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America is about to collapse it seems.

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posted on Apr, 2 2006 @ 01:30 PM
Potential step to freedom.
1. Nationwide strike.
Set a date for a nationwide strike, say July 4th. Stock up, and prepare for the date, because all commerce will come to a halt. Pull all money out of banks. Prepare for a political coup. Have the structure of a new government set up. Set up ham radio, and cb radio communication, because we will probably loose power too. If enough people did this, we could force the current government to step down. Newly elected leaders would be elected without influence of lobbyists and financial might. It would get the attention of the world, and other countries may follow. Hope would be for peaceful takeover, but might turn ugly, and would have to be prepared for that possibility. Abolish taxes, privatizing everything. Abolish all secret government programs. Create open borders, where people can come and go freely. Change military to national defense only, and work toward the complete elimination of military. Ban police from carrying weapons. Eliminate "war" on drugs, and implement voluntary rehabilitation programs, bringing the drug problem into the open. Change current banking system, distributing wealth more evenly among all. Police ourselves. Who know what secrets the current government has from us, the people that the government is supposed to be governed by. Cure to cancer, aids and other diseases? Alien technology? The possibilities are endless. Happier people, less depression, drug use, alchoholism, crime. Distribute the money saved from black government programs to everyone evenly, allowing everyone to own their own house. Change our food system back to a more natural process, eliminate most health issues. Use more nuclear power and alternative energy, clean transportation. The military currently uses nuclear power in carriers and subs, yet the proposed budget for 2007 completely eliminate funding for nuclear tech. Why? Because government wants us reliant on oil and natural gas.
Sounds radical, but I'm afraid that we are only left with a radical solution. If we continue on the same path, we will only continue to alienate ourselve from the rest of the world, and fall deeper into oppression. Fear of change is the only thing that holds us back form a much happier place to live.


posted on Apr, 2 2006 @ 01:48 PM

Originally posted by smallpeeps

...How can America get right so long as the Banksters are creating debt every day? They encourage you to sit down and "qualify" for a loan. Then, they give you a check to sign. Why don't they give you cash for the loan?... Of course if it's a home mortgage, you'll spend the first ten years paying mostly interest, and owning nothing.

Maybe in the future, Americans will demand integrity from their representatives? Or perhaps obedience from their money-changers? But until that day comes, these two groups are leading us where they want us to go. And the most profitable future for them, is to consume America as if it were a delicious meal. Consumerism is the highest moral ideal, right? So why be surprised to see your very own country consumed?

Anyway, collapse doesn't mean it won't be rebuilt. Unfortunately all we've got is credit (no real money) so how would we pay for the rebuilding. Again, the question is all about money. But where's the temple? And who are the moneychangers?

Spot on! All countries need to stand up and do this, no more bankers!

You have voted smallpeeps for the Way Above Top Secret award. You have two more votes this month.

posted on Apr, 2 2006 @ 01:55 PM

Originally posted by stompk
Potential step to freedom.
1. Nationwide strike.
Set a date for a nationwide strike, say July 4th. Stock up, and prepare for the date, because all commerce will come to a halt. Pull all money out of banks. Prepare for a political coup. Have the structure of a new government set up. Set up ham radio, and cb radio communication, because we will probably loose power too. If enough people did this, we could force the current government to step down. Newly elected leaders would be elected without influence of lobbyists and financial might. It would get the attention of the world, and other countries may follow.

You have voted stompk for the Way Above Top Secret award. You have two more votes this month.

I beleive you just stated something that is the only option aside from an all out war, or us losing completely, and forever.

I beleive that statement should be taken seriously by every man, woman and child in america.

Mod Edit: Big Quote – Please Review This Link.

[edit on 2/4/2006 by Umbrax]

posted on Apr, 2 2006 @ 07:29 PM

Originally posted by notbuynit
LOL, Get a grip. Some people were panicking just like you when the US was drawn into ww1, the great depression, ww2, when the Soviets tested their first nuke, Vietnam etc...

Fear can be an overwhelming force but is controllable. Control yours, you'll look a lot more credible.

