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Born Again Christians actually Satanists!

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posted on Apr, 12 2006 @ 10:28 PM

Originally posted by sanse_nz

I am a believer in God, and proud of it. I will never, however, be a bible follower...

I can relate to this statment. I, too, believe in God (YHVH)... HOWEVER...the pentecostal punishing GOD who lived way out in the sky and wore a long white robe and carried a staff that I was taught about as a child in sunday school while attending pentecostal services IS NOT the god that I believe in today. The God I have in my life today is a loving God of my understanding.

The modern christian bible had been transliterated so many times that it now says things that are totally is MISLEADING Christians everywhere, IMHO.

BUT...I DO believe in ORIGINAL writings in Aramaic or Hebrew...and the Pentateuch. I want to give one example of the word Elohim...which is a plural word "Let Elohim (us) make man in OUR image"...there is NOT another translation for this word, it is plural, period.

So I can understand how someone can believe in God but not wanting to follow the transliterated bible of today...I do urge you to seek the original writings, though, sanse_nz. I found reading the Lost Books of the Bible helped to fill in some of the blanks. At any rate it is a great read.

Originally posted by Paul of Nisbis Well, first, you are not Anglican, you are a heathen, as you yourself state, "I will never, however, be a bible follower..."

So quick to judge? It is exactly this kind of thinking and passing of judgement on others that has turned me off to organized CHRISTIAN religion...
just because someone has difficulty accepting the mis-translated meanings of todays Bible does not necessarily make one a heathen, sir.

G.O.D. = Good Orderly Direction

posted on Apr, 13 2006 @ 06:32 PM
Very Well Said Cherish, that deserve an Applause, which I will do!

posted on Apr, 13 2006 @ 11:00 PM
Cherish, just voted you a WATS........and give you my applause.
But of course, nothing you or I can say will change attitudes but hey, I'm as accepting as I can be about others opinions, after all, that is what my God teaches me. Insults aren't required in my world.

Would definately like to do some research about the Lost books you mention, any books you could recommend?


posted on Apr, 17 2006 @ 10:24 PM

Originally posted by Excitable_Boy
It has come to my attention that many Born Again groups are actually satanic in nature! Using symbols like upside down crosses for example.

You have a God-given brain. Do you not?

If someone is using an upside down cross or a crucifix...odds are they are not born again aka filled with the Holy Spirit.

Originally posted by Excitable_BoyBorn Again organizations tend to be "fascist" in nature as it says above. They shun homosexuals and believe they have exclusivity on Heaven. This is not is quite the opposite: Anti-Christian. So many Born Again Christians are AntiChrists! Quite bizarre.
[edit on 5-4-2006 by Excitable_Boy]

you have a very twisted perception of what it means to be born again...someone is born again if they have been BAPTIZED IN THE HOLY SPIRIT

there is only one way to heaven..HIS Name is YAHSHUA

btw, its a logical fallacy to say that christians are antichristians

posted on Apr, 18 2006 @ 06:44 PM

you have a very twisted perception of what it means to be born again...someone is born again if they have been BAPTIZED IN THE HOLY SPIRIT

there is only one way to heaven..HIS Name is YAHSHUA

btw, its a logical fallacy to say that christians are antichristians

1. Baptized in the Holy Spirit....sounds like a euphemism for something a little more grizzly.
2. There is only one way to heaven is right. We call it death.
3. If Christ were alive, he would not be happy with "Born Again" Christians. He would make it quite clear that this is not what he wanted. He would ask:
"What makes you better than other humans?"
"Who made any of you God?"
"Why have you chosen to be false prophets? I warned against this."
"I told you to love thy neighbor as thyself. I didn't tell you to hate those who had different beliefs than you. I told you to love them as your own."

etc.....I have read the bible and I don't need any "religion" to tell me what it says and try to control me with their brain-washing. I'm smart enough not to give my "tithings" to some Evangelists laughing all the way to the bank after every service.

You all need to READ the bible and quit preaching some warped sense of the bible....

If Satan and Jesus were in a room watching you all from behind a one way mirror, Satan would feel content and smile while Jesus would probably weep.

