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All Americans Are Terrorists

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posted on Apr, 7 2006 @ 08:25 AM
All of these things are true indeed. But do you honestly think that they can herd us all into cages? I am not sure I follow what you specifically are saying Marg. We are already sheep...yes. We allow the gov't to push genocide on our homelands, and we stay glued to American Idol while our entire planet is torn apart by a leader we didnt even elect. I am with you. But internment camps are a little too much. My generation is the one stocking the military, and I assure you that most of them are not real thrilled with jailing arabic strangers abroad...much less Americans. Will we sit by as our friends and family are detained for being disenters? Will the powers that be even retain any true muscle in a situation like this? Is this the arguement?

I think not. The military would dissolve. The police wouldnt last long...they dont even like patrolling my neighborhood, much less revolutionary held areas. There are still a lot of crazy "patriots," myself included who would be up in arms immediately. We just tend to keep quiet...vewy vewy qwiet...

posted on Apr, 7 2006 @ 08:31 AM
I don't know if you're referring to me, but I'm not talking of internment camps. I'm talking of the persecution that other governments have done to suppress the radicals that can incite others. What I've described is wonderfully Orwellian and very realistic in nature. Removing the head of the snake kills it in this case. Perhaps many of the police and military forces would dissolve - of course, that is to be expected. But there is the potential of a minority that would continue to do the administration's will in order to 'protect the interests of Americans'.

The reason I stay speculative about this is because it has been successfully done in other modern nations, and this would be an amazingly nonviolent way to do it compared to the, for example, Bolshevik Revolution which had much of the same final effect.

posted on Apr, 7 2006 @ 08:40 AM

Originally posted by DaFunk13
All of these things are true indeed. But do you honestly think that they can herd us all into cages?

Perhaps no many people would not stand by and see their friends taken away but when the can government manipulate propaganda and use it for you to spy on your friends and that you never really know the person next to you it may work.

See I have been around for a while I have seen our nation going through the revolution of free speech in the 60s and 70s even when I was a child and then a teen.

I have seen our country going no up but down the hill when it comes with laws and our constitutional rights.

Been around for 4 decades is good time enough to witness the fact that our nation while ahead in many things our state of mind has gone stagnant.

To many people wants to hold the power in our nation and too many interest groups ruling our nation from behind, it was not like that at least 30 years ago at least no so publicly.

The scare of terrorist act is the new way of today to keep the population afraid.

Sad but this the America of today.

I do agree that taking people in masses to concentration camps would not be the way that can be done.

But just another mass hysteria in the name of another terrorist attack or a pandemic yes I can see how easily people will let the government take them away even voluntarily. . in times like this people become very dependant on their leaders.

No everybody but most of people.

Now this just a conspiracy theory, nothing more.

[edit on 7-4-2006 by marg6043]

posted on Apr, 7 2006 @ 10:40 AM
Look the people.(I mean regular soldiers) would not co-operate with any hair brain idea like this. There is a code of conduct which is mainly for being a POW, but also not to follow BS orders.

US Fighting Man's Code of Conduct

I am an American fighting man, I serve in the forces which guard my country and our way of life. I am prepared to give my life in their defense.

I will never surrender of my own free will. If in command I will never surrender my men while they still have the means to resist.

If I am captured, I will continue to resist by all means available.
I will make every effort to escape or to aide others to escape.
I will accept neither parole nor special favors from the enemy.

If I become a prisoner of war, I will keep faith with my fellow prisoners. I will give no information or take part in any action which might be harmful to my comrades. If I am senior, I will take command. If not, I will obey the lawful order of those appointed over me and will back them up in every way.

When questioned, should I become a prisoner of war, I am bound to give only my name, rank, service number and date of birth. I will evade answering further question to the utmost of my ability, I will make no oral or written statements disloyal to my country or it's allies and harmful to their cause.

I will never forget that I am an American fighting man, responsible for my actions, and dedicated to the principles which made my country free. I will trust in my God and in the United States of America.

