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Cutting Through the Matrix - Freemasonry

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posted on Jan, 10 2007 @ 06:53 PM

Originally posted by Andy Warhol
If you want go ahead. If not no sweat. I don't care

Sorry, I don't understand this response. Was it to my last post?

posted on Jan, 10 2007 @ 07:42 PM
Yeah we we kind of got interupted (sp?)

posted on Jan, 10 2007 @ 09:11 PM
I think that you guys are off topic! LOL.. Sorry Intrepid I had to. Not to mention the 1 liners!

But Really Andy.. It would appear you have nothing more to add? ..

posted on Jan, 10 2007 @ 10:55 PM
The secret modes of recognition, passwords and handshakes aren't really that secret. Although rituals vary from jurisdiction to jurisdiction, they are pretty close. You can find all of these so called "secrets" on the internet if you do a simple search for them.

An interesting book that I've read is "Masonry Unmasked, An Insider Reveals the Secrets of the Lodge" by John Salza. It's more from a Catholic's experience with Freemasonry and why it is incompatible with Catholicism and Christianity as a whole.


posted on Jan, 13 2007 @ 12:38 PM

Originally posted by corsig
Damn it I was hoping to hate this guy cause I am a Freemason but his voice is so soothing and calm you almost can't help listening to him.

Holy cow it's almost like putting me in a trance. I'm on hour 3 now (3 podcasts).

Well here's the deal. I'm not going to sit here and say he is right or wrong cause that will go in one ear and out the other what I will say is that I appreciate the amount of history and knowledge he seems to have and he is talking with authority opposed to making it up as he goes.

It does sound like he has a working knowledge of Masonic history and timeline but some of what he says is indeed far fetched and incorrect. In all the 100's of years there would be ONE disgruntled high ranking Mason to have had to come out and speak up that there is a higher level that noone else knows about. There is as far as I can tell NO books or lierature of any sort, interviews ..etc saying that it's true.

Only conspiracy folks like Alex Jones (who I also listen to on a daily basis) saying that the 34-360 levels exist.

If someone can point me in the right direct I will read it with an open mind.

Cory the Freemason

Ive been listening through his podcasts and they are good listening like you was saying, they are actually based on books and history, he does quote books for example H.G. Wells and Darwin.

From what i have listened to this guy Alan Watt, is not what you would call a conspiracy theorist, all he is doing in these podcasts is quote history and the way the world is being moulded, things like that.

link to his site, seems to do a few podcasts a week.

[edit on 13-1-2007 by Jn]

posted on Jan, 15 2007 @ 12:45 PM
The podcasts are recorded with the volumn so low it's hard to make it out most of the time even with the volume at 11.

I still dig it though


posted on Jan, 21 2007 @ 12:50 PM

Originally posted by corsig
The podcasts are recorded with the volumn so low it's hard to make it out most of the time even with the volume at 11.

I still dig it though

Where you listening through headphones?, it can be made loud enough when listening on the computer speakers.

posted on Jan, 21 2007 @ 04:17 PM
I detest the idea there's more than 3 degrees in Freemasonry.

The Charters or Dispensations allowing a Lodge to work only empower them to confer the three degrees...anything beyond that is another jurisdition which must answer to Masonry - but Masonry need not answer to it.

End of story!

posted on Jan, 21 2007 @ 04:27 PM

Originally posted by FreiMaurer
I detest the idea there's more than 3 degrees in Freemasonry.

The Charters or Dispensations allowing a Lodge to work only empower them to confer the three degrees...anything beyond that is another jurisdition which must answer to Masonry - but Masonry need not answer to it.

End of story!

Actually, this is an old argument that's never been quite cleared up.

The official statement of the UGLE is that "Pure Antient Masonry consists of three degrees only, viz., Entered Apprentice, Fellow Craft, and Master Mason, which includes the Supreme Order of the Holy Royal Arch."

In the USA, the degree of Royal Arch Mason is conferred in the Chapter instead of the Lodge: yet a Brother would be hard pressed to show that the degree is not "Masonic". Same thing could be said of the Mark and Cryptic degrees, or those conferred in a Lodge of Perfection or Chapter of Rose Croix. A Brother could well ask, in all sincerity, that if those degrees are not Freemasonry, what are they?

A common argument used is that Freemasonry consists of only three degrees because they are the "original ones". Yet the degree of Master Mason cannot be dated earlier than the 1720's, around the same time we see the first workings of the Templar and Rose Croix degrees.

I understand your point in general, but perhaps it's premature to say there are only three degrees in Freemasonry, and then declare the end of story.

posted on Jan, 21 2007 @ 04:37 PM
It's never premature to declare what's set in stone. Nothing "history or future" dictates what is established. The word establishment is quite special it means more than simply what is there or what is happening it's what is founded and recognized.

