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Me and "Them"- Alien Experiences

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posted on Mar, 30 2006 @ 06:47 PM
also the feeling of "doom" or "them" sound potentially like the feeling that epileptics get before a seizure, an inexplicable "aura" or weirdness. I have no idea, of course what is happening with you.

Because epilepsy can affect almost any part of the brain the consequences are very
variable. It often starts in childhood and abates spontaneously later. There could be
some genetic predisposition.

As it sounds like that these experiences are really bothering you, it may be worthwhile to see a physician, if there is something they can do to alleviate it.

posted on Mar, 30 2006 @ 07:56 PM

Originally posted by mbkennel

wow, really freaky.

jritzmann, have you ever seen a neurologist or been otherwise tested for epilepsy (EEG, MEG, etc)?

Some of the descriptions of the visual effects you saw as a child, and the orb which appeared to wink in and out with a 'star', sound quite similar to what can happen with mis-firings in various parts of the visual cortex.

Possibly other effects are what you get in misfires of the other brain parts---e.g. the ones which recognize faces as 'human'---instead of as 'pieces of meat'. In some way it may be temporarily being like an austistic---who don't have the apparently usually in-born neurological circuits which let them see humans and undertand their emotions intuitively.

Note: that strange neurological effects aren't necessarily incompatible with being 'altered' or encountered with 'them', if they have some technology that they use on human brains.

Yup, I had the battery of tests at 24 I think it was. TLE especially. Clean bill. I'm average and healthy, plus, I have to add in the witnesses to the sighting of the red ball, as well as later on, witnesses to experiences by more then one person.

I have also been thru a complete psychoanalysis. (Thats how I found out my IQ for one thing.) I was fine. I also went to a psychologist, who told me I had no issues other then I was a bit over stressed, which, big surprise, wasnt letting me sleep. He was told of some of my experiences...which prompted the tests for alot of aliments (TLE included) I was given mild Xanax to alleviate the panic attacks, for a period of 2 months. I took one a day for 6 days, as dosage required. They made me sick to my stomache, and I never took them again. After 3 days of taking them, I also had a late night experience in my workplace. So...instead of jumping out of my skin, I only jumped 3/4 of the way...out of my skin.

Anyway, good question. Nope, I'm a perfectly well adjusted guy with a healthy brain. Well, as healthy as any of you space cadets.

Believe it, when the Doctor told me epilepsy was a possibility...I cant say I wasnt hopeful....that I had it. That that was it. While I was glad I was healthy, there was a bit of me that held hope for an explaination.

But in the back of my head I knew there were other people who saw what I did, when I did, and other things that couldnt be ascribed to me having a medical issue.

You'll tell yourself anything to think you can get out of it...that it's a medical issue you can take something for. When it wasnt, and the Doctor had no explination for me, he started by trying to teach me to integrate it into my life. He said he had dealt with others who also had experiences.

Of course, I owned my own business and had zero insurance...all to get tested for nothing...christ what a waste of cash. But, ya gotta do it...I mean if that'd been it, I'd have paid whatever it took. But, it wasnt.

posted on Mar, 30 2006 @ 08:29 PM
Jeff, when you say people saw what you did when you did, what did you mean?

Just having a panic attack at work? Something weird triggering an attack and people were there to witness the occurance?

I had panic attacks just about every day for almost a year and actually thought I was going to die. They are terrible. Do you get them anymore?

posted on Mar, 30 2006 @ 11:16 PM

Originally posted by mbkennel
Some of the descriptions of the visual effects you saw as a child, and the orb which appeared to wink in and out with a 'star', sound quite similar to what can happen with mis-firings in various parts of the visual cortex.

I thought about this when he posted about the square. The neural cortex maps to the retina of the eye as a log function or the inverse log function in the complex plane (I forget which direction.) The result is the transform that results in the checked spiral pattern you can see if you rub your eyes too hard or take hallucinegenics. ( I learned this from a mathematician researching this property by writing equations AND peyote!)

I'm going to see if I can work out the shape for what a square growing in the center of ones vision would look like in the optical nerve as opposed to on the retina. I'll have to do that this weekend when I have some freetime. I don't know if it will tell us anything, but it will at least make me feel useful here.

[edit on 30-3-2006 by Ectoterrestrial]

posted on Mar, 31 2006 @ 12:10 AM

Originally posted by jbondo
Jeff, when you say people saw what you did when you did, what did you mean?

