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Mr. Bush, We Know What You Did That Summer !

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posted on Apr, 11 2006 @ 10:14 PM
I am sorry, I just reread your last point.

"Scroll up, understand his statement, that's what we were discussing. Do you need me to point it out?"

The fact that you speak in enigmas is humorous, I reckon because if you wrote them you would see my point.

posted on Apr, 11 2006 @ 10:53 PM

Originally posted by ZeddicusZulZorander
This country is about innocent until proven guilty. In the case of 9/11 or's guilty until proven innocent.

You're never really around to debate the facts on this issue, so I'm not so sure how you've come to such a conclusion. Same with you, Seekerof.

So what do you guys think the specific collapse mechanism was that allowed the Twin Towers to continue falling at the same speed after the first damage floors gave out?

How do you explain the NIST Report not showing enough buckling exterior columns for a collapse to begin by their own figures, and then suggest that the rest of the buckling occurred once the towers began to collapse? Isn't that circular logic? Any suggestion of a logical mechanism for collapse initiation here?

Where did the tilt of WTC2 go? What stopped it? Are those flashes still exploding fire extinguishers and hair spray, Zed, or have you read the responses to your posts on that thread yet? See any falling fires, heating the fire extinguishers for the whole 4 or 5 seconds they'd have been falling through the air?

Whether or not people accept the evidence before them doesn't change whether or not that evidence is conclusive, or at the very least extremely suspicious. So I guess, ironically, it comes down to a matter of opinion. But either way, I doubt you guys are really keeping up with the specifics of the arguments here.

Just a lot of virtual lip coming from you.

[edit on 11-4-2006 by bsbray11]

posted on Apr, 12 2006 @ 12:04 AM
There is no article, it is a rant about some stuff that is going to blow it all wide open. Thats right....I ...uhhhh....have it right here....and I ....uhhh.....willl post it when I fell the ...time is right. Bush is evil, blah blah blah.

Bush played golf that summer by the way. He was not planning to destory the country with a terror attack. That job went to the guys training in Fl and Moussaoui. He destroys conspiracy and solidifies the concept of Al-qeada attacking us on 9/11. He lied and allowed it to happen. He doesn't look ,ike a patsy to me.

posted on Apr, 12 2006 @ 12:06 AM
News flash people:

If the President were in on 9/11 than there should be some proof of it. There is none, so I believe the offical story. I know its fun to be against the government because your life is not want you want it to be but, going around saying the President is behind 9/11 is sad; and foolish.

President Bush has nothing to gain from supporting the 9/11 attacks and everything to lose...just your heads!!

-- Boat

posted on Apr, 12 2006 @ 12:28 AM

Originally posted by Boatphone
News flash people:

President Bush has nothing to gain from supporting the 9/11 attacks and everything to lose...just your heads!!

-- Boat

Iraq. Afghanistan, Patriot Act. What do you mean nothing to gain?

Have you read the PNAC report Rebuilding Americas Defenses?

posted on Apr, 12 2006 @ 12:37 AM

Originally posted by Funkydung
we got to remember that bush is just a pawn for the public eye. the ones he works for is the one to blame. those beyond the public eye. sure people need someone to blame and bush is the one. hes the one we all know. as long as he takes the fall for this, the real people who did this are still in power and running our lives. these people have been in charge for hundreds and hundreds of years. they wont be stopped easily...human life means nothing to them.

You got it man...

that is why the MSM is gunning for him big time right now... the real perps are getting scared and they want a fall guy to take the dagger...

but like I keep saying if Bush goes down, then they go down too cause he knows everything...


posted on Apr, 12 2006 @ 01:24 AM
So, when is this going to be sent to the White House?

I'm curious to see if the individual who sends it can sit down from the royal A$$ chewing they'd get from the Secret Service.

I dare someone to actually send it...go it. I bet you won't be heard from for over a week after they knock on your door.

posted on Apr, 12 2006 @ 01:27 AM

Originally posted by SpartanKingLeonidas
So, when is this going to be sent to the White House?

I'm curious to see if the individual who sends it can sit down from the royal A$$ chewing they'd get from the Secret Service.

I dare someone to actually send it...go it. I bet you won't be heard from for over a week after they knock on your door.

Do you really dare him?
Why would they not be heard of? You obviously are the target market for this administration.

posted on Apr, 12 2006 @ 01:53 AM

Originally posted by AnAbsoluteCreation

Originally posted by SpartanKingLeonidas
So, when is this going to be sent to the White House?

I'm curious to see if the individual who sends it can sit down from the royal A$$ chewing they'd get from the Secret Service.

I dare someone to actually send it...go it. I bet you won't be heard from for over a week after they knock on your door.

Do you really dare him?
Why would they not be heard of? You obviously are the target market for this administration.

