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Outbreak of black, tar-like sweat in southern Texas?

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posted on May, 24 2006 @ 07:05 PM
Wow! Interesting thread and topic. Strange stuff all over the internet.

One thing I just found is that there are 3 Oklahoma State University's. It seems to check the credibility of this Randy S. Wymore, P.H.D. one would have to find him by going to a known legitimate site and see if the link from the organazations page is legitimate. I could make a replica of nearly any site in a couple of days and I'm new to web site creation. What could a experienced person do??? Does anyone know which OSU this guy is from??? I'm going to check all three and see if his name is anywhere to be found.

posted on May, 24 2006 @ 07:08 PM
OK, sorry to have wasted your time. He is for real. I'm convinced. My heart goes out to these people. I have Fibromyalgia and am going through the same sort of crap they are with respect to braindead doctors.

posted on May, 25 2006 @ 05:55 AM
It is said former Oakland A's pitcher Billy Koch and his wife and children have it.

"This disease is what many people feel led to his demise in the major leagues."

about Billy Koch:

the Chicago Tribune mention it as a matter of fact, altho the following article is not about morgellens itself:

"General manager Ken Williams said he was unaware that former closer Billy Koch, his wife Brandi and three children were suffering from Morgellons disease, a mysterious ailment in which black specks come off skin and victims suffer uncontrollable muscle twitching.

"He really is a good guy, and I feel for him and his family," Williams said of Koch, 31, who pitched for the Sox in 2003 and 2004 but has been out of baseball since last season.

According to Oakland television station KTVU-2, Koch felt symptoms while pitching for the Athletics in 2002."

in truth i am awaiting a poster here to say they have witnessed a friend or relative has this because news is patchy for something i would consider extreme. (not that i would wish it upon anyone's friend or relative, of course!)

05/23/2006 01:08 AM CDT

"CDC forming Morgellons task force

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has launched an investigation into the skin condition called Morgellons disease.

Since a story about Morgellons first aired on KENS 5 Eyewitness News, the station has been inundated with e-mails and phone calls from the medical community and others how claim to have the symptoms described in the story. The story has received tens of thousands of page views on the

The story was how Les Coble of Pleasanton found out he was not alone.
“God, I’m not crazy, there are other people with this,” Coble said."


the thing is, when i go to The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention site, i can't find even a whisper of this 'disease', which doesn't give me confidence it being taken seriously.

posted on May, 25 2006 @ 09:43 AM
Still no reference at the CDC website. For all the chat of the CDC and a Task Force I see no CDC official or unofficial acknowledgement that the CDC has any awareness of this "fiber" disease under the name Morgellons or any else. Perhaps I'm missing it? If anyone has an actual link to CDC or the NIH sites where either has any mention of this disease please post.

posted on May, 25 2006 @ 10:52 AM
Ok, folks...
I have confirmed that the OSU website is legit (or in total copywrite violation)
I have confirmed that the baseball players condition has been reported accuratley
(although his fan page mentions no such thing)

I have confirmed that the CDC is not admitting anywhere on the website to have any knowledge of this...
and considering that the one article author that actually called them, got nothing...

makes me think.... CONSPIRACY!

It seems to be so... there is a denial that the CDC is looking at this, but they obviously should be... if not already doing so...

I am thinking this is something that isn't natural... just too many "differences" from previous parasites... and it does seem to be "alive".

So we are back to sluething...
Could be a new undiscovered parasite found in a south Texas well by a young boy (the X files option)
Could be a new GM parasite that was mutated accidentally...(the Mosanto option)
Could be some new fungus under the same parameters...

But seems to be parasite, or fungus... or maybe a mixture of both (armageddon option)

Now donning the tin foil hat:
What If?
this was the real reason our government has hyped Bird flu...
Consider that maybe the "powers that be" knew a plague was coming... just didn't know what kind...
and now this emerges, which is unlike anything before...

posted on May, 25 2006 @ 03:08 PM
Theres a member on the other thread that says they have had it for 5yrs now. i posted tellin him to come to this one and discuss his ordeal.

posted on May, 25 2006 @ 07:45 PM
I have to drive to my cabin right now but I will be back to tell my story. Until I read this thread last wek I thought I was crazy!

posted on May, 25 2006 @ 08:48 PM

I checked with a equine veterinarian as I thought it looked like mange with a secondary flora component... he led me to the barn and showed me some dermal problems in horses and some of his colleague's pigs. Looks similar to the eye especially the hogs... little red and blue and green "fibers" in papules of plasma and heme with not much evidence of white cells or immune response. On a tissue slide it looks very similar to the Morgellon pics. He says the hogs have a hemolitic urticaria-like condition

Wow V that is really interesting! It makes me wonder if somewhere along the line that when we eat animals that somehow we aren't ingesting parasites or the like especially in under cooked food. We all know this can happen.

