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Isn't there anything we can do to stop the Illuminati?

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posted on May, 5 2006 @ 11:18 AM
thank you if i wanted to kno wot u do id ask you so a. get over your self and b. do you like arguments or somthing all i posted was my opinion and u rip it to shreds how cruel r u just chill

posted on May, 5 2006 @ 11:21 AM
He was referring to umwolves123, not you.

posted on May, 5 2006 @ 09:22 PM

Originally posted by ministeroftruelies
thank you if i wanted to kno wot u do id ask you so a. get over your self and b. do you like arguments or somthing all i posted was my opinion and u rip it to shreds how cruel r u just chill

well of coursed i ripped it to shreds. because these trueths you speak of, really dont matter to you or anyone else who they dont belong to. it's not a huge conspiricy at all. Because honestly, none really wants to run the whole world anyways.

posted on May, 6 2006 @ 08:53 AM
dnt be stupid of course they matter and if you dnt seem to belive in conspiercys of this calibre then you really have to ask yourself what your doing on a conspiercy discussion forum but hey maybe your just here to nay say everyone else and bully people round to your way of thinking 1 question do you work for the goverment only you seem very good at oppressing people

posted on May, 6 2006 @ 10:13 AM

Originally posted by declair
There NO such thing as the Illuminati.

i think it was Adam Weistphalt (spelling) who laid out the 'manifesto' & the 'agenda' (which includes 3 major WorldWars) for the growth & amassing of power by the Illuminati...on 1 May 1776.
so, there actually IS a modern 'Society' of the Illuminati.
(just as there is an al-Qiada)

However, there are those that are illuminated that try to make the world a better place to live. Give it up conspiracy theorists!

yessir, it wasn't too many years ago the former CIA head & VP & President George HW Bush,
made that famous "10,000 Points of Light" Speech.
Which he declared was the concept & working-model for the NewWorldOrder/ illuminated humankind,
in principle & practice.


its just that the eliteist Illuminati are also elusive along with being wealthy & powerful and having connections with whomever is political power at the moment.
The PNAC cadre of movers & shakers were only dreamers who kept contact via the think-tank from the 1980s- till the mid 1990s...they are what one would consider NWO/Illuminati, who are convinced their world-view and their vision for humanity is the best & proper for the masses.
Next Year, it may well be the Liberals...again
the next decade it might be the Islamists that are in the seat-of-power
the next generation it might be the Zionists taking over
...that's how the NWO & Illuminati work

when one holds up the rally-flag & says 'unite' 'there's strength in numbers'
and other stuff...thats just another of the 10,000 points-of-light herding the lemmings/sheeple....manipulating the masses is that game

consider this thought,
"New' Man is an Island"...[ rather than 'No Man is an island"]

posted on May, 6 2006 @ 10:29 AM
we can keep talking about it/them,
and raising awareness.

everytime you see someone use a
thumbprint to pay for something ,
at the grocery store,
try talking to them about it.

the enemy is not the only one with
the power of ridicule [ peer pressure ]
at their disposal.

I'm sure there are lots and
lots of other ways
to spread the word;
notes etc

gas stations
grocery stores
ball games
etc etc etc

and don't ever forget


to those who had no idea what
our forefathers meant about
having to remain EVER VIGILANT
to keep our freedom ,
well , I suspect you now know ....

posted on May, 6 2006 @ 10:56 AM
Couldn't we just start our own society or something. Because these days, it seems normal to not trust the goverment and anything. I'm still voting and stuff, just to try and have some local impact on these people. If it helps, it does, if it hurts them it does.

Otherwise, you have to totally change how the social heirarchy is made from education to big businesses, and even change how Real Estate in the US works. Donald Trump would be ticked, because he couldn't own or lincense as much, and then so many other things-you see in war games, like Starcraft and Ages of Empires, and The Sims. So as a group, people would have to research, figure out a realisitic soultion, and then how to apply it. So the only way to change the system is to
1, Become a "Terrorist"/"Freedom Fighter"/"Hippie"/Anarchist(BAD IDEA, AND A LAST RESORT ONLY!), that means get out the guns, and go all 1776, which isn't NEEDED just yet.

2, E-mail your state, local, and federal politicans, and be firm, but polite to them, and ask them to be more Constitution, and to encourage privatisment of most public eduaction, or to use a system like Canada's or Switerzland's.

3, Create an organization, and protest, at realistic places, not at private families ceremonies such as funerals, to encourage ways that help the middle class, and lower class familes, and would eventually encourage ALL ILLEGAL immagrants to learn english(reading, writing, and speaking.) and become US citzens.

