's no way you would get everyone to agree to do something like that
4) Again, it's impossible. The people you would need, the trying to keep it secret, the finding people willing to do something like that, the planning, the carrying out, etc. Something of course will go wrong in each and every stage of something like that. Screwing the planners and defeating the purpose.

My answer to this is as follows. If you take it that the male is the govt, and the females are the terrorists. then i stopped looking so much at the "females" as suspects when The fact that NORAD failed to respond and the FAA failed to respond on what should have been standard protocol. Something just wasnt right after that for me...Heres my question since ive tried to answer all of your... HOW COULD THE TERRORISTS STOP NORAD AND THE FAA FROM DOING THIER JOB?
I site a fellow member who has link from the NORAD site itself: jthat talks about all the departure times and other relevant info. ill post more about this in a bit im out of time and

This has been discussed many times on this site. I'll give you a better site than the one posted in that link.
9/11 timeline
Great site. Very detailed.

If you look in the 'Warning Signs' section of the website, you'll get alot of info on pre 9/11. What the terrorists were doing and how the FBI and CIA screwed up some of their investigations (so yeah, the US is partly responsible for what happened - not because of some grand conspiricy to take over the world or whatever the argument is, but pre 9/11 the intel communities were a mess. No communications between the different offices, lack of the manpower we have now, etc.)
You know, I have yet to see someone debunk the terrorists. Wouldn't that make the argument that the government did it easier? There's tons of evidence to suggest that all that happened in one form or another has been planned since the mid (even early) 90s. Can someone show they weren't planning this?

posted on May, 23 2006 @ 10:08 AM
Starting in the 90s the gov't did a great job of keeping NORAD from doing its job on 9/11. Until the fall of the Soviet Union, there were dozens of bases with alert fighters, any one of which was close enough to have intercetpted the planes on 9/11. After the early-mid 90s, there were SEVEN. A total of 21 fighters on the high end, none of which were in either DC, or near NYC. Otis AFB in Cape Cod was the closest to NYC, and Langley Virginia was the closest to DC.

posted on May, 23 2006 @ 10:14 AM

Originally posted by TONE23
This was something that arguably started with project northwoods

Guys, I have to disagree. I think it started with the Project for the New American Century (PNAC)

Read their "Rebuilding America´s Defenses" manifesto.

See this thread too:'

More background on PNAC from Wikipedia here

IMO a scary bunch, promoting global domination by the United States.

If you focus on the Why and not on the Who and How things will come into focus pretty quick. No one with a minimum amount of intelligence can claim after reading this that at least there is something seriously wrong with this whole 9/11 incident and investigation, conveniently termed the ´new Pearl Harbour´ by those in power. And, as you all have proven to posess that minimum intelligence requirement, please do comment.

[edit on 23-5-2006 by HardToGet]

[edit on 23-5-2006 by HardToGet]

posted on May, 23 2006 @ 10:22 AM

Originally posted by Zaphod58
Otis AFB in Cape Cod was the closest to NYC, and Langley Virginia was the closest to DC.

Both, still close enough to intercept within an hour IMO. Does it take an F-16 an hour to fly from Cape Cod to NY or Langly to DC? I highly doubt it. I can see confusion being the culprit for the first highjacking but the three following should have been brought down. And don't give me the "what are they supposed to do...shoot them over the city?" because if they had done their job, there was plenty of space between Boston and NYC or DC. Not sure at the moment where the plane that hit the pentagon came from, so if that one was from Dulles then I could see the no time and no space theory.

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