posted on May, 12 2006 @ 11:23 AM
I am amazed with this site.
It's simply outstanding.
Nearly flawless, and ahead of every other site on the web, everything about its functions, navigation, organization, looks, and feel is superior
...far superior to anything I have ever seen. (not to mention the content)
Unfortunately, I don't think I ever in my head acknowledged that our Lord Skeptic does so much. I love listening to his podcasts, and appropriately
fear him as an authority figure-LOL-and knew he was the "tech guy"....I just didn't realize how much gratitude and more respect he is truly due
from us all.
I guess-I took him, all his dedication, intelligence, expertise and hard work for this site for granted I suppose. For that I am sorry!
I knew he was "the guy" the "tech guy" who kept things of a technical nature under control, but until now I really didn't realize the backbone he
truly is.
SkepticOverlord-thank you for all you do. Sincerely. So many people would be lost without you, your work, and the amazing site you have made this,
and vigilantly maintain it to be.