Just having a panic attack at work? Something weird triggering an attack and people were there to witness the occurance?

I had panic attacks just about every day for almost a year and actually thought I was going to die. They are terrible. Do you get them anymore?

I dont have them anymore like I used to. Well, I work a stressful job at the moment, I think I had one a few weeks ago...but if it was it was light. Major deadline and no time.

When I said people saw what I did, I mean the phenomena. The red ball I saw as a kid 2 others kids saw. We all watched it. The next post describes who else. And more to say tomorrow.

There is one thing I want you guys to know, before I go any further. Once I'm done with this discussion, and I answer as much as I can...I'm not going to talk about it anymore. Got a question? Feel free to U2U me. Just know I cant go on and on about it.

If I have learned nothing, it's that this phenomena has only as much ability to enter our reality as we give to it. You can believe that, or not.

I do NOT need this in my life again. I feel like I'm dancing very close to the wire. I won't go back.

Yes, there is a certain amount of paranoia involved. I admit it. I dont like being scared. This scares me. I'm not the least bit ashamed to say it. All I'm trying to do is tell you how it effected me. And how I got out.

I hope you all can understand.

posted on Mar, 31 2006 @ 12:14 AM

Originally posted by Ectoterrestrial

Originally posted by mbkennel
Some of the descriptions of the visual effects you saw as a child, and the orb which appeared to wink in and out with a 'star', sound quite similar to what can happen with mis-firings in various parts of the visual cortex.

I thought about this when he posted about the square. The neural cortex maps to the retina of the eye as a log function or the inverse log function in the complex plane (I forget which direction.) The result is the transform that results in the checked spiral pattern you can see if you rub your eyes too hard or take hallucinegenics. ( I learned this from a mathematician researching this property by writing equations AND peyote!)

I'm going to see if I can work out the shape for what a square growing in the center of ones vision would look like in the optical nerve as opposed to on the retina. I'll have to do that this weekend when I have some freetime. I don't know if it will tell us anything, but it will at least make me feel useful here.

[edit on 30-3-2006 by Ectoterrestrial]

Sounds interesting. I remember what one very respected researcher told me when I related the story to him years ago.

"If that was indeed contact, they set off something in your brain. Maybe a by-product. Your mind and sight works in geometric shapes."

I found that highly interesting.

posted on Mar, 31 2006 @ 02:01 AM
Well you have to jump in somewhere...

I can say that the above is fairly accurate as far as I can tell.

Hard to get more accurate than that although I'd rather not add more to that statement here.

BTW, JR I fit all those criteria you laid out in another thread. I also had an strange experience or two as a kid. What you've said is really starting to force me to take a deeper look into my life for good or bad. Before reading some of the things you've written I only focused on UFOs as I had my own Close Encounter with one in 2002. Now you have me asking myself some serious questions...

[edit on 31-3-2006 by lost_shaman]

posted on Mar, 31 2006 @ 02:08 AM

Originally posted by jritzmann
There is one thing I want you guys to know, before I go any further. Once I'm done with this discussion, and I answer as much as I can...I'm not going to talk about it anymore. Got a question? Feel free to U2U me. Just know I cant go on and on about it.

If I have learned nothing, it's that this phenomena has only as much ability to enter our reality as we give to it. You can believe that, or not.

I do NOT need this in my life again. I feel like I'm dancing very close to the wire. I won't go back.

Yes, there is a certain amount of paranoia involved. I admit it. I dont like being scared. This scares me. I'm not the least bit ashamed to say it. All I'm trying to do is tell you how it effected me. And how I got out.

I hope you all can understand.

Hey Jeff. Thank you very much for sharing your story with us all. I am looking forward to reading more. I wanted to quote this part of your post in the hope that you would elaborate on this for us; if not yet, then at the end of your story.

Do you mean that you can be u2u'd questions after this discussion, but not on any of the threads, or that you will cease to talk about it altogether? I'm just curious, and I'll understand either way. I'm just glad you have the courage to share with us at all.

I think I understand the type of fear that you're talking about, although probably not as intensely and with as much frequency as you may. I've had a few experiences, but nothing quite like what you have described. But even though my experiences may pale in comparison to yours, it still took me a whole year before I could sleep with the light off, or sleep facing the wall with my back to the room. I can only imagine what it must have been like for you.

