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A discussion of my work

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posted on Jun, 19 2007 @ 04:27 PM

Originally posted by wadefrazier3
Sorry, masterp, but I am going to make an example of you, as a recent example of the poor responses that I often receive.

I was a key player in the most significant effort yet made to bring alternative energy to the American marketplace. I write about it here:

and my role in it here:

I was also a founding board member of the New Energy Movement, founded by former astronaut Brian O’Leary:

I was a space brat myself, with my father working in the Mission Control Room during the Space Race:

At our 2004 New Energy Movement conference, Steven Greer spoke, who presented UFO witnesses at 1997 U.S. Congressional hearings, with Apollo 14’s Ed Mitchell at his side. Greer almost died a few months later of a strange form of cancer, and other members of his team did not survive the experience:

The primary upshot of Greer’s Disclosure Project is that the UFO cover-up is primarily maintained anymore to keep the exotic technologies that the ETs have, such as FREE ENERGY and anti-gravity, out of the public’s hands, because the games of global control would quickly come to an end. The CIA’s Victor Marchetti has stated the same thing:

When Greer has briefed the members of the White House, CIA, Pentagon, UN, Vatican and other institutions, he has never received a scoffing reaction,

but masterp goes so far as to accuse me of lying about such technologies.

I have gone and seen those UFOs myself,

and present impressive evidence of what we saw:

My pals have had some of that exotic technology demonstrated to them, both from reverse-engineered captured ET craft:

and technology developed by good old Yankee ingenuity:

Whatever people think of Dennis Lee, he is widely acknowledged as the most controversial figure in the alternative energy milieu:

I was his partner, and this is the ATS forum, where people supposedly might have a clue about how covert action works – not the U.S. government’s necessarily, but the privatized side, the kind that has paid out $100 billion in quiet money to prevent the earth-changing technologies from coming to market:

We were offered a billion ourselves:

I declined an alternative energy invitation from the White House last year, as having tea with Bush and Cheney is not high on my list of things to do (and their sincerity is in doubt, let us say : - ) ). We have been to the White House before:

I am writing from EXPERIENCE, and I present the evidence in great detail. For masterp to accuse me of lying to the ATS members because free energy is “impossible” is either dishonest, unintelligent, or naïve. I do not mind being challenged on my facts, but the challengers had better do their homework before joining the fray. Credibility runs both ways. If the challenges do not evidence honesty, intelligence, and that the challengers did their homework, I am not going to waste much time with them.

ATS is supposedly a forum where people have some understanding of how the “black” world works, and some do. However, with depressing regularity, ATS members make inane comments like masterp’s. Here are some recent examples:

(and see StellarX expose the poster’s ignorance below it – people like StellarX are why I keep posting to ATS for now)

This is not the only forum where those kinds of mindless posts are made. Another forum recently discussed my work, and I joined to reply, and one poster in particular attacked me over my UFO writings, acting as if the evidence I presented did not exist. When he could no longer ignore the evidence, he authored a nursery rhyme (literally) to dismiss it, as he regressed to an infantile level.

Many of the educated and scientifically trained are deluded about how science and technology typically “advance.”

Earth and humanity are in peril, and many ATS members could be in position to do something about it, but first a worthy conversation needs to develop about the important issues, and masterp’s response is NOT an example of it. The ATS members can do better than that.

I am still trying to initiate an intelligent and lively discussion of these vitally important issues, and here is my latest attempt:'

If anybody has any idea of where I might find people that have sufficient honesty, intelligence and the willingness to become informed before launching their opinions, I am willing to listen.



[edit on 18-6-2007 by wadefrazier3]

[edit on 18-6-2007 by wadefrazier3]

[edit on 18-6-2007 by wadefrazier3]

[edit on 18-6-2007 by wadefrazier3]

[edit on 18-6-2007 by wadefrazier3]

Dear wadefrazier3,

Your web sites do not prove anything at all. You can not just prove anything by posting material on a web page. It has been proven time and again that it is very easy to put a hoax on the internet. There are literally thousands of hoaxes out there.

Is it a coincidence that no free energy machine has ever been demonstrated to the public? it is not. There are always some accidents that "purely accidentally" destroy working prototypes, and all we have left are thousand pages of 'scientific' documents with instructions on how to build those machines.

Do you want to make an example out of me? I promise you to walk wearing donkey's ears on public television if you demonstrate a live working free energy machine and let it be examined by scientists...