As far as the opinion ofthe rest of the world goes, screw 'em. Yep, I said it, screw 'em. As long as we're top dog we'll be the scapegoats for everything. We'll be the conveniet blame for every incompetent leader and failing system in the world. Every despot will use us as an excuse to build a huge military while his people starve, all along the real reason will be power and imperialism.

Before I begin, I am sorry if this seems a little off topic at first.
I find it difficult to agree with everything you are saying. It is hard to take this as an objective comment when you ramble on about how Europeans are so terrible. Granted, I am as completely disgusted by the racism and apparent lack of religious freedom in France as you are, but you cannot make generalizations about groups of people based on the actions of a few. I have alot of respect for Europe. The majority of European countries have educational systems far superior to our own. They also care about their environment alot more, and IIRC in the UK, they do not have the huge political campaigning for government positions that we have here in the States that results in such widespread corruption. As far as the two illegal wars that have been initiated under the Bush administration, I believe the war in Afghanistan was justified. I don't see how the war in Iraq was justified. There are for worse situations in Africa in terms of despotic rulers and genocides. We have also found no WMDs or evidence that Iraq was harboring Al Qaeda. This actually seems to be a more likely reason for the Iraq War:
This also covers why France and Germany seem to dislike Bush, apart from the fact that he started two illegal wars, bucked the Kyoto Protocol, and is currently detaining "suspected" terrorists illegally down at Gitmo. As a matter of fact, I think this country is going to have alot of cleaning up to do after Bush leaves office. Actually given Bush backed bills like the Patriot Act, as well the economic disaster fueled the rampant consumerism by the ignorant American populace that we're stuck in, I'm surprised that we haven't collapsed already. So don't go bashing Europe- they have reasons for disliking America. PS Not all Europeans are socialists either, and IMHO at least partial socialism hopefully would help rid ourselves of unfair treatment of consumers by monopolies like Ma Bell.

I think it is also dangerous to say that the US won't collapse based only on the fact that others have said it would before, but it didn't. Just because it didn't happen in the past doesn't mean it will not happen in the future.

In terms of stompk's post, I think it is the best idea I have ever heard for fixing our current situation. We are headed for trouble if we continue the way we are going. A peaceful, but effective means of removing the power base, as well as creating awareness of the environment, our poor educational systems, as well as the dangers of rampant consumerism would be just what the doctor ordered, as well as the redistribution government money. Someone should really look into organizing something like this.

[edit on 2-4-2006 by erkokite]

Mod Edit: Big Quote – Please Review This Link.

[edit on 2/4/2006 by Umbrax]

posted on Apr, 2 2006 @ 07:50 PM

Originally posted by Zod

* Our National Debt is 8.3 Trillion, yes TRILLION dollars and the cap has been raised to 9 Trillion, but probably we will be 10 Trillion in debt by the time Bush leaves office. Source
[edit on 1-4-2006 by Zod]

Today the U.S. government has over US$ 8 trillion of cumulative debt, and the states have another US$ 2 trillion in outstanding debt for a combined total of US$ 10 trillion.

On top of that the US government has another estimated US$ 70 trillion in unfunded liabilities coming due in the near future. (Liabilities related to Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, government pensions, and other US government liabilities)


posted on Apr, 2 2006 @ 08:00 PM
The US of A will not collapse but it will experience hyper inflation, pockets of people starving, more Wars, nation wide food riots, a health care crisis that will leave corpses in the streets, an economic depression, more government corruption; In fact the country will more resemble Mexico of today and the Canadians will build a fence patrolled by troops to keep US out.

It's a brave new world, welcome to the monkey house!!

posted on Apr, 2 2006 @ 08:24 PM

Originally posted by infinite
Everyone knows this,

Every superpower falls from grace. US will be no different. it will be interesting to watch because the United States Of America is different from previous superpowers, the previous lot were all based on imperalism and America did not really go and grab land like the Spanish,British,French,Roman etc all did. But America has an Economic Empire, which when it falls, will have more effect on the world than a fall of an imperalistic Empire.

America did not go and grab land? Are you kidding me? America was occupied by Native Americans who lost their land due to American military force, the columbian exchange (diseases, trade dependency), and treaties (illegitimate, broken, you name it). Or do they not teach this in history of the USA anymore?