That's all I got.

posted on May, 6 2006 @ 02:42 PM
yes i agree its true that a speech was made and did contain possibly one of the BIGGEST hints to the illuminati ever although being polite and firm can only get you to far but i belive we should create our own secret society set up to combat the illuminati and set all truths about whats really going on in our world not your personal planner thank you all who contributed to this thread i would like to ask you all to stand up with me in all the different corners of the world you are in and shout im not going to take it any more and if you cant get the govements intrests then keep going but eventuallly we will have to go to war


posted on May, 12 2006 @ 04:06 PM
noone has answer my question at all yet...WHY would anyone wanna run the world?

who would belive you anyways. "oh hey there baby, wanna come home with me, by the way i run the world." come on's such a stupid 70s james bond consept.

posted on May, 12 2006 @ 04:29 PM

Originally posted by umwolves123
noone has answer my question at all yet...WHY would anyone wanna run the world?

So they can have total control over the population and turn us into slaves and kill those who oppose/question them? Why else?

posted on May, 12 2006 @ 05:13 PM

Originally posted by ProudCanadian
Now you're talking!!!!!
WE DO OUTNUMBER THEM!!! Yes they're in extremely high unaproachable positions but what about a mass revolution against the government since they're working for the illuminati? Since they plan to destroy/enslave us anyway let's just get as many as possible in a mass rebellion well we still can. I'd rather die fighting then just surrender to these douche bags. So grab your pitchforks and torches people.

Good point but who's gonna do the revolution? Aren't you aware that 95 % of the people in this planet don't belive in their existence? Aren't you aware the 95% of the people in this globe are brainwashed and they belive only what they read and hear from CNN, BBC, ABC, Reuters, Associated Press, etc...

This so called revolution shouldn't start with fightings but making them aware about this problem. Using bigboards like ATS or others, books, documentary movies... everything possible. Knowing the truth is half of the battle

[edit on 12-5-2006 by Telos]

posted on May, 12 2006 @ 05:15 PM
sometimes the most ridiculous concepts are true and no body ever said they or anyone else for that matter would ever ever use the fact they rule the world as a chat up line

posted on May, 12 2006 @ 05:20 PM

Originally posted by umwolves123
noone has answer my question at all yet...WHY would anyone wanna run the world?

who would belive you anyways. "oh hey there baby, wanna come home with me, by the way i run the world." come on's such a stupid 70s james bond consept.

Look throughout history. There were always people hungry for power and control...
Who is powerful wants more power, who's rich wants more money...
Part of human natyre I guess. It could be that R (reptilian) complex in or lower lobby of the brain

posted on May, 13 2006 @ 11:24 AM

Originally posted by Telos
...but who's gonna do the revolution? Aren't you aware that 95 % of the people in this planet don't belive in their existence? Aren't you aware the 95% of the people in this globe are brainwashed and they belive only what they read and hear from CNN, BBC, ABC, Reuters, Associated Press, etc...

This so called revolution shouldn't start with fightings but making them aware about this problem. Using bigboards like ATS or others, books, documentary movies... everything possible. Knowing the truth is half of the battle

[edit on 12-5-2006 by Telos]

Excellent response Telos - the revolution will need to start with information not force

I am sure there is a famous quote about the 'battlefield of the mind' and how future wars will be information wars? Aggh... can't... remember... to much flouride in my brain!

posted on May, 13 2006 @ 02:10 PM
excellent both of you now the information wheels are oiled lets turn them and build our cases against them stand up for what you all belive in even if you belive we are all crazy and need locking up stand up and voice what you belive in

posted on May, 13 2006 @ 09:39 PM

Originally posted by St Udio
i think it was Adam Weistphalt (spelling) who laid out the 'manifesto' & the 'agenda' (which includes 3 major WorldWars) for the growth & amassing of power by the Illuminati...on 1 May 1776.
so, there actually IS a modern 'Society' of the Illuminati.
(just as there is an al-Qiada)

Nope my friend. It wasn't Weishaupt who laid out the "manifesto" about 3 world wars. It was Albert Pike who allegedly laid out the whole scheme about 3 world wars and at least two revolution. All this has been unveald by Pike in a letter sent to Giuseppe Mazzini (head of Illuminati, who became the lider in 1830 after the death of Weishaupt)
Here is a little part of the letter he wrote:

“We shall unleash the Nihilists and the atheists, and we shall provoke a formidable social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to the nations the effect of absolute atheism, the origin of savagery, and of the most bloody turmoil. Then everywhere, the citizens, obliged to defend themselves against the world minority of revolutionaries, will exterminate those destroyers of civilization, and the multitude, disillusioned with Christianity, whose deistic spirits will from that moment be without compass, anxious for an ideal, but without knowing where to render its adoration, will receive the pure light through the universal manifestation which will result from the general reactionary movement which will follow the destruction of Christianity and atheism, both conquered and exterminated at the same time.”