By the way, time is running out for Steorn as well. I wonder how are they going to present the fact that they pulled an elaborate hoax.

posted on Jun, 19 2007 @ 04:59 PM

In the everyday world, energy is always unalterably fixed; the law of energy conservation is a cornerstone of classical physics. But in the quantum microworld, energy can appear and disappear out of nowhere in a spontaneous and unpredictable fashion. (Davies, 1983, 162)

Hopefully this will convince you that further research is required on your part. Or you can continue to believe in the old paradigm. If so, can you tell me where the energy in the universe comes from? Because I have always been puzzled by that. What is the source of all energy in the universe? And why can't we tap into that source?

posted on Jun, 19 2007 @ 11:38 PM
masterp, you are only digging yourself a deeper hole. You assume that the only reason why nobody has delivered a free energy device to your door is because they do not exist. I have encountered many naïve scientists who say the exact same thing, as they go about their circular arguments from the safety of their armchairs.

That is typical “skepticism:”

Your conclusion is a very selective reading of the evidence, and demonstrates that you cannot imagine that the people running the world know exactly what they are doing. If you want to call Steven Greer (and his 500 UFO witnesses, including astronauts), Brian O’Leary, Jeane Manning, Tom Valone and others in my circles hoaxers, that is your right, but I am interested in facts, not the kinds of baseless suppositions that you make. None of those people will deny the suppression of alternative energy, up to and including free energy. Greer co-chaired Congressional hearings on the UFO issue with Ed Mitchell by his side. How about you? I lived through the suppression, and my story is extremely well documented and well known. This is the ATS forum, where its members supposedly have a clue about how the “above top secret” world really works.

There is plenty of chaff among the wheat of the free energy milieu (and Steorn may well be part of that chaff – if they are not naïve, there is one hell of a lot going on behind the scenes that we are not privy to, and maybe they ARE pulling a scam, and it would not be the first time that has happened), but that is like saying that Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone because of all the craziness around JFK.

Or that the official version of 9/11 must be true because of all the strange alternative theories around it:

The truth is there, if you care to pursue it, but nobody is going to deliver it to your door, and I certainly cannot prove anything to you, nor can any website. In order to encounter reality, you have to leave your armchair. I went out and watched UFOs appear on request:

and there is impressive evidence of what we saw:

and I have recently seen the evidence belittled by people who refuse to go see for themselves, as they proceeded to attack me. How stupid is that? I have seen that so many times over the years that I eventually realized that something else was happening (the human ego trying to defend its delusions):

Nobody is going to give you a free energy machine to study. The Big Boys take them out of circulation as soon as they are viable.

Sparky Sweet naively sent some of his prototypes to the big energy institutions, and his life was made a living hell soon afterward:

We got our clocks cleaned long before we had a free energy device to deliver to the world:

How hard is it to realize that capitalism in its many flavors is a racket? The world runs on energy, and it is the height of naiveté to think that the Big Boys are just going to stand aside and let somebody come along and upset their racket.

Do you realize how silly it is for you, an anonymous nobody in cyberspace, to call me a liar based on no evidence at all? If I have no credibility with you, imagine how much you have with me.

masterp, you and I are finished, and you are free to have the last word.

Good luck,


posted on Jun, 21 2007 @ 10:22 AM
Hi Astyanax:

You bring up very good points. Yes, the audience that I am aiming for is not large, but is high quality. I am looking for needles in haystacks. Dennis Lee, Brian O’Leary, Steven Greer – they are going for that mass audience and I wish them well. I consider them allies, but I have seen the mass audience up close (Dennis still barnstorms across America), and I realized long ago that when Dennis puts on his shows, he attracts people WHO COME FOR THE SHOW. I have watched the very same people who gave him a standing ovation one day cheer as his company was stolen the next, because that was a good show too. Those people are more harm than help to the effort. Trying to herd the masses toward free energy is futile, as far as I have seen, particularly in these times of fear. What IS needed are people who are willing to become aware, informed and active. I have rarely encountered such souls, but they may be the key to making it happen. That is the windmill that this Don Quixote is tilting at. : - )

I have the benefit of experience, which I am trying to impart. Gaining my perspective was an agonizing path, and I pretty much burned up my life to attain it. If everybody learned it how I did, the few survivors would mostly sit around licking each other’s wounds. I am hoping that people to do not have to go through the meat grinder that I did in order to figure it out. My experience is that unless people have had their own experiences that caused them to leave the herd consciousness, work like mine will not mean anything – they just project their delusions at me if they have any interest at all.

I have purposely tried to make my work unattractive to the naïve:

and the idly curious:

partly because my work can be dangerous for them, but also because they are time wasters.