[edit on 2-4-2006 by Attero Auctorita]

posted on Apr, 2 2006 @ 09:21 PM

Potential step to freedom.
1. Nationwide strike.
Set a date for a nationwide strike, say July 4th.

Ok, for starters, July 4th is a holiday. Most folks won't be working anyways.

Pull all money out of banks.

LOL! Ok, how much money do you have in the bank? Ok, you and everyone you know, now compare that to the holdings of just one mega rich dude. At best you might hurt some small town locally owned banks. That'll show 'em.

Prepare for a political coup. Have the structure of a new government set up.

Good idea, I'll run the new govt. until we elect someone else. I'll step down as soon as you guys set up a viable govt., really, I will.

Set up ham radio, and cb radio communication, because we will probably loose power too.

Ya think? Maybe we lose power because you sent everyone home for the day.

If enough people did this, we could force the current government to step down.

Actually, I don't think there are enough hillbillies to not show up at jobs they probably don't have anyways to cause this but maybe, just maybe.

Newly elected leaders would be elected without influence of lobbyists and financial might.

You really don't have any idea of how people really are do you?

It would get the attention of the world, and other countries may follow.

Oh, it'd get there attention allright and rest assured they'd follow. Follow you all the way to your govt. house to let you know what language you now speak and flag you now salute after you abolish the military.

Hope would be for peaceful takeover, but might turn ugly, and would have to be prepared for that possibility.

Ofcourse it would be peaceful. Why wouldn't it?

Abolish taxes,

How are you going to pay for roads, police, fire etc...?

Create open borders, where people can come and go freely. Change military to national defense only, and work toward the complete elimination of military. Ban police from carrying weapons.

And where are you gonna find these fools to be unarmed police in this armed country, especially since you told everyone to take their money home, opened the borders to anybody to come and go freely and do it for free since there are no taxes? What would they do with the very rare unarmed criminal any ways? Take them home? You closed the jails when you abolished taxes.

Eliminate "war" on drugs,

That's a given, you have no military and most assuredly, no police.

and implement voluntary rehabilitation programs,

Where? At your house?

Change current banking system, distributing wealth more evenly among all.

So a bank would be somewhere you'd put money in and may or may not get your money back? Sounds good to me. LOL

Police ourselves.

What could go wrong?

Who know what secrets the current government has from us, the people that the government is supposed to be governed by. Cure to cancer, aids and other diseases?

We'll never know. While some people were "policing" themselves, they killed the doctor who was close to a cure for cancer. Crazy guy didn't want to spread his wealth more evenly after the years of schooling and long hours in the lab. No worries though, I'm sure you'll pick up where he left off and we'll have a cure in no time. Oh, and I'm sure you'll share that cure for no cost too.

Change our food system back to a more natural process,

What's stopping you from planting your own food now?

eliminate most health issues.

There's no cure for the human condition.

the proposed budget for 2007 completely eliminate funding for nuclear tech. Why? Because government wants us reliant on oil and natural gas.

I thought it was because of the tree huggers that are always protesting nuclear power. You start building nuke plants, be ready to "police" them.

posted on Apr, 2 2006 @ 10:10 PM

you're close... our country wasn't given away, but, it was sold.

anyway, wasn't it churchhill who said something to the effect of 'democracy is a piss poor form of government, but it is better than all of the others..'

anybody know the exact quote?

posted on Apr, 2 2006 @ 10:17 PM
i have theory, even when america falls, theres to many well-rounded "Americans" who can and will join together without a care of race,financial standings, religion or anything else, they will unite and found another america, an that will just keep happening, america is land of the free, we exsist becuz we fight for what we are, Yeah we arent as strong Moraly as we were, but give a us a disaster an america seems to form together like Voltron!

I hope someday we look past all this crud, an unite the world together like it should be, We all bleed so lets all Evolve.

posted on Apr, 3 2006 @ 12:50 AM
Well, either a disasters is on the way or a revolution! I hope the latter since I am sick of the current government system, I personally wouldn't mind going back to a system more similar to the old american economy.

businesses print their own money, they hand you the money in cash every pay period so wealth can be supported more easilly and everyone can be happy.

I don't know what this would do to forreign relations since this would be radically different from the world as it is now giving bankers NO control
i'm all for that one.