If the government wants to pull some crap they will have to take out the military. How are they going to do that?

posted on Apr, 7 2006 @ 11:03 AM

Originally posted by Mirthful Me
(Pardon the pun)

But if we can't manage to load up a bus of illegal aliens and take them to a border crossing, how in the NWO's name are we going to manage to round up "Red Blooded Americans" and ship them off to concentration camps?

Just a thought...

Greyhound Monkeys, not just for driving the bus anymore...

The answer to this question is simple, because the people will willingly stop fighting the New World Order...because of Mind Control.

See My post here on the tail end of the page :

Mind Control - The New World Order - Cingular Mind

posted on Apr, 7 2006 @ 11:07 AM

The least pain in our little finger gives us more concern and uneasiness than the destruction of millions of our fellow-beings.

(William Hazlitt (1778-1830), British essayist.

Keep in mind, there are more ways to keep people "imprisoned" than iron bars.

1. Enormous debts - this is how both families and developing countries are "kept in line". Debt is the weapon that maintains the status quo.

2. Laziness - keep us on the couch, entertained and fatted up, we'll never even have the strength to fight back.

3. Fear - fear of disease, fear of economic ruin, fear of terroists. Fear is the ultimate controlling tool within any population.

How do you break free from this control? Eliminate your debts, stay healthy and strong (be politically aware and active - attend a protest of your choosing!), and do not allow anything you hear in the media or from the government to cause you any fear.

Search out the truth yourself - this is a big world with many people who are willing to talk. Want to know the truth about what's going on in Iraq? Don't listen to the government or to the media. Ask the troops - many of them post in online forums such as this one while they're there. Most of those who return are more than willing to share their experiences. Ask Iraqi's or their families who live outside Iraq - many of the families of those living in Iraq are more than willing to talk about what's really happening on the ground.

Rule One - Disbelieve anything you are told until you hear it from the horse's mouth. And never give in to fear.


posted on Apr, 7 2006 @ 11:17 AM

Originally posted by rdube02

Keep in mind, there are more ways to keep people "imprisoned" than iron bars.

You got my way above vote.

You got it, my friend, that is exactly what is going on in American today.

And one of the reasons that the government is trying so hard to decimate the middle class America, the working class that still have influences because they still have some control over their destinies.

Yes you nail it to the spot my friend take away the will of the working class and you will have domination on the rest of the population.

posted on Apr, 7 2006 @ 11:23 AM

Originally posted by marg6043
See I have been around for a while I have seen our nation going through the revolution of free speech in the 60s and 70s even when I was a child and then a teen.

I have seen our country going no up but down the hill when it comes with laws and our constitutional rights.

Been around for 4 decades is good time enough to witness the fact that our nation while ahead in many things our state of mind has gone stagnant.

Marg, sounds like we are close to the same age. I also remember the civil rights movement and the emotionally charged issues that went with it. As I said in an earlier post, it is much easier to control the masses through fear and anger (hate) than it is through logic. The government does not want us to think for ourselves. This is why they play on our emotions. If we are riled up enough (afraid, angry, etc.) then we don't think straight.

Originally posted by marg6043
To many people wants to hold the power in our nation and too many interest groups ruling our nation from behind, it was not like that at least 30 years ago at least no so publicly.

Actually they were. Anywhere you see fear mongering, you will see their handiwork. They wanted us afraid of Cuban missile, communism, the bomb, the black man, automation, computers, Jews and the list goes on. They were there, we just weren't as aware of them as we are now.

Originally posted by marg6043
The scare of terrorist act is the new way of today to keep the population afraid.

Terrorism, bird flu, and now they want us afraid of the hispanics who would destroy our wonderful American way of life and take over our country.

Originally posted by marg6043

Originally posted by DaFunk13
All of these things are true indeed. But do you honestly think that they can herd us all into cages?

Perhaps no many people would not stand by and see their friends taken away but when the can government manipulate propaganda and use it for you to spy on your friends and that you never really know the person next to you it may work.
I do agree that taking people in masses to concentration camps would not be the way that can be done.

But just another mass hysteria in the name of another terrorist attack or a pandemic yes I can see how easily people will let the government take them away even voluntarily. . in times like this people become very dependant on their leaders.

No everybody but most of people.