But for those who have been awakened, my work may make some sense. For instance, I am trying to reach the rad left right now:

but my hip friends believe that is a futile attempt, as they believe that the rad lefties are too engaged with their current battles to regroup, reflect, challenge what they think they know and gain new understandings that can send them in the direction of truly being productive. I keep trying, however.

The free energy issue IS a conundrum, as I write about:

In the end, I believe that unless enough people care enough, free energy and planetary healing is not going to happen. The Big Boys are vigilant, and they are merely the masters of the game that most play at some level. The jungle is not simply dominated by “Godzilla,” but T-Rexes and velociraptors also abound.

However, Greer says that the Big Boys are divided,

and I have encountered evidence of it myself. That underground show that a pal received:

was almost certainly given by that faction of the global group that wants free energy to happen, but they are not about to defy the dark half, not just yet. We can sit back and hope that the tide turns, but the hardest thing to do, as far as I have seen, is to break away from the herd, which is partly about giving up our mind-crutches:

I thank you again for your inquiry. You have broached important issues, and I am happy to address them. This is much more fun and productive than responding to attacks from the peanut gallery.



posted on Jun, 21 2007 @ 01:26 PM
Do you know about this guy?

I praise the Culture novels of Iain M. Banks so much on ATS people probably think I'm his agent but all I am is a fan. Do you know his work? The society he describes in these novels, the Culture, probably bears a lot of resemblance to the kind of thing you're working towards. If you don't know his work already, maybe you should check it out.

I think some of his readers (and he has many) may be the kind of people you want to reach.

You can reach Banks himself here. As you'll see, he's very much part of the world-as-it-is. Still, it may be worth a try.

posted on Jun, 22 2007 @ 09:54 AM
Hi Astyanax:

No, I did not know about Ian Banks, but I do now. Very interesting. I may well contact him. I would add that there IS central planning on earth, but it is clandestine, as I discovered the hard way (to give us the illusion of freedom, when we are really carefully controlled – there is no more effective prison than that). The “free market” is allowed to function within relatively wide parameters here, and as long as it functions within the scarcity paradigm. The controllers can then keep pulling the strings, because people living in abundance are difficult to manipulate by pulling on the economic levers.

Yes, I hear you in that Banks is a rationalist-materialist, and that is going to limit where he can go. Interesting how Banks kind of threw in at the end, “and the energy to run this entire show comes from some unfathomable ‘energy grid’ that resides between universes.” He is oh-so-close to describing it.

The way I see it, the evolution of consciousness is the REASON for physical reality, not just some curious byproduct of it, and science CAN know it, once it takes off its materialistic blinders and discards its rationalism (not to discard rational inquiry, of course, but to leaven it with intuition and discourse with our souls – rational ability is only one important facet of consciousness and “intelligence”).

Seth said that all materialistic exploration of the physical universe is only skimming the surface of our reality. The psychological reality is where the meat is.

The Michael material

and Ra material

are two of the best introductions to those themes, but until people have had their own mystical awakenings:

such material merely seems like another “philosophy” rather than a description of Creation, or at least the level which mid-casual entities such as Seth, Michael and Ra are privy to.

Michael Topper had some very interesting things to say about the Ra material (and Seth). Most of his work has disappeared from the Internet, but some nuggets have survived:

That being said, there are striking resemblances between Bank’s “Culture” And what I envision is possible on earth, now.

The future earth that Michael Roads visited is the star that I steer by, as far as what kind of world I would like to see my world evolve toward:

I read more fantasy than scf-fi, but I am putting Banks' work on my list of stuff to read.

Thanks for introducing me to it.



[edit on 22-6-2007 by wadefrazier3]

[edit on 22-6-2007 by wadefrazier3]

posted on Jun, 22 2007 @ 12:12 PM
Stuff to check out

Originally posted by wadefrazier3
The way I see it, the evolution of consciousness is the REASON for physical reality, not just some curious byproduct of it.

You may find this interesting. Heavy going though.

I read more fantasy than scf-fi, but I am putting Banks' work on my list of stuff to read.

I recommend beginning with this book.

posted on Jun, 23 2007 @ 11:33 AM
Hi Astyanax:

Thanks for the reading tips. I am getting the first two books of Banks’ culture series. I have read many sci-fi and fantasy series, and I always begin at the beginning. After those two books have been digested, we’ll see if I continue, but I suspect that I will.