[edit on 18-4-2006 by Excitable_Boy]

posted on Apr, 18 2006 @ 07:34 PM
Seems to me that this thread is supposed to be about how born again Christians are satanists, most of what Ive been reading seems to be about homosexuality, now i guess that some might call that satanism, but I personally think the two are pretty far from each other, as I really would not class a homosexual a satanist, just my opinion, Where does the born again Christian become a satanist?

By the way , heads up for your post helen!

[edit on 18-4-2006 by tracer]

posted on Apr, 19 2006 @ 02:34 PM

Originally posted by AngelWings9999
Some homosexuals, were molested or abused, some have homonal imbalance, etc.......

....and some grew up with loving parents (strong paternal role models), siblings, friends; were never ever molested; had normal hormone counts; grew up in completely heterosexual environments; went to church every week; believed in God (prayed to God)....and still could not fathom the reason they were never attracted to the opposite sex at all...and just accepted that this was God's will and the way they were created......much to the opposition of hateful, self-righteous, Born-Again idiots.

[edit on 19-4-2006 by zerotolerance]

posted on Apr, 20 2006 @ 04:19 AM
Here is a link to The Book of Enoch to start with. do some goole searching. The Book of Mary if most beautiful.

Thank you for the applause

[edit on 4/20/2006 by Cherish]

posted on Apr, 21 2006 @ 05:20 PM

Originally posted by zerotolerance

Originally posted by AngelWings9999
Some homosexuals, were molested or abused, some have homonal imbalance, etc.......

....and some grew up with loving parents (strong paternal role models), siblings, friends; were never ever molested; had normal hormone counts; grew up in completely heterosexual environments; went to church every week; believed in God (prayed to God)....and still could not fathom the reason they were never attracted to the opposite sex at all...and just accepted that this was God's will and the way they were created......much to the opposition of hateful, self-righteous, Born-Again idiots.

[edit on 19-4-2006 by zerotolerance]

*applause* Yep, I've known a couple of wonderful, kind people just as you describe. Heck, one even joined the monastery - y'know, that place where they train men to work for GOD

posted on May, 6 2006 @ 08:50 PM

Originally posted by Excitable_Boy

YHWH Himself wasn't/isn't a Born Again (whoever YWHW is).

You don't even recognize the Tetragrammaton, the Name of the God of the Bible, and you dare to try to overturn the inspired text of the OT and NT, Orthodox Jewish/Christian tradition, etc!

Originally posted by Excitable_Boy
Jesus, the mortal prophet)...

Of course a sodomite advocate would never accept that Yeshua was YHWH incarnate.

Originally posted by Excitable_Boy

...said to follow him... .

Following, among other things, means not being a practicing sodomite.

Originally posted by Excitable_Boy

...and he supposedly died for our sins which means, as a result of his dying for our sins, he made a place for EVERYONE in heaven (if this is even true). Not just the Born Again, Devil Worshiping, Cult following freaky kind of Christians. EVERYONE!! Everyone goes to the same's not just waiting for the freaky Born Agains!! In the Bible, Jesus states that as a result of dying for our sins, he has made a place for EVERYONE in heaven.

Dear Lord... have you EVER read the NT?

Sure, everyone goes to the same place, if you are talking about His throne to face the Last Judgement, where the sheep shall be separated from the goats. Obviously there would be no need of a "Last Judgement" if everyone was going to the same place.

He died so that everyone who accepts His sacrifice may have atonement. You don't get to reject, or be lukewarm ("supposedly") to, the Gospel in this life and enjoy eternal life.

posted on May, 6 2006 @ 09:25 PM

Originally posted by Cherish

the pentecostal punishing GOD who lived way out in the sky and wore a long white robe and carried a staff that I was taught about as a child in sunday school while attending pentecostal services IS NOT the god that I believe in today..

Oh come on, were you REALLY taught that God was a literal old man who "wore a long white robe and carried a staff"?

BUT...I DO believe in ORIGINAL writings in Aramaic or Hebrew...and the Pentateuch.

Well, then you should know, as I do, from Hebrew Masoretic text, the Aramaic Targums, the Aramaic Pe#ta OT and NT, etc., that the wrath of YHWH ("punishing GOD") isn't something that found its way into Christianity by mistranslation.

