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Secret Bases On The Moon .

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posted on Apr, 19 2006 @ 09:55 AM
The moon has allways held a significant place for humanity both as a source for romantic inspiration for poets and the like to outstanding curiosity for scientists.
Allthough, it is said to be a shadowy place some say of Aliens others say of Top Secret Moon Bases that are supposed to belong to The Third Reich what do you think ?

It is said that in the early nineties that Nazies landed on the moon using some sort of giant flying saucer type object
something that might look along the lines of this .

picture courtesy of
These Nazi flying Saucers were said to stand about 45 mtrs high, had 10 stories of crew quaters and had a diameter of 60 mtrs.

I found some infomation on this at this site
The infomation is as follows :

The Germans landed on the Moon as early as probably 1942, utilizing their larger exoatmospheric rocket saucers of the Miethe and Schriever type. The Miethe rocket craft was built in diameters if 15 and 50 meters, and the Schriever Walter turbine powered craft was designed as an interplanetary exploration vehicle. It had a diameter of 60 meters, had 10 stories of crew compartments, and stood 45 meters high. Welcome to Alice in Saucerland. In my extensive research of dissident American theories about the physical conditions on the Moon I have proved beyond the shadow of a doubt that there is atmosphere, water and vegetation on the Moon, and that man does not need a space suit to walk on the Moon. A pair of jeans, a pullover and sneakers are just about enough. Everything NASA has told the world about the Mood is a lie and it was done to keep the exclusivity of the club from joinings by the third world countries. All these physical conditions make it a lot more easier to build a Moon base.

Ever since their first day of landing on the Moon, the Germans started boring -and tunneling under the surface, and by the end of the war there was a small Nazi research base on the Moon. The free energy tachyon drive craft of the Haunibu-1 and 2 type were used after 1944 to haul people," materiel and the first robots to the construction site on the Moon. When Russians and Americans secretly landed jointly on the Moon in the early fifties with their own saucers, they spent their first night there as guests of the .... Nazi underground base. In the sixties a massive Russian - American base had been built on the Moon, that now has a population of 40,000 people, as the rumor goes. After the end of the war in May 1945, the Germans continued their space effort from their south polar colony of Neu Schwabenland. I have discovered a photograph of their underground space control center there.

Could this be why there was a treaty sighned forbidding anyone to go into Antarctica? Could this be the secret that is said to be there??

According to Renato Vesco again, Germany was sharing a great deal of the advances in weaponry with their allies the Italians during the war. At the Fiat experimental facility at lake La Garda, a facility that fittingly bore the name of air martial Hermann Goering, the Italians were experimenting with numerous advanced weapons, rockets and airplanes, created in Germany. In a similar fashion, the Germans kept a close contact with the Japanese military establishment and were supplying it with many advanced weapons. I have discovered for example a photo of a copy of the manned version of the V-1 - the Reichenberg - produced in Japan by Mitsubishi. The best fighter in the world - the push-pull twin propeller Domier-335 was duplicated at the Kawashima works. Or a photo of Japanese high ranking Imperial navy officers inspecting the latest German radar station.

A Japanese friend of mine in Los Angeles related to me the story of his friend's father, who worked as technician in an aircraft research bureau in Japan during the war. In July of 1945, two and a half months after the war ended in Germany, a huge German transport submarine brought to Japan the latest of German inventions - two spherical wingless flying devices. The Japanese R&D team put the machines together, following the German instructions, and... there was something very bizarre and other-earthy standing in front of them - a ball shaped flying device without wings or propellers, that nobody knew how it flied. The fuel was added, the start button of this unmanned machine was pressed* and it .... disappeared with a roar and flames without a in the sky. The team never saw it again. The engineers were so frightened by the unexpected might of the machine, that they promptly dynamited the second prototype and choose to forget the whole incident.

According to the authors of the underground German documentary movie from the Thule society, the only produced craft of the Haunibu-3 type - the 74 meter diameter naval warfare dreadnought - was chosen for the most courageous mission of this whole century - the trip to Mars. The craft was of saucer shape, had the bigger Andromeda tachyon drives, and was armed with four triple gun turrets of large naval caliber (three inverted upside down and attached to the underside of the craft, and the fourth on top of the crew compartments).