Sometime after my own experiences, I began, for lack of any better way to describe, mentally implying a sort of assertive message that I did not want anything to do with what was going on, and I wanted "them" to stay completely away from me. Since then, nothing has really happened, except for a few bad dreams now and again. That's the part that I wanted you to elaborate on.

"If I have learned nothing, it's that this phenomena has only as much ability to enter our reality as we give to it. You can believe that, or not."

Again, thanks for sharing.

[edit on 31-3-2006 by CloudlessKnight]

posted on Mar, 31 2006 @ 06:57 AM
Eager to read next instalment. Please keep going.

posted on Mar, 31 2006 @ 08:32 AM
Ok, here we go again.

So, I guess I'll jump forward a little for the sake of reading some major events. In 1989 I met my wife on a blind date. She was it, and I knew the moment she came to the door. Apparently she did too...if only she'd have bothered to tell me, I coulda saved that whole dating thing and just married her straight away.

As we got to the point in time where I was gonna ask her to marry me, we were talking about Ghosts one night, and the conversation gravitated to UFOs. I said I'd seen them numerous times.

She looked at me and said "what?"

I conveyed to her some of the stuff I'd seen. "I've never seen one...ever." she said. We got into more detail about it. We talked for hours about it. About what might be in them, or who was driving.

"Aliens?" she said
"Oh who knows, I mean it could be."

You have to understand that at this point, I didnt equate anything of my experiences to aliens or UFOs. The childhood experiences were there, as well as others I havent talked about. I wouldnt tell my wife about them til a few years later.

While we were dating, I was taking a leak one night (you can laugh) and my stomache hurt...right in my navel. I mean hurt. Like there was a knife in me.

I tensed my stomache muscles, and to my horror, blood shot out of my belly button. Alot of it. I slipped in it.

I freaked. I ran out to (for the intent of this writing, we'll refer to my wife as "Jill") Jill, and my Mom who were standing in the kitchen.

"whats wrong?" Jill said to me looking really concerned.
"I think my belly button is coming untied." I said in a panic.

Both her and Mom laughed until I took my hand off and they saw the blood.

It had stopped. That quick.

The next morning I made an emergency appointment at the doctors office. When I went in, I explained I had been draining my bladder when my stomache hurt, and that blood shot out of my navel.

"Lay back and pull up your shirt for me." he said.

I laid back and he looked in my navel with the device used to look in your ears...but with a long prong. It felt like he had his whole hand in my belly button. Damn it hurt.

"Huh." he said, "you...had any accidents? Put anything in there?"
"" I chuckled (note, never laugh when you have a long probe in your belly button)
"you sure?" he said...seriously.
"Yes, totally." I said. This was getting a little scary now. What the hell was he seeing?

"You have 3 needle marks inside there. Like a triangle." he said.
"Needle marks?" I asked.
"No question...those are needle marks" he answered, "it's infected."
"well what did it?" I asked.
"I dont know" he said as he jammed a long q-tip in with antibiotic ointment on it into my navel.
"whatever it was, it was a decent size needle."

When he finished, I sat up as he wrote in my file.

"You get some strange injuries Jeffrey", he said "really strange...but nothing you need to worry about."

So, he gave me some ointment and I left.

I remembered on the way home, that 3 nights earlier at my apartment, I was playing guitar (with headphones on) when I heard a loud knocking. I rented the whole top floor of a big stone house. You couldnt just come to my door, you had to ring a button and I'd let you in the main door downstairs. Then up the stairs the door into my floor.

Well, the knock was on my door...upper door. The girls downstairs were out, I unplugged and went to my door. Nobody there. I didnt even hear anyone go down the long staircase which was notoriously noisy.

I plugged in again and watched the door. I kept the volume low.

*Bang *Bang *Bang

The door shook, and the knob was moving. I shot to the door.

No one to be seen.

I went down to the foot of the stairs...nothing. Nobody home but me. I went back up, and saw my bathroom door, in the apartment close. Someone was there.

I looked. Nothing.

As I walked out of the bathroom, I saw a small white light go past the hallway by the kitchen.

I called Jill. No answer.


The door downstairs. Jill.

"Hi, I'm freakin out." I said.
"heh...whats wrong?" she looked at me like I had a chicken growing out of my neck.

I took her upstairs and explained what happened. "Well Jeff, ya know, it is an old's haunted."

"Oh, thanx...thats just great," I said
"well honey, what...I mean youre ok, it could have been anything."

She hung around and watched tv with me til about...mmm...2am? She left and I went to bed.

