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Originally posted by mytym
From my recollection, scientists would create their own big bang by colliding two objects together and somehow the expansion within the "balloon" would have no effect on the expansion from an external viewpoint. I suppose it falls back on some relativity angle. I don't really understand how it all works but they seemed to.
Originally posted by melatonin
And a quick point - emotions are chemical/physiological changes, not merely correlated with them.
[edit on 24-3-2006 by melatonin]
Originally posted by point
Originally posted by melatonin
And a quick point - emotions are chemical/physiological changes, not merely correlated with them.
[edit on 24-3-2006 by melatonin]
In my opinion,
The chemical/physiological changes that occur are merely one of the measurable physical effects of an emotion acting on the body.
It is understandable that these physiological changes could be viewed as the apparent cause of an emotional reaction if one believed there existed nothing outside the physical realm.
Emotions can and do exist independant of a physical vehicle of expression.
A disembodied spirit can still feel emotion. Someone astral travelling away from there body can still experience emotions relating to their otherworldly surroundings.
(This may appear to be subject matter for another sub-forum but we are on the ATS section after all.)
For an emotion to be expressed physically it must be translated into the physical to be observed/felt.
The chemical reaction/change is like a switching/regulating or a triggering process allowing the emotion(s) to express physically through the body.
[edit on 25-3-2006 by point]
That out of the way, in my opinion, I believe that we were created by an all-loving God who takes great joy in our happiness and guides us to become better people.
First of all, some of these people can find happiness in their lives and appreciate what they are given. Some of the poorest people that you find can be some of the most appreciating people you will ever encounter. It also reminds those of us that are a little bit better off to give thanks for what we have and understand the importance of everything. Besides, Jesus, like most people of His time, also suffered poverty.
The reason is choice. Life is a balace. There is good and there is bad. We have the ability to choose good doing or wrong doing. God does NOT in ANY way deceive us into sin. I could argue that Satan is the Tempter, but I see the problem mainly within ourselves. We fall in too easily to temptation, and if we followed the bible a little bit more, we should be like Jesus who refused to fall into temptation thrice while in the desert. We have to remember that Jesus teaches us valuable lessons that lead us to God. Whether you think Jesus is God Incarnate is mainly up to your opinion, but you can't argue that the teachings are moraly incorrect. Matter of fact, biblical teaching hold morality, service, and self-sacrifice as the most important expressions of love.
I have a suggestion: why don't WE do something about that. I assure you that if everything was distributed evenly amongst everybody, there would be no poverty or malnutrition. Have you ever heard the phrase: "90% of the wealth resides in 10% of the population?" If people would share, were not self-centered, and practiced good humanity, there would be none of those problems. This is a worldly problem that WE should solve on our own without even thinking of asking God. Like I said, we make our own destiny and give our life a purpose.
I do not mind that you are trying to question this subject a little bit further, but come with an open mind and not try to attack the issue so aggressively. HAVE FAITH. THERE IS A GOD. If you have a different opinion, i respect that, but all God asks is that you have Faith in Him. Some people misinterpret Faith and think God will put everything at their feet. Remember God said, "Help thyself and I will give help onto thee."
Quit asking
Stop assuming
Value life
Have Faith in God
Originally posted by Prot0n
Originally posted by mytym
From my recollection, scientists would create their own big bang by colliding two objects together and somehow the expansion within the "balloon" would have no effect on the expansion from an external viewpoint. I suppose it falls back on some relativity angle. I don't really understand how it all works but they seemed to.
I tried doing a bunch of search's on google for this today, but nothing I tried bring's anything up about us being close to doing something like this.
I did find this, a "big bang" of sort's in the lab, but nothing that would lead to a new universe.
Working with Prof. Edward Farhi and others, Guth has explored the question of whether it is in principle possible to ignite inflation in a hypothetical laboratory, thereby creating a new universe. The answer is a definite maybe. They showed that it cannot be done classically, but with quantum tunneling it might be theoretically possible. The new universe, if it can be created, would not endanger our own universe. Instead it would slip through a wormhole and rapidly disconnect completely.
