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CNN channel picks up Charlie Sheen story + 9/11 Conspiracy

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posted on Mar, 23 2006 @ 08:25 PM
wasnt there suppose to be a story on CNN tonight at 7pm est on this i watched it for about an hour and heard nothing.

posted on Mar, 23 2006 @ 09:00 PM
CNN followup interview with Alex Jones on 3/23/06 Video: :

posted on Mar, 23 2006 @ 09:17 PM
The reason I created the new thread so members could be alerted that, the lively discussion they were having in THIS thread is being discussed LIVE on FoxNews on the Hanity/Colmes show. It was a minute for minute thing and they had a better chance of catching some of it reading the title of a thread then my post being burried in here. That's all folks!!!!!!!!!

posted on Mar, 23 2006 @ 09:23 PM
No worries, bangincolor.

I just realized I'm unable to edit the original post (to include CNN's followup interview with Alex Jones, and incoming Fox News interview).

Am I missing something obvious? I guess it's timer based.

[edit on 23-3-2006 by noto]

posted on Mar, 23 2006 @ 09:27 PM
Another Ben A.......

Who cares? Seriously.....who?

It's just another celebrity struttin his stuff, talkin the talk but never
walkin the walk. Move along people, this is nothing new.

But then again, If I had a few million dollars.....I'd make you hear me too.

Later Sporty

BH, you're a mod now?....awesome!

[edit on 23/3/2006 by SportyMB]

posted on Mar, 23 2006 @ 09:27 PM

Originally posted by noto

I just realized I'm unable to edit the original post (to include CNN's followup interview with Alex Jones, and incoming Fox News interview).

All members have a time window to edit posts, 2 hours I believe, when that time passes you cannot edit posts.

Originally posted by BANGINCOLOR

The reason I created the new thread so members could be alerted that, the lively discussion they were having in THIS thread is being discussed LIVE on FoxNews on the Hanity/Colmes show. It was a minute for minute thing and they had a better chance of catching some of it reading the title of a thread then my post being burried in here.

There was no need for another discussion on the same topic, with nothing more than one line to open, and no real information.

Please, if you have a problem with these issues take it to the gripe forum.. all staff can see it there.

Continue the discussion here, please stay on topic.

Thank you.

[edit on 23-3-2006 by UM_Gazz]

posted on Mar, 23 2006 @ 09:29 PM

Originally posted by muzzleflash
i accidently missed this thread and double posted the topic

how embarassing indeed


i think its very important that the conspiracy world see this and realize that the Mainstream media is actually reporting this at all

THIS ISNT NEWS!!! many many many people have been questioning 911 forever!!

Why Report This NOW?
Why Charlie Sheen??
Why Alex Jones??

What is the master plan behind all this??
There has to be a ulterior agenda behind putting this stuff up on and Yahoo news

is it a Psychological Operation???

Or a get rich quick Scheme??

Part of the Illumanati Plan??
Or Totally Random Coincidences??

ohhh the Plot THickens!

i noticed this today. i listen to neal boortz then rush limbaugh and finally around 2pm sean hannity comes on the radio. first off something really strange happened on the neal boortz show this morning and when i got home i posted this. ive been listening to talk radio for years pretty much every day.(i make 3d maps...lots of radio listening) the big 3 i call em. and this has never happened till today...maybe it has but i missed it. a guy came right out and said 911 was a massive human sacrifce to the satanic worship that the powers of this country pulled off. along with how the towers came down and many other things...said the two parties are large cults for this movement. blew me away. perfectly put it together the whole conspiracy story. i thought to myself something is up..

for those of you who dont know who neal boortz is, he is a political talk radio show of the big three....neal boortz, rush Limbaugh, and sean hannity....those three are brainwashing america everyday. i know i listen to it every single day at work.....have been for years. dont worry i dont belive them but i like to listen and pick up on things here and there.....

