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So when does the chit-chat start? Right now!

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posted on Aug, 6 2012 @ 07:18 PM
So why don't they call it general chat chit?

posted on Aug, 6 2012 @ 09:21 PM
Wow, LN is crowded tonight. Look at all the familiar faces. Oops, that one's mine. Jeeves, since when did we get that mirror on the ceiling over the bar?...Oh, it was a gift from an old friend who used to visit here. Nice. We are still the classiest joint.

Jen, I see you remembered the password! Of course, you can have a smoke here with your beer. If you remember, we have no rules here. However, we still have lots of lipstick cams hidden, so be on your best behavior...or the way, are you still receiving your royalties from the Lounge Noir Girls And Guys Gone Wild dvd's?

Spira! I don't believe it! We might have our reincarnation! Look, someone is using that bottle of cough syrup on the bar. Can it be?

"olaru", huh. Well, mind if I sit next to you? You see, there was this handsome cowboy...or was he a Texan cattle rancher?....anyway, he used to frequent our little watering hole here...really, he said he needed somplace to take a bath...and, my, but he did like his tequila...and cough syrup...anyway, one day he just quit showing up. We put his picture on every liquor bottle here, and noted that he might have a little natural odor to him, since he hadn't bathed in our watering hole for some time. Pardon, me, olaru....

Jeeves, this round is on me. where was I?...oh, yeah...well, legend has it that our cowboy had to get out of town quicker than a scared lizard. Heard he either got accused of cheating at poker. That, or I heard wrong, and he was poking someone's girlfriend. Anyway, last anyone saw of him, he was atop his horse heading west across the golf course, which explains the divots. That, or he was driving his cattle north across the parking lot, which explains, for those of you who tried to blame my camel, why the mess. Cow pies don't look anything like camel doots.

Anyway, olaru, welcome. Yep, you sure seem familiar.

And a new face! ESD! Welcome! "General chat chit", huh? Well, now, I don't know. Maybe someone is NOT dyslexic?

posted on Aug, 6 2012 @ 09:44 PM
reply to post by jensouth31 that the Jen South?

posted on Aug, 6 2012 @ 10:17 PM
reply to post by desert


the gang's all here - and then some


I have some catching up to do I see...

I need a shower and some sherry - or maybe tonight some tequila

save me a seat

posted on Aug, 10 2012 @ 08:57 PM
Dear Spira, of course you need a shower, and more sherry, after that spectacular Olympic performance. Your uneven performance on the bar, with the unequaled, unique dismount into the jello wrestling pit, was ...was....I have tears in my eyes...perfection. I noticed you changed your floor exercises routine, but I have to disagree...I might even put in a formal protest to the judges...with the two point deduction for your ten seconds extra on your nap on the floor. Come on, 10 seconds too long on the required two hour floor nap!

How did you get the height in your vault off the bar stool?! Of course, practice, practice, practice. Well, Spira, you certainly earned your gold medal. I wsih we had something more than this brass ashtray hung on a necklace of Slim Jims, but Lounge Noir is proud of our support for your Olympic dreams.

posted on Aug, 18 2012 @ 02:51 PM
reply to post by desert

note to self, the rest of you guys - and especially Jeeves: no more tequila for Spira

I woke up in the brig at Cape Canaveral after apparently insisting they send a love note to Curiosity are the droid I've been looking for...heart Spira

desert - what does that even mean?

anyhow - they let me sleep it off and now I'm back

there's no place like home

but I do so love those postcards from Mars...


(almost laughed myself into a little accident at your last post desert)

posted on Aug, 19 2012 @ 09:13 AM
Spira, I don't quite know how to say, let's sit on the veranda and, gulp...some, tequila...Jeeves, por favor!....

Well, I ....I think you may be suffering from....this is so embarrassing.... technosexuality. Indeed, you are suffering from this, because if you weren't suffering from this, you would not have ended up in jail.

Spira, you must break off this long distance relationship! At once! You are suffering because of this!

Here, I've taken the liberty of finding you a suitable paramour. Someone...thing!...closer to home. Let me introduce you to "Barbot 3000". It will pour a drink for you anytime, and sweep you off your feet, after it's done sweeping your floors. Like Curiosity, Barbot has strong robotic arms. While Curiosity is thousands of miles away probing the Martian landscape, Barbot could be in your home tonight, probing away.

