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How many here believe Cathy O'brien's Story?

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posted on Mar, 10 2008 @ 11:53 PM
That would be just unbelievable if it were true
. Just awful. Technically it seems possible for the government to do and get away with if they're careful about keeping it secret. If someone is subjected to severe enough trauma they will dissociate and eventually develope different "personalities" so it seems possible that that kindof mind project could exist. It's still hard to believe that our governments could do that.

posted on Mar, 11 2008 @ 12:16 AM
I read 'Transformation of America' and if any of that story is true then there is no hope for America. Many things that she has said in 1995 have turned out to be true, and this whole thing with Elliot Spitzer shows that side of some of our politicians.

Plus, for anyone that has read the book:

I personally don't believe that is a cucumber in his pants... so I think she was right about that one!

posted on Mar, 11 2008 @ 12:47 AM
I refuse to believe anything until I have proof positive. And with Ms. O'Brien, well you basically have nothing to go on other than her word. So I don't believe it and I think no one else should, either.

posted on Mar, 11 2008 @ 12:50 AM
Trance Formation of America may be viewed in its entirety here:

posted on Mar, 11 2008 @ 01:07 AM

Originally posted by chromatico
Trance Formation of America may be viewed in its entirety here:

I just showed you some sort of proof... did you read the book? Remember what she said about Dick Cheney?

posted on Mar, 11 2008 @ 01:09 AM
reply to post by hikix

Pfft. Probably one could find that out by spending an hour in a DC bar.

Proof, that is not.

posted on Mar, 11 2008 @ 02:08 PM

Originally posted by chromatico
Trance Formation of America may be viewed in its entirety here:

Thanks for posting this. I've only read bits and pieces of her story so far and it's good to be able to read all of the contents.

posted on Mar, 27 2008 @ 03:10 AM
I first ran across this case in the early nineties. I was impressed with her use of language and, of course, her beauty. She's intelligent and believable. But I am doubtful.

Theory One: The CIA is expert in disinformation, and they can use it to obfuscate actual things they are guilty of. She could be a clever plant hired to tell such a fantastic story that no one, or very few, will accept the possibilities. Muddy the waters with crazy people who tell unbelievable stories, and the CIA Dark Ops is home-free, because anyone who believes OBrien will be automatically labeled a wingnut. Effective denial would be simply a matter of saying with a laugh "You don't believe THAT do you?!"

Theory Two: Cathy OBrien is bi-polar, or she's schizophrenic. I've known bright people who were one or the other, who could spin the most incredible yarns complete with amazing images so specific you almost believe them.

On the other hand, knowing what I know about the CIA and humankind's capacity for cruelty, especially sexually charged cruelty, I can't completely dismiss her story, or something like it, since it is theoretically possible, and likely it has been, at minimum, attempted.

Finally, since people on that level can afford any kind of sex they want, and if they exercise a modicum of caution, they won't be caught, then what motive do they have for this beautiful, blond, sex slave? Could an answer be that her case had more to do with the possibilities of mind control, and she was like a toy-trophy-mock-up of what they were developing?

Or (really) finally, maybe we all have good imaginations and enjoy delicious and malevolent conspiracies, a la David Iche.

posted on Apr, 24 2008 @ 11:29 PM
There are three things I would like to say... Two of which bear similitudes with previous threads.

First, I have this gut feeling that I just don't trust her. How much is true, how much is false, I cannot say. The amplitude of her feelings as well as those of her accolyte seem exagerated, so as to provoke pity; she also seems too much in control, too rational, and too agressive for a person who has come accross the pretended traumas. I suspect they mainly want to sell books...

My second point is: If the CIA put that much effort and money in mind-control experiments (and everything else we know them for sure to have done), we would be stupid to think they do not produce fake videos of this kind and put them to circulate on the web; we would also be stupid to not think that they monitor those who watch them (Echelon...); they probably also post comments in threads like this!

My third point is this: It may not matter much whether her story is true or false: What is interesting is that even though she is probably lying a great deal, we know enough about the evil in gvt officials and operatives that this is a very plausible scenario! The scenario is more plausible than the speaker, and to me that is what is scary!

posted on Apr, 24 2008 @ 11:43 PM
reply to post by Armchair Philosopher

I tend to lean to your theory #2. She could be sick and her partner is enabling her. There is no way the stories she claims could be true. They are extraordinary claims and she has no solid evidence.

However, it could also possibly be both partly true (she was abused and a sex slave) but not the way she claims. It's possible that she suffered mental illness as a result of some type of abuse, but not involving the people she claims. That would mean this alternate reality she describes to us is a mix of her real experiences mixed with a fantasy world her mind has concocted in order to "make sense" of her suffering.

Her partner/husband could just be taking advantage of her and this situation to better himself financially? I don't know.

posted on Apr, 25 2008 @ 12:06 AM
I don't want to 'believe' any of it. There are some horrific things in this world that I'm sure go on, but to actually believe it from someone who had to 'recover memories' just doesn't seem right.