I got up to whiz about 3:30. As I stood at the toilet...

*Thump*...*thump* *thuump* Loud...from the roof. Someone was on the friggin roof.

I pissed all over the floor.

I ran to the kitchen, and opened the window to look up to the eave of the right side of the house. I didnt see anything. As I went back to the bedroom, I saw something move past the doorway of my room. Just a glimpse.

"Has to be my eyes playing with me" I said to myself. I turned on every light in the house.

As I got to the bedroom door, the last light in the house, I heard somebody whisper.

"he's coming"

It was neither male nor female. But it was enough to make me grab a Les Paul guitar and put it over my head like a club. I walked into the bedroom shaking like a leaf. I remember seeing a child walk up from my right.

I woke the next morning at 11am. My guitar in bed with me. Covered up. It only needed to be smoking a cigarette to make the picture compete. It was laid beside me, and tucked in.

I love all my guitars...I dont sleep with them. I dont swing that way. Always perferred women to wood.

I remember, nothing. But I knew something was going on...but what. I mean who do ya tell this crap to?

3 days later, I was in the Doctors office with needle marks somewhere they never should have been. In such a way the Doctor couldnt tell how it was possible.

I told Jill some months later about it, and everything else. Everything. She didnt understand it, but she listened. She was the only one who knew about any of this...even though we didnt know what it was. Not long after I went for the tests and Doctor appointments checking for every damned affliction anyone could think of. (see prior post)


Jill and I were married, bought a home that same year, and had our first and only child a year and a half later.

One night, we're watching "Sightings" on FOX, or some show like it. The Gulf Breeze UFO case was presented and I was really intrigued.

"Ya know, if this stuff is out there, maybe we should go look one night. Maybe go up towards Grandma's and just sit and look...make a night out of it." I said.

"I'm up. Your Mom is watching the baby friday, how about then?" Jill answered.
"Cool" I said.

I mean it inspired me to go look. Grandma lived in a seriuously rural area, big sky, and high hills.

Jill and I dropped the baby off at Moms and went. It'd been awhile since we'd gotten out. We were both apprehensive about leaving my son...just new parent jitters.

We drove north to the country.

We used a back road from our house. This brought us to a main road, that goes between by a very small building, and a church, and some telephone wires. Here's a very rough map.

Pay attention to the trees...they go on for miles on the right side. That all woods...for a long way.

Jill and I arrived in the area at 0:00pm at drove to a stop sign at letter "A" on the map. It was pitch dark except for a street lamp.
The green lines going across the road are phone wires, that cut thru the forest to the right. As we looked to the right, down thru that cut of trees. We saw 7 white lights. I pulled over at "B" to the shoulder of the road. The lights were off the ground. The reflected light was shining on the wire poles, and the grass. The shone like nothing I ever saw.

"Holy sh*&t, what is that?" Jill said, her voice quivering.
"I dunno."...I whispered. No sound. Nothing. Within 15 seconds, they winked out, right to left. "X" marks the approximate distance as far as we can judge.

"Wow...unbelieveable." Jill exclaimed.

I began to become increasingly fearful. What the hell was wrong with me? This is what we came for...we hit it within 5 minutes of looking there. 7 lights...floating. Bright. No mistaking it. She saw it too. I'm supposed to be excited.

Why arent I.

"Hey can we move this to the back?" Jill said as she tugged on the baby's carseat to her right. She was up against me, the carseat in the passenger seat. I had a Dodge Dakota Sport Truck at the time, with a cap on the bed.

"Id have been able to roll the window down farther if it wasnt there." she said.
"Yeah...ok." I said as I pulled onto the road again. I had to get away from there.

"where ya going? can we move this? it's pokin me in the side." Jill said, kinda irratated that I wasnt doing it now.

"ok" I said. as I pulled over to letter "C". The maroon square to the right, is a building...a short stubby workstation for a utility. Small lot, and the larger maroom square to the left is a church, large one, big lot. No one at either a ghosttown. No cars goin by.

I get out, and shut the drivers door. I look up. Nothing. I'm ok. It's cool. I'm in the streetlamp light, it's the small dot under "C".

I go around and get the carseat unbuckled, Jill slides over, and I walk to the back to put it in the back of the truck. I open the cap window, and lay it in.

As I do, there's a bright flash to my right. Like someone took a flash picture of me, 2 ft away. There is a severe pain in my right shoulder that practically puts me on my knees. Remember "noogies"? That raised knuckle sucker punch in high school?

