posted on Apr, 4 2006 @ 05:12 PM
Yes we should know why, and isn't it rather funny, one with abilities as his - and now he is banned. I was really wanting to talk with him again!
I asked him to have it Rain in Nevada where the Drought was going on for over 120 days, people were really suffering there with Asthma & upper
respitory attacks severely. Well there was no rain at all coming there for the upcoming forecast, not even close, and he made it rain the very next
day & a good drenching like I asked him!
So If you ask me, he proved his ability, and also helped others as well to make it rain where needed!
Anyhow, maybe he will be able to come back after a short period, I'm not sure he can come back under the same name though, but if not, I'm sure he
will also let us know it's him!
But funny how he is banned now, well maybe he was out of line on another thread? I haven't been on for a few days, but I'm going to try to find
out! We do have a right to know why a person gets banned! If its going to remain hush hush, them I will be suspicious, that's for sure! I say we
have a right to know! He seemed very nice to me!
I will let you know if I hear anything, and please if you do, let us know too on here. Thanks Angel
p.s Cojo wouldn't that ability be awesome to fly around all the time, & also be invisible lol a favorite day dream of mine too! I can only obtain
it in Astral dreams lol! Better than nothing I guess!
[edit on 4-4-2006 by AngelWings9999]