Theres nothing you can do MY ASS!!! :crankey:
Now, according to THIS thread:
No anti illuminati exist at the moment. That is there are no golden submarines like told about in Illuminatus Trilogy by RA Wilson.
Its just us. So lets make this the Official NWO Resistance Thread
How can we fight them? Easy. Right now, i have some inside info, everythings in illuminati order is on hold. Hoever 2012 is very near and the planet
will ascend by then. So we got few years left.
We will see NWO kicking in very soon.
To fight them we have RESOURCES
Only we are not cleared to use them yet.
Then we have planetary transducers. A transducer is something that is given to us to help with the ascension process. There are many kinds of
transducers, and theyre all hidden on the moon. They are controlled telepathicly , that is you can send signals to these machines telepathicly.
I own couple of transducers. Keys to these transducers were given to me by ascended entities semi gods.
One of my transducers is a space ship with 4 rotorless choppers attached to it. The ship itself can travel in space and does not require refueling,
helicopters are capable of travelling in the air at 2000 knots per hour and only require water as fuel
Once again, as i said everythings on hold, im not cleared to use them yet.
As i mentioned NWO will be kicking in shortly, maybe in 6 - 12 months time, im not sure, then we will be able to use the resources mentioned above
Any questions??