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"staged alien invasion"

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posted on Mar, 19 2006 @ 07:01 AM

Ok yearssss ago, when people are programmed, they needed to physically take them and do it.....recently, they've enough technology to do it without needing to take the child physically....all done via ELF.....

Ok, your child has symptoms of programming, you know, I can tell you what to do to negate any further problems in the future...but it requires deep mental work on your behalf because your daughter many not understand on how to do it herself.....(what is her current age).

Talking 'gibberish' and having eyes actually a 'sleep alter' as the front alter...your child IS sleeping...however the function of the sleep alter is to wake the person up if it notices anything going on around them....whilst they are sleeping....also there is no intelligence behind the sleep alter.. (ie the gibberish talking)....all it is supposed to do is to wake the person up...however since your child wouldn't instantly wake up, it means that the sleep alter acknowledges no threat from your presence and allows your child to continue sleeping.....then when your child responds, its another alter (ie she's coming out of sleep) that takes control and tells you things...then when's she's fully awake, her normal front alter will be the front personality.........

Also...the astral part...means that she was bombarded with ELF (ELF has many functions) and one of them is to force them into the astral whilst asleep...

Ok to negate future problems.......visualise violet around her body just before she falls asleep... (you do it for yourself too)..the longer you visualise it, the more she will be protected from ELF....also, when you see her in that wide eyed, gibberish talking stage...visualise my avatar (the merger symbol) at her pineal in the middle of her brain....... this should merge the sleep alter with other sub-personalities....... and also, do it as often as you can when she's around you, sometimes she can be in a personality that is similar to other ones (called family of alters) its best to merge them together as well.

Drawings of spacecraft indicate greenstar programming...

Oh also.......programming is passed down through to why she may have it originally...and then enhanced via ELF...

Anything else, i recommend we discuss this via u2u, as it can involve rather personal issues....

oh...the 5th of the 5th....would've it had been 2005 by any chance? (remember the grey that was in my room on that date???)

Kind Regards

posted on Mar, 19 2006 @ 07:29 AM
Thanks merger. Will definately try your tactics with my daughter.
The dates, well I have a few dream journals and just made a quick search of one that I could find but that particular dream was'nt there so I will keep looking for it, I cant be certain without it on what the dream was about, except the intense after feeling that stays with you telling me it was a world event. Dont know if it involved "the Greys"

How did you come up with your avatar?
How are you certain that it works and why the ice blue?

I'm only asking this because I have done some spiritual and meditative work, and it is always interesting to hear anothers ways and apply something new.


posted on Mar, 19 2006 @ 07:33 AM
Orion 452,

So moving on, some of my staged ufo invasion dreams ( or visions ) have shown me in a dark sky thousands of craft, of different sizes and lighting effects slowly moving across the sky at about 20,000 feet.

Can you give me some information, as to how you knew you were at that height. I dnt think it is that important, however i would just like to understand.

Thankyou for your time and your post.

posted on Mar, 19 2006 @ 08:22 AM
regarding aliens already fighting amonst themselves in the upper atmosphere. 'Who knpws"
some think that reptilians are amonst us and have control ( like 'walk ins' ) over our governments and the powers that be. So I dont know if a rebel band of aliens and the powers that be have joined to create this future event, but my dreams tell me it will happen and it will be a fake staged event.....

I believe the only reason we have'nt already been ivaded is that
" They dont wont to" or "they are not allowed to" or
" there is no aliens" !

Which brings us back to man made extraterestrial events to scare, demean and totally weaken an already confused populace.

I have seen UFO"S first hand, yet at that moment I had a knowing that it was OK because it was humans in there..... BUT..... again at the same time a fear of GREY"S went through me which I cant shake... NOW could that be that I have been programed to be frightened of grey looking creatures for some reason???? As Merger pointed out in his post?


I also agree with Merger , in that we are being bombarded with TV series, documentory's, news flashes, and major, major budjet movies from America about UFO's, ALIENS or the battle of man verses aliens. Its like the idea that they really exist is being pushed. .....But by who.?........ the real believers and ufo buffs dont have that kind of money and certainly are'nt popular in those circles as they have been trying to get heard for years!

I believe there is a huge deception going on and mind control tecnology is a big part of our preperation as mentioned by Merger.


posted on Mar, 19 2006 @ 08:38 AM

Originally posted by knowledge23
Orion 452,

So moving on, some of my staged ufo invasion dreams ( or visions ) have shown me in a dark sky thousands of craft, of different sizes and lighting effects slowly moving across the sky at about 20,000 feet.

