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Alert!!! 250 Nuclear Warheads Sold To Iran???

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posted on Apr, 5 2006 @ 12:08 AM
what a huge mistake this could be on the part of the Ukraine ..If this russian journal is correct we could be in for a rough ride should the bush administration decide to persue military action

just when you thought it was safe to read the news again ............

posted on Apr, 5 2006 @ 12:12 AM

Let's hope this is not true!!! :shk:

*pulls covers over head*

posted on Apr, 5 2006 @ 12:16 AM
key words there "could have been." sounds like sensational speculation on the part of the reporter. they could have sold them to israel for all anyone knows.

but regardless of who they were sold too, it probably aint gonna be a good thing.

posted on Apr, 5 2006 @ 12:35 AM
Yeah...if that's true...holy mackeral!!

I suppose it's possible they kept them for their own "deterrance" against Russia.

Even if they did, it would have been easy enough to sell, say, 10 of 'em. Or 20.
Or 30... .

You have to wonder, though, about how the world would react if they found proof that folks in the Ukraine were blackmarketing some of any nuclear weaponry they may (or may not) have.

posted on Apr, 5 2006 @ 12:49 AM
i really was not sure if i should have posted this yet another cry of nuke but the reports keep coming out in the news (if you know where to look)..

not that some people want this getting out ...but you have to wonder why almost every other day you read another story like this ...

it's like the media want's to invoke mass hysteria or something it's getting a little crazy......

[edit on 5-4-2006 by the_sentinal]

posted on Apr, 5 2006 @ 12:51 AM
If Iran had a nucleur weapons capability, they would have publicly announced it by now.

Let's think about it. Most reasonably sane people that if Iran is looking for nucleur weapons, they would be seaking them as a detterance. Much like Israel. I can guarantee that if the u.s or israel even suspected that Iran had operational nucleur warheads and a means to deploy them, ie Shahab 3. They would certainly be thinking twice about any attack on the Iranians.
ie. North Korea.

My point? If Iran had them, they would let us know.

For all the doomsdayers that believe that if Iran had a Nucleur loaded missile thay would fire it at Israel...Well if they have had them since 1992 as per article...wouldn't thay already have launched it? Rather than gear everyone up for war?

I think this is all pure speculation.

posted on Apr, 5 2006 @ 12:56 AM

Originally posted by kojac
I think this is all pure speculation.

I think I agree.

However, I sincerely doubt that the rest of your assertions would hold true. I don't think they would disclose the fact they have them, nor would they preemptively attack Israel.

posted on Apr, 5 2006 @ 01:07 AM

Originally posted by kojac
...Well if they have had them since 1992 as per article...wouldn't thay already have launched it?

The article linked to by the_sentinal doesn't say explicitly that Ukraine sold them to anybody...only that they didn't return them to Russia.

I would be willing to bet Ukraine still has...most...of them.

posted on Apr, 5 2006 @ 01:12 AM

However, I sincerely doubt that the rest of your assertions would hold true. I don't think they would disclose the fact they have them, nor would they preemptively attack Israel.

Why would Iran aim to have nucleur weapons if thay did not disclose thay had them? What would be their motive in aquiring them? Surely as a detterant? It's not a detterant if nobody knows you've got them..

As for pre-emptively attacking Israel, i don't believe that would happen either. Other people often use "wipe Israel off the map" and other such quotes taken out of context, to insinuate that thay would.

posted on Apr, 5 2006 @ 01:23 AM

Originally posted by kojac
Why would Iran aim to have nucleur weapons if thay did not disclose thay had them? What would be their motive in aquiring them? Surely as a detterant? It's not a detterant if nobody knows you've got them..

Hey, buddy, you need to know your history... South Africa denied they had them forever... Israel still does, though no one believes them.