If you insist on this Martian fantasy, well, here, at least let me loan you some of my astronaut diapers. They do help avoid those little accidents. In fact, why don't you go put one on right now.

...olaru, dear, Spira knows my handwriting, so could you be a dear and write this on a napkin? "Spira, my love for you courses through my every wire and fiber optic!. My CPU desires no other! I've loved you from the moment my sensors first sensed you. Make me your android tonight. Your secret admirer, Barbot"... looks good. Now place it under her drink. Thanks!

posted on Aug, 19 2012 @ 12:56 PM

Originally posted by desert

"Spira, my love for you courses through my every wire and fiber optic!. My CPU desires no other! I've loved you from the moment my sensors first sensed you. Make me your android tonight. Your secret admirer, Barbot"...


and hey d. could you perhaps fix me up with a companion as well. My vinyl Chinese love doll has developed a puncture wound and refuses to hold air. Needless to say, I'm heartbroken and the loneliness is almost more than I can bear.

I think I mentioned in another manifestation my fondness for polyethelyne peoplelike things. But I'm ready to take the plunge and try something completely different. I'll leave it up to you...
edit on 19-8-2012 by olaru12 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 19 2012 @ 03:09 PM
Oy vay, that's a tall order, olaru. However, I think I found something you might like. Just go here, and tell them Mrs. Shadkhen sent you, so you can get a discount. You can order the man's good partner; it's a slightly smaller version of the female one shown. Not so stocky, and with daintier legs.

Personally, Bubbala, I think you and Spira might br a little meshugge. However, I remember as a little girl my dear zeyde telling me of his fondness for Henry Ford's machines as he worked on the assembly lines. Now that I think of it, maybe it was with too much fondness??

Sigh...olaru, you have taken the American male's sexual attraction to his gun and car into a new area for the 21st century. Well, maybe business can be good for me. Just remind your friends to tell them "Shadkhen sent me."

posted on Aug, 19 2012 @ 03:10 PM
Lights up a generic cigarette with a blow torch....inhales the stale smoke into my dirty greedy lungs exhales a thin thread of chem trail along with a long lazy sigh...stamps out the long cigarette butt and glances around the room but carefully avoiding any and all accidental eye contact...After all the hills do have eyes that love to steal unguarded souls
Oh man!!! Thats some damn good medical mary-jane....I forgot what I was gonna say...
Pass the cookies please

posted on Aug, 20 2012 @ 08:46 AM
...desert looks in ashtrays for items to sell in her Second Hand Smoke Shop....

Hey! What's this funny looking cigarette butt? Ooh, and cookies!!.....I'm hungry....

Someone new here...those are some...some damn good ....damn good...words!, shells4u. Welcome.
...Now, where was I? .....
... oh, yeah, I was going to take a nap here... Goodnight, shells4u.
edit on 20-8-2012 by desert because:

posted on Oct, 2 2012 @ 08:18 PM
How do buzzards seem to fly so effortlessly up and down the west coast? They use carrion luggage. hahahahaha ...desert falls off barstool ... Jeeves, sherry for all tonight. Yes, olaru's tab.

Folks, we gather here this evening to honor one of our very own. She has contributed countless quality posts and threads to ATS. We all value our time with her, whether it is in the mud wrestling pit here or out among the mud slinging of threads. She's a class act in both arenas.

But tonight we honor her with The Les Horrible Cernettes Award, for Best Placement of a Musical Video in an ATS Thread Not Devoted to Musical Videos. Yes, Spira, your insertion of Tomorrow Belongs to Me from Cabaret was both brilliant and far above the competition, an inspiration for future generations of posters.

Spira, would you care to say a few words? Really, keep it short, the sherry's at the right temp now.

