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Comedy Central refuses to show Muhammad on South Park?

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posted on Apr, 13 2006 @ 06:06 PM
Further up this page there was a post saying other religions don't have rules about things like the muslims do....

Apparently thou did not read the list of thou shalt nots in the ten commandments, let alone the rest of the bible.

Trey and Matt are committing blasphemy by the christian definition too. The only difference is we don't pick up ak-47's and molotovs every time someone offends us.

posted on Apr, 13 2006 @ 06:19 PM
Ok ok, sorry about the insult....., first thing that came to my mind.

As to evidence about it, I have seen the whole episode. And I remember that the the major/redundent joke of it was based around a family guy episode having muhamed in it parodying AND refrencing the whole dutch cartoon thing.

The episode is making a big joke of it, so I don't think they are pro-censor muhamed or anything else. In the episode a idea came that they should bury their heads in the sand when the second part of the family guy episode would air (which has muhamed) so they would not participate, see or hear the episode, so they don't offend the islamic world. Burying their heads in the sand, ITS A JOKE *flashing red light* J-O-K-E.

[edit on 13-4-2006 by jazz_psyker]

posted on Apr, 13 2006 @ 06:53 PM
I'm going to say that it's all part of the show. That's the first thing I thought of when I read about it here. South Park did it, not Comedy Central. SP wouldn't give Comedy Central the chance to censor them... This is totally their style of comedy.

I'm lovin' me some South Park!

[edit on 13-4-2006 by Benevolent Heretic]

posted on Apr, 13 2006 @ 07:01 PM

Originally posted by Benevolent Heretic
I'm going to say that it's all part of the show.

then you are obviously a disinfo agent in the pay of Comedy Central and their Reptilian Masters.......

I hope you are right I would hate to think one of my favorite shows buckled in to preasure. But this along with them pulling the Tom Cruise episode doesnt look good.

[edit on 13-4-2006 by Amuk]

posted on Apr, 13 2006 @ 07:04 PM

Originally posted by jazz_psyker

the whole dutch cartoon thing.

Ok, sorry to be off-topic but I must correct this. Are the dutch going to be blamed now as well? The cartoon story originated from Denmark. The Swiss got their flag burnt because their flag look like the Danish. Even the English flag was burnt because some protesters mixed up the colors and swapped red and white. The Swedes got one of their embassies burnt down. What´s with the dutch now? Because it starts with a "d"?
Denmark - Danish - Danes - The Queen of Denmark - The Danish cartoon story - Ok, now I´ve said it. Carry on with the South Park

I think the South Park thing was "censored" on purpose as a joke.

posted on Apr, 13 2006 @ 07:30 PM
That's exactly what happened to Lavern and Shirley.

posted on Apr, 13 2006 @ 07:51 PM
Matt and Trey censored Muhammad on purpose it was a joke to show how idiotic people can be over a cartoon. Besides that the South Park episode was probably the worst episode of south park ever created. Come on there was no comedy in that episode manatees create family guy by selecting balls with words on it, *hilarious*

posted on Apr, 13 2006 @ 08:34 PM
Well according to this article Comedy Central DID censor the episode.
here is the link:

posted on Apr, 13 2006 @ 09:00 PM

Originally posted by seen21
Well according to this article Comedy Central DID censor the episode.
here is the link:

My hats off to Matt and Trey

They have exposed the hypocrosy of Comedy Central.............who have NO PROBLEM poking fun at Jesus, Bhudda, Shiva, etc......but dont have the cajones to REALLY stand for free speach.

Well CC........when it came time to stand up for your folded like a kid forking over his lunch money to the school bully

posted on Apr, 13 2006 @ 09:25 PM
I saw the episode last night, but actually fell asleep right before they censored it, so I couldn't see the actual censoring. I read that Matt and Trey both "retaliated" against Comedy Central. I can't remember what it said, but I believe it had something to do with Bush and Jesus deficating on the Flag or something.

I think Matt and Trey aregeniuses, and perhaps they should work for a different company if Comedy Central wants to censor everything.

Comedy Central almost pulled the South Park episode where they said S*** a lot in the episode, and it turned out really good. Besides, how many people in the muslim countries actually watch South Park? And if they did, I'm sure they would have enjoyed it just as much as us

posted on Apr, 13 2006 @ 11:01 PM
It looks like comedy central didn't black it out, but rather told them that they couldn't show it at all. I just saw the epsidoe, part ii of the 'cartooon wars', part of the joke was that it was "censored" for us, then immediately afterwards they cut to the president who was watching it and who says that it wasn't that bad and then they describe the shot. Perhaps they had been working on it and partway in were told that they couldn't show it.

ANyway, when do all the christians start rioting in the streets now?

"Like little whores, they'll sit there and grab the bucks. They'll sit there and they'll whine and they'll take their shot at Jesus. That's their stock in trade."

And thats from the guy from a pro-catholic league!! Nice language, and he's calling other people hypocirts? Yeesh, I guess he will be leading the riots eh?

posted on Apr, 13 2006 @ 11:29 PM
I may have underestimated the American attention span more than I thought but doesn't the fact that they've shown Muhammed in the cartoon before mean anything either way?