No...I know how the Secret Service works. I didn't say they wouldn't be heard from ever just would be a while. Yes...I dare someone to actually copy and paste that into an e-mail and send it to the White House.

I'll even provide the website for the White House :

The White House


The White House

posted on Apr, 12 2006 @ 02:13 AM
Spartan do realize you posted a link in support of anti-Bush?
I can't laugh any harder...
I guess I can. But that's it.
Man I can't con..
..trol myself, it's just so...
dang funny. That's it, I have will power, no more
Man I'm getting
I will never laugh again and that's final.

[edit on 12-4-2006 by AnAbsoluteCreation]

posted on Apr, 12 2006 @ 02:15 AM

Originally posted by AnAbsoluteCreation
Spartan do realize you posted a link in support of anti-Bush?
I can't laugh any harder...

So, what's your point? lol

You clicked it...didn't you? lol

Got you at least. One of those does just have to figure it out.

posted on Apr, 12 2006 @ 04:09 AM

Originally posted by Boatphone
News flash people:

If the President were in on 9/11 than there should be some proof of it. There is none, so I believe the offical story. I know its fun to be against the government because your life is not want you want it to be but, going around saying the President is behind 9/11 is sad; and foolish.

President Bush has nothing to gain from supporting the 9/11 attacks and everything to lose...just your heads!!

-- Boat

Har Har.... very funny.

Saying that all thse people criticize the official 9/11 story just because they think it's "fun" and that their life is not what it should be, this is truly the sad, and foolish way of thinking.

Filing lawsuits against an overly corrupt admninistration, with conclusive evidence, is (not "fun". THe families and individuals who are struggling for democracy in this country are spending thousands of dollars, working hard and even risking their lives for truth to be known and justice to be done, and I don't think that they find it "fun" to be shut down by Supreme Court just because the judges and the Attorney General are neocon zealots actively involved into backing this administration from day one.

The President is not a monarch. It's not only your right but your responsibility to question and criticize him, and eventually taking his power away for having worked against the population for all these years.

posted on Apr, 12 2006 @ 06:29 AM
In my court, and in THE COURT OF PUBLIC OPINION, and i speak for hundreds of millions here- all over the world and in the USA.....
We recognize guilt when we see it. We recognize lies when we hear them.

You're all acting as if you were under a rock for 5 years. Stop playing dumb.
Its real unflattering.

This thread is nothing but "head" games and you're all writting in circles.

Shame on you.


posted on Apr, 12 2006 @ 08:05 AM

Originally posted by Seekerof

Of course, within this site, opinion is your right, as is your obvious political affiliation.
Your proofs and evidences, from a legal perspective, still remain elusive.

It's very hard to get this said evidence when it was ALL taken away or carefully sifted through by FEMA. So, all we have to go on IS speculation and the laws of physics. One good start would be the release of the construction documents of the WTC. Why classify such documents? Could it be that people will realize that the towers were NOT the big egg shells the government wants people to believe? That would be a start into a REAL investigation.

posted on Apr, 12 2006 @ 08:17 AM
I am new to this forum, but if you the members care, I will share "my opinion" of this. So here goes..9/11 was horrible..we all agree with that. I hope so. Who is at fault for what happened, I don't know, and of course non of you know what really happened before it the "planes" hit. I do know this. The truth is always revealed, and of course who is on the other side of the truth will be punished. I try to think beyond the negativity of all this and I come up with something postive, that some of you might agree or disagree with. Some believe George Bush is the worst thing that has ever happened to this country. Some do not. I am on the side of the aisle that think he is the greatest thing to happen to this country. The reason for that is that he, as so it seems is messing everything up for, uhhh the illuminati, order of light, blah whatever or whoever they are. Plus, in my eyes he has woken up a sleeping giant in the way things are conducted in this government. I guess you could say he is pissing everyone off. Not only that but he is awakening the true american spirit, to stand up and take action when things go astray. This is our country! Not some rich geezers who are power hungry and want to dominate with power they think they possess. Well that was a bunch of crap, so I will just post this poem.

Upon an eastern coast

Of a land once of the free

Sits a king who likes to boast

That he has a democracy

Ruling by imposition

Breaking the laws of the land

Causing a Great Depression

He wields a fatal hand

Reigning Hell upon the Earth

Harming his people in turn

Satan rejoiced with his birth

When will his people learn

Yet maybe not all is dark

History has seen his fall

The one eyed man has found his mark

Riding the truth he will call

For the King with little wisdom

Looks not to the past

Seeing only his Kingdom


In the Kingdom of the Blind

The One-Eyed Man will be King

And the Veil will be Lifted

So that the Blind will See.

In the Kingdom of the blind

The One-Eyed man will be King

And the Veil will be lifted

And the blind WILL SEE.

A Metaphor. A Revelation of Truth.

