UUUmmmm....reasons why I don't believe the "Official" 9/11 story?
Well, we could be here all day while I write this out.
First and foremost, is "terrorism" the definition is too vague and broad ranged of a definition...it covers anything from Ali Ba Ba with a bomb in
his backpack to a computer hacker, to someone like Me writing this post here.
Basically, the US Government and other Governments in collusion with them, can label anyone they deem trouble for any reason, as a "terrorist".
Privacy, is the last refuge of Revolution. If we can't have privacy, we can't have a revolution against a Tyrannical Government, like it was written
in the US Constitution. We...the people...have the right to rise up and overthrow a Government who's become too powerful or tyrannical.
Their ultimate goal is stealing all your rights to privacy and to have you begging them to do it. Remember...right after 9/11...all the polls of
"Would you give away some of your rights and freedoms to protect democracy?"
Most of the people polled said yes, and I would've said no.
Go and read the US Consitution if you don't believe Me. The National Archives would be a good place to start. Here's the link :
U.S. Constitution
Let's see...there's also SEAL Team 6...which is supposed to be non-existant...and is always...and I mean always, made up of Foreign National
Americans. Iraqi-Americans, Saudi-Americans, Mexican-Americans...you name it. SEAL Team 6 is the Anti-Terrorism Unit. They practice taking out
terrorists, and to do this...they actually have to stage "terrorist actions" and move against each other in "Combat Manuevers".
Don't get Me wrong...I love the SEAL's. One of the best Elite Units the US has, but that one SEAL Team and other Special Forces are anti-terrorist
units. They use the practice of "Combat Manuevers" to hide the fact that they're blowing stuff up. Delta Force, Germany's GSG-9 (remember it's
more than the US behind all this)and others are included in that.
Then there's the fact that they found the terrorists names so quickly after 9/11 happened. I mean come on, our Intelligence Agencies are good, but
not good enough to have all the names of the terrorists names collected and sorted in one or two days.
Once Russia fell, I knew this was the next logical step. Why...? You might ask.
Because, for the Military Industrial Complex, to survive...this would be the manufacturers of Military vehicles, supplies, the Military Brass at the
Pentagon, and any and all people connected to the military or supplying, or making money off them...they have to have an adversary to fight. This is
called the "Straw Adversary Concept" You can go here to see the definition :
Straw Man - Straw Adversary
or even here :
Info Wars - Straw Adversary
The Government has to have a big bad guy to wave in our faces...to scare you into submission...a scared public is easier to control than a rational
thinking public, since Russia went Bankrupt from our CIA initiating us outspending them in the Cold War. That was the CIA's master plan, to outspend
Russia, and make them fall flat on their faces.
This is also the way for them to ensure that we "need" to have the Military...that we have a "need" for the Military Budget. If we don't have a
"War" to fight...what reason would we need to allot millions of Tax Payer's dollars. This is the way Washington works folks. If there's no
"need for something"...then the Budget for it gets cut.
It's like a Global game of Chess. The Illuminati, Freemasons, Masons, Bilderbergers, WTO...you name it...they control all of this.
Then, there's the actual investigation...what bunk that was. When they investigate things on Capitol Hill, is when they use that as a "Smoke
Screen" to cover up the truth...just like the Warren Commision did for JFK's assassination.
Go here to read about the usual military uses, and see "Tactics" :
Smoke Screens
It's like using "Smoke and Mirrors" like a magician might to cover the clever secrets of his/her magic tricks.
Go here to read the Wikipedia definition :
Smoke and Mirrors
Let us also not forget, guided bombs and guided planes have been around since WWII. Something that's been possible for more than 50 years now.
Guiding a plane at a building or other structure is not a new thought,...think Kamikaze Attacks during WWII :
Go here to read about the possiblity of Radio Guided Planes :
Radio Guided Planes - 9/11 Strike
There's also the fact, that any and all Government Officials use "Double Speak"...the term for saying something that you're not really saying.
I'll thank Wikipedia for the definition again here :
Double Speak
Thank you Wikipdeia
Let us also not forget patriotism...yes I said patriotism. All the US Government has to do, is wave an American Flag, and the vast majority of
ignorant populace follows like Lemmings off a cliff without thinking. Because...if you're not a "Patriot" then you must be wrong.
You can go here for the definition of patriotism, and just remember...there's a difference between "Patriotism" and "Blind Stupidity" :
This would be the definition to Me of "Blind Stupidity" since I couldn't find it on Wikipedia :
Individual stupidity vs collective stupidity
Social psychology has shown that perfectly sensible people can, collectively, act quite foolishly because of blind obedience, mimetism or herding. In
Psychology, this is known as deindividuation in crowds, and can lead to behaviours usually not displayed outside the specific social situation. The
behaviours occur because individuals will conform to perceived social norms in order to 'fit in'.
This is just a little tease, as to why I don't believe the "Official" story of 9/11.
Lions...and Tigers...and "Terrorists" Oh My...
[edit on 5-4-2006 by SpartanKingLeonidas]