Shouldn't the question be about the difference between the first time they showed his cartoon image and now? It obviously isn't the Muslims position that's changed... on umm.. the Muslims position.

Is it maybe just the mileage the media can get out of the story that's changed?

Like the Danish Pictures?

First time they were published...... nothing.

[edit on 13-4-2006 by kegs]

posted on Apr, 13 2006 @ 11:43 PM
This was something worth getting that worked up over???

posted on Apr, 13 2006 @ 11:59 PM
I don't belief CC censored it, seeing as M'med was featured in the Super Best Friends episode. No Muslims seemed to kill anyone the many times THAT episode was aired. Extremist tension is released when needed on ANY available scapegoat.

posted on Apr, 14 2006 @ 12:15 AM

Originally posted by Missletow
I don't belief CC censored it, seeing as M'med was featured in the Super Best Friends episode. No Muslims seemed to kill anyone the many times THAT episode was aired.

Times have changed. The Super Best Friends episode was before the Danish cartoon incident....remember, there were thousands of Muslim fanatics protesing my way or the highway all over the world. And a few people did die in the process.

If a simple Danish cartoon drawing pissed off millions of muslims.....imagine what an American cartoon television show will do. Islam just needs to learn to sit back, shutup and quit crying....that goes for all the other religious one sided cry babies out there.


[edit on 14/4/2006 by SportyMB]

posted on Apr, 14 2006 @ 04:10 AM

Parker and Stone were angered when told by Comedy Central several weeks ago that they could not run an image of Mohammed, according to a person close to the show who didn't want to be identified because of the issue's sensitivity.

The network's decision was made over concerns for public safety, the person said.

Comedy Central said in a statement issued Thursday: "In light of recent world events, we feel we made the right decision." Its executives would not comment further.

God what a crock.I wish people would stop freaking out over such idiotic things. If you can't take the joke, get off the planet already.

posted on Apr, 14 2006 @ 07:21 AM
If no one's posted the answer yet, here it is:

"NEW YORK -- Banned by Comedy Central from showing an image of the Islamic prophet Muhammad, the creators of "South Park" skewered their own network for hypocrisy in the cartoon's most recent episode."

tah dah.

It was all part of the show.

posted on Apr, 14 2006 @ 04:29 PM
More to it, SF. Comedy Central has stated that they made the decision to censor it and not allow Muhammad to be shown. From CNN:

Parker and Stone were angered when told by Comedy Central several weeks ago that they could not run an image of Mohammed, according to a person close to the show who didn't want to be identified because of the issue's sensitivity.

The network's decision was made over concerns for public safety, the person said.

Comedy Central said in a statement issued Thursday: "In light of recent world events, we feel we made the right decision." Its executives would not comment further. appears terrorists now dictate what freedom of expression we are allowed to depict. South Park consistently pokes fun at Jesus, and as of yet, no Christian has killed the executive board at CC. So He's fair game.

However, these terrorists have shown intent to kill if Mohammad is depicted, so their will must be obeyed. Home of the brave indeed
(I wish I could replace that smirk with a scowl

Ahh, but what about the other reason given? Islam specifically states that Muhammad can't be depicted. We should respect that, right? We should change our freedom of expression so as to cater to the will of Islam, right? Time to whip out those burkas, ladies, because, in order to respect Islam, you have to be fully covered. Like Kyle said in the episode, "Either it's all OK, or none of it is. Do the right thing." So, are we going to adopt Islam as the national religion, or at least Islamic law as our national law, or are we going to tell them to get into line to be offended, since the First Amendment guarantees every American the right to be offended? Which is it going to be, freedom of expression or Islamic Law?

posted on Apr, 14 2006 @ 05:17 PM

Southpark creators should read this thread... seriously... it is hella cool

They poke fun and extremely overblown issue of depicting Mohammad (initialy the "crisis" itself wasnt about depicting Mohammad, but about depicting a prophet as a terrorist, but hey, who remembers that, it was so long ago and media is now telling us a different story...), they joke about taking the issue too seriously and creating some epic good vs. evil fight out of it, they mock Family Guy, Fox, CC, themselves too and now look at this thread... and people making a huge issue out of it, CC making a huge issue, ATSers, the world...

And the BEST part is that Southpark already showed Mohammad in previous episodes and NOBODY CARED because media didnt tell us to care that much.

Just like nobody cared about that danish cartoon before it got insanely blown out of proportion.

This world has gone totaly mad and I am still in utter disbelief at just how EASY it is to manipulate seemingly inteligent people to do completely illogical things...

Oh btw, I am Muslim and I approve of Southpark

posted on Apr, 14 2006 @ 05:33 PM

Originally posted by Nygdan

"Like little whores, they'll sit there and grab the bucks. They'll sit there and they'll whine and they'll take their shot at Jesus. That's their stock in trade."

And thats from the guy from a pro-catholic league!! Nice language, and he's calling other people hypocirts? Yeesh, I guess he will be leading the riots eh?

Nygdan, exactly what are you calling "nice language?" If it's his use of the word "whore", well, that's found in the Bible. If it's the fact that he's calling them whores, well, what would you call them?

I take it that he's accusing them of selling their virtue (values, etc.) for money which is a valid description of whore. Just my 2 cp.

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