I want to give one example of the word Elohim...which is a plural word "Let Elohim (us) make man in OUR image"...there is NOT another translation for this word, it is plural, period.

Amazing, you've managed to 'rediscover' a proof text for the Echad nature of the Godhead that Christians have been using for two thousand years.

[edit on 6-5-2006 by Paul of Nisbis]

posted on May, 6 2006 @ 09:30 PM
Well, I know this:

The RCC is heretical, has always been heretical, and shall always be heretical. They took the easy way out and have a 2000 year history of concessions. Yet even the RCC doesn't acknowledge the evils of abortion and homosexuality within it's agenda.

Anybody opening up the bible will at the first page see that Born again Christians kept the teachings to the core. This has even been checksum verified. The 1611 KJV is truer to the Hebrew and the Greek than any other translation, and if the Church fathers didn't take Apocrypha such as the Book of Enoch, Book of Maccabees and so forth, then their's a reason why- because Jews used the Septuagint (and ONLY the septuagint, along with the Masoteric text of course) as their scripture. So you see- we didn't randomly select our canon, we just had the Church fathers give a "seal of approval". Why be careless enough to introduce say, the Book of Enoch into the bible when it teaches that Enoch became a God (100% heresy) ? Also, I'm not too much a fan of pentecostalism by the way (Baptism of the holy spirit is heresy, Arminianism is heresy, and so forth).

posted on May, 6 2006 @ 10:11 PM

Originally posted by Nakash
Why be careless enough to introduce say, the Book of Enoch into the bible when it teaches that Enoch became a God (100% heresy) ?

What chapter/verse of Enoch are you referencing? Being referred to as elohim ("mighty one," "god") isn't necessarily heretical, since angels, Moses, etc. are referred to as that.

Originally posted by Nakash

...Arminianism is heresy, and so forth).

Another person who hasn't read the Church Fathers prior to Augustine.

[edit on 6-5-2006 by Paul of Nisbis]

posted on May, 7 2006 @ 12:48 AM
Enoch was not turned into an angle (Metatron), Metraton isn't an angel in the first place. Arminianism is also clearly heretical (just look at it's proponents- the RCC, Pentecostal snake handlers, etc.) Arminianism says your too good for Jesus Christ, that he didn't do his task of atonement properly and that you somehow have to "fill in". The other extreme is the Nicolaitanes heresy. Arminians are generally people confronting issues with the holy texts and refuse to take it by it's word.

[edit on 7-5-2006 by Nakash]

posted on May, 7 2006 @ 08:59 AM

You don't even recognize the Tetragrammaton, the Name of the God of the Bible, and you dare to try to overturn the inspired text of the OT and NT, Orthodox Jewish/Christian tradition, etc!

Tetragrammaton? Didn't Godzilla fight Tetragrammaton? That was a great battle. Godzilla of course kicked his butt.

Of course a sodomite advocate would never accept that Yeshua was YHWH incarnate.

You're a sodomite advocate? What does that mean? YHWH? You need some vowels in there...that isn't a word! You're a little too fixated on the sodomites I think...makes one wonder what is in your closet!

Following, among other things, means not being a practicing sodomite.

So you're not a practicing sodomite? You're just a sodomite in your mind? You believe it's okay to sin in one's mind as long as you don't physically sin?

Dear Lord... have you EVER read the NT?

Don't call me Dear Lord...I'm just a simple man!

He died so that everyone who accepts His sacrifice may have atonement. You don't get to reject, or be lukewarm ("supposedly") to, the Gospel in this life and enjoy eternal life.

No..he died so everyone PERIOD may have atonement. Not just those who think they are somehow better than others. Sheep vs. goats in your world. Get over your bad self. Everyone has eternal life...even those horrible sodomites! Be careful they don't come looking for you in the afterworld!!

I asked this earlier and no one wanted to touch it. If a man and a woman practice sodomy, is that okay? Are they terrible Sodomites also? Or is it okay because they are of opposite sexes? vs. those terrible homosexual type Sodomites....

