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A personal thank you to SkepticOverlord

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posted on May, 12 2006 @ 03:39 PM
Thanks to SO for all you do for this site and the people who come here everyday.

I havent posted much in my time on ATS but I do come here everyday and read the threads. I have mucho respect for the opinions of (most people) the Mods etc.. etc.. I love ATS and without you SO I would not have found a home on the internet.

posted on May, 12 2006 @ 03:41 PM
Have a pint on me for a job well done. Thanks for making this site the biz.

P.S. My wife hates you (unless desperate housewifes is on the telly).

posted on May, 12 2006 @ 03:50 PM
Many thanks and well done SO!

posted on May, 12 2006 @ 04:19 PM
Adding my voice here... Thank you, SO, for all you did and continue of doing. I also want to thank the other two amigos in ATS, Simon and Springer for the grat job done with this site. Guys you have made a nice place where the free and alternative thinking makes everybody feel audible.
Thanks again from my hart guys. YOU ROCK

posted on May, 12 2006 @ 08:44 PM
If i could, skeptic would get my way above top secret for all time award.

the sheer amount of work and threads he does is amazing, and i really think that without his input the site would be a lesser event than it is.

Toatl way to go dude, you deserve this thread to the max. Keep on rolling dude!

posted on May, 12 2006 @ 08:49 PM
Late to the party but no less grateful and in awe of his level of dedication.


edit: my keyboard has a mind of it's own.

[edit on 5/12/2006 by Gools]

posted on May, 12 2006 @ 09:03 PM
I too have to say your skill in both leading and building this community has been nothing less then awesome. For that my friend you get an applause.

May the future be as bright as the journey has been so far.

You rock.


posted on May, 12 2006 @ 09:27 PM
Dear SO,

Warmest regards,


posted on May, 12 2006 @ 09:37 PM
Ichiban, SkepticOverlord! All I do is log on, read, and type. So I am truly in awe of your efforts with this ichiban site. Thanks for all you do.

posted on May, 12 2006 @ 10:15 PM
I remember ATS in its earliest days and I have seen it grow and expand to beyond any of our wildest dreams. SO has given so much to this place over the years and we all own him a big thank you!

posted on May, 12 2006 @ 10:42 PM
Well look what we have here, a regular gush-fest!

Thanks everyone. Your heartfelt sentiments, daily visits, regular postings, chats, and especially your U2U's to each other have provided me with an awesome treasure-trove to send to the NSA each week. For that I thank you...

(he he he... I know this will be used against us on some anti-ATS post in the future)

Really, thanks one and all. Each time I get frustrated with the code updates or hosting troubles (coming in a podcast), I just read the forums and realize a lot of people are getting a lot out of all this.

And please... Simon... you can't build something from nothing, and seed that was sown by you caught the right amount of manure (!) in just the right soil to provide the basis for what ATS is now and will be in the future.

Bust most important, more so than me, Simon, Springer (especially Springer
), and anyone else is the unique dynamic of our membership. The best technology money can buy could never replace the members who are really the ones that make ATS what is. I just make sure it stays up and running... but you make it special.

And yeah, even Springer is working hard (as much as it pains me to say so). We were very close to a major conspiracy topic coup just days ago thanks to his efforts at bringing an expert on a perviously uncovered conspiracy to ATS. Some of the coordination fell through, but we still have a shot at something really unique for our members.

And keep on the lookout for something new from the Amigos... shhhh... top secret.

Now get back to work and make some decent posts (well okay, you can post some more here).

posted on May, 12 2006 @ 11:34 PM
What can I say? He's become one of my best FRIENDS... He's usually the first phone call I make in the morning after reviewing the site's activity overnight.

He IS A GENIUS make NO MISTAKE about that ever...

Without S.O. this site would be a backwater, droll, drab "typical board" nobody really cared about. That's what drew me in, how much people CARE about this site. You know why? The Community Director that's why...

Oh, what we have in store for this site. It IS going to be an incredible ride and I want to be on the record as stating that "it's because of SkepticOverlord".

The reason we are able to do cool things with this site is because of YOU the Member who contributes intelligent, considered posts to this beloved corner of the web. Without Members this site is exactly ZERO, Nada, NOTHING.


[edit on 5-13-2006 by Springer]

posted on May, 13 2006 @ 03:48 AM
What's really cool is to hear Simon mention how people have really taken this site to heart. It's because of the staff that this has happened. Even tho' I'm a newcomer to ATS relatively, I know a good crew when I see them. The staff of ATS are what make it great.

Anytime you are on the bleeding edge of technology, assailed by the forces of webdom, things want to break. There has to be one person, whose shoulders are big enough to handle any problem. He has to be accountable.

And what does SO do exactly? He's only responsible for the single most honest, forthright and open forum on the planet. Take a look at the moderator crew and read their posts. These people give their time to ATS because of Skeptic and the fact that they know he'll ensure that ATS remains a growing and functioning concern. They know their work is not in vain and that someone's up all night with the servers. You can tell much about a person by the troops that choose to serve under that person.

[edit on 13-5-2006 by smallpeeps]

posted on May, 13 2006 @ 04:14 AM
Dedicate some of your life to others. Your dedication will not be a sacrifice. It will be an exhilarating experience because it is an intense effort applied toward a meaningful end.
Dr. Thomas Dooley

Thank you. You make a difference

[edit on 13/5/2006 by Lady of the Lake]

posted on May, 13 2006 @ 05:30 AM
Gee thanks man, I guess I had taken you totally for granted here on ATS. I didn't realize you do so much. Hats off to you. I do seem to have to take a peek at ATS if I get near a computer anywhere with web access.

posted on May, 13 2006 @ 11:01 AM
Thank you Mr. Overlord.
May you never fall sick or have a vacation.

posted on May, 14 2006 @ 04:11 AM
Before I start thanking SO I have to start apologizing to him for ever having doubts in his integrity (I.E. posting some semi-accusational posts in the CoIntel-pro threads for example), this site is entertaining and fun to use, has a treasure trove in information and a great collection of wonderful minds of which some i'm proud to call friend.

SO, without your continued effort in improving this site (and putting up with our complaining and some Cointel-pro accusations) ATS would not be what it is today.

Sometimes I wish ATS wasn't the site it is today since it's TOO DAMN ADDICTING
I barely get to do other things since ATS draws me in

I.E. work on my game mods

posted on Mar, 25 2007 @ 07:06 PM
I only joined recently but i have to say i love this site.

big thankyou to all the people who keep it running and looking so great.

May ATS be here for years to come

posted on Mar, 25 2007 @ 07:26 PM
I would like to put my own 2-pence worth in and say thank you to all who contribute as well. And a special thanks to skepticoverlord, bro I can't count how many times I have read and re-read some of your posts!!!!!

posted on Mar, 25 2007 @ 07:49 PM
Hold on a second he's not that great!!

Only kidding, take a bow Skeptic !
I tip my hat in appreciation, you are the engine that drives
this amazing site which continues to go from strength to strength.

Looking forward to this new conspiracy that you spoke of above,
any clues??

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