That times 100. Goddamn it hurt. That eye has a spot in the peripheral from the light flash.

I look to the direction of the flash, to see a white light with a small tail...moving from point "1" to point "2" where it winks out...gone. 3-5 seconds max.

I'm holding my shoulder, the pain is swiftly leaving.

"Jeff..get in the truck". Jill says " Get in the truck"

"Did you see that? God it hurt my arm, I can barely move it." I said walking up along side of her door.

"I saw it, get in the truck. Lets get out of here." she said sounding panicky.

I was...looking where the light winked out. Something is there. At the dotted circle on the map. Like small..very small red lights. Just a slight arc. But, so faint. I could barely make it out.

"Stay here" I said, as I took 2 steps into walking the blue fuzzy dots on the map heading to point "Z".

"What? Are you insane...get in the truck!" Jill said thru a now half rolled up window.

"one second." I said...staring at what I could barely see.

"Jeff--" Jill sounded like she was beginning to really freak.

As I got to point "Z", (those brown muddy areas are some sort of gardens) I knelt on one knee.

"what is that." I whispered.

"Jeff...get back over here, lets go." Jill raised her voice maybe 15 ft behind me as she sat in the truck.

I raised my hand to tell her to shush.

I looked back over towards the dim lights. They were just hanging there. Could they be stars? Did we just see a shooting star? Did I bang my arm as I put the car seat in?

I found that if I looked just to the left or right of them, I could see them better. A little clearer. But looking directly at them, I couldnt see them as well. So dim.

The air was so still, and not a sound. I could hear the blood rushing in my ears. I was oddly not horribly scared. I was horribly obsessed with seeing what that was.

I thought: if I can get to the corner of the other planting area, I could see if it's solid. (Taking the orange fuzzy dots direction on the map) I slowly came up off my knee.
I stood slightly bent. I took a step very slowly, never taking my eyes off what I thought I could see.

Then it came on.

Now, dont get the idea it's some Close Encounters moment. It didnt get blindingly bright, or soar over my head.

It just came on. The lights were no longer dim. They were completely visible, and obviously close. Now there were also unevenly spaced small white lights between the red ones. It was a dark disc, the lights were around the edge. It was close, and there was no mistaking it.

And I was standing there like an idiot. Right in front of it. In a field, too far to run back to the truck. And I wanted to die.

I couldnt move. Nothing "they" did. I was completely paralized with the most mind splitting fear I have ever experienced, at any time in my existence.

I have no words to describe that.

I felt terror creep quickly up my feet thru my legs. There wasnt even an adrenalyn was an adrenalyn bomb.

I glanced at the truck to see Jill screaming at me. I could barely make out what she was saying it was so fear stricken.

The object is moving towards me, and all I can do is look. I remember lights on the ground.

Then on shaking legs, I was getting into the truck. I sighed.

"I'm tired", Jill said, "christ it's almost 00:00pm look, your Mom is gonna be mad that we're not getting the baby til now."

"yeah, how' it's really hot in here." I said.

We drove out on the road going past the church, and went to get the baby. When we got to Mom's we picked up my son, and went home. Jill put the baby down to sleep, and came into the bedroom.

As she walked into the bedroom, I saw she was crying.

"Whats wrong?" I said.

She looked at me thru red tearing eyes and said "why didnt you get in the truck?"

It all rushed back at me. Driving home, I knew it, but I didnt know it. It was like I ignored what "I dont want to know that right now". Jill didnt say anything either.

"Oh..." I said. And I started crying. Hysterically. When I got calmed down, I asked her why we didnt talk about it...or at all...all the way home. Why were we not flooring the truck to get out of there.

"I dont know, it hit me coming down the hallway...where did you go? It was in the truck with me." she said as she started crying again.

She relayed to me that she saw the object come on, and come towards me. I wouldnt move. She saw a bright light, and it was coming from the object.

She said it got lower, which I dont remember. "It was like day" she said, "I couldnt even see you. Then, out of nowhere, something was beside me in the truck. I couldnt look at it. It was shiny, and oh my God, it's eyes." she said, her lip quivering trying to get it out before she was crying again.

"I saw half it's face" she continued, " felt like it was sad. God, such sorrow." she seemed puzzled to know this, as well as very upset. "It squinted at me, and my eyes shut...I know they were shut because it was back, then I saw red, the light was so bright it was shining thru the skin of my eyelids. I felt like I was floating, like everything was floating."

