Hi admriker444:
If the story about the Rockefellers and Rothschilds having representatives at that ET open house is true,
it makes perfect sense, because they once had great say in how our world operated. I wonder how much influence they have today, but they were
kingpins back then (the people in those circles are always vying for power, and each participant’s power can wax and wane, depending on how the
maneuvering goes), and have always suspected that the Rockefellers and/or Rothschilds were involved with that billion-dollar offer that we received
to stop pursuing free energy. I have put Hinky on ignore (I like that feature at ATS!). He is acting like a classic troll:
I doubt that people like Hinky are worth your time, but I imagine you know that, and will not respond to his tripe for long. They certainly are not
worth mine. I have yet to see one of them wake up. There are far more important uses of my time than to try to be the first person to ever wake up
somebody like Hinky, even assuming that he is not a troll. Maybe Jesus or another master could, but not this kid. I seek the awakened and the
awakening, not the fast asleep or their shepherds.
But I’ll say this…
Ten years ago, I would have tried getting Hinky to see the light, but as my editor told me long ago, people like him are “geniuses” at wasting my
time. I’ll note a few of the irrationalities in his post, however.
Since 1996, when I created my first web site, NONE of my assailants has EVER done their homework or provided anything remotely like an honest,
informed and intelligent critique. I keep warning would-be critics that they must do their homework (and take a logic class) before “critiquing,”
if they want to aspire to credibility:
but they never do, which says far more about them than it does my work. As I have written several times at ATS, when ATS members began discussing MY
WORK, I eventually joined the conversation:
and I then discovered that they had been discussing my work in RATS since 2004:
Those threads were begun to discuss MY WORK. I began this thread to discuss MY WORK. Linking to MY WORK, instead of posting huge text blocks, is
something that many ATS members appreciate, and it makes my posts relatively succinct. By some strange “logic,” that practice becomes “self
promotion” to Hinky. Comparing my work to a comic book probably betrays the intellectual climate that Hinky is most familiar with. The capper to
his post, which made me realize that Hinky was either a teenage boy posing as an adult, or is really as lost as he seems, or is a troll performing his
chumming duties, was his finale, where he recites the Sesame Street version of capitalism, whereby the capitalists open their arms to the better
mousetraps. This is ATS, not the Fox News forum.
Maybe Hinky was involved with a carburetor, but it was not a very efficient one. I happen to know from the inside, from numerous people, how Detroit
really operates, especially on the carburetor issue:
Which makes Dennis’ latest effort something worth watching:
Heck, my introduction to all this stuff was when my first professional mentor invented the world’s best engine for powering an automobile:
which makes Hinky’s “warm and fuzzy” observation even wackier.
Maybe Hinky is really as naïve as he appears, and that would be normal, particularly for people with technical backgrounds:
That is all I have to say about Hinky. I would like to present a little more information on trolls and my experiences with my chief troll, Mr.
Skeptic. It could be educational. I began engaging him in 1996, right after I published my first web site.
I gave him the benefit of the doubt for several months, but it became increasingly clear that his “skepticism” was a sham and that he had no
interest in pursuing the truth. My suspicion became a certainty when he had an article published in the Skeptical Inquirer:
He removed his mask at the end of that article, for all those with eyes to see. Once he demonstrated his libelous dishonestly, I was finished dealing
with him. To knowingly repeat lies, in order to use them to attack somebody, is the sleaziest thing that any writer can do. The blatant dishonesty
of his attack is obvious to anybody with an I.Q. greater than 70:
He KNOWS that I know he is a lying sack, but he has kept on attacking me over the years, wherever he can muddy a conversation:
I imagine that he has not attacked me in ATS because many ATS members are hip to disinformation specialists, and I would use his posts as a textbook
example of a disinformation specialist at work.
It has been depressing to watch people make excuses for Mr. Skeptic’s criminal behavior, as he has inveigled himself into alternative energy circles
as a “skeptic.” People like him take advantage of a virtuous person’s desire to be open-minded and charitable. I have tried warning my fellow
travelers about him. The hip ones realize who he is, but others will have to get his dagger in their ribs before they wake up. Learning those
lessons the hard way is not recommended. The Internet is full of dishonest trolls like Mr. Skeptic, and if people allow themselves to be drawn into
their nets, they will find themselves frustrated, angry, drained and neutralized (which is a troll’s goal). I am trying to initiate a quality
discussion about issues that are central to every person alive today.
The fools and trolls are not my target audience, and when the next one makes a post to threads that discuss my work, I will refer to this post, in
order to save time in the future. Enough said.