but anyway thier shows dominate the air during the day and its all day every day for years and years and years all daylong everyday. all right wing conservative no other opinons matter(even down to the commercials) but what we say if you say somthing different you a loonatic, especially after 911...and if someone does get on there and ask questions concerning 911 or maybe connecting the dots to who bush is or asking ANY unusual questions they put the twilite zone music up just to make the caller sound like he has mental problems. definatly three major weapons to win the hearts and minds of the american people. thats sean hannitys proud saying(winning the hearts and minds of america). he calls it hannitizing them that too includes hypnotising music for effect.....but 99% of the time those people never make it on the air.....but one guy did today on the neal boortz show.

boortz took a call and a guy named scott came on and started telling it all. everything. from how the twin towers realy came down to bush and lucifer and the grove....said the christian people who were rescude in iraq today was a staged event..... to the two political parties(dem and rep) were actually cults and the american people have no idea what they are supporting. skull and bones....NWO and connected it all perfectly. he ended by saying america is about to have a rude awakening. and america has inncoent blood on her hands because of these political powers. boortz let him talk for at least 5-10 min without interuption. i couldnt belive it. that has never happened. that would be like someone saying that on rush limbaughs show....never happen....but it did. there is no way i can give it justice. very intellengent guy with no hesitation with his words. both sean and rush had talked about these conspiracy people today(guess because of charlie sheen and what he said on cnn) and said that people like that are dangeous to the american people and to their children. unfreggin belivable. anybody who questions the honesty of our higher authorities are dangerous people. hmmmm

i guess i wanted to tell about that guy scott calling in but people do realise that these three major heads in talk radio is a systematic manipulation of public opinion dont they? surely they do i mean come on its so obvious

posted on Mar, 23 2006 @ 09:49 PM
Seems there are a few people who agree with Charlie. this pole seem to be very close to the pole Wecomeinpeace started here on ATS Poll: The Truth of 9-11


[edit on 23/3/2006 by Sauron]

posted on Mar, 23 2006 @ 10:16 PM
The woman who was being interviewed along with the prez. of 911truth is just a hardcase nutshell. She couldn't counter or respond to any of the theories. All she said was "they are answerable" and "the fireprooding was knocked out" How in the world you knock out fireproofing of THE WHOLE BUILDING??? Her arguments aren't based on any facts. She is just there to ridicule the conspiracy.

posted on Mar, 23 2006 @ 10:31 PM
hmm....everything he said can be found on ATS. so i am wondering which nick is his?

who is charlie?

posted on Mar, 23 2006 @ 10:33 PM
oh and forgot orielly in that list of brainwashers. the greatest spinner is the one touting "no spin" IMHO.

posted on Mar, 23 2006 @ 10:49 PM

Originally posted by Sauron
Seem there are a few people who agree with Charlie. this pole seem to be very close to the pole Wecomeinpeace started here on ATS

And not unlike a Zogby poll from 2004 that found HALF of New York City residents believed the government had foreknowledge of 9/11 and deliberately failed to act.

I wouldn't be surprised if that number was higher today.

posted on Mar, 23 2006 @ 10:53 PM
omfg this is snowballing!!!!

i love it and all but i want everyone to keep in mind that CNN is controlled by the same goons who control everything else
***Most Likely***

So, That begs the biggest question, What is the motive behind this?

Now, granted, after they ran the story their ratings are going wild, and its really getting americans attention

AJ Hammer said in the video w/Alex that hes been getting floods of emails and the manner he said it implys that they are definatly getting massive attention from running with this story

CNN is a corporation and wants the highest ratings it will get, so lets watch and see if they keep running with this!

But! Dont forget this very well could be just a small step of that popular "Illuminati Goal" of defeating the american gov't and ushering in a world gov't !

But "OMFG"
Im Loving it!!

Keep in mind the truth still eludes us!
This could very well be about $$$ and Driving up the ratings!!

Or it could just be totally random and no one masterminded anything; but i seriously doubt it!!

This is the biggest news corporation in the World here!!

This is our chance to act america! Push as hard as you can everyone !