Then she stopped talking and stared at me. "Then you were getting in the truck."

I dont remember anything about a very bright light...but, I do remember light on the ground. Then I was on my back. My eyes were shut, and I was hysterically crying. It was cold. And silent. I couldnt move anything, but my face. It was light, but not blinding...I wasnt opening my eyes to find out.

"Youre dead" I thought. "Youre laying in an autopsy room, and this is what it is when youre dead...I'm not dead....where the hell am I."

My mouth was so dry it felt like a mouth full of felt. I barely opened my eyes...just enough to see thru the lashes. Something was very close to my right was touching the lashes. There were 2 people around me. One at my right, the other towards my head. I shut my eyes tight, and screamed, "where am I".

"open your eyes" shot into my head. Like you talk to anyone...but there were no words. It was like talking, and understanding. But, no words.

"OPEN YOUR EYES" more forcefully, and sounding...pissed.

I got the feeling of extreme urgency. Pins and needles urgency...obviously, someone was in a hurry.

"OPEN...YOUR...EYES, NOW" even more agitated...the thoughts dripped with anger.

"NO" I screamed. And I clenched my eyes. I could feel something brush my lashes on my right eye as I clenched.

"are you afraid?" came another "voice". This one kind, almost calming. I got the feeling this was the one at my head.

"YES" I screamed again, now hysterically crying.

"relax. there is nothing to fear. do you want to hold my hand?"

"Yes" I said. I to this day dont know why. I just said it.

I felt my left hand being able to move. My fingers and palm I outstretched.

"just take my hand, and we will go."
I closed my hand. And some other hand closed around it.

It wrapped my hand...all the way around. It was like holding a bunch of rubber carrots...dumb description I know. There was no strength, I pushed knuckler of long fingers together like a bunch of...rubber carrots.

"I will see you again."

And I got back in the truck.

I got the distinct feeling they wanted to get me to look at them, and touch them. To acknowledge them as real.

And thats when I realized, who was in my room at night. Who clapped like a gong and sent me reeling. Who I picked up, lost on the way home from the beach.

Thats all I know to say about it. Jill knew now, and knew it was all too real. We held eachother all night, til we had to feed the baby...Jill eventually went to sleep and so did I.

I would later recount this event to a collegue in a business I did work with. He said, "I have someone you should meet. He and you should work together and see if you can find any answers." Thats how I met a friend, who was my best friend for many years. And we studied eachother's experience, as well as others. For years. He directly saw anomalies at my home. He interviewed Jill, and me, and we catalogued matter how slight.

It wasnt until years later, many odd nights and more sightings, more investigations of other cases, and even until my research partner and friend moved on to abandon the field, that a couple pinnacle events changed my entire scope of this ambiguous subject. And a way out for me, presented itself in a way I never expected.

But, it's late, and I'm spooked beyond all reason...LOL...Jill's asleep, and I'm out of Pepsi.

(written last night, posted this morning)

[edit on 31-3-2006 by jritzmann]

posted on Mar, 31 2006 @ 09:32 AM
I don't know how you keep your sanity!

Awesome.....Just awesome!

You just went over the top!

posted on Mar, 31 2006 @ 10:23 AM

Originally posted by CloudlessKnight
Do you mean that you can be u2u'd questions after this discussion, but not on any of the threads, or that you will cease to talk about it altogether? I'm just curious, and I'll understand either way. I'm just glad you have the courage to share with us at all.
[edit on 31-3-2006 by CloudlessKnight]

I'll talk a little U2U, and answer what I can, but not to the degree that it's been this week. No more threads from me on it. And no more added to this one.

Trying to decide what to talk about, what the pinnacle things were, and then write it so people can understand it it fairly tough for me to do. Never mind the time aspect like last night I typed from 10pm to 2am last night. I didnt get to bed til 3am.

The suggestion by several members to write the *whole* thing in it's entirety, not just the pinnacle events, but all of a book isnt looking that great to me.

I'll get more into the dynamic of the attention payed to it later on when I get to wrapping this up tonight and tomorrow.

[edit on 31-3-2006 by jritzmann]

posted on Mar, 31 2006 @ 10:51 AM
Very good posts jritzmann, I have been on the edge of my seat reading this. I admire you for writing your encounters down and recalling them the way you do, im sure it can't be easy for you.