Another part of this letter was discovered in 1949, which graphically outlined plans for three world wars and at least two revolutions. The first world war was to enable communistic atheism to destroy the czarist government in Russia. This was accomplished. The second world war was to begin by pitting Great Britain against Germany, in order to destroy Naziism, and advance the cause of Zionism, so that Israel could become a nation. This was accomplished. After this war, Communism was to be made strong enough to begin taking over weaker governments. In 1945, at the Potsdam Conference between Truman, Churchill, and Stalin, Russia was given a chunk of Europe, and that helped to sweep the tide of Communism into China. The plan also called for a third world war, which is to be ignited by firing up the aggression between the Zionists (Israel) and the Arab world, who will destroy each other, bringing the rest of the world into a final conflict. (This one looks so realistic to me in this moment) This conflict will be engineered to produce complete social, political, and economic chaos; out of which will emerge an Illuminati-controlled world government.

[edit on 13-5-2006 by Telos]

posted on May, 14 2006 @ 02:21 PM
ok ok lets assume for sake of argument that all this terrible mind controlling, slave stuff really exists. ok fine. HOW DO YOU GUYS KNOW THIS? were you illuminaty? NWO? your not even masons who apparently want to do this too.

So how do you know all this? is it because some idiot told you it's true?

Some moron showed his video about the president meeting at Bohemian Grove so this NWO must exist?

Because you took out a book in the library called conspiricies for dummies?

none of you has ever provided exact evidence of how you know this is all "truth". lets see some footage of these secret meetings. lets see some documentation Bush sent to anyone else about this. Lets see PROOF of this so called NWO. dont have any? i didnt think so.

posted on May, 14 2006 @ 02:48 PM

Originally posted by umwolves123
ok ok lets assume for sake of argument that all this terrible mind controlling, slave stuff really exists. ok fine. HOW DO YOU GUYS KNOW THIS? were you illuminaty? NWO? your not even masons who apparently want to do this too.

If we were high ranking Illuminati obviously we wouldn't be here discussing how to bring them down

So how do you know all this? is it because some idiot told you it's true?

I don't know anything for definite but I have a strong cynical suspicion of the powers that be. A feeling that the world isn't right. That the media is a tool and fills my head with lies. Things seem to happen by design rather than chance. A belief that power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. No idiot told me anything, but even the craziest fool carries wisdom

Some moron showed his video about the president meeting at Bohemian Grove so this NWO must exist?

You mean Alex Jones' video? Shows interesting behaviour but proves very little and is not a 'smoking gun'

Because you took out a book in the library called conspiricies for dummies?

Lotsa books - I haven't read that one though
I also like to keep my eyes, ears and mind open

none of you has ever provided exact evidence of how you know this is all "truth". lets see some footage of these secret meetings. lets see some documentation Bush sent to anyone else about this. Lets see PROOF of this so called NWO. dont have any? i didnt think so.

And what proof do you want? Signed confessions - 'I am one of the twelve masters who lives underground in Tibet and I control you all' - or 'I am part of a secret Illuminati/Bush/Nazi Cabal and I want to drink your blood' or would you prefer a nice photo of a 4th dimensional reptile caught shape shifting? I would love it but that clearly is not gonna happen. Either you believe in the possibility of a secret elite or you don't.

Seriously though a good book to start is Jim Marrs' "Ruled by Secrecy" - treat yourself to a copy and see what you think

posted on May, 14 2006 @ 03:00 PM

Originally posted by umwolves123
ok ok lets assume for sake of argument that all this terrible mind controlling, slave stuff really exists. ok fine. HOW DO YOU GUYS KNOW THIS? were you illuminaty? NWO? your not even masons who apparently want to do this too.

So how do you know all this? is it because some idiot told you it's true?

Some moron showed his video about the president meeting at Bohemian Grove so this NWO must exist?

Because you took out a book in the library called conspiricies for dummies?

none of you has ever provided exact evidence of how you know this is all "truth". lets see some footage of these secret meetings. lets see some documentation Bush sent to anyone else about this. Lets see PROOF of this so called NWO. dont have any? i didnt think so.

Well if it was for only one or two sources then one could think, Ok this must be BS, but at this point there are alot of sources, alot of people and alot of indication that point out that something very sinister has been taking place for a long time.
I don't agree with your coment about some idiot who told us. It could be less idiot then the one who told you that they don't exist, or as idiot as you who make claims like that calling other people with a different point of view, idiots and dummies

posted on May, 15 2006 @ 07:38 AM

Originally posted by Telos

Nope my friend. It wasn't Weishaupt who laid out the "manifesto" about 3 world wars. It was Albert Pike who allegedly laid out the whole scheme about 3 world wars and at least two revolution. All this has been unveald by Pike in a letter sent to Giuseppe Mazzini (head of Illuminati, who became the lider in 1830 after the death of Weishaupt)
Here is a little part of

Just to point out the obvious, the letter was not written by Pike. Although it is found on many conspiracy websites, it is completely lacking in authenticity. Also, Giuseppe Mazzini, the famous Italian patriot, was of course never a member of the Illuminati. He did, however, become a member of the Carbonari in 1830.

Interestingly, several conspiracy websites post this fictional letter with a disclaimer saying "There is no evidence that this letter was actually written".

[edit on 15-5-2006 by Masonic Light]

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