Linde, it should be said, is famous for his mock-gloomy manner, and these words were laced with irony. But he insisted that this genesis-in-a-lab scenario was feasible, at least in principle. "What my theoretical argument shows—and Alan Guth and others who have looked at this matter have come to the same conclusion—is that we can't rule out the possibility that our own universe was created in a lab by someone in another universe who just felt like doing it."
It struck me that there was a hitch in this scheme. If you started off a Big Bang in a lab, wouldn't the baby universe you created expand into your own universe, killing people and crushing buildings and so forth? Linde assured me that there was no such danger. "The new universe would expand into itself," he said. "Its space would be so curved that it would look as tiny as an elementary particle. In fact, it might end up disappearing altogether from the world of its creator."
"You might take this all as a joke," he said, "but perhaps it is not entirely absurd. It may be the explanation for why the world we live in is so weird. On the evidence, our universe was created not by a divine being, but by a physicist hacker."
Linde's theory gives scientific muscle to the notion of a universe created by an intelligent being. It might be congenial to Gnostics, who believe that the material world was fashioned not by a benevolent supreme being but by an evil demiurge. More orthodox believers, on the other hand, will seek refuge in the question, "But who created the physicist hacker?" Let's hope it's not hackers all the way up.
Originally posted by melatonin
Originally posted by point
Originally posted by melatonin
And a quick point - emotions are chemical/physiological changes, not merely correlated with them.
[edit on 24-3-2006 by melatonin]
In my opinion,
The chemical/physiological changes that occur are merely one of the measurable physical effects of an emotion acting on the body.
It is understandable that these physiological changes could be viewed as the apparent cause of an emotional reaction if one believed there existed nothing outside the physical realm.
Emotions can and do exist independant of a physical vehicle of expression.
A disembodied spirit can still feel emotion. Someone astral travelling away from there body can still experience emotions relating to their otherworldly surroundings.
(This may appear to be subject matter for another sub-forum but we are on the ATS section after all.)
For an emotion to be expressed physically it must be translated into the physical to be observed/felt.
The chemical reaction/change is like a switching/regulating or a triggering process allowing the emotion(s) to express physically through the body.
[edit on 25-3-2006 by point]
Yep, heard this sort of idea a few times before. But if we remove certain regions of the brain (or through disease/injury) then emotions can be dysfunctional or even absent - i.e. without the physiology, there is no emotion.
Descartes was wrong, there is no true separation of mind and body. I've seen enough lesion patients myself to know this.
[edit on 25-3-2006 by melatonin]
Originally posted by point
Could He/She correctly be thought of as a compassionate, fair, just, loving, benign, good and divine designer/creator?
Originally posted by point
"Without the physiolgy there is no emotion" is similar to saying "without the radio receiver there are no radio waves"
Would you also agree with this statement?
How does the amount of lesion patients you've seen equate to concluding there is no true seperation of mind and body? If you substitute 'mind' with 'brain' then that would make more sense.
The brain (biological computer) is merely the physical vehicle needed for the mind to translate thoughts into words/actions using the rest of the body.
If the radio receiver isn't functioning properly because of damage or because an important part is removed, you may not be able to listen to your favorite radio station. The same principal applies to the brain.
[edit on 27-3-2006 by point]
Originally posted by Prot0n
Awsome thanks Rren!
I have a question (well two! I'm working on the second one so it make's abit of sense.). If we created a universe through quantum tunneling and it disconected from this universe via micro-wormhole's, then we as the 'creators' would have no effect on the distribution of matter and energy after the initial 'bang' and everything within that universe after it's divergence would be left totally up to chance alone.
But then Linde thought of another channel of communication between creator and creation—the only one possible, as far as he could tell. The creator, by manipulating the cosmic seed in the right way, has the power to ordain certain physical parameters of the universe he ushers into being. So says the theory. He can determine, for example, what the numerical ratio of the electron's mass to the proton's will be. Such ratios, called constants of nature, look like arbitrary numbers to us: There is no obvious reason they should take one value rather than another. (Why, for instance, is the strength of gravity in our universe determined by a number with the digits 6673?) But the creator, by fixing certain values for these dozens of constants, could write a subtle message into the very structure of the universe. And, as Linde hastened to point out, such a message would be legible only to physicists.