Can you give me some information, as to how you knew you were at that height. I dnt think it is that important, however i would just like to understand.

Thankyou for your time and your post.

Thanks for your input Knowledge23,

I don't know why 20,000 ft. It was the figure that came to my mind at the time of the dream. I still see it it my mind now and its like when you look up and see an airoplane in the sky, you can tell then and there whether it is an international flight cruising at 30,000ft or at decent or smaller plane at 20,000ft, some are only at 10,000ft.... but I saw them at around the 20,000 in the dream.

thats it thats all, so thank you for your interest, do you have any more questions??


posted on Mar, 19 2006 @ 08:44 AM
Being 'scared' of a species of alien means you have implanted memories of encountering or being abducted by whatever species you are scared of..... (ie military origin)...if you have no memories of supposed encounter or abduction.......then thats great news...and i wouldn't push it any further not to go into hypnosis to find out....

People who have actually encountered 'real' aliens.......usually have no fear of them....(unless its a totally grotesque looking one).....I myself am scared of the grey...however I have no memories surface of any abduction.... I do know its part of my personality and is blocked from being accessed unless under hypnotic state...which will bring out false memories anyway, so i won't bother doing it..

There have been stories of people who have been hysterically terrified of going to sleep or that they will 're-encounter' an alien being..... then one day, the fear is totally removed...for no apparent reason...and they can go to sleep without thinking about it...this is because the 'programmed mind' is re-programmed to not be in fear of it as the terrifying experience can cause the program to wear down....and thus the function of the person will be nullified......these people who's programs wear down (meaning the program hasn't been corrected), end up getting some form of mental illness.....So this does say that programming of the mind isn't perfect.

Kind Regards

posted on Mar, 19 2006 @ 10:35 AM
merger- how is one "programed"
It makes sense that they used to abduct people for programing and now technology has taken over.
So how would they have programed me as I dont feel I was ever abducted! athough I do often wake up with bruises or a bleeding nose, but I do have a fear of greys as you do yet cant get close to it.

How do ELF frequencies work? I have read about microwave tech having controling and violent effects. But not much on ELF


[edit on 19-3-2006 by orion_452]

posted on Mar, 19 2006 @ 10:55 AM
The "vision" i saw in which we all lost our freedoms - actually - most of us willing gave them up. Occured when a jetliners were remotely flown into buildings, and later in these buildings bombs were detonated and they fell. In this vision Israelis were dancing and celebrating, were cought in vehicles that had explosive residue all over them, and an Israeli owned company evacuated its employees from the buildings. Also in this vision people from all over the world died in these buildings, but not a single Israeli. The entire attack was blamed on arabs - i believe it was 13 that did this - yet in my vision it was later reported that 7 of them were alive.

In this horrible vision - this bogus attack was used to rally people into an unjust and immoral war against a people that had nothing to do with it.

In this nightmare vision we had our own Nazi SS set-up - called "Homeland Security" - we had rights grabbing legislation called a "Patriot Act", etc...


do you really think that anyone needs to stage an alien invasion to get the lemmings to give up their rights? The sheeple are handing them over hand over fist already!

posted on Mar, 19 2006 @ 10:57 AM
Most of that information is in the Mind-control and programming research thread.......

Usually there's a family friend (called a controller) that takes you away for a while to the programmer....some parents even know about it.....then they can do it astrally.......then there are other methods..... which actually sound 'out of the ordinary' I won't discuss them here...

Kind Regards

posted on Mar, 19 2006 @ 01:08 PM

Originally posted by orion_452
AdamJ- that really made me laugh, I felt like I was watching life of brian. You cant beat dry, black humour to confront the reality of life. These topics are so serious that even I have surprised myself at seeing the humour in your reply and yet I dont even think you had intended it. We do need to see the funny side of this, the farce, it realy is a satire "will this happen or that" Whats the plan? Who's running the show?
Seriously an answer to your question regarding
"why within next few years"
Answer- because that was the gut feeling, I just knew events I was seeing were soon, only few years away. And I have also had asteroid dreams where a wide spread metior shower rained down over a large portion of the planet including Australia. These metiors were the size of soccer balls and larger causing much damage, kaos and death. Now my sense of timing for this was also within a few years and before the invasion. So who knows what will come first, all I can say is be ready to help your fellow man and have your spiritual and mental value's in tow.

I sort of intended it. I suppose you can learn alot about someone by the way they react to a matter of fact way of dealing with things.

