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Got my first gun

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posted on Mar, 23 2006 @ 01:23 PM
Jensen you posted:

"A world without US = A world in Peace"

I am not quite sure what you mean by this either. If you mean without people I tend to agree. We need to get rid of all the people. ..or at least most of them. The United Nations has plans to do exactly that to return the world to a population of about 2 billion or less. This is going to be intresting as to how it will be implimented.
If you mean without the United States..I will remind you without the United States does not explain what happened in the former the 1990s. And by the was not the "Civilized" non gun Europeans willing to do much about this. They just looked the other way in "Peace" right in their back doors so to speak. There are plenty of other examples from history. The invasion of China in the 1930 by the Japanese is another one.

Seen the Future ...the main problem with the world is people..the raw material we are made of is not good material. This is replete over and over in history ..from the time of the Ancients unto today. Little has changed in this time matter how heart felt our feelings are about "peace." I love Peace too. I just happen to believe in it differently than do you. I dont think humans on thier own are capable of it. One can talk all they want about things like the Pax Britiania or the Pax Romania...or even the Pax is and has been anything but peaceful. During the hundred years of peace..1815 to 1914 ..the Pax Britiania ..the Brits only fought about 40 wars around the globe..for the Empire.
By the way...during a hurricane which happened here a few years ago..Isabelle...many generators were stolen from peoples yards while they were being used to provide power for peoples homes. If you have people in your homes..who need refrigerated this can be a death sentance?? This is very serious and it occurred to some people around here. Is this peaceful??? You have very good intentions in your posts and obvoiusly you are very passionate about them. I can respect this but it is very impractical to me.
My Mother needs refrigerated medicines. I carried my generator back and forth from my home to my Mother and Fathers house. I would have planted someone in the ground to protect my mother and her medicine.
I have since purchased another generator with larger capacity. I keep both of them here as my parents have limited storage space. Next time I will bring one of them to thier house and keep the other here. I will still plant someone in the ground if they attempt to take the generator which is so vital to my mothers medicine...and her life.

By the way..I did provide electricity to my neighbors on a limited basis when I had the generator here at my home. This is a peaceful agreement between me and my neighbors. A concensus if you like..I am fine with this. Some of them were very ignorant as to how to use it prefering the air conditioning to protecting staples like refrigerated stores. One of them almost damaged my generator overloading it with a airconditioner. This is not peaceful. I took back my extenson cord. They went without. I told them to get thier own power from someone else. They were very resentful. I couldnt believe it ..they thought it was so unfair. This kind of person would have everyone without and not provide anything difference between them and the thief who steals generators. Once again the raw material they are made of is not good material. This is the nature of some people in this always has been and always will be ..I call this wildlife. It is is not a ideology on paper. A nice feeling. Understand?? Peace takes real work..not takes real commitment..real risk taking. It is not free...nor easy.

Once again I am not against peace...I dont like confrontation..but I know what happens at times...among wildlife....all different kinds.

To the poster who gave me those sites for posting pictures..thanks.


posted on Mar, 23 2006 @ 01:27 PM
It makes sense if the mere possessions of gun cause people to become violent. However, lawfull gun owners in the US are among the most law abiding cohort one could find. “Shall Issue” carry permit states have lower crime rates than those without.

Witness Scottland: they are seriously talking about banning knives. It’s insane, as if lacking a knife all the criminals will become Mother Teresa.

Criminals will always have weapons, their profession requires it. Criminals prefer unarmed victims.

[edit on 23-3-2006 by ElTiante]

posted on Mar, 23 2006 @ 01:56 PM
Seen The Future,

Our problems started way before we had guns. There is a problem here. We are exceptionally violent. The statistics prove it, so what kind of ass would I be to deny it? The truth is, good guys with guns are not the problem, and its pretty obvious that the bad guys arent getting rid of theirs any time soon. I understand your question. Its like asking whether the chicken preceded the egg or visaversa. Unfortunately I dont have that answer. All I can tell you is that there are lots of bad guys here that have guns. Not guns that have bad guys. The good guys that have guns do help deter the bad guys.

