posted on Mar, 23 2006 @ 12:00 PM
nordman, that first fish is a flat fish and I can't read the finnish but it is something along the lines of a flounder, halibut, sole, fluke etc.
the second fish is more similar but I think the monkfish or some type of angler is more likely.
it's funny, I caught something this past summer that I have never before seen (30 years of fishing there) and I was with my dad who has been fishing
there for about 50 years. We held the beast up for the coast guard who happened to be passing by and they all said they had never seen it either.
nobody in the vicinity knew what it was.
a little google and I found it - similar to that fish in the first post. ugly as sin. I am now going to drive myself crazy trying to locate the
internet pics I found to email to my nephew who wanted to mount the beast.