[edit on 7-5-2006 by Excitable_Boy]

posted on May, 7 2006 @ 09:10 AM

Sure, everyone goes to the same place, if you are talking about His throne to face the Last Judgement, where the sheep shall be separated from the goats. Obviously there would be no need of a "Last Judgement" if everyone was going to the same place.

Typical Satanic behavior and beliefs. In your world, He sounds like Satan, not God. I don't think God looks at His people as sheep and goats. That is something Satan would certainly do though!! There would be no need for a "Last Judgement" if there was no Satan!!

posted on May, 7 2006 @ 09:22 AM
And I thought they were just ignorant and crazy. Silly me. In karen Armstrong's execllent book "The Battle for God: a history of fundamentism" she points out that our forebearers in Judaism, Christianity and Islam understood that if God's word was infinate, then by necessity it had an infinate number of meanings and that they relished the metaphors and alagories contined therein. To limit oneself to one view of things, especially things as subjective as spirituality and our approach to the infeffable, is in essence to limit one's mind and ones soul. Pathetic really but many people apparently need, or should I say are terrifed of ambuguity.

posted on May, 7 2006 @ 09:33 AM
actually the translation is "born from above".....unless one is born from above, he will not see the kingdom of God.

"Born again" are ceremonies practiced by secret societies, such as lying in a coffin as a inducted member, coming out --born again...

posted on May, 8 2006 @ 10:48 AM

Originally posted by AngelWings9999
Judge not, for thy will be judged the Bible says! I'm a Born Again Christian, & Only by God's great Mercy & Grace, I'm able to love & not judge.

For those to judge anyone if they be homosexual or whatever nature of weakness, is wrong! See, only God knows their hearts, and why they do what they do. ...

Many take this passage out of context and do not understand what is truely being said. Your so called "Holy Bible" does not say that we are to be void of judgement. Read the entire context from which this passage is taken.

"You hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of your own eye; and then shall you see clearly to cast out the mote out of your brother's eye." (Mattithyah [Matthew] 7:5)

This is clearly speaking about being a hypocrite. This is speaking about those who would judge someone for a wrong doing and they themselves are doing the same thing. Are you a righteous judge of character? Does not the statement "You shall know them by their fruits." in itself ask that you judge others? (Mattithyah [Mathew] 7:16)

If one says or believes that they do not judge others, they are lying to themselves and others. In fact, by simply saying one is wrong to judge another is judging that one in itself.

CLICK HERE for the dictionary definition of 'judging'.

Try telling Judge Judy or Judge Joe Brown not to judge!

We are to judge ourselves and others by Father Yahweh's righteous judgments. Is it not wrong for one to steal, murder, lie (bear false witness), and etc.?

Father Yahweh's Righteous Judgments

Articles On Homosexuality

[edit on 5/8/06 by Frank4YAHWEH]

posted on May, 8 2006 @ 11:54 AM
lets have a look at the core of Satanism

Satan represents indulgence, instead of abstinence!

Satan represents vital existence, instead of spiritual pipe dreams!

Satan represents undefiled wisdom, instead of hypocritical self-deceit!

Satan represents kindness to those who deserve it, instead of love wasted on ingrates!

Satan represents vengeance, instead of turning the other cheek!

Satan represents responsibility to the responsible, instead of concern for psychic vampires!

Satan represents man as just another animal, sometimes better, more often worse than those that walk on all fours, who, because of his "divine spiritual and intellectual development, has become the most vicious animal of all!

Satan represents all of the so-called sins, as they all lead to physical, mental, or emotional gratification!

Satan is the best friend the church has ever had, as he has kept it in business all these years!

From the Satanic Bible

I added the bold

Number 4 seems to pretty much state that Satanists are kind to those deserving kindness in their mind, but unkind to those that don't deserve it. From the statements I've heard about homosexuals It seems like there are a few Satanists in this thread.

Number 5 is also interesting. By expecting God to extract vengeance on those who deserve it, isn't that in effect, a Satanist tennent? In the mind of a "born again", God's vengeance is inevitable if you don't follow the right beliefs.

Through the actions of the church for lo these many centuries, it looks like Satan won.

[edit on 8-5-2006 by Rasobasi420]

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