A volunteer suicide crew of Germans and Japanese was chosen, because everybody knew that this journey was a one-way journey with no retum. The large intensity of the electro-magnetogravitic fields and the inferior quality of the metal alloys used then for the structural elements of the drive, was causing the metal to fatigue and get very brittle only after a few months of work of the drive. The flight to Mars departed from Germany one month before the war ended - in April 1945.

It was probably a large crew, numbering in the hundreds, because of the low level of automation and electronic controls inside the saucer. Most of the systems of the craft had to be operated like these on a U-boat of that time - manually. Because the structurally weakened tachyon drives were not working with full power and not all the time, the trip to Mars took almost 8 months to accomplish. An initial short trust towards Mars was probably used the strong gravitational field close to Earth, after that the craft was "coasting" for 8 months in an elliptical orbit to Mars with its main drives turned off. Later trips to Mars by the joint Soviet - American craft in 1952 and by the Vatican craft of the Marconi project from Argentina in 1956 reached Mars in only 2 - 3 days, because their drives were working during the whole flight: accelerating in the first half and decelerating in the second. Smaller Kohler converters were probably used to power the systems and life support equipment on board. I do not have any information at the present time about any artificial gravity capability on board the craft, but that could have been easily done with the large antigravity drives of the ship.


orignaly written by Vladimir Terziski, member of the website Except for the BOLD writing which is from Omega85 - there is more info on this subject and the like here aswell which is worth a runover.

It is said that when WWII ended the Nazis continued to take part in there space program from the antarctic and that even today , this colonisation is still taking place with the aid of other countries as well. To me this seems plausible as i cant think of any other explanation as to why they would make antarctica so much of a NOGO zone.

A group known as the Vril Socioty who leant its name and money to the developement of the Vril Oden 7 and the Haunebu II (german flying saucers)
were said to be the source of much idiology and philosophies of the natzi party. It is possible that they helped in doing this whole thing . Please read up about this society at this address .
These are some pictures of these Vril Saucers courtecy of the above address .

Please visit the site mentioned for more pics they really are interesting .
Apparently these craft were constructed in a secret base similer to Peenemunde a german rocket base . It is well known that many german scientists became founding members of NASA after the war , it is said that they planned to turn Peenemunde into a sort of space port for moon colonization after what they thought would be certinely the nazi victory against its allies .
There are a few points that make this a plausible theory and they are these.
1 . It is said that the moon is not totally arid and that frozen ice on it could be utilized by a colony .
2.There is said to be vidio footage (which i will try to locate) of some sort of craft leaving the moons surface , which was taken by a nasa space shuttle.
There are many more strange things such as the structures on the moon to the theories that the moon landings were fake and that there have been photos of this showing inconsistencies with the sun position and shadows in them having unusual length given the suns location this also is said of the direction as well and it is said it has been proven that there was artificial light used in the photos . If indeed this is true this seems to have some sort of connection with the Bases on the moon theory . ALSO i havent been able to locate any pictures of the dark side of the moon so if anyone could locate any i would be appreciative. IT is true that we can closely observe the moon today via devices such as the hubble telescope but once again we cant see all around the moon or under the surface can we?
I wonder why also there havenot been any moon landings in some time??
I would like to know anyone who reads this threads opinion on this matter.
Here are some of the supposed fake moon landing pics i got from
- - - - - - - - -

Another apparently inspirational image from the NASA archive. All seems fine at first but notice the numerous directions in which the shadows are falling (marked with arrows).

This indicates that the image is probably composed of several images taken at different times (probably in a top secret studio guarded by specially trained aliens working as government agents) and joined together using advanced technology NASA always denies existed at the time.

This is the photographic equivalent of an automotive "cut-and-shut" job.

Heres another one from the same site

Not much wrong with this picture you may think. Yet, by thinking that, you would just become yet another of NASA's conspiracy victims.

Firstly, despite the absence of an atmosphere, no stars can be seen in the sky.

Secondly, the interior of the shopping basket can clearly be seen when all areas in shadow should be pitch black due to the absence of air molecules.

once again these photos are from . you should go and have a look at this site i think there are some more pics which some of you might find interesting

Well i think i will leave it there for now . and Many Thanks. I would like it if you all gave me some of your input and viewpoints on this subject i would be most appreciative .


Ps . Here are some pics of the moon and of some of the strange structures on it .firstly of the moon these are thanks to Google .

and now one showing the indents and structures on the moon .

This great image is from the source
How amazing is it , what do u think??

Thank u again .