How does this, or could it even, play into the ID theory? Say the Designer used this method of creation, there technically would be no possible way for the desinger to have any ability to impart IC genetic coding into the universe. Even IF, and that's a BIG IF, the Designer were able to inject IC genetic coding into that universe, the intense energies and temperature's inside at that point in time would literally rip apart and disintigrate any organic material.
If there were a Designer who used this method, it would be reasonable to assume that it was his only dealing's with creation. Anything inside after divergence would be utterly up to chance alone, including IC systems.
If this were the case, wouldn't this invalidate any claim of man being designed? Or do we now bring in a new designer that was naturally created within this universe, who then decided to create us, or create the initial genetic coding complete with IC systems code in it, on our planet?
[edit on 27-3-2006 by Prot0n]
Originally posted by melatonin
"without the radio transmitter there is no radio waves" but then radio waves are also produced in the cosmos, whereas there are no cosmological phenomenon that have emotions. Emotions can not be truly separated from biology.
If I placed a single electrode into your amygdala I could make you feel fear by stimulation. If I stimulated a radio receiver it will not produce a radio wave.
Do 'lower' animals have a similar "emotion" receiver?
Originally posted by point
How do you know there's nothing out in the cosmos with emotions? Of course you don't.
Without a some sort of mind controlling it, the brain is just a computer waiting to told what to do. It stores information/memories etc. just like a computer. Somethings still got to push the buttons.
Of course 'lower' animals have a similar make up to humans.
If you limit yourself to the physical alone and exclude anything outside of that narrow spectrum then you can never arrive at any real conclusion on how anything really works. All you do is observe effects believing them to be the root causes of phenomena.
BTW keep your electrode out of my amygdala.
Originally posted by Prot0n
That out of the way, in my opinion, I believe that we were created by an all-loving God who takes great joy in our happiness and guides us to become better people.
If this is true, then why did God allow 9/11 to happen?
- Did God think of the horrible death's they suffered?
- Did God think about the thousands of grieving families when he allowed 9/11 to happen ... out of his love for us?
If this is true, then why does God allow people to live in poverty, disease, and starvation?
- Did God think of the horrible living condition's these people are currently unable to get out of due to where they live and having no where else to go?
- Did he think about the millions of children world wide that die a horrible slow suffering death of disease and malnutrition?
If this is true, then why did God create something that would cause us to sin and create something he knew would decieve us into sin?
- Was God even thinking of the ramifications of the corruption, pain, suffering, torture, hate, violence, slavery, intolerance and ignorance that would be followed by such thing's that he for some mysterious reason just happened to create?
- Why would God create or allow such thing's if these thing's displease him and then punish his own children (creation) for something that is ultimatley of his own doing?
I could go on, but I think this is enough - for now.
Originally posted by melatonin
what you mean neutron stars might be a tad emotional? Maybe they do get a bit moody every now again, red dwarfs might feel a little embarassed, and black holes suffer occasional PMS...
Does this apply to all animals? Do ants have a sense of self and consciousness?
This time does a worm have a sense of self?
When we administer all these mood altering chemicals do they transmit their effects to the external force you seem to want to apply. Seems a bit excessive to invoke such a phenomenon when there is no other need but theological/philosophical, especially when we already understand many of their chemical/biological effects. Occam would be sharpening his razor, if we did.
Originally posted by point
I meant other lifeforms like humans or animals, but maybe your right!
Why wouldn't an ant have a conciousness. It's got a physical body just like the rest of us. Got to have a pilot to drive the fandangled six legged contraption.
I was thinking more along the lines of mammals and reptiles when you said 'lower animals', but a worm would of course have a conciousness as well. That crazy worm knows where it's at.
Many of the mood altering drugs actually can block/impede the connection between the conciousness and the physical brain/body. Anyone in the mood for a sedative?
I don't think occam or his razor were all that sharp to begin with. Maybe that's why he liked to keep things simple.