posted on Mar, 21 2006 @ 11:51 AM
OK folks, here goes!
There is definately confirmation of this scenario. whitelightwolf has come forward in a u2u with some identical scenes, action, emotional feel and
symbology as I had in my dream of this event! yet I had not posted any of these details on the yet ? Profound'''
This prompted me to immediately seek out my dream journal and go over the exact details.
This is a very exiting turn of events for me, and I hope if there is anyone else out there who has had a similar dream or vision as us, can you please
come forward so that we can make try to make sense of it all, and put the pieces together.
I have kept dream journals for years as I seem to have some very vivid dreams that cannot be forgotten easily: Because of this constant I have done
much soul searching of my own dream symbology and what means what through repetition of symbols over time... anyway this particular one was on
This was my original dream:
I was in a city or large town, I was running down the street to get somewhere with a friend. We ran down a one way street the opposite way(symbology
here is my rebelious attitude to control) We were laughing, having fun.
A car came towards us so we just ran faster and made it to a safe spot. My freind suddenly had a little girl with her ( this is freaky as in another
dream that I have'nt shared yet, and that could also relate to this one, a little girl also suddenly appeared.)
Anyway we noticed people around us were freaking out, confused and scared because of what had just happened.
We had missed it as we were shopping indoors ( favourite pastime). Someone told us that 'Aliens in ships had just flown over the town and over a
loud speaker of some sort they gave a warning to the people below.
This person (she' in dream) told us that there was a horrible evil sound that followed the broadcast and she was really scared. I on the other hand
was still very unaffected by all the fear and panic.
We were actually quite dissapointed that we had missed it, but we were told that the ships would be back shortly! Someone spoke up saying that they
thought these ships looked very fake, like they were superimposed in the sky.
Suddenly someone shouted 'here they come! And sure enough these lights and lazer beams in a rectangular shape appeared. There was at least six in
total hovering above a thin misty cloud level.
As I looked closely at them I thought they looked fake too' it looked like these ships were drawn with lazer beams and holigrams. For some reason I
was not scared at all, yet people around me were frightened to bits.
I heard a muffled message( not recalled after dream) and then a loud 'ROAR' sound, like a lion yet very computorised, very loud and obviously
meant to sound very threatning. Once again I was not personally scared by this as "Whitelightwolf was" in his/her last post.
The ships passed over and a further comotion errupted as flickering light appeared over buildings and between the streets at ground level.
Someone yelled 'the Robots coming!' HIDE! We ran into a nearby building and watched from behind the blinds.
Apparently after each open air broadcast, this massive robot appeared and roamed the streets looking for curfew breakers, I did'nt actually see it
harm anyone in my dream as 'whitelightwolf' did yet I did see a lazor of some sort emit from it to an area close by.
At first impession this thing looked very solid at about 4 story's high, 2 large legs (wider than thin) with a round "head"? I also saw colours
red, yellow and orange, these colours seemed to be what gave it its form!
This Robot was giving off shimmering reflections like pusating light. AS I looked closer it then came across to me like a hologram, not solid at
all. I called out to people around me 'Dont worry its not real, but to no avail,
IT was stomping around (not very fluently) and very slowly. I recall it seeing me yet knew I had plenty of time to move out of view again, as it was
quite slow moving. It was saying and doing something? as it moved about (I cant recall) what it was.
Again I was not frightened in the dream, but the atmosphere was very curious and very tense, as many 'were overwhelmed' with fear.
Sorry I dont have pictures like 'whitelightwolf as I did'nt draw any at the time.
So how bizzare is that for 2 people to have the same dream scenario with a very similar message and
There you have it
got to go night night now, as its 3am....