I have to say i dont agree that this is the next few years away.
It is an option on the table and i think its quite an exiting one, which wont be put down easily. There is only mild exploration of the idea at the moment through hollywood movies etc.
It is not like the global warming movement where there are huge political and educational influences pushing it on us.
I think we have to assume that an asteroid threat would be easier to fake than an alien invasion so that is bound to come first.

Im basing that on the aim of staging these things is to unite people behind a common cause so that they can create a world government.

posted on Mar, 19 2006 @ 01:48 PM

Originally posted by orion_452
Have you had visions of this-I have..
Something is going to happen within the next few years, and it is bieng prepared for now.
By who I cannot say as this communication is for all eyes to view and visions have also told me to beware. But through vision I have seen many ships in the air, in battle.

Oh for the love of God! Would you people please make up your minds and come up with a consensus! Some say they have visions of alien invasion. Some say they are here now. Others agree they are here now and have been here a very long time. Some post visions that they are on their way and have nothing but peaceful intentions. Others post visions of war with aliens. Now I'm reading posts about fake alien invasions.

You all need to get these visions straight because now I'm just plain confused as I'm sure a great number of others are. Not all of us are as special as you. The only visions I have are of several scantily clad ladies serving Jimmy Buffet and I drinks as we take turns giving our renditions of margaritaville on a beach in the Bahamas. Unfortunately, this has yet to become a reality and I question if it ever will.

I don't know if and or when they come, if I should shoot at them or offer them a beer. I'd hate to start an interplanetary war because I was confused about the aliens intentions. This is extremely important folks, get it together. Again, I beg of you. Do I break out a keg on their arrival or start loading? Jimmy and I eagerly await your consensus.

posted on Mar, 19 2006 @ 04:38 PM

I don't know if and or when they come, if I should shoot at them or offer them a beer. I'd hate to start an interplanetary war because I was confused about the aliens intentions. This is extremely important folks, get it together. Again, I beg of you. Do I break out a keg on their arrival or start loading? Jimmy and I eagerly await your consensus.

Break out a keg. Their favorite is St. Pauli's Girl..siriusly

As if they were not benevolent, we would not be here talkin' about this.

posted on Mar, 19 2006 @ 04:55 PM

Originally posted by notbuynit

Originally posted by orion_452
Have you had visions of this-I have..
Something is going to happen within the next few years, and it is bieng prepared for now.
By who I cannot say as this communication is for all eyes to view and visions have also told me to beware. But through vision I have seen many ships in the air, in battle.

Oh for the love of God! Would you people please make up your minds and come up with a consensus! Some say they have visions of alien invasion. Some say they are here now. Others agree they are here now and have been here a very long time. Some post visions that they are on their way and have nothing but peaceful intentions. Others post visions of war with aliens. Now I'm reading posts about fake alien invasions.

You all need to get these visions straight because now I'm just plain confused as I'm sure a great number of others are. Not all of us are as special as you. The only visions I have are of several scantily clad ladies serving Jimmy Buffet and I drinks as we take turns giving our renditions of margaritaville on a beach in the Bahamas. Unfortunately, this has yet to become a reality and I question if it ever will.

I don't know if and or when they come, if I should shoot at them or offer them a beer. I'd hate to start an interplanetary war because I was confused about the aliens intentions. This is extremely important folks, get it together. Again, I beg of you. Do I break out a keg on their arrival or start loading? Jimmy and I eagerly await your consensus.

Well since you did bring up "God" and the sentence of "Would you people please make up your minds and come up with a consensus!" in the same paragraph........ I would assume you have the same opinion about religion? Go hammer the Muslims, or Catholics, or Mormons, or Jews, or Buddhists, or Scientologists, or Christians (the hundreds of denominations of pick)....(have i missed any??)...Make sure they are together.....and give them your spiel of consensus to them as well......I'm sure you will be very popular amongst all of them.

How about, you allow people to believe what they want to believe, and let them discuss the information without having accusations pointing at them to 'make up their minds'.... people are entitled to their own opinions on ANYTHING.... I'm pretty sure there are many religious people from different denominations who discuss their beliefs and do not get in a hissy fit about it, but are rather civil and accept each others beliefs.

God Bless

posted on Mar, 19 2006 @ 06:23 PM

Well since you did bring up "God" and the sentence of "Would you people please make up your minds and come up with a consensus!" in the same paragraph........ I would assume you have the same opinion about religion? Go hammer the Muslims, or Catholics, or Mormons, or Jews, or Buddhists, or Scientologists, or Christians (the hundreds of denominations of pick)....(have i missed any??)...Make sure they are together.....and give them your spiel of consensus to them as well......I'm sure you will be very popular amongst all of them.