If the government came in and started putting people in concentration camps, then yes, I can see where there would be a huge protest. But if some areas were quarantine for bird flu, or some other scare, then we could be slowly suckered in to the interment camps.

Remember the anthrax scare? There were armed guards around the supposed infected areas. Remember the armed guards forcing people in New Orleans to leave their homes or give up their firearms?

Could these incidents have been a trial run to see how well the Amercian public would swallow the party line? Remember the story of the frog and the pot of boiling water? Are we the frogs they are boiling slowly and gradually?

Originally posted by marg6043
Now this just a conspiracy theory, nothing more.

And then again, maybe not.

posted on Apr, 7 2006 @ 11:53 AM

Yes we do remember the good old times of advancement and also the bad times now facing our nation. It seems to me that we have lost that spunk the will, the voices, something is not right and I am afraid to know what it is.

To me the seventies was the best time at least for me, been a time of change post war, a presidential fall out the people had the power back them.

Perhaps because we were young and optimistic, but our youth of today don't even have optimism any more they are glue to their computers, game consoles and TV and then in top of that they are medicated to keep them complacent and malleable.

Now is like we have no power anymore, we get up on election day, we vote, we chose or at least we think that the choices are the right ones, because that is what is given and then we seat back and let our elected politicians make decisions for us and even when we know they are not the best ones we don’t do anything about it, but seat back and let it happen.

Did we lost our will?

posted on Apr, 7 2006 @ 12:04 PM
Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R-Calif), along with some other conservative Republicans, is suggesting that immigration/labor issues be solved by deporting all illegals and replacing their agricultural labor with prison labor. Here's the link:

It isn't always what is bad in the moment, but what it has the potential to become when used unscrupulpusly (not really meant to be a comment on the merits, or lack thereof, on this particular idea...)

But it does hold a potential that could be repressive against some citizens, I suppose.

Slowly change the laws regarding wht is criminal, combine with some elements of the above posts, such as a general fear/malaise and the general sensory overload available in our culture and, well, there ya' go... .

[edit on 4/7/2006 by apocalypticon]

[edit on 4/7/2006 by apocalypticon]

posted on Apr, 7 2006 @ 12:20 PM
Christ!! The great American dream is finally going bust!!

posted on Apr, 7 2006 @ 12:30 PM
You don't have to believe this, then the mind control signals can't control you--you don't have to be retarded to watch TV either, but it sure does help.

posted on Apr, 7 2006 @ 12:44 PM

I go back to the civil war.
( Not really) but i do remember the pride in proclaiming my citizenship, father-like presidents doing fireside chats that moved me, and living the good old American dream.


posted on Apr, 7 2006 @ 12:52 PM

Originally posted by dgtempe

I go back to the civil war.
( Not really) but i do remember the pride in proclaiming my citizenship, father-like presidents doing fireside chats that moved me, and living the good old American dream.


Then again - the population was pretty well shielded from reality weren't they? I mean when you get your only news from a few major radio broadcasting stations, the president communicates with the public via informal "fireside chats", and you get your only visual news from the "propaganda"-style commercials at the movies - that isn't exactly a better environment than we have today, is it.

It's just today, people are more aware of the atrocities committed by our government.

Maybe ignorance was bliss?


[edit on 7-4-2006 by rdube02]

posted on Apr, 7 2006 @ 01:11 PM
naw we are all pussycats.
just look at the great things we have done.

posted on Apr, 7 2006 @ 01:54 PM
What are you people talking about. one thing about Americans is ....we may sit passively while out policy makers make rediculous legislations, but we are AMERICANS. And part of that identity is defined in our classroom teachings. IT IS OK TO STAND UP TO YOUR GOVERNMENT WHEN NECESSARY. Think about it....all of you Americans. how many of us would allow our neighborhoods to be raided by white busses ... without there being some major civil disobedience. Remember.....Revolutionary War, Union Rights, Civil Rights..etc. We have a sucessful history of standing up to the higher power. Sooner or later we will colectively say enough is enough.

posted on Apr, 7 2006 @ 03:35 PM
Gosh I've gotta take a deep breath before replying.....wheeewwww

Personally, I now think the Bush Administration absolutely sucks and has blown whatever amount of International Credibility we had left.