And the Truth................Will Slay Evil.

And only the Truth..................WILL SET YOU FREE!

posted on Apr, 12 2006 @ 08:48 AM
I can't take it any more, blah, blah, blah.

check out 9/

I live in New York City. I watched the towers fall. I lost 2 family members and 2 friends. 7 children without parents.

How can you people believe that the Bush Administration was behind this?

Again, No Proof. No evidence. Except those of you who claim to have the evidence but, can't release it because you fear for your life. What a joke.

Also, look at the democrats and the liberal media. They have been attacking this administration since day 1.

If there was any way the 9/11 commission or the democratic party could have pointed blame at the Bush administration, and proved it, they would have.

posted on Apr, 12 2006 @ 09:12 AM

Originally posted by tommy1701

I live in New York City. I watched the towers fall. I lost 2 family members and 2 friends. 7 children without parents.

I am sorry for your loss. But please, look at this with an open mind and not with emotion.

How can you people believe that the Bush Administration was behind this?

I for one don't. I believe the GOVERNMENT (yes both parties) were behind it or at least let it happen.

Again, No Proof. No evidence. Except those of you who claim to have the evidence but, can't release it because you fear for your life. What a joke.

Please provide a link to ANYONE saying they have evidence but can't release it because they fear for their lives.

Also, look at the democrats and the liberal media. They have been attacking this administration since day 1.

Yes, and your point? It's their job you know. So, I guess FAUX news is liberal? When did that happen?

If there was any way the 9/11 commission or the democratic party could have pointed blame at the Bush administration, and proved it, they would have.

Since the 9/11 commission was BIPARTIZAN, then how would the Democrats point blame? Since Bush and Cheney didn't have to take an oath, how would we know they didn't lie? Isn't that what they tried to impeach Clinton with....lying under oath?

Oh, and you people like to blame the government because you don't like your life. Come on Boat. As far as Zed and Seekerof....I can't believe you guys are pointing the finger at people for "Bush hating". How bout I point the finger at you for "All heil Bush". It would take Bush himself getting on FAUX news and proclaiming he did it for you guys to even think a bad thought about him.

posted on Apr, 12 2006 @ 09:14 AM

Originally posted by tommy1701
I live in New York City. I watched the towers fall. I lost 2 family members and 2 friends. 7 children without parents.

How can you people believe that the Bush Administration was behind this?

Is it so unbelievable that a politician is so corrupted that he allows his people to die? is it the first time in history that this has happened?

In the year 2000, the instititute for American Policy for the 21st century (or something like that, I do not remember exactly) issued a book the future of American external affairs, saying that "only with a great destruction inside USA will America be able to spread its policies around the globe." And then BOOM! we have 9/11.

9/11 has nothing to do with liberals or republicans. It was a coup orchestrated by CIA, MI6, MOSSAD, top government and military officials of USA, UK and Israel, in co-operation with arabic terrorist groups. It was a win/win situation for all:

1) USA got its way in the mid east oils.
2) the military industry got great money poured into it.
3) arab leader wannabes like OBL got great leader status.
4) Israel got rid of one enemy.
5) legislation for control of the masses was allowed.

If you check all the other terrorist acts, the most casualties were around 200-300 people. And also check what were the targets: hotels, clubs, train stations, sea vessels. None of the other targets were as high as WTC or the Pentagon.

Let's think about it ONE MORE TIME: THE PENTAGON WAS HIT! the nerve center of the mightiest war machine this planet has ever known was struck by 18-yold fanatics.

Can't you see how hilarious/impossible this is?

posted on Apr, 12 2006 @ 09:40 AM

Originally posted by dgtempe

In my court, and in THE COURT OF PUBLIC OPINION, and i speak for hundreds of millions here- all over the world and in the USA.....
We recognize guilt when we see it. We recognize lies when we hear them.

Hundreds of Millions???? wow thats quite the statement...

Oh those must be the people who dont vote just complain.

posted on Apr, 12 2006 @ 09:57 AM
Zed, Seeker, and other doubters: the reason people are so SURE about a conspiracy is due to the facts not matching the stories...

But there are many other reasons to lie, than be complicet in a conspiracy to perform 9-11

Most dont realize that...

National security can and does cover/answer most of these inconsistancies...
But so would a conspiracy... very easily...

I have carefully analyzed all the various theories, and IMO, it is still unsure, but with all the suspicious actions of various players before the event... it looks like there was at least a strong suspicion that something would happen...

THAT little theory is one they would want to coverup, but it can hardly be their fault then...

But as with the Murrah Bombing, for the public to know their was foreknowledge, would be tantamount to allowing it to happen (but in truth, is not the same thing)

Doubters beware: the official line is full of holes and lies
convinced ones beware: the official line is lies, but are they covering up a conspiracy, or merely an embarrassment?

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