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Ely Sasquatch Video

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posted on Mar, 21 2006 @ 11:50 AM

External Source

An intriguing new video taken in Ely, Minnesota, in January 2006, by a person named Richard Sade has surfaced....
Ely Sasquatch Video & Information

At first glance, my impression was that it was a bear. After further review, bears do not move like that as far as I know. Some say, that they seem to see it pick something up. Could it be a young Sasquatch that is being picked up as mentioned by some folks? Watch, review and you decide...

[edit on 21-3-2006 by Marz]

posted on Mar, 21 2006 @ 11:56 AM
No, bears generally don't walk on their hind feet except in the circus. I don't know. Were there any tracks found the next day? Any bigfoot poop?

It's just like every other kind of photo or video footage. Unless there's some kind of other evidence backing it up, then it could really be an unknown species of humanoid or it could just be some dude in a monkey suit stomping around in the bushes.

posted on Mar, 21 2006 @ 12:22 PM
There are a few things that bring up red flags:

1. Mr. Sade supposedly heard screaming while inside his car. Is the guy part bat?

2. For a creature in its’ own turf, it sure does not know how to walk in it. This could be that it is injured and/or just left the pub, but more than likely not.

Here is a different older report based in the same area.

Older Report

posted on Mar, 21 2006 @ 03:53 PM

Originally posted by Marz
There are a few things that bring up red flags:

1. Mr. Sade supposedly heard screaming while inside his car. Is the guy part bat?

2. For a creature in its’ own turf, it sure does not know how to walk in it. This could be that it is injured and/or just left the pub, but more than likely not.

For all we know his windows could have been down. As for your second point, the website with the video clip states that the man believes the Bigfoot was limping. He thinks it was either injured or weak.

He also says that a lot of people who looked at the video believe that the Bigfoot is bending over and picking up a baby Bigfoot by the downed tree. After I read that and looked at the video a few more times, I can see what appears to be a little Bigfoot/monkey-looking creature that it picks up. This could just be everyone's eyes playing tricks on them because of the poor video quality.

It's a shame about this video... because it is so unclear we will probably never know if it is authentic or a hoax, unless the man who filmed it freely admits such. It just really ticks me off that just about every Bigfoot/UFO/mystical creature video has to be of poor quality. I think that filming lessons should be standard for anyone who purchases a video camera!

posted on Mar, 21 2006 @ 06:29 PM

Originally posted by Marz
At first glance, my impression was that it was a bear. [edit on 21-3-2006 by Marz]

Interesting video, wish I could find it somewhere to download and disect...

BTW aren't bear still hibernating in January???

posted on Mar, 21 2006 @ 06:50 PM
Looked like cousin it...

or maybe a slightly drunk limpy cousin it...

that fur would certainly keep it warm... looked like true fur, not "hairy" as is sometimes described by witnesses...

it was slightly gorilla like, but walked totally different... but then... it walked totally different than a human also...

I will take this from another angle...
Hypothetical totally:

someone gets a bunch of wigs, makes a hair suit, and then goes out into the very cold minnisota backwoods (Ely is pretty far in the thick)
it is very cold, so they dont want to venture far... so a roadside "shot" is the best option...
then as a last thought bubba one says " remember to walk funny, so that they can't tell its human"
Bubba 2 says "Ok, I will stagger some... is this far enough?"
bubba 1- Nope move a little father... i can still see you too well with the nightshot...
Bubba 2 then says " i'll just walk over here, and... OWW darn it... that damn bush snagged me"
then after his little tromp:
bubba 2: did you get the enough video, cause i am frikin cold, and want to get back in the truck....
and that is how a hoax is born...

could be real though... but could also be hoax... either is possible with the limited clarity...

but IMO not a bear...

posted on Mar, 21 2006 @ 07:28 PM
It looked like it was a guy in a gorilla suit trying to navigate his way through the bushes.

posted on Mar, 21 2006 @ 08:25 PM
Looks like someone lumbering around in a gorilla suit. I would think a bigfoot would be a little more sure footed in it's own environment.

posted on Mar, 22 2006 @ 12:04 PM
Hard to tell. I would imagine the long hair is most likely a winter coat that many animals grow for colder months. It does look as though it picks something up although I have no idea what. If somebody see's a baby, they have much better eyes than me.