On decoherence, I am familiar with the concepts, and yes, that kind of presentation is heavy sledding. Before 9/11, I had hoped to resume my science studies as a hobby so I could research the dating issue. When I looked into the catastrophic milieu about ten years ago,

the dating issue was particularly intriguing to me, especially since paleontology was my first love:

When I resumed my science studies, I was planning to get more into the meat of stuff like decoherence. Relearning calculus will be like relearning French after I have not spoken it for thirty years, but I look forward to the experience. But 9/11 kicked off events that make time very short for helping avert the course of catastrophe that humanity is on, with George “ride the ‘nookyular’ missile” Bush leading the way. I have put my academic plans on hold for now. Many “extracurricular” activities I had to put aside several years ago, because I do not have the time to pursue them anymore. I had to resume my career, for economic reasons.

These days, I am reduced to reading Einstein explain his theories to a layman, or listening to Tom Bearden describe how solid state FE devices work (by creating a negative time wave!), or reading writings by Kuhn, Hawking, Boehm, Peat, and Schwartz that laymen like me can understand. Although I can probably hold my own on the physics behind what we were pursuing back in the 1980s, I have directed people who want to get into the nuts and bolts of FE and alternative physics to the experts:

Brian O’Leary once told me that when he got into the nitty-gritty of the physics theories behind the various FE devices, most audiences would lose interest.

I specialized in the political-economic aspects of FE long ago. My science background has allowed me to play visionary in practical ways:

while not making the readers fall asleep (I hope! : - ) ).

I come more from an activist perspective, and I know those FE devices exist, because people very close to me, and very qualified, have seen them up close and personal:

Thanks again for the tips,


posted on Jun, 25 2007 @ 12:28 AM

Originally posted by wadefrazier3
I am getting the first two books of Banks’ culture series.

Well that's all right then. The Player of Games is the second.

posted on Jun, 25 2007 @ 12:34 AM
Yes, I wanted to include the one you recommended, but not jump in after the beginning. I try to be a "purist" when reading fiction series. Otherwise, too much can be missed.

posted on Jul, 6 2007 @ 02:54 PM
I have been visting this site for a long time, i just never post anything, so i never signed up until a bit ago. But i felt compelled to tell you that you aren't alone wade there are others out there who feel as you do about things. I just wanted to tell you thanks for the information and all the hard work you have put into it. Don't mind the mindless hitmen that roam these boards from time to time. Best thing is the ignore feature
. I have yet to read the whole site but i am very familiar with alot of the subjects you talk about on it. Anyways keep up the good work and good luck to you brother.


posted on Jul, 6 2007 @ 08:16 PM
Hi Tre232:

Thanks for the kind words. They help keep me coming to ATS for more. I use the ignore feature (it is a great feature for a site like this – I wish more forums had it), but probably not as much as I should. : - )

I try to give everybody a chance, but I have to admit that in my old age, I am not suffering the fools for very long (or those teenage boys posing as adults).

I do not know where it will happen. I have some hope for ATS being the place where an honest, informed and intelligent conversation about energy, reality and healing the planet can begin, but it is a guarded hope.

It really does not take very many people to make a difference, but they have to make the effort, and in the West, most of the effort initially needs to be around shedding our indoctrination.

But so very few are willing to undertake that task.

Be well,


posted on Jul, 6 2007 @ 09:54 PM
good luck wade

i think that if people belonged and showed support for groups which are influencial like the Larouche youth movement alot more could be accomplished (myself being as guilty as anyone else for not)

instead the old timers seem to just write there congressman like that does anything in this day and age

there are some things in this world we live in that are protected and only on a need to know basis, for the disclosure of such things would cause too much potential for disorder in society and especially for the elite and the power and money pinnacle they function from. and the 3 letter agency's have the authority to act in any way they please to surpress these ideas, or coverups in the name of national security

keep up the great work

posted on Jul, 7 2007 @ 11:26 AM
Hi cdpaman:

I understand your views. In fact, a minute ago I made a post to a free energy thread that I began that I think is related to your observations:

Thanks for being out there,


posted on Jul, 8 2007 @ 09:02 AM
I have begun a free energy thread on ATS that is seeing some good responses.'

We'll see how it goes.

posted on Jul, 19 2007 @ 01:33 AM
Man, I have never seen anyone put so much effort in this type of research and extend their views so far. I truly appreciate everything you did and I am slowly and thoroughly going over your essays every day. I have been building this point of view for a while and I finally found a great place to educate myself even better!

Your work should be mandatory class in every school, every institution and to every person on this planet. I always wanted to create a newspaper type with this kind of subject and I hope I will succeed one day. Keep expanding your work because once Im done with reading everything for the 5th time, I will demand more!!!

Just a small correction: you wrote Tesla was Hungarian but this greatest scientist of all time was Serbian with Croatian nationality.

