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Tunnel Boring into Area51

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posted on Nov, 10 2003 @ 04:18 PM
The only way I can think to get in there is through their computers?

Or else millions of us could storm the place and outnumber their forces. Thousands of us would die, but we'd at last get to meet other life forms and maybe shake tentacles with them?

posted on Nov, 13 2003 @ 02:39 PM

Originally posted by vaswegpg
What if you take U.S. Air Force Tunnel Boring Machine and drill you�re
Way into one of the sub levels of Area51, Do anyone think thy will have defenses to stop a attack like that?

Using 38 disc cutters and the cutting head. It weighed about 256 tons and had a horsepower rating of 900 HP.

[Edited on 14-10-2003 by vaswegpg]

somethin 2 do with MJ12?

posted on Nov, 14 2003 @ 06:23 PM
The drill is a horrible idea, but a cactus costume? That's the most brilliant thing I've heard about since this young lad at the grocery store tells me about these individually processed cheese slices.

posted on Nov, 14 2003 @ 06:38 PM

Originally posted by TheyWatchYouToo
My question is, where would the average joe get such a machine?

the russians sold these machines to the palestinians back in the 80's, seems to me like this is the "american detroit muscle" version, it needs a ton of fuel, and is completely inefficient when compared to the russian version*typically american*
there was a post on this subject, on how tunnels were found leading to u know where the machines came from

going back to the point now

drilling to A51 from a safe point would be useless, sensors are built in underground for just this event to take place? probably not

but once you're through....what's your plan? *shakes his head in empathy*
i would love to know the secrets adorned so pugnaciously behind area51's perimeter, but a violent response to the situation will get you killed.
you have to do this the long way, the diplomatic way

sadly...*sighs* this seems the only possibility.

posted on Nov, 14 2003 @ 06:51 PM

Originally posted by ViperFreak
websuspect - Aboslutely!! It could even be a Trojan-Cactus full of little trained ants...!!
(someone touched on that subject earlier... sorry I'm not that original

The dirtbikers serve as a diversion, while the cactus moves un-noticed by anyone because everyone is having fun playing their "shoot the intruders" game. The cactus gets close enough to deploy the multitude of trained ants that quickly infiltrate the facility - all levels of it!

Hopefully the people on dirtbikes are good enough to stay alive long enough for our ants to return to the safety of their cactus, then the cactus retreats ever so stealthily back into our grasp!!

Then we have the conclusive evidence as to what is at A51 and we will die rich!!

[Edited on 10/17/2003 by ViperFreak]

[Edited on 10/17/2003 by ViperFreak]


go 4 it....c how u finance the project then!!

thats just about the funniest thing i've heard today(it's been fairly quiet

a trojan
and to think a can of pifpaf would put a quick end to your plan....and the dirtbikes, lol, landmines r smthng u'll need to train for.
come to that...if u had a hovercraft RC controlled u could actually pull this off

but then....whats the point of distracting/getting shot/bounced by a mine....when you're ant-dependant

stick with the political side of things, be sure you're unlikely to get in harm's way


posted on Jul, 24 2004 @ 09:37 AM
"People" have indeed made it inside the Area 51 complex throughout the years, but you will never hear about them. I am not talking about Joe Schmo with hiking boots, I am talking about spies, corupt workers selling info, etc. Why do you think security keeps getting more and more sophisticated. When someone successfully makes it in, the base never wants it to happen that way again.

posted on Jul, 24 2004 @ 10:47 AM
Okay... Assuming that you could find a place far away from Groom Lake, on private land that you could bore into, say at least 100 miles away. Remeber that the base is surrounded by the nevada test site and nellis AFB, both restricted areas.

A tunnel boring machine according to the Robbins Company can go about 12 meters a day. You are talking about operating a machine for years to even get close to the site. Also, your have to take a guess about location and depth to get in as well. Despite the vibration, how are you going to hide all the muck?? (mining term for all the stuff you carve out?)

posted on Jul, 29 2004 @ 12:41 PM

Originally posted by FredT
Okay... Assuming that you could find a place far away from Groom Lake, on private land that you could bore into, say at least 100 miles away. Remeber that the base is surrounded by the nevada test site and nellis AFB, both restricted areas.