Do you still have experiences/encounters with 'them' at all? I cannot really imagine how scary it must be for you. If you still have experiences with them do you think there will ever be a time when you can communicate with them? Ask them what they want with you?


posted on Mar, 31 2006 @ 11:40 AM

Originally posted by Philip3
Very good posts jritzmann, I have been on the edge of my seat reading this. I admire you for writing your encounters down and recalling them the way you do, im sure it can't be easy for you.

Do you still have experiences/encounters with 'them' at all? I cannot really imagine how scary it must be for you. If you still have experiences with them do you think there will ever be a time when you can communicate with them? Ask them what they want with you?


I appriciate that Phil, really do.

No, I dont see them anymore. It's been almost 8 years, maybe 9? I have had sightings...but only one to the degree or close proximity as back then, and that was years ago too.

Communicate with them? In the sense to have the presence of mind to ask anything? Thats tonight, and I'll talk about it, but truthfully? They dont give anything of substance up.

[edit on 31-3-2006 by jritzmann]

posted on Mar, 31 2006 @ 12:20 PM
I know you said that you can "feel them" but do you ever have a suspicion that they may have visited in the last few years and maybe you were not aware?

posted on Mar, 31 2006 @ 12:27 PM
I have a request... I hope it's not too much to ask, but if it is, I'll understand.

Is it possible, given your experience in art, that you could give us some illustrations of any of "them"? Such as the one with the hat that made the gong sound, or a before and after of the guy that you picked up and drove in your car?

If not, that's fine. I'm an artist (not professionally though) and still find it extremely difficult to illustrate anything that I've seen. Thanks again.

posted on Mar, 31 2006 @ 01:04 PM

Originally posted by CloudlessKnight
I have a request... I hope it's not too much to ask, but if it is, I'll understand.

Is it possible, given your experience in art, that you could give us some illustrations of any of "them"? Such as the one with the hat that made the gong sound, or a before and after of the guy that you picked up and drove in your car?

If not, that's fine. I'm an artist (not professionally though) and still find it extremely difficult to illustrate anything that I've seen. Thanks again.

I can do that. Not so much the guy in the car that time, I've tried, but too many things I'd feel I'd be missing as far as features with him.

The rest, no problem.

posted on Mar, 31 2006 @ 01:28 PM
I truly understand your reticence to put your story into book form but consider a screen play thru a ghost writer ala "Betty and Barney" or "Fire in the Sky" as other abductees have done.

Sorry to seem so mercenary but sometimes money can sooth trauma.

You have a compelling story. Personally I would copyright it before it gets knocked off. I'm sure that you are aware that by posting it here; many talented writers in ATS have wheels of greed spinning in their brain.

posted on Mar, 31 2006 @ 01:57 PM

Out of curiousity, why did you decide to post these experiences on ATS?

Don't get me wrong, I'm glad you did, but the question needs to be asked.

Have you ever shared this online before now? Forgive me but there's always that little nagging skeptic in the back of my brain that gives pause to someone who opens up traumatizing experiences in such a way.

This ATS community, and the UFO community in general, has been through the wringer lately (with that debacle which shall remain nameless) and you'll have to excuse my heightened skepticism.

Perhaps this anonymous type communication is best for you?

posted on Mar, 31 2006 @ 02:06 PM

Originally posted by whaaa
I truly understand your reticence to put your story into book form but consider a screen play thru a ghost writer ala "Betty and Barney" or "Fire in the Sky" as other abductees have done.

Sorry to seem so mercenary but sometimes money can sooth trauma.

You have a compelling story. Personally I would copyright it before it gets knocked off. I'm sure that you are aware that by posting it here; many talented writers in ATS have wheels of greed spinning in their brain.

The whole thing was written by hand, just the major stuff years ago and sent to myself for a varified post copyright date, later notarized. Not that I was gonna write a book, but that you have to date the stuff to ensure it's yours and that people dont think youre copying someone else. So, the accounts are protected.

I actually have already had someone try and "lift" some stuff, and they were caught. All this thread is dated too.

Just so it's dated again:
Everything contained in this forum thread by username jritzmann is copyright 2006 by J. Ritzmann No reproduction without written permission.

How's that. But just to be safe, I'm printing all pages and original text and sending it to the US copyright today.

But, ya know what, whats here is FAR from the whole story, and is disjointed and wouldnt make much of a book on it's own...and there's info coming that is photographic, that I wont be showing publicly.

Maybe you'll have to buy the book for that.

[edit on 31-3-2006 by jritzmann]

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