[edit on 19-4-2006 by Omega85]

MOD EDIT: Adding external quotes

[edit on 4/19/2006 by cmdrkeenkid]


posted on Apr, 19 2006 @ 10:19 AM
Be real interesting if you can get that video footage!

posted on Apr, 19 2006 @ 10:25 AM
Absolutely ! i will try to find it allthough i dont know how i will go but i will try my hardest to find it. Damn the moon is beautifull . lol i know that sounds odd but anyway.


posted on Apr, 19 2006 @ 11:14 AM
I think that your pictures (and the website itself, even) from the Mind Breakers are a humorous jab all all the Moon Landing Hoax believers.

Also, the third image of the Moon that you present isn't of the Earth's Moon at all, but actually Saturn's Moon Iapetus.

Just thought I would point that out.

[edit on 4/19/2006 by cmdrkeenkid]

posted on Apr, 19 2006 @ 07:55 PM
Greetings all .
Oh! sorry about that pic people here is a proper one.

image from

Looks pretty awsome . imagine a civilization on it??
Also if that website seemed abit like a stab here is a more kind of down to earth look at it i think its a good read .

Ok just thought i would fix it up . thank you .


posted on Apr, 20 2006 @ 03:15 PM
If the Germans had all this amazing technology that even today USA does not have, how come they lost WWII? they could have kicked America's ass with this technology.

I think it is all a big hoax. An amazing hoax nevertheless.

posted on Apr, 20 2006 @ 03:26 PM

Originally posted by masterp
If the Germans had all this amazing technology that even today USA does not have, how come they lost WWII?

There's always the possibility that the 'apparent' defeat of Germany was a screen. The Axis fell to the Allies, but suppose that the Nazi regime carried on in S. America and Antarctica. After the war, many German scientists wound up working for Uncle Sam and the Space program...but not all of them.

Question...are all the Nazis gone?

Nice thread, Omega85


posted on Apr, 25 2006 @ 09:59 PM
This is intresting considering that the top german rocket scientist, Werner Von Braum, went on to work for NASA after the war.......and we still didnt get to the moon for quite sometime after this.

posted on Apr, 25 2006 @ 11:09 PM
WE didnt did we??
But what if some people did?? and still are?
looks can be deceiving and nothing is as it seems .
especially not through todays smoke and mirrors.


posted on Apr, 26 2006 @ 07:12 AM
Greetings all.
A thought just occured to me and that thought was .
When was the last time someone went to the moon??
When i think about this it seems to bring up thoughts like "they must be hiding something" and "if they did it before when technology wasnt as advanced as today why wont they do it again??
i would like to here your thoughts on this as this seems intriging to me.

Many thanks

posted on Apr, 26 2006 @ 07:32 AM
According to Art Bell, of Coast to Coast fame, and guests (I forget who) we were kicked off the moon years ago- and asked NEVER to go back.

Also, on the same show last night, a remote viewer (whose name escapes me but i will come up with it for you) said that he and his coleagues had "remote viewed" the moon many times, and its amazing what is up there.

You have come across a good story!
Good job!


posted on Apr, 26 2006 @ 08:08 AM

Originally posted by dgtempe
According to Art Bell, of Coast to Coast fame, and guests (I forget who) we were kicked off the moon years ago- and asked NEVER to go back.

Also, on the same show last night, a remote viewer (whose name escapes me but i will come up with it for you) said that he and his coleagues had "remote viewed" the moon many times, and its amazing what is up there.

You have come across a good story!
Good job!


Many thanks i would be appreciative if u could get me some info on this . it is truly fascinating . your thoughts intrigue me . I also would like to be a writer scholar or a writer fighter . i wonder if it is possible to be all three?? ANYWAY back on topic

Do u know who kicked us off the moon and told us never to return?? this has me interested greatly now Thank you dgtempe


posted on Apr, 26 2006 @ 12:36 PM

Here is a link to the show i was telling you about. It does mention Dr. Simeon Hein, but the blurb there is only about crop circles.

Try to listen if you can. Its a good show. See the website for times , and there are links there to listen on the Internet.

Who kicked us off the moon? From what they have implied, it appears to have been the "residents" on the moon. I beleive they are ET's

posted on Apr, 26 2006 @ 01:18 PM
Interesting story. I notice that one of those pictures of a 'moon' has a center line following around the middle as if two bowls filled with modeling clay were set together and they neglected to remove the bulge.