Its an animal doubt. But, as I stated before, it is the most violent who are the most dominant. Sad but true. You are obviously lucky enough to lack this frame of reference and I am indeed envious. But survival supercedes morality.

posted on Mar, 23 2006 @ 01:56 PM
I have four uncles and all of them have spent time in prison, either state or federal. Thye said that the people who are getting out are just as bad the ones still in. In light of this, he said buy a shotgun, get a dog and post signs about the dog and alarm your house. It is only human nature to take from others. As tom said above, human nature fights against our "morale fiber" so to speak and as a whole we are either prey or predator in a crisis. It would be nice if it weren't so but face reality and prepare for the worst while hoping for the best. Do good work, help others as you may and stash some guns in your house

posted on Mar, 23 2006 @ 02:10 PM
You should bring your shotgun inside and keep your wife in the trunk of your car. The shotgun can't cook and clean, but it's a lot quieter and doesn't care about the position of the toilet seat.

[edit on 2006/3/23 by GradyPhilpott]

posted on Mar, 23 2006 @ 02:15 PM

Originally posted by GradyPhilpott
You should bring your shotgun inside and keep your wife in the trunk of your car. The shotgun can't cook and clean, but it's a lot quieter and doesn't care about the position of the toilet seat.

Yeah, but the shotgun won't complain on the way to work.


posted on Mar, 23 2006 @ 02:32 PM
The shotgun would be a lot more useful on the way to work than the wife, so just have them trade places. The woman can cook and clean while he's at work and then get back into the trunk for some shuteye.

posted on Mar, 23 2006 @ 02:36 PM

Originally posted by DeusEx
However, for home defence and whatnot, a shotgun is still the king of the castle. Often times, you can scare someone off by merely racking the slide.

Agreed. I have a Winchester Defender 12 gauge. If you kick my cat I'm gonna light you up.


posted on Mar, 23 2006 @ 03:05 PM

Originally posted by GradyPhilpott
You should bring your shotgun inside and keep your wife in the trunk of your car.

Oh how many issues that would solve - hahaa!!!

posted on Mar, 23 2006 @ 05:58 PM

Originally posted by OneGodJesus
. In light of this, he said buy a shotgun, get a dog and post signs about the dog and alarm your house.

Sound advise

People might be shocked just how much criminals fear large dogs.

I dont personally know if thats a well founded fear since I have only come across a few agressive dogs in my life. Most seem to be just as nice to strangers as they are to their owners. You really have to train them to be a good guard dog.

Perhaps its just the threat that rotweilier in the window isnt going to be a marshmellow and is going to rip your neck apart.

posted on Mar, 23 2006 @ 06:28 PM

Originally posted by Seen the Future
The American flag burns bright in your eyes as you load up your snarling weapon and kill an innocent animal who's only crime was to get too close to the most savage species on this planet. You all cackle insanely while you scream out "Liberty!"

This is a sad little thread, made even more depressing by the knowledge that eventually you will all be made to pay for your stupidity. What possible use is there for a gun other than to hurt or frighten people?

Sod off you merchant banker.

I may find the 2nd Amendment of the US constituiton to be entirely ludicrous, and have said so in several threads, I may ridicule people who buy assault rifles, but I've been hunting for more than half my life, I have an unhealthy fascination for guns, rifles and pistols and a healthy respect for them.

Why have guns?

In central Australia before the advent of a certain handy virus, we used to be able to bag 40 rabbits a night. Rabbits are an introduced pest in Australia, destroying the eco-system and outcompeting the local fauna. I don't remember frightening or hurting anyone with my dad's lever-action Winchester .22. I do remember my sisters hunting with me. I do remember my dad's strict lessons in gun safety. I do remember my mum, a casualty nurse, reinforcing those lessons with stories about the kids she had treated who'd found their father's guns but hadn't had lessons in gun safety.

