posted on May, 11 2006 @ 08:36 AM
I also hail from the Elkins WV area. My dad is a retired Navy man, about 20 years ago I drove my mom over to Sugar Grove to get her ID card updated.
It is a tiny base and not much remains in my memory. It is in the same general area as Green Bank, (40 - 50 miles), but they are seperate facilities.
That whole region is a radio quiet zone. When microwave ovens first came out you had to register them with the NRAO (Green Bank). They recently, (4 -
5) years ago finished a big, I mean huge new dish over there. It dwarfed the old dishes. I also toured the facility as a kid but that doesnt mean that
clandestine ops dont eminate from that area. Sugar Grove is a Navy base and if I remember correctly the sign in front of the base designates it as a
"listening post".