I might be completely off base here and I admit I know shamefully little on economics, but I read something like this in Rule by Secrecy, very highly recommended book.

posted on Apr, 3 2006 @ 01:38 AM
I don't buy all this 'America's going down' crap.

I just don't think it can happen. Money alone would have a hard time bringing down a whole nation.

And the U.S. still has pieces of metal called SHIPS and GUNS. SHIPS and GUNS can be used to obtain ASSETS. ASSETS can be used to secure the country's social and economic structure - as least for the next few decades - agaisnt COLLAPSE.

What, with these debts, countries stop giving the U.S. oil and food? That is where SHIPS and GUNS come into it.

The only thing, in my ever so humble opinion, that can bring the country down are the people that are leading it. If they make a succession of wrong moes and inspire the public to revolt, them America as we know it is going down.

But really, right now, how much do you fell like picking up your gun and shooting cops?

posted on Apr, 3 2006 @ 01:50 AM

Originally posted by stompk
Potential step to freedom.
1. Nationwide strike.
Change current banking system, distributing wealth more evenly among all.

how about we just abolish money for good... its a construct made buy those who own it to controll those who dont. as long as its around there will always be a war buy greedy, ignorant polictics and people alike.

posted on Apr, 3 2006 @ 03:21 AM

Originally posted by V Kaminski
There are a great many people beginning to wake up and smell the coffee.
It would seem only a matter of time before the resourceful and independent peoples of the 'States share and voice there views in new and creative ways - right now the voices are coalescing looking for a common note - and when that note is struck - the American people will take back their nation to the benefit of all peoples.

I hope your right. My concerns are...

1/ How many people have been dumbened by mind numbing television?

2/ How many people are grossly obese from to much junk food?

3/ How many people are actually educated enough to see what is being done?

It seems to me that the population are being fattened, and brainwashed by the media and the government and all of their propaganda...which is so darned effective we'de all be believing it if we hadn't have dragged ourselves away from the idiot box and surround ourselves with generally forward thinking people.

Is the populous smart enough to see through the B.S?

posted on Apr, 3 2006 @ 07:24 AM
Unfortunately, no the populous is not smart enough to see through it.

Ever since politicians started to take a Keynsian view to the economy, things have been heading downhill. Yes, there was a time before the depression that the government stayed out of such things and didn't throw the country billions of dollars into debt. But now people are under the impression that this debt can just grow forever, and that they aren't required to pay it. Trust me, the national debt IS your responsibility as a citizen, and eventually someone will have to pay for it.

I have considered running for politics with a strategy to actually raise taxes, cut spending, and gradually begin to reduce the deficit. We need it here in Canada too, although not quite to the same extent as the US. But this won't work. People are not smart enough to vote for something that makes sense, they would rather keep cutting taxes and increasing spending, that's who they vote for. So politics is biased towards an ever-increasing debt. One person in Canada tried this strategy that I'm talking about before, and she was the worst case in elections history, only getting two seats for her party. Kim Campbell.

I personally propose that we suck it up and pay taxes and cut spending, until we aren't so in debt. Especially the US, which is in debt to many potential enemies.

Pull all money out of banks.

It's called a run on the banks, when people lose their confidence in their currency and all try to withdraw it at once. This happened in South America, when their currency lost it's value in the eyes of the people and they all wanted to use US Dollars. The government actually passed a law saying that people could not withdraw their money until things returned to normal. They are allowed to do this, and yes there is examples of it happening. The fact is, that banks hardly have all of everyone's money at any given time. They know that most people never withdraw all of their money, so they don't need to keep it all on hand.

You may want to research the evolution of money. It started off as gold, then it became gold certificates. Then someone decided that nobody withdraws all their gold at once, so it became only partially backed. Even at that point, it could have spelled disaster. But it moved even further and further, until now it is at the point where our money is backed by NOTHING AT ALL, except the confidence of the people. If everyone simultaniously stopped accepting money, you would be left with worthless paper.

I don't think that America is going to collapse any time soon, but I do think that the standard of living, etc is going to gradually get worse and worse.

So yeah... at this moment in time, every single American citizen owes something like $28,000. The question is do you want to suck it up and pay it off, or let it grow some more? Why not pay it off, and then demand the government switch back to a more classical view of the economy.