HOWEVER, 225 years ago our founding fathers never invisioned an enemy that has proven time after time that it has absolutely no concern for the loss of innocent lives or even there own for that matter. So what do we do? Either let the ultra-liberal schmucks at the ACLU play referree when it comes time to 'protect' the country, or do we 'trust' our elected officials to not exploit the powers given them in these dangerous times. Not a great choice either way you look at it but I think I'll stick to the patriot act. I can assure you, this southern boy will be the first to volunteer as leader of a revolution if our government actually had such imagininative and sinister schemes as this topic implys.

I really wish some of you would quit hiding behind the 'personal freedoms' rallying cry simply because you are afraid to admit that our country is under threat of a clear and present danger. 9/11 proved that our freedoms were exploited not by our government, but rather a bloodthirsty cult of radical millitants that are convinced that as many Americans should die as possible - I realize this will provoke a flame-out by those who feel our own government orchestrated those events but so be it.


posted on Apr, 7 2006 @ 04:22 PM
You know, I can see that as being true.

My own school called me a terrorist.

Now please, don't let my age get in the way, let me finish.

In one of my classes we were supposed to design a powerpoint presentation about ourselves, a sort of autobiography. In my presentation I decided to make it more humorous by making world domination my number one priority, just a little joke, I also included a little story about how me and one of my friends accidentally burned down a fence (key word, accidentaly).

Wouldn't you know it I was called down to the office because the whole presentation was a little odd, they said that due to some of the recent events they had to be careful. I can respect them for that, it all was rather odd, it's just the fact that they're right in saying that we have to be careful due to some of the recent events, I'm not talking about terrorist actions but rather government action.

Your right, because of the patriot act it's pretty easy for them to arrest me and use my presentation as evidence that I was plotting to blow the school up, they could use my high grades as evidence that I had the knowledge to manufacture a cheap bomb, god knows what else they could use against me.

And of course there's going to be a lot of media criticism if word get's out that a frail 16 year old got sent to prison for plotting against the government, so there's the possibilty of me getting sent to these camps that are supposed to exist in Siberia.

Wow, I sure did like it better when we could speak freely without worrying about being accused of a plot to blow up some building.

EDIT: Ampleforth, from 1984

Have you ever read the book? Near the end the poet Ampleforth is taken in by the thought police and sent to the Ministry of Love to be reconditioned. The only reason he was sent there was because while writing a poem he could only think of 12 words that rhymed with rod, one of them was god. Everything was going well until he made one simple mistake, that's when he was arrested.

I feel like Ampleforth, everything was going good for me, I did everything they told me to. Then, I make a simple mistake, that's where I fall.

[edit on 7-4-2006 by SecretPenguiMan]

[edit on 7-4-2006 by SecretPenguinMan]

posted on Apr, 7 2006 @ 05:20 PM

Originally posted by SecretPenguinMan
I feel like Ampleforth, everything was going good for me, I did everything they told me to. Then, I make a simple mistake, that's where I fall.

What kind of fall did you take? Who sent you for reconditioning? If all they did was call you into the office, it's not really a fall. If so, I fell ALOT in high school, lol. Did you get a failing grade, or do you really think they're planning to send you to Siberia?

posted on Apr, 7 2006 @ 05:52 PM

Originally posted by 27jd

Originally posted by SecretPenguinMan
I feel like Ampleforth, everything was going good for me, I did everything they told me to. Then, I make a simple mistake, that's where I fall.

What kind of fall did you take? Who sent you for reconditioning? If all they did was call you into the office, it's not really a fall. If so, I fell ALOT in high school, lol. Did you get a failing grade, or do you really think they're planning to send you to Siberia?
I don't really care about being sent to the office, it's the fact that I was sent there because I was considered a threat, they were actually worried that I might just blow up the school or some other building.

and then there's the fact that because of this simple action it's even easier for me to be accused of plotting to blow up some building. It's not getting sent to the office that worries me, that happens to everyone, it's the fact that it's this easy to be a terrorist.

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