suzy ryan: exactly, NEVER EVER EVER open the door. And if you do, do it only because you don't want to put holes in it.
That stuff has happened to me too. I am taking them to Strasbourg now. Like I am gonna take that even ONCE. Let the big boys sort them out.
[edit on 31/3/2006 by Aztecatl]
It's like I told a friend earlier, nobody believes their own government would spray chemical warfare agents into the streets in broad daylight, to
see the effects on the people. They are MONSTERS, they think only of the whole, the individual does not exist. They think we don't know, but we know
more than even they themselves do. Too bad for them, in their stuck up little self-glorifying world. Wait till I get my own country, THEN we'll see
who will use neutron bombs against military divisions, hint hint...
That's the only way those american kids can win a war anyway, by neutron bombing the enemy. Then they lie and say "no, we only used conventional
I'm not aware of any of this being classified. There's my disclaimer.
Next time around, in Iran, they are going to have to use nuclear weapons openly, lest they be bogged down with 6 divisions this time, instead of 2.
but first they need to create fear of something that doesn't exist, in order to justify it, but I hope the iranians have enough missiles to totally
annihilate the americans when they attack. Nobody's innocent.
When I get word of an attack starting against Iran, I am going into my gas/bio bunker and not coming out till say a month later, because there will be
5 times more uranium oxide flying towards. DAMNIT all my strategic knowledge is going to waste. I don't have an army to play with. I'd show people
what's what.
You infiltrators: Don't even think about it 'cause I'll kill you with my sunglasses. How is that for you. Yeah I know who you are hehehehe :-) and
I laugh at you.
[edit on 31/3/2006 by Aztecatl]
[edit on 31/3/2006 by Aztecatl]
[edit on 31/3/2006 by Aztecatl]