[edit on 3-4-2006 by Yarcofin]

posted on Apr, 3 2006 @ 08:21 AM
Thats what im saying, if you decline the standards of Americans living, That in its self will trigger, at least a MOB MENTALITY i dunno about u, but if u take away any more from me, i will be on the street, our State doesnt even wanna help their own people's Medical Problems of people who served in the Military, they rather BILL them for 100's of thousands of dollars untill they are forced to live in Section 8 housing, You decline my living any further, on top of the horrid jobs that are available, an My arse is gonna find a new ocupation, One perfferably in the Stand up for my Fellow Man department.

posted on Apr, 3 2006 @ 08:22 AM
Stompk: Your proposal sounds alot like communism. In theory it is the ideal form of governmment but in reality it wont work as has been proven in the past and will be proven again in the future. Notbuyint was correct when he talks about the doctor curing cancer being angry because he worked hard for his school and training and why should he have to give away his wealth to some other scrub who didnt. Communism doesnt give anyone the incentive to work hard and better themselves because they know they will get nothing in return for it...human nature.

Every reply to your proposal that came from notbuyint was right on the money as far as im concerned. If anyone deserves a WATS award it's him.

I too wish that your proposal would work but we all know that it wouldnt due to human nature. A person is a reasonable, intelligent being, but people...forget about it.

posted on Apr, 3 2006 @ 09:48 AM
God Save America.
Seems there is nothing that can be done. Protest about one point but another one will arise.

[edit on 3-4-2006 by And3h]

posted on Apr, 3 2006 @ 10:07 AM
Where is the cure for cancer? All the doctors and all the schooling, cancer is worse than ever, but boy are the meds going out the door.

Let's see, taxes. Wouldn't mind paying them if they were all going to the proper place. We get taxed on food, gas, land, capital gain, investments, property, and the list goes on. Yet we're 9 trillion in debt? Who is managing our money?

We have 250 million people in this country. How many choices did you have to vote from in 2004? And when Bush is out, who's next? Hillary?

No nukes? Our carriers housing 6000 sailors travel around the oceans for months at a time on nukes. If it's safe for them, it's safe for us. What's with the giant nuclear power plants. Build em smaller, but more of them. Put them into unpopulated areas. The environmentalists should be whining about the raping of public lands with natural gas rigs. By the way, Bush is pushing for 90% reliant on natural gas for electricity by 2020. Yet he proposed completely dropping funding for nukes and a whopping 2.3 billion in renewable energies. Hmmm.

War on drugs? It really working. Meth is more rampant than ever, and the crime stemming from it is horrendus. It's in your neighborhood too, guaranteed. And since when was it OK to declare war on your own citizens, even if they are drug users.

Effective police? Gangs like MS13 are infiltrating our country. And cop corruption is worse than ever. But who scares you more, MS13 or the cops. There are good cops, but they are part of the gang, so they don't dare expose corruption.

If were so far in debt, why are we not digging into the gold reserves. Who are we saving that for?

Secret government programs. My pet pieve. We are the most powerful program, yet we need more and more secret government programs in the name of national security. Who are they keeping the secrets from, our enemies or us? Are we the enemy?

And this is just the tip of the iceberg of problems with our society today. We are slowly being drained of our spirit, and turned into robots. Go to work, pay your taxes and don't complain and you'll be just fine. That's democracy?

posted on Apr, 3 2006 @ 06:46 PM

Originally posted by kojac
1/ How many people have been dumbened by mind numbing television?

2/ How many people are grossly obese from to much junk food?

3/ How many people are actually educated enough to see what is being done?

It seems to me that the population are being fattened, and brainwashed by the media and the government and all of their propaganda...which is so darned effective we'de all be believing it if we hadn't have dragged ourselves away from the idiot box and surround ourselves with generally forward thinking people.

Is the populous smart enough to see through the B.S?

America is the heart of the world media and propaganda, and its all mostly fuled by the goverenment. And you dont have to be educated to see whats going on, but simply smart enough to sit and look at things from the outside-in. The generation of government dependant, easily persuaded, TV sitcom loving peoples is slowliy dieing out.

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