posted on May, 12 2006 @ 10:42 PM
Well look what we have here, a regular gush-fest!
Thanks everyone. Your heartfelt sentiments, daily visits, regular postings, chats, and especially your U2U's to each other have provided me with an
awesome treasure-trove to send to the NSA each week. For that I thank you...
(he he he... I know this will be used against us on some anti-ATS post in the future)
Really, thanks one and all. Each time I get frustrated with the code updates or hosting troubles (coming in a podcast), I just read the forums and
realize a lot of people are getting a lot out of all this.
And please... Simon... you can't build something from nothing, and seed that was sown by you caught the right amount of manure (!) in just the right
soil to provide the basis for what ATS is now and will be in the future.
Bust most important, more so than me, Simon, Springer (especially Springer
), and anyone else is the unique dynamic of our membership. The best
technology money can buy could never replace the members who
are really the ones that make ATS what is. I just make sure it stays up and
running... but you make it special.
And yeah, even Springer is working hard (as much as it pains me to say so). We were very close to a major conspiracy topic coup just days ago thanks
to his efforts at bringing an expert on a perviously uncovered conspiracy to ATS. Some of the coordination fell through, but we still have a shot at
something really unique for our members.
And keep on the lookout for something new from the Amigos... shhhh... top secret.
Now get back to work and make some decent posts
(well okay, you can post some more here).