[edit on 5-4-2006 by loam]

posted on Apr, 5 2006 @ 01:29 AM
Has been suggested they "could" have them.
Israel is still on the Map, so they can't have them yet.
Just like Iraq was supposed to have WMD, which kept the neighbours quiet for years, but they never had any worth talking about.

posted on Apr, 5 2006 @ 01:30 AM
OMG Iran has WMD's, we must attack now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Are we really going to fall for this again? I really couldn't care because i've always wanted grow a third arm anyway.

posted on Apr, 5 2006 @ 02:08 AM

Alert!!! 250 Nuclear Warheads Sold To Iran???:
Did Ukraine sell Iran nuclear warheads?
MOSCOW, April 4 (UPI) -- On April 3 the Russian journal Novaia Gazeta reported that 250 nuclear warheads with a total yield of 20 megatons were not returned by Ukraine to Russia.

Novaia Gazeta suggested the warheads could have been sold to a third country, possibly Iran.
*emphasis mine

suggested - could have - possibly - [insert country here]

Personally, I would have suggested that the author of this thread could have used a more appropriate title. Possibly, something along the lines of, say?, unnaccounted for ... not sold to Iran. ?

It seems the source "article" for this threead is nothing more than a blurb of conjecture and possibilities, perhaps an ATS member in the Ukraine locale could provide more insight.

After reading the source "article", I'm still having a hard time equating "suggested - could have - possibly - [insert country here]" to the sum of 250 Nuclear Warheads Sold To Iran ?!


posted on Apr, 5 2006 @ 02:28 AM

Why would Iran aim to have nucleur weapons if thay did not disclose thay had them? As for pre-emptively attacking Israel, i don't believe that would happen either. Other people often use "wipe Israel off the map" and other such quotes taken out of context, to insinuate that thay would.

most people i know who own hand guns and carry them.. usually carry them concealed . why? because of the "element of suprise" ahhh yes the element of suprise..any tactician will tell you the element of suprise is paramont in winning a war...

so do i believe that Iran would conceal a few nukes untill just the right time bet i do!!!

many people already believe that Iran has them just by there arrogant remarks and military posturing....."they act like they have them" so i for one am going to assume they do.........

posted on Apr, 5 2006 @ 02:45 AM

Originally posted by 12m8keall2c

Personally, I would have suggested that the author of this thread could have used a more appropriate title. Possibly, something along the lines of, say?, unnaccounted for ... not sold to Iran. ?

After reading the source "article", I'm still having a hard time equating "suggested - could have - possibly - [insert country here]" to the sum of 250 Nuclear Warheads Sold To Iran ?!


I guess i could have used less colorful wording but really it comes down to do you think they have them or not ??

it falls under the same catagory as i smoked it ...." but I didnt inhale"

posted on Apr, 5 2006 @ 02:54 AM
Ok, something fishy is going on here, in one sentence they are 20 megaton bombs in the following sentence they 200 kiloton bombs....maybe it's a math thing but I thought

1kt = 1,000 tons of tnt

1 megaton= 1,000,000 tons of tnt.....


posted on Apr, 5 2006 @ 04:02 AM
dude i have no idea how megaton & kiloton equate into poundages of TNT could anyone else answer this .......

I see what you mean though it seems like somthing is amiss.......the last part is clear as a bell though "250 WARHEADS MISSING"

posted on Apr, 5 2006 @ 04:02 AM
the whole report sounds like somebodys good guess or assumption, they could have sold them to the koreans or chinese we dont know.

what i do sure as hell know is if they got a good deal theyd probably be ''smart'' and sell some to right wing terrorist for a good guild.

just a thought.

[edit on 5-4-2006 by topsecretombomb]

posted on Apr, 5 2006 @ 04:28 AM
The only thing that's bugging me about this is the fact that it's taken them 14 years to realise they are missing.

posted on Apr, 5 2006 @ 04:42 AM

Originally posted by executioner
The only thing that's bugging me about this is the fact that it's taken them 14 years to realise they are missing.

alot of things about this are alarming i read an article a few years ago about the russians and their lackluster record keeping..... this is going to cost us!!

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