While the original "degrees" were (as I remember it) were 2.

Three were chosen because it works better to illustrate the point that the 2 degrees or four (no more for certain historically) meant.

The fourth degree now is a fringe reminent of Masonry it is not the entire package or the capstone to that package. What was therefore established by the Grand Lodges of the early 1700s as a compromise was to have 3 degrees.

Everything else was no longer included into "masonry" anymore than the non-cannonized parts of the bible were a part of Christianity.

They are memories, some few may explain better the entire story illustrated in Masonry.

Many (especially the degrees of the Scottish Rite) have nothing to do with Masonry and teaches more the history of the world than anything else.

Anyway yes large topic but I could win it through larger argument.

posted on Jan, 21 2007 @ 04:51 PM

Originally posted by FreiMaurer
It's never premature to declare what's set in stone.

Perhaps, but the claim that Freemasonry consists of only the three degrees now worked in the Blue Lodge is a claim certainly not set in stone.

The fourth degree now is a fringe reminent of Masonry it is not the entire package or the capstone to that package. What was therefore established by the Grand Lodges of the early 1700s as a compromise was to have 3 degrees.

Actually, the compromise was to bring three degrees under their jurisdiction. This did not mean that the other degrees were not Masonic: only that their jurisdiction would not lie beneath the Grand Lodge.

Everything else was no longer included into "masonry" anymore than the non-cannonized parts of the bible were a part of Christianity.

It was never claimed in Grand Lodge that the other degrees were not included in Masonry. In fact, as I previously mentioned, it was admitted that the Royal Arch was an intrinsic part of pure Craft Masonry.

Many (especially the degrees of the Scottish Rite) have nothing to do with Masonry and teaches more the history of the world than anything else.

The full name of the Scottish Rite is the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry. It is universally recognized as such by its members. Indeed, in the majority of non-English speaking countries, even the Blue Lodges are Scottish Rite.

posted on Jan, 21 2007 @ 05:19 PM
What you're confusing is that the Antient Landmarks do not list these "other degrees" historically some have basis and some do not (the scottish rite was entirely fabricated).

In England and I suppose the Scottish and Irish GL's it is their fad to continue their "masonic education" in the York Rite. Most Masons in the world do not know of the Scottish Rite (or know of it passingly) and in the US its the fad to join the Scottish Rite (more so even than the York Rite).

That is what continues to blur the line, when it comes to the "by-laws" it's the three degrees that are conferred by the Grand Lodge there's nothing else from there.

posted on Jan, 21 2007 @ 07:16 PM

Originally posted by FreiMaurer
What you're confusing is that the Antient Landmarks do not list these "other degrees" historically some have basis and some do not (the scottish rite was entirely fabricated).

Actually, I haven't confused any Landmarks at all. In fact, the majority of Grand Lodges do not even agree on what the Landmarks actually are, or even if they exist to begin with.

As for the Scottish Rite, if it was "fabricated", it was so only in the same sense that all of Masonry is.

In England and I suppose the Scottish and Irish GL's it is their fad to continue their "masonic education" in the York Rite. Most Masons in the world do not know of the Scottish Rite (or know of it passingly) and in the US its the fad to join the Scottish Rite (more so even than the York Rite).

This is not correct inasmuch as most Grand Lodges in the world themselves work in the Scottish Rite, or some variant of it (as in the Swedish Rite, whose 10 degrees under the jurisdiction of the Grand Lodges that work in that Rite are officially equivalent to the 33 degree system used in English speaking countries.

That is what continues to blur the line, when it comes to the "by-laws" it's the three degrees that are conferred by the Grand Lodge there's nothing else from there.

That is only partially correct, even at the Grand Lodge level. For example, my Grand Lodge also recognizes and holds jurisdiction over the degree of Past Master, and no Brother may be legally installed as Worshipful Master of a Subordinate Lodge in my jurisdiction without having received that degree. The same is true of most other US Grand Lodges whose ancestry can be found in the various Athol, or "Antient", Grand Lodges that made their way into colonial America, and that eventually merged with the 1717 London Grand Lodge and its descendants.

posted on Jan, 21 2007 @ 07:26 PM
The Past Master's degree is hardly a "Masonic Degree" in the sense of teachings. You are confusing the landmarks in the sense as I stated. That those are a rule and guide of what unites Masonry and they are agreed upon those of them that are ... whatever else is argued these Grand Lodges do not contest that basis.

It can't be more plain that without the three degrees there is no masonry and with more those things are not universal.