Also, with all that "traffic" why haven't more amature astronomers come forward with sightings and such?

posted on Apr, 26 2006 @ 09:43 PM
Greetings people
It has come to my attention that the first moon hoax photos posted in this thread by me were a little bit alltered and fake .For this i offer my deepest appologies HOwEVER
I have found the real deal and the OFFICIAL photos about the moon and i think these may prove that the moon landing was a complete and utter hoax set up so WE wouldnt disturbe the inhabitants that live there .
Please have a look at the link It really spun me out to say the least.
This site is amazing
It shows you the real pictures , real movies , and arguments between those who believe it was a hoax and those who believe it wasnt. there is even vidio and audio on this page and from what i have read has made me trully believe that there was no moon landing .
I ask myself "then why would they cover it up"? my answer is people
There are secrets on that surface that only NASA and the government would know about.Secret collonies and maybie labs! I truly believe this and i will do more research to prove it. Visit this site then get back here and post your thoughts .
I truly think there is something strange going on here something very strange indeed, something that the higher powers do not want us to know about .I will do my best to find out though .

Yours faithfully

PS. Sorry about the first photos i had no idea i would like to thank cmdrknkid , Implosion and picklewalsh for pointing it out for me . But now i have the real ones and i would recomend everyone have a look.
thanks you


posted on Apr, 26 2006 @ 10:42 PM

Originally posted by StarLord
Interesting story. I notice that one of those pictures of a 'moon' has a center line following around the middle as if two bowls filled with modeling clay were set together and they neglected to remove the bulge.

As stated already in this thread. That photo is of one of Saturns moons, named Iapetus.

Originally posted by Omega85
...and from what i have read has made me trully believe that there was no moon landing.

You went to the bad astronomy website and it convinced you that the moon landings were fake? Just what on that site made you believe it was fake? Seeing as how the site is all about proving the moon landings were real.

I ask myself "then why would they cover it up"? my answer is people
There are secrets on that surface that only NASA and the government would know about.Secret collonies and maybie labs!

How many people are in on this secret? How can they possibly keep it covered up? NASA is a civilian agency. There were 400,000+ people from various companies that all worked on the project. Just how would they be able to keep it a secret?

Just for comparison. The Manhattan project consisted of about a quarter of the amount of people that the Apollo project had. And it was a classified project, unlike Apollo which was an open project. Yet Soviet spies still managed to collect info from the Manhattan project for there own nuclear programs. So it probably would have been easier for the Soviet spies to get into the Apollo program and i'm sure they would have found out about it being fake if it were.

Also, how could Nixon, who was president at that time, be able to keep it a secret when he couldn't even prevent the whole Watergate scandal thing from happening?

I truly believe this and i will do more research to prove it.

Have you read the 54 page thread at the top of this forum section, titled And End To The Moon Conspiracy! If not. I suggest you take a look.

You should also check out Clavius

posted on Apr, 26 2006 @ 11:15 PM
perhaps you should look at the pictures on it , along with some research on spacial atmospheric fact and then you should be able to see things that dont make any sense what so ever .
and yes i have read the site ?? if i didnt why would i have posted it? besides i am not trying to argue here , thats not what this place is about . its about expressing opinions and respecting them then analysing them i am most greatly glad to hear of others theories about this subject .Anyway like i said i posted the site for people to read and i look forward to hearing there own opinions on it .


posted on Apr, 26 2006 @ 11:26 PM
I have some friends with some very powerful play-toys/telescopes.
Could you direct me to what area/quadrant to look at?
I have looked at the moon for extended periods of time at some extreme mag. factors and must say I have seen nothing that even remotely resembles what is being described.
I would love to go back though with more precise information as to where to look.

posted on Apr, 26 2006 @ 11:39 PM
Hi there .! how r u ?
I am of the beliefe that all these happenings are taking place on the dark side of the moon so even if u had a telescope you would need some sort of line of sight device to have a look . but if u like i could look up some interersting things that u could see?



posted on Apr, 26 2006 @ 11:47 PM

Originally posted by Omega85
Hi there .! how r u ?
I am of the beliefe that all these happenings are taking place on the dark side of the moon so even if u had a telescope you would need some sort of line of sight device to have a look.

Even if it was the dark side of the Moon, some amateur scientist would pick up an RF signal, unusual emissions or something coming from an industrialized colony. Just because something can't be seen with the eyes doesn't mean it can't be seen at all.

This is a fun idea to sit around and let your imagination go, but in real life it doesn't hold much water.

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