Lazarus - you elude to a conspiracy. My question would be what then is the common denominator? Why 3 states? Why only a few thousands cases?
I think if we are going hunting then we need to find the common denominator.

Is it in the food? Water? Was there some sort of contamination? Something along those lines. It doesn't appear to be contagious. So then why does an entire family get the disease and others are random cases?

Lyme disease seems to date be the only factor to these cases. But is it in every case or are those immune impaired in danger too?

This is all very thought provoking. But I do not believe that these people are part of a marketing ploy. I believe these folks are desparate in hopes of finding a cure and finally peace.
My heart goes out to each of them. I could not imagine my 3 yr old child becoming victim to this horrible condition.

posted on May, 26 2006 @ 10:20 AM
Does anyone know an accurate number of people infected, or a timeline to show the spread of the disease in numbers, and how fast it is spreading?

posted on May, 26 2006 @ 11:24 AM
article part

article part

posted on May, 26 2006 @ 11:28 AM
What does Florida, Texas and California have in common?

Lots of sunshine? could this "disease" be something that is mutating due to sun exposure?

posted on May, 26 2006 @ 03:25 PM
There are too many variables at this time...
lyme is a clue, but only about half had that...

then add, the point by a previous post, that many of these people could be false positive hypochondriacs...

the whole matchbox scab thing is a telltale of mental problems...
so we can assume that anytime that there is a new illness, the hypos come out of the woodwork.
lets not let those distract us...

OSU should be having some test results soon... we will see from that...
also, i dont know if you caught my comment on that...
but it isn't a "OSU" investigation... they are merely supporting a staff member that felt personally "called" to help discover the true cause here...

voluntary, and personally...
there is still the off chance, that he could have been fooled by a viral campaign also...

posted on May, 26 2006 @ 08:32 PM
I think it is nanobots. I always have. Molecule sized nanobots powered by sugar and nerve tissue building fibers. The source I suspect is inside the very fibers. Just looks all the devil like a biological organism...

posted on May, 27 2006 @ 12:04 AM
Well lets put it this way. CDC isnt going to get involved if its not a disease now will it? Id hate to see Michael Crichton Book Prey coming as a reality, but could it be possible?

Ive had the itching sensation of bugs crawling on me, and I have these wierd pimples show up on my arms and such which is unusual, but thats been for awhile and ive never experienced any lesions or anything so for now im good

the fibers indicate something not biological.

posted on May, 27 2006 @ 12:53 AM

Originally posted by worldwatcher
What does Florida, Texas and California have in common?

Lots of sunshine? could this "disease" be something that is mutating due to sun exposure?

It's not just those 3 states. Apparantly there have been reported cases in all 50 states. Texas, California and Florida just have the highest amount of reported cases.

posted on May, 27 2006 @ 04:39 AM
It is not nano anything, exept in size. I have seen the video on this, it is a gene spliced plant and insect hybrid. A completely new organism, man made.

Took notes on what was in the video, and have been looking into this diligently. Whom I've directed the notes to is busy in college, and I have thus taken a number. If there are any members, or lurkers interested in a possable research project. U2u is always a great way to get the ball rolling.

posted on May, 27 2006 @ 10:43 AM

Originally posted by ADVISOR
It is not nano anything, exept in size. I have seen the video on this,

Well, if the video worked for me I would be on the same page as you. What about nanotech as a cure? Since it is the wave of the future, I don't want to ignore the possibilities.

posted on May, 27 2006 @ 05:00 PM

Originally posted by Rasputin13

Originally posted by worldwatcher
What does Florida, Texas and California have in common?

Lots of sunshine? could this "disease" be something that is mutating due to sun exposure?

It's not just those 3 states. Apparantly there have been reported cases in all 50 states. Texas, California and Florida just have the highest amount of reported cases.

This is many places. not justthe United States.

I'm going to repeat this, for those who may not have yet seen it, you have to watch this map to see where the 'red' shades develop -- takes a few seconds:

posted on May, 27 2006 @ 05:41 PM
Hmm - It would be so interesting to see the research on this.

-genetic possibilities?

So many possibilities!

posted on May, 27 2006 @ 06:00 PM
I can see nanos being a great cure, less invasive than barbaric surgery. But I thought I saw a volunter...

Originally posted by Godsent
-genetic possibilities?

So many possibilities!

Indeed and so many members, almost 62,000.
Nice list, looks like a nice group of goals, and just for starters.

What other aspects of this should be considered, any angles that havn't been covered?

Any and all questions would be great, come on people. There are no stupid questions exept the unasked one. Yall have until the end of exams, after that.

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