I'll be back soon to tell what I saw the day before the first day of Fall. Now, where's my carrion luggage. ... hahahaha ...desert falls off the barstool

posted on Oct, 3 2012 @ 08:42 AM
reply to post by desert

Les Horrible Cernettes... :-)

how have I not heard about them before now? It was worth turning up at ATS today for this alone, but no - I get an award too?

my cup runneth way past the half full mark - thank you

I'd like to thank the academy (even though they had nothing to do with this), everyone one I've ever met - and of course Lounge Noir for having a quasi-regular movie night

Also - thanks to one high school teacher that taught me to stop inserting crayons up my nose and instead insert more of myself into the battle of life - and that we can sometimes (sometimes) say so much more with art

additionally - I had that damn song stuck in my head for days

kinda catchy :-)

I'll have my sherry now Jeeves - a toast to Fall - the most beautiful time of year...

P.S. thank you desert - and ha ha ha...carrion... :-)
edit on 10/3/2012 by Spiramirabilis because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 3 2012 @ 06:58 PM
as they say down in the barrio...

Gegen dummheit gibt es keine pillen...

especially when it comes from you know who...

Well done N.

I have to watch myself as Ive been notified that my recent transgressions have been noted.
edit on 3-10-2012 by olaru12 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 3 2012 @ 09:14 PM
reply to post by olaru12

Well - there may be no cure for it (had to look it up) :-)

so, let's focus on ways to mitigate the effects of our exposure

levity, music - sherry

I've done enough thinking, worrying and bemoaning for one day - I choose to hang here in little Bohemia and engage in some serious make-believing

so, moving on...seriously - how much have I missed this sound?

the answer is: much

thank you Olaru - next round's on me

let's get desert up off the floor - shall we?


edit on 10/3/2012 by Spiramirabilis because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 6 2012 @ 08:49 AM
oh - so glad Jeeves got this on film - Lounge Noir was really rocking that night...


Desert - Olaru - you two are going to have to share my award with me - it's your posts that make this place what it is

I read them everyday - and when you don't post - I read yesterday's :-)

I would so miss you if you were gone - so keep your noses clean

(that applies to one of you more than the other - desert)


look - more!

OK - a lot more - but seriously - a great concert :-)

edit on 10/6/2012 by Spiramirabilis because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 7 2012 @ 06:03 AM
:walking into the well-hidden cafe where all the cool folks hang out:

Nice place ya got here

posted on Oct, 7 2012 @ 01:04 PM
reply to post by PurpleChiten

hey Chiten :-)

welcome - to the last bastion of warm, friendly and civilized debauchery

not so much hidden as (ahem)...overlooked

it's a good group

come on in - give Jeeves your order

golly but I hope you can sing


posted on Oct, 7 2012 @ 02:31 PM

Originally posted by Spiramirabilis
reply to post by PurpleChiten

hey Chiten :-)

welcome - to the last bastion of warm, friendly and civilized debauchery

not so much hidden as (ahem)...overlooked

it's a good group

come on in - give Jeeves your order

golly but I hope you can sing



My singing ability depends on what I order and how many of them I drink

posted on Oct, 27 2012 @ 09:45 PM
Jeeves, Chiten is on the karaoke list tonight, so keep the drinks flowing.

So, the day before Fall began, I was sitting at a meeting at work, when I happened to glance out the window at the moment a large Magnolia leaf decided to detach itself from the uppermost branch and float at least 40 feet straight down. Usually I see leaves fall from the bottom of the tree, but this was a Felix Baumgartner event,

Hot summer weather seemed as if it would never end, so it was good to have this reminder that Fall was on the way with cooler temperatures. On the other hand, I was also reminded that Death is a part of Life. At some point, I, too, would detach and fall.

And then I remembered Leo Buscaglia's book about a leaf. Let's see, I'll look it up on the official Lounge Noir built-into-the-bar tablet...the BarTab. Ok, the book is The Fall of Freddie the Leaf.

Well, here is another story, glad to say it is true. A co-worker was talking to me about another co-worker who recently died. She shared with me about a strange dream she had, unlike any other she had ever dreamed. We discussed what could it mean, and she then decided to look for a clue at the personal website of the deceased person. She had never seen the website before, but there among the images was the exact image in her dream.

It turned out that the esoteric image held a special meaning for my co-worker, as if the deceased co-worker was passing along a significant, relevant message via the dream.

Well, I'm ready to check out the music here tonight. You ready, Chiten?

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