**Dances a Jig**

posted on Mar, 24 2006 @ 01:10 AM
im watching the rerun of the fox news show that they were talking about in that other thread. its the 2am EST rerun where in there do they talk about it so far i have watched 10 mins and no mention of it.

posted on Mar, 24 2006 @ 02:04 AM
I just watched the part on fox news Hanity/Colmes show i saw the rerun of it just a few mins ago. i though it was very interesting. they ad 3 peopel on the show talking about it after. they got into arguing pretty good. 1 guy called charlie sheen a Nut the woman said that hollywood is way outside of mainstream media. they were talking about the controlled demolitions. one guy said if he had evidence he would look at it the other guy said something about there is no need to look into that becouse it did not happen.

posted on Mar, 24 2006 @ 02:43 AM
How great! Seems like the truth might well be coming out after all. If pressure is being kept in the same way on the mainstream media and authorities, the # will hit the fan soon... very soon. The Bush clan will never get away with something THAT big.

I can only pray that the truth will be known, and that the REAL perpetrators of this crime against humanity (not Al Qaeda, but that obscure kabal of corporatists, linked to Bush) will get the attention they properly deserve!

posted on Mar, 24 2006 @ 04:47 AM

Looks reminiscent to say.... This??

And Sauron's Image here,

Ironic twist. the 1st poll was done in 04, I am almost positive Sauron's was done around the same time.. Before the RNC.

Also the Zogby poll everyone keeps talking about is here.

Half of New Yorkers Believe US Leaders Had Foreknowledge of Impending 9-11 Attacks and “Consciously Failed” To Act; 66% Call For New Probe of Unanswered Questions by Congress or New York’s Attorney General, New Zogby International Poll Reveals

I made this post about a little over a yr. this Poll was taken around the RNC before the elections.

There are other polls like this around on the internet that alot of people don't talk about like Yahoo had one, MSNBC and so on. So if one thinks this is an isolated case I don't think so..

Also about the 2 shows that are shown here the one where it talks about Sheen's stuff and the one with AJ on it. I think they are doing this to get ratings... Think about it.. The guy in the end part said that it was the most emails they have gotten on 1 topic for that show..

So I think alot of people were just showing they are watching what is going on.. But they are doing it for ratings.. Lets see what happens in 30 days, to see if we even remember this at all.. The Attention span of most people they would probably forget about it in 2 weeks at most.

[edit on 3/24/2006 by ThichHeaded]

posted on Mar, 24 2006 @ 07:40 AM
CNN isn't the only one carrying Charlie Sheen's comments. FOX carried
it most of the day yesterday. I didn't see it on MSNBC.

As far as the CNN poll about ~75% thinking it was an inside job ....
consider the CNN audience. The very few people that actually watch
CNN are usually radical lefties. OF COURSE they would think it was
an inside job of the Bush admin.

The admin should try to get Charlie Sheen as a guest on this site
so as to discuss his reasoning for his views. It would be interesting.

posted on Mar, 24 2006 @ 10:45 AM
I was talking about the Polls from above not the Sheen incident.
And Alex Jones is right, there are a few people that are into this inside job thing. Gary busy(sp?), Joe Rogan, and a few others.

Anyway I was talking about the polls back in 04 not this sheen incident.

As far as the CNN poll about ~75% thinking it was an inside job ....
consider the CNN audience. The very few people that actually watch
CNN are usually radical lefties. OF COURSE they would think it was
an inside job of the Bush admin.

I guess that Zogby poll is trash then also??

Considering that most of the people polled lived in NYC.. Just wondering???

A poll is a poll is a poll. and the only reason that poll(refering to the CNN poll from 04) got any reconition is cause I posted it some time ago when they had it still live. so most of the people who agree to yes were probably from this site.

[edit on 3/24/2006 by ThichHeaded]

posted on Mar, 24 2006 @ 11:17 AM
I don't find it strange for the powers that currently be, to try to censor this story whatsoever.

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