Remember - in the first degree you are taught that masonry is universal and that your charity should be equally extensive. It's subtle, but taught.

posted on Jan, 21 2007 @ 07:33 PM

Originally posted by FreiMaurer
The Past Master's degree is hardly a "Masonic Degree" in the sense of teachings. You are confusing the landmarks in the sense as I stated. That those are a rule and guide of what unites Masonry and they are agreed upon those of them that are ... whatever else is argued these Grand Lodges do not contest that basis.

It can't be more plain that without the three degrees there is no masonry and with more those things are not universal.

Remember - in the first degree you are taught that masonry is universal and that your charity should be equally extensive. It's subtle, but taught.

I'm not quite sure what you're trying to say. No one is contesting that the three degrees of Craft Masonry are universal, or that these are the basis of Masonry. It was only your statement that there are no other degrees in Masonry but these three that I found necessary to comment on.

posted on Jan, 21 2007 @ 07:52 PM

Originally posted by Jn

Originally posted by corsig
The podcasts are recorded with the volumn so low it's hard to make it out most of the time even with the volume at 11.

I still dig it though

Where you listening through headphones?, it can be made loud enough when listening on the computer speakers.

Yeah both the computer speaker and on my I-pod. I think he's just soft spoken and someone on his team should tell him to record it higher.

he seems to be very knowlegable on many topics.

have you heard Jack Blood's show. he filled in for Alex Jones last week and was really good also. His show is called "Deadline Live" I think.


posted on Jan, 22 2007 @ 10:25 AM

Originally posted by corsig
Yeah both the computer speaker and on my I-pod. I think he's just soft spoken and someone on his team should tell him to record it higher.

he seems to be very knowlegable on many topics.

have you heard Jack Blood's show. he filled in for Alex Jones last week and was really good also. His show is called "Deadline Live" I think.

I havnt listened to Deadline Live, i read some of Jack Bloods website a couple of years ago though.

I found this on the Alan Watt site in the past Free Audio section, where he was on the Alex Jones show last year,

"August 15th, 2006 The Alex Jones Show with Alan Watt as

posted on Jan, 22 2007 @ 01:27 PM

Originally posted by Jn

Originally posted by corsig
Yeah both the computer speaker and on my I-pod. I think he's just soft spoken and someone on his team should tell him to record it higher.

he seems to be very knowlegable on many topics.

have you heard Jack Blood's show. he filled in for Alex Jones last week and was really good also. His show is called "Deadline Live" I think.

I havnt listened to Deadline Live, i read some of Jack Bloods website a couple of years ago though.

I found this on the Alan Watt site in the past Free Audio section, where he was on the Alex Jones show last year,

"August 15th, 2006 The Alex Jones Show with Alan Watt as

JN- I will give it a listen to tonight. Thanks for the link

posted on Feb, 7 2008 @ 12:15 PM

Originally posted by greydawn
I have been listening to Alan Watt for about two years now, he is one of

the most briliiant historians I have ever listened to. I enjoy the way he

speaks, because he doesn't feel the need to constantly raise his voice

and get in yelling matches with other guests. His grasp of human society

is unparalled. By the way according to Alan their are 360 degrees of

Freemasonry. People at 33 degrees think that is the top but it is really

pretty lowly. He says that first generation can only become a 33 degree

Freemason. Second generation can become a 45 degree Freemason, and

third generation can go all the way to 360 degrees. This is just what he

said, not me, so save your keystrokes.

What kind of code are you putting out by writing your message so strangely?

I picked up on this because your sentence structure is so strange.

If you take the first letter of every line break you get I T S A I F P F T S


transpose the IFPFTS to get TIP FFS

its a tip for (expletive) sake

maybe after I get some sleep I will look for other synchronistic/ subliminal encoding in your strangely alligned sentence structure.


posted on Mar, 20 2008 @ 11:57 AM
Alan Watt has put up another site, though it says it isnt finished yet.

"Hello, I am Alan Watt and I welcome you to Sentient Sentinel, the international multi-lingual site of Cutting Through the

I hope, shortly, to make available transcripts of my "blurbs" (educational talks) in the various languages of Europe. These can be downloaded free for print-out and sharing with friends. I wish to show the techniques of culture-creation, manipulation and how the sciences of human understanding have been in use for a very long time, guiding each generation along a pre-determined path laid out by a global elite and produced into existence by their institutions of well-paid experts.

Conspiracy theories are unnecessary. There are many published works by powerful world-stage players. Not only do they plan your future, they have the wealth of the planet to bring it about.

So until this site has more of its planned uniqueness, please partake of the present following offerings from my regular site, "Cutting Through the"

All the best, Alan......."

His regular site, with weekly podcasts recorded from "Radio RBN, Republic Broadcasting Network"
"Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN:"

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