Originally posted by Harlequin
given what happened in 1940 ; the comparisons to now are alarming - in 1940 germany tried to wipe out all hte jewish peoples , and now the israelies
are trying to do the same to the palastinians - there are no real jews left in israel , only judeo-facists, who have lost there way and belief and
want to grind all palstinians into the ground
One of the beautiful things about this board is that nobody is kept from speaking their "peace", even if it is bigoted and uneducated! It is quite
lovely, I think, as it gives others a chance to shine.
While I would love to go into great detail to explain how it is ISRAEL that has made sure that the Arab Palestinians have electricity, for example.
Doesn't seem to make sense that Israel would supply them with electricity if they want to grind them. Seems other people have made it clear that
were it not for the Israelis the Palestinians would be in quite the pickle as their filthy Arab brothers who use them as a stick with which to poke at
the Israelis don't care if they live or die. Why, who do you think provides them with the materials with which to blow themselves up in order to
kill innocent Israelis? Yeah, that is love if I have ever seen it.
The Arab Palestinians now have Gaza, and they will not even allow Jewish Palestinians remain on their centuries-old land and have Palestinian
citizenship, yet all they seem to be interested in is to launch rockets instead of launching industries. It seems, for example, when the poultry of
Gaza was infested with the bird flu that the Arab buddies and neighbors, the ones with the oil and riches of the region, would have rushed to help
these poor people, but again, it was the Israelis, not them.
Seems what we have here is the same old bigoted, vile, racist garbage that is constantly spraed through the internet by those who are too
shallow-minded to do anything but believe the garbage that is created by the ones who want to not only destroy Israel, but also destroy all the Jews.
It takes an average mind, at least, to see the obvious facts of the case, and to resist the anti-semitic filth that is created and passed around by
the evil, murderous creatures who have no more claim to the area than do the Jews, yet are not willing to be content with the vast majority of the
land and all of the oil.
This isn't about "sharing" Jerusalem, the city of David, this topic, when it is boiled right down to its base, is about destroying the Jews and
Israel. And, when you boil it all the way down to the pot-liquor and read comments like the above-quoted comments, you can see what kind of vile
garbage is perpetuating this drive to destroy the Jews. Where is it that such people find such thoughts? Surf the net,; you'll find the hate and
vulgarity easy to locate. Hold your nose if you prefer truth thpugh as this crap will make the sensible man want to throw up.