Chakotay put it all perfectly. It would have been a good idea if Dick Cheney had had that post available to him a little while ago!

posted on Mar, 23 2006 @ 06:35 PM
Enjoy your God given to keep and bear arms! Be safe and I suggest you now watch Ted Nugent on OLN. By the way did an interview with him...on the site: !Text

posted on Mar, 23 2006 @ 07:10 PM
My view has always been that it is better to have a gun and not to need it than to need it and not have it. Police do not deter violent criminals, the prospect of imprisonment doesn't deter a violent criminal, MORALITY will certainly not deter a violent criminal, but they will certainly think twice about entering your home in the middle of the night if they have a reasonable assumption that there is a good chance that they will have their heads blown off. Sad, but violence is what deters violence. It's what evil, vicious people understand. I grew up hunting as a kid. Got my first rifle, a Remington semi auto 22. when I was ten, which I still own to this day. You just have to be a responsible person first and foremost. If you are intent on harming others, a gun won't make much difference. They can just as easily pick up a screwdriver or a baseball bat and get the same effect.

Also - if early colonial Americans had felt the same way as Seen the Future, we would all be sipping tea under rule of the Queen right now. Shows first hand what a few farmers and their guns can accomplish when needed. I take comfort in the fact that as long as Americans are able to own weapons to defend ourselves, we will never have to worry about invasion or tyranny from a foreign (or domestic) enemy. I for one do not intend to house and quarter any Redcoats, or anyone else for that matter.

To the original poster, congrats on your new purchase. Be responsible, learn all that you can about the proper use and upkeep of your weapon. This will be the first of many great gun owning experiences for you. And remember, never fire til you see the whites of their eyes

Here is a pic of my latest addition - I bought it used but just like new!

Sig - P226

posted on Mar, 23 2006 @ 07:11 PM

Originally posted by HowlrunnerIV

I may find the 2nd Amendment of the US constituiton to be entirely ludicrous, and have said so in several threads

Dont worry many Americans find it ludicrous that your nation effectively disarmed your population. The kicker is that they used the pretense that taking away guns from law abiding Australians was to make you safer

The stats have proved that hasnt happened not only in your own country but also in countries like Canada and Switerland which have high gun ownership and lower violent crime then your own country.

posted on Mar, 23 2006 @ 07:31 PM
A friend of mine told me that in Britain he could buy an AK-47 assault rifle for a hondred pounds or so in London which he lives relatively close to, ofcourse illegally, weapons are still rampant, the only ones that suffered from the gun bans were the (mostly) law abiding citizens.

Also note that MOST (premeditated) crime is commited with illegal firearms that were bought on the black market, most impulsive gun crimes are probably commited with any weapon close to them, I.E. husbands walks in his wife and another man, he grabs his shotgun and kills him and/or her, but not even necesarilly that, he could just grab a baseball bat, a candle holder or a large trout! humans will kill no matter what, the only thing that stops most of them is the fear of death, the gun is the most proficient killer.

Guns are not only for killing however, guns are also used for sport shooting, target shooting and plinking, that's actually what most guns are bought for with self-defense in the mind as a secondary.

Have you ever lived in the United States Seen the Future? Even been to the midwest? ever hit a deer or almost hit a deer? many people have been killed by deer by trying to avoid it or hitting it and being impaled by the antlers, ALL animals that we may hunt in America (I am originally dutch and have lived in a country with strict gun control) are pests that cause trouble.

-Grey Squirrels are rampant, cause alot of damage, and they reproduce as fast as rabbits.
-Rabbits, nuff said.
-Coyotes, kill cattle, kill pets, kills childeren.
-Feasants, recently could contribute to bird flu spreading, there is lots and lots of them and are a good source for food for the poor.
-Wild Turkey, same as above.
-Deer, cause a lot of car accidents, destroy crops.
-Elk, Caribou, I am against hunting them since they are not as proliffic as deer.
-Bears and Wolves, I am against hunting them however they do cause some deaths in campers, young childeren.

I probably forgot some other pests, the Squirrels and Rabbits can be shot down with .22's, High-powered airguns, Coyotes and wolves are usually shot by .223's, Feasants, turkey are shot by shotguns mainly, Deer, Elk and Caribou by high powered rifles and slug guns/black powder guns, Bears usually with a high caliber handgun or some other weapon that causes large trauma from short-medium ranges.

As you can see, we have a use for all these types of guns with legitimate ussage to control the population on animals that have little natural enemies besides us, we might not look like part of nature with our computers, guns and cities, but we are part of nature IMHO, w always have been the natural enemies of alot of these species, if we stop hunting there will be an imballance.

Some quotes to keep in mind:

"I'd rather have a gun and not have to use it than not have it and have to use it" and "if guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns".