I know the satanic rituals and underground groups are real. But are they this hardcore? It might take more than Cathy O'brien and Arizona Wilder to convince me... the Ted Gunderson investigations are the most credible and it's some truly horrific stuff in there too.

posted on Apr, 26 2008 @ 11:52 AM
I've been thinking the same thing ;Do I believe Cathy O Brien? I don't know but i checked her out after seeing James Casbolts You Tube vids.I watched Cathy's u tube vids and if continue under mkUltra/mind control category you'll see some supporting evidence,especially concerning CIA child kidknapping .Further support is at Portland Media Centers info about 'Conspiracy of Slience ' banned documentary.Also check out a really nice guy called Micheal Aqiuno who apart from being Satanist in Chief for the CIA could be Mr Spock double from some of his photos.

posted on Apr, 26 2008 @ 12:11 PM
In a video series I've been following she showed what 'they' did to her, ahem, private area. In order to keep this discussion on an adult level I'll just say that if you search Google I'm sure you'll find what I saw. I will not post the link and would prefer nobody else did either. Really, I'd rather not catch hell from the bosses.

I believe her.


posted on Apr, 26 2008 @ 12:18 PM
I usually don't believe people when they are selling the information. If they care about whistle blowing and humanity, they would give all info out in a free .pdf file, otherwise you are just trying to make a buck off of peoples' paranoia.

posted on Apr, 26 2008 @ 12:20 PM

Originally posted by Dr Love
In a video series I've been following she showed what 'they' did to her, ahem, private area. In order to keep this discussion on an adult level I'll just say that if you search Google I'm sure you'll find what I saw. I will not post the link and would prefer nobody else did either. Really, I'd rather not catch hell from the bosses.

I believe her.


No worries Doc, I won't post a link. My jury is still out on whether I believe her or not, but I'll check that out since you are convinced. My biggest question is, if it's true, why isn't anyone trying to shut her up, permanently? Not that Iam wishing that, but we all know it happens to people who make public, secrets of a lesser degree than that.

posted on Apr, 26 2008 @ 12:27 PM

Originally posted by Dr Love
In a video series I've been following she showed what 'they' did to her, ahem, private area.
I believe her.


Really? i didn't know a vid existed of that. I assume she would be scarred for life if that was the case.

Listen, if 10% of that book is true... then the world is in some big trouble. And don't forget the 'lizard holograms' either.. that lends some credence to that crazy theory.

posted on Apr, 26 2008 @ 12:34 PM

Originally posted by AccessDenied
My biggest question is, if it's true, why isn't anyone trying to shut her up, permanently?

Maybe 'they' should have early on, but they didn't. Now her story's out and whacking her is not an option, besides, I doubt she has any hard, tangible evidence that could bring 'them' down. She was under mind control, regression hypnosis might produce evidence, but it wouldn't be evidence that could stand up in a court of law. Now 'they' just use her paranoia against her.


[edit on 26-4-2008 by Dr Love]

posted on Apr, 26 2008 @ 01:05 PM
Seems I remember her before the senate telling her story about cia/mk-ultra. Now I see the clintons were named in on mk-ultra activity as well. Cathy O'Brien describes her sexual assault perpetrated by Hillary Clinton in her book, Trance Formation of America.

I believe her story cause I read other stories from kids and young adults who were sucked into the mk-ultra world of mind control sex slaves. Only most of them were killed or ridiculed out of courts when they came forward.

posted on Apr, 26 2008 @ 01:22 PM
I heart her speak at an survival expo on the South side of Atlanta back in 1998 or 1999.

At that point in time, I was not very interested in any far fetched conspiracy theories about our government.

I have changed my mind since', wherein I layed out my heart to speak the truth about what our government is capable of.

Like Cathy said:

...It is my patriotic respect for the principles of truth, justice, and ultimately that freedom on which America was founded that compels me to expose the world domination motivations of those in control of our government, commonly referred to as the Shadow Government. By taking back America NOW, we can maintain the integrity of our country's history and future by detouring its destined course of being recognized world wide for the mind-control atrocities unleashed on humanity that literally begin where Adolph Hitler left off. Hitler's version of world domination that he termed in 1939 the "New World Order" is currently being implemented through advanced technologies in among others, genetic mind-controlled engineering by those in control of America.

unfortunately, I do not have her resources...................just ats......and only a few.

in answer to your question, yes, i believe cathy.

posted on Apr, 27 2008 @ 01:56 PM

Originally posted by Dr Love

Originally posted by AccessDenied
My biggest question is, if it's true, why isn't anyone trying to shut her up, permanently?

Maybe 'they' should have early on, but they didn't. Now her story's out and whacking her is not an option, besides, I doubt she has any hard, tangible evidence that could bring 'them' down. She was under mind control, regression hypnosis might produce evidence, but it wouldn't be evidence that could stand up in a court of law. Now 'they' just use her paranoia against her.


[edit on 26-4-2008 by Dr Love]

yeah Doc, I thought of that. Just make sure we all believe she nuts and they have nothing to worry about. Just curious as to why there have been no convenient 'Accidents".

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