A tunnel boring machine according to the Robbins Company can go about 12 meters a day. You are talking about operating a machine for years to even get close to the site. Also, your have to take a guess about location and depth to get in as well. Despite the vibration, how are you going to hide all the muck?? (mining term for all the stuff you carve out?)

One more thing! Assuming you could dig your way in(unlikely), and assuming you could hide the Muck(also unlikly); how do you get out of the tunnel? Tunneling equipment makes noise! With all the security at the base, you'd probably have 2 dozen MP's or other guards standing at the edge of the tunnel waiting for you to break through the ground so they can yank you out of the hole and hull you off to Federal Prision.

ATS Director of Counter-Ignorance

posted on Jul, 30 2004 @ 03:17 PM
They have nuclear weapons at area 51. They test nuckear weapons underground at area 51. Even if they stoped testing 10 years ago the whole place is radioactive. The people that work there are morons for working around all that radiation.

I definately agree with having nuclear weapons at GLAFB but as for testing them I think you need to bone up a bit on your geography and physics. The test site starts 50 miles east of tonopah and most of the underground testing was held at / near the lincoln mines ( you can still pick up contamination near 100,000uci/sqinch on some rocks out there). Plus even if they did nuke test out at groom lake ambient radiation wouldn't be appriciably above background so nobody would be in any danger.

posted on Jul, 30 2004 @ 05:11 PM

Originally posted by Jinn
They have nuclear weapons at area 51. They test nuckear weapons underground at area 51. Even if they stoped testing 10 years ago the whole place is radioactive. The people that work there are morons for working around all that radiation.

Jinn, all the research that we have done on the Area give no indication that nukes were ever tested directly on, below or above the base itself. If you read through the Research groups findings in the research forum, we have identifed several test at the NTC that resulted in fallout at the base but no tests there. In fact the base was evacuated at least 10 times during the U-2 project.

posted on Jul, 31 2004 @ 07:05 AM
And also don't forget that even with the right equipment its not easy to make a big tunnel, it will probably collapse and kill you

posted on Aug, 3 2004 @ 10:05 PM
Yaay! My first post. I have been a fan of ATS for YEARS, but never got around to signing up!

If you make something idiot proof, then they will invent a bigger idiot. That's why the government can't stop an attack from 100,000 idiots!!

posted on Aug, 4 2004 @ 07:16 AM
I may be mistaken, but in all this discussion, has anyone thought about the possibility the they are using natural caverns under the base? Note they are fairly close to some known caverns in the area and this would also explain why there was no need to remove large amounts of sludge etc.
just a thought

posted on Aug, 6 2004 @ 06:18 PM
The tunnel Boring Machine that is pictured is a Diesel driven machine, slow and readily available. The nuclear powered TBM or "Subterrene" as some refer to it does not look anything like that,nor does it look, as has been said, like a "mole from hell". With a sealed power reactor like the kind on nuclear submarines it generates enough heat to melt most rock easily. Using high-temperature titanium alloy piping to conduct the lithium to the bore head, it then distributes the lithium through smaller pipes that pass the heat into the rock before being pumped back to the reactant chamber and the nuclear reactor. The lithium carries very little radioactivity and transmits almost none to the exterior environment. The lithium pipes are wrapped in insulating materials such as that used on the shuttle tiles where applicable and with other exotic thermal insulators at other points. The Bore Head is smooth and partially rotatable to allow heat distribution. Hydrostatic pressure is maintained by the constant push of the driving mechanism and the rapid cooling and smoothing of the tunnel face is handled by the shaper heads which immediately follow the bore head. Hydrostatic pressure is what causes the mid-level temperature rock to crack allowing most of the molten keff to escape. Any remaining keff is rapidly cooled and falls behind the shaper heads as debris which can easily be removed and disposed of without attracting attention. ALthough it is a high thermal environment the operators enjoy an air-conditioned ride in the comfort of the control cabin. As for subterranean gas/oil pockets and coal mines, before tunneling commences deep geological mapping surveys are taken to insure there will be no accidents.

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