Keep these in mind, guns are tools with many purposes, they are NOT only meant to kill, look at .22's, they are not meant to kill persay, they are mainly used for plinking and some pest control, they are never intended to shoot people with, airguns is the same argument, do you want airguns banned too? crossbows? knifes? swords? go ahead.

Let's just agree to disagree here, we have our culture, you have yours, America likes guns, Britain and Australia does not, don't judge us, we wont bother you with it, we wont come with our guns to your countries if you don't want it.

posted on Mar, 23 2006 @ 07:50 PM
Yes americans need guns for several reasons. Ever see the movies Wrong Turn or Deliverance? Thats where I live. Straight-Up. It is really like that. Incest, rape, doing bad things to animals. I carry lawfully but I carry. We cant depend on our police. I guess yours might be better. All ours do is write speeding tickets.

Also americans have long memories. It was your nation that is the reason why we cling to our second amendment rights so preciously. Your ancestors came over and forced our ancestors to keep up your army in our ancestors houses. Men who are in the army get hard up for women. It doesn't make for a good situation to have no guns and a trained army man in the house with your wife. Get the idea. So they ran them out of the country. We're taught that in American History in school. Guess you're taught the opposite.

posted on Mar, 24 2006 @ 01:45 AM
You know what? I give up.

Because you're right, we're not going to agree on this one. I know when to quit and I'll let you enjoy your little gun showcase thread by yourselves. No point preaching to the damned. But I PROMISE you that one day your countrymen will look back at this and cringe at the sheer idiocy of your generation of Americans. History won't take pride in the fact that you people loved your guns and proudly hunted animals with them. History will remember this period in America as one of the most corrupt, morally bankrupt periods ever. Amost everything about you is fundamentally wrong, from the false liberties that you are forced to believe you have, right up to the people who control them. You are essentially a nation of wannabe soldiers and sociopaths trying depserately to hide under a mask of civilisation. 60% of your people are overweight, 70% own firearms. Most of you don't even have passports. Should I concern myself with such narrow-minded arrogance and accept that the USA is more enlightened than ourselves upon this issue? No. You will see, in time.

But that's tomorrow's concern. Today, I will let you all wallow in your own muck.

Happy shooting.

posted on Mar, 24 2006 @ 02:01 AM
and I bet you know all this from the information in your country right? HAve you ever came to the US?

and Oh yes ouer government forces us to have freedom and carry arms

posted on Mar, 24 2006 @ 02:05 AM
Well, that's up to you, I respect your wishes but I wont put down my guns until this world is a utopia, however I will miss target shooting since it's a sport take takes alot of concentration and skill.

I will never kill, unless I am threatend by my fellow men and women, I hope that day will never come but i'd rather be ready for it.

Have a good day, sorry if we frustrated you and I know this is a controversial subject, have a good one.

posted on Mar, 24 2006 @ 03:04 AM

Originally posted by Seen the Future
You know what? I give up.

Because you're right, we're not going to agree on this one. I know when to quit and I'll let you enjoy your little gun showcase thread by yourselves. No point preaching to the damned. But I PROMISE you that one day your countrymen will look back at this and cringe at the sheer idiocy of your generation of Americans. History won't take pride in the fact that you people loved your guns and proudly hunted animals with them. History will remember this period in America as one of the most corrupt, morally bankrupt periods ever. Amost everything about you is fundamentally wrong, from the false liberties that you are forced to believe you have, right up to the people who control them. You are essentially a nation of wannabe soldiers and sociopaths trying depserately to hide under a mask of civilisation. 60% of your people are overweight, 70% own firearms. Most of you don't even have passports. Should I concern myself with such narrow-minded arrogance and accept that the USA is more enlightened than ourselves upon this issue? No. You will see, in time.

But that's tomorrow's concern. Today, I will let you all wallow in your own muck.

Happy shooting.

Note to Mods... I know this is an over-quote... Please feel free to deduct points.

However, this particular post hearkens back to what I said earlier... Just a fellow/gal who is all up, at it, and angry because a majority of people aren't wrapped up in paranoia, and fear.

Glad she/he is gone... Now maybe we can get back to discussion without anger.

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