I got the same feeling regarding how it was stumbling in what would essentially be it's native habitat. However, after watching it a few times it seems to me that it was 1. In a hurry to pick up the item and go. 2. lurched forward due to the unevenly balanced load it was carrying. 3. Adjusting the load, it regained balance in the final few frames.

I think we need some of the ATS film and CG experts to do some mod work and see if we can't identify more of what's happening.

posted on Mar, 22 2006 @ 12:44 PM
I just watched the normal version and to my amazement, yes it does look as though the big one is picking up a small one. You can see between his legs, the bulk of the body and then the legs bent up and finally the feet up off the ground. The look of the smaller one is consistant with the big one also as far as color and hair.


posted on Mar, 22 2006 @ 01:19 PM
I think he's not picking up a baby, I think he's pulling up his pants - probably after taking a leak. Hic!

posted on Mar, 22 2006 @ 01:54 PM
Wig, We already know you don't believe in Bigfoot, you've made that clear. Although I'm not going to deny validity outright, I am leaning toward the hoax side on this one.

I want to see how it plays out though.


posted on Mar, 22 2006 @ 01:58 PM

Originally posted by jbondo
Wig, We already know you don't believe in Bigfoot, you've made that clear. Although I'm not going to deny validity outright, I am leaning toward the hoax side on this one.

I want to see how it plays out though.

Who said that? For the record I do believe in bigfoots existance.

posted on Mar, 22 2006 @ 04:15 PM
Why most video's gotta be bad quality as at night.
From the normal video i thought it was walking on it's hands and feet like a Gorilla crawls,but at close up you can notice it is standing.

posted on Mar, 22 2006 @ 04:32 PM
Door A: typical debunker and I don't know anything about Sasquatch and I don't care...

Nah this was just some drunk college kid in a rented suit. He did it for the 30 seconds of anonymous glory that he got. He froze his butt off doing this and the suit cost $100 to rent and then there is his buddies, the gas and other costs.

But the opportunity to fool true believers and the knowledgeable = priceless!

Door B: Typical Conspiracy Theorist; I do know something about Sasquatch and I'm interested and this requires further analysis

Now being more serious, the creature is having difficulty navigating that slope but it is snow covered. Some have pointed out that that the movements were awkward and certainly they are. It isn't a bear because a bear couldn't make those kind of movements and transitions on its hind feet without coming down.

Take your pick: door A or door B

posted on Mar, 22 2006 @ 04:37 PM
Why most video's gotta be bad quality as at night.

I don't know about you, but I'm an average male and am unable to afford a superb digital videocamera. Also, I don't take it out with me planning on filming a sasquatch, UFO or kraken!

posted on Mar, 22 2006 @ 10:54 PM
It is interesting, but I have a couple of nitpicks.

It seems just a bit suspicious that this person was just driving and happened to have his camera right beside him at 4:30am. I don't know anyone who would do that.

Secondly, if Sasquatch/Bigfoot exist, they have done a superb job of avoiding humans so far. It almost seems like they would have an ability to avoid humans-- like the grey wolf. For the grey wolf, it's an innate behavior to avoid humans and anything to do with humans. Why couldn't it be that way for Sasquatch as well?

And since Sasquatch has done such a good job of avoiding humans for as many years as we've been hunting them, why in the world would it be on a highway?

Why did it not seem to notice that a car had slowed down and stopped, or that it had walked directly in front of a moving vehicle? Why did it not even look over at the stopped car? Was it not worried about the vehicle being a possible threat to the "young Bigfoot" it was supposedly picking up?

I'm not saying that it's fake, but it raises some interesting questions.

posted on Mar, 22 2006 @ 11:40 PM
Is it me? Can't you get some idea of the size of that critter by using the headlight glow as a reference? If that's the case, it isn't very tall like the typical bigfoot.

I've looked at it a bunch of times and I think its someone wearing a suit and having trouble navigating snow in the suit feet. (I like that...suit feet).



posted on Mar, 23 2006 @ 05:04 AM
He said the creature crossed the road infront of his vehicle.

Can I see footprints what would be alongside the road, i.e. he got out the car walked a bit North and then went West?

I searched for more bigfoot on the youtube and saw this one a documentary called unsolved mysteries

and this one Paul Freeman footage

[edit on 23/3/2006 by Wig]

posted on Mar, 23 2006 @ 05:40 AM
It is a dude in a Gorilla suit trying to hang a leak away from people with video cameras.

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