posted on May, 22 2006 @ 10:01 PM
Whether this kid was driving erratically or not, since when do the natives decide what the law and the punishment should be. Yeah, citizens arrest
and all, but if this story is true, which the 911 call seems to prove at least the kid tried to contact the police, this will not go over well.
The only time you ever here about the first nations is when they are bitching and protesting about land that they originally stole from some other
native tribe way back in the day(The Huron).
I like how they are demanding that Ontario Hydro send them supplies, what, did they forget that they are their own nation and that they stated not to
long ago that our laws don't apply to them.
Maybe they should get over it, get a job, and learn to live in the real world like the rest of us. If you want to own a piece of land anywhere in the
world today, you have to buy it, simple as that.
I think the taxpayers of this country have more than made up for their professed loss, over the years, you can only beat a dead horse for so long, but
i guess if your a native you can use your carte blanche and beat it forever.