Thank you so much for everything!!
Keep enlightening this world...
You have all my support
+I know you history data goes waaaaaaay more back but you want to keep it more 'profesional' for audit

posted on Jul, 19 2007 @ 08:41 AM
Hi zhuzha:

I am glad you are getting something out of my work. On your Tesla comment, I wondered how I could have made such a blunder on my site, and after searching my site, I realized that you were remarking on one of my ATS posts (I do not give Tesla all that much ink on my site, but some – he is a towering figure in the free energy field, obviously). My main writing about him on my site is here:

I have made too many posts at ATS to know exactly where that post may be, but if I recall the post accurately, I remarked that Tesla worked for the Austro-Hungarian Empire before coming to America. Croatia was part of that empire when Tesla was growing up, and he scrounged work around Europe before coming to America. He went to school near Vienna and in Prague, and his first job after college was working for the Hungarian government. Sorry if I garbled that in my post somehow. Unfortunately for me, I have studied Yugoslavia at length:

and know Tesla’s background. I have a few books on him here at home. I believe that Marc Seifer’s biography of him is considered the most scholarly one yet written.

Thanks again for the kind words,


posted on Jul, 19 2007 @ 12:27 PM
Looked your site over. Old news, even when it was "new".

You have a good style of self promotion in your writing of posts by mentioning your site several to many times.

Your main page gives that feeling of warm, fuzzy as you reminiscence about your life history and memories of others. It doesn't matter who you are or who your mentor was, it's just warm and fuzzy.

I can appreciate a person who wants someone to "review" their work and hopefully that person would like positive feedback in any form. This being said, you are just 1 person in a long line of people who have made claims or even know someone who knows something.

The big difference in your site and popular comic book ads of the 50's and 60's, is that you can get the information now. You do not have to mail in a letter and wait several days to weeks for the answer. This doesn't mean that you will discover anything that no one else knows, it does mean that there is information available with something that has been tried but not proven or true.

I actually have a personal knowledge of a carburetor improvement made back in 1964 that was patented by my cousin, bought by GM, and introduced on their cars. My cousin did this and has not had to work even since. It cost over $2000, even back then, but has paid him millions in return.

If anyone had something, legitimate, to sell for "free energy"; there would be companies and people lining up. Forget the giant cover up or hidden patents theories. There is too much money to be made not to market any product.

And the music keeps going on....

posted on Jul, 19 2007 @ 07:02 PM
This part from your website really makes my blood boil...

Taken from

"Edwards Air Force Base in California is prominent in UFO lore. A famous meeting supposedly happened there in 1954. Several alien craft landed at Edwards Air Force Base, and had an “open house,” allowing scientists to crawl over them. President Eisenhower was there, as allegedly were representatives of the Rockefellers and Rothschilds."

What right do the Rockefellers and Rothschilds have to be allowed representatives at such a historic moment ?

And later we learn that Eisenhower loses control over the UFO issue. Seems like a good guess that the above same families are behind that.

Something really needs to be done about those arrogant SOB's

posted on Jul, 19 2007 @ 07:11 PM

Originally posted by hinky
Looked your site over. Old news, even when it was "new".

You have a good style of self promotion in your writing of posts by mentioning your site several to many times.

Your main page gives that feeling of warm, fuzzy as you reminiscence about your life history and memories of others. It doesn't matter who you are or who your mentor was, it's just warm and fuzzy.

I can appreciate a person who wants someone to "review" their work and hopefully that person would like positive feedback in any form. This being said, you are just 1 person in a long line of people who have made claims or even know someone who knows something.

The big difference in your site and popular comic book ads of the 50's and 60's, is that you can get the information now. You do not have to mail in a letter and wait several days to weeks for the answer. This doesn't mean that you will discover anything that no one else knows, it does mean that there is information available with something that has been tried but not proven or true.

I actually have a personal knowledge of a carburetor improvement made back in 1964 that was patented by my cousin, bought by GM, and introduced on their cars. My cousin did this and has not had to work even since. It cost over $2000, even back then, but has paid him millions in return.

If anyone had something, legitimate, to sell for "free energy"; there would be companies and people lining up. Forget the giant cover up or hidden patents theories. There is too much money to be made not to market any product.

And the music keeps going on....

Not really...

1. free energy cant be taxed
2. no meter to ring up monthly charges for energy
3. no moving parts = device lasts forever.

And looking beyond money, there are far larger issues here with free energy...

Currently Europe and the United States have 600 million people (10% of the world pop) yet they control the planet. Ever wonder why that is ? Short answer, we are industrialized and have abundant energy supplies.

What happens when India (that one country has nearly twice the population of Eur/USA) gets free energy ?

What happens when the so-called 3rd world nations demand a seat at the elitist G8 table ?

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