Wow! One simple little often used phrase uttered by millions of many different religions and denominations caused this kind of response? Do I sense a hint of religious intolerence? You were so busy attacking millions of persons of different faiths you didn't even answer my question.

To answer yours, which I do reluctantly since it doesn't pertain to this thread and I usually like to show a little more respect for the original poster than that, I didn't ask for the different religions to have a consensus because that would be way off topic. I also know the answer would be unanimously, because all the others are wrong. I expected a little more openness and tolerance on this board. I guess I was wrong.

The topic of this thread is visions of alien invasions or fake alien invasions. If there is gonna be an invasion I think it's imperative that there be a consensus so as that we may react properly and united. I believe these visions are posted so as to inform people and spark discussions so that there may be a consensus.

You know, if we're going to be united in dealing with this alien or non alien invasion, certain persons need to put away their differences and get over their bigotry.

Now let's get back on topic.
Good day to you.

posted on Mar, 19 2006 @ 07:11 PM

The thread post isn't about an alien invasion, so about half of what you're saying is irrelevant, and that seems to be the half you're focusing on.

Merger answered your question when she asked why you don't seem to think individuals can be allowed to disagree on this or that. People are allowed to think for themselves and disagree, and thus you're going to see a lot people saying a lot of different things on Earth at all times. There is hardly any organized movement here where everyone would even have to agree on anything.

[edit on 19-3-2006 by bsbray11]

posted on Mar, 19 2006 @ 07:47 PM

Originally posted by notbuynit

Well since you did bring up "God" and the sentence of "Would you people please make up your minds and come up with a consensus!" in the same paragraph........ I would assume you have the same opinion about religion? Go hammer the Muslims, or Catholics, or Mormons, or Jews, or Buddhists, or Scientologists, or Christians (the hundreds of denominations of pick)....(have i missed any??)...Make sure they are together.....and give them your spiel of consensus to them as well......I'm sure you will be very popular amongst all of them.

Wow! One simple little often used phrase uttered by millions of many different religions and denominations caused this kind of response? Do I sense a hint of religious intolerence? You were so busy attacking millions of persons of different faiths you didn't even answer my question.

To answer yours, which I do reluctantly since it doesn't pertain to this thread and I usually like to show a little more respect for the original poster than that, I didn't ask for the different religions to have a consensus because that would be way off topic. I also know the answer would be unanimously, because all the others are wrong. I expected a little more openness and tolerance on this board. I guess I was wrong.

The topic of this thread is visions of alien invasions or fake alien invasions. If there is gonna be an invasion I think it's imperative that there be a consensus so as that we may react properly and united. I believe these visions are posted so as to inform people and spark discussions so that there may be a consensus.

You know, if we're going to be united in dealing with this alien or non alien invasion, certain persons need to put away their differences and get over their bigotry.

Now let's get back on topic.
Good day to you.

Religious Intolerence? What part of my post gave you that idea? I thought I was clear...and the main part of the post was that people (including myself) can choose to believe whatever they want.....including their faith and especially their stance on aliens (which leads us back to this thread).

With regards to being 'united' thats the whole purpose of greenstar...for people with this type of programming to rise and take control of panic situations (the main part)...and to forcibly unite everyone, regardles of what 'religion' or 'culture' they are from.

Oh and to confuse you even more, the staged invasion may not even occur at all because there seems to be evidence of a build up of 'small to medium sized planet like objects' of 'unknown origin' just beyond kuipers belt, that even a hyperspace scan cannot penetrate - indicating intelligence.......So there may even be a REAL threat....... hows that for a spanner in the works

Kind Regards

posted on Mar, 19 2006 @ 11:59 PM
Oh for the love of God! Would you people please make up your minds and come up with a consensus! Some say they have visions of alien invasion. Some say they are here now. Others agree they are here now and have been here a very long time. Some post visions that they are on their way and have nothing but peaceful intentions. Others post visions of war with aliens. Now I'm reading posts about fake alien invasions.

You all need to get these visions straight because now I'm just plain confused as I'm sure a great number of others are. Not all of us are as special as you. The only visions I have are of several scantily clad ladies serving Jimmy Buffet and I drinks as we take turns giving our renditions of margaritaville on a beach in the Bahamas. Unfortunately, this has yet to become a reality and I question if it ever will.

I don't know if and or when they come, if I should shoot at them or offer them a beer. I'd hate to start an interplanetary war because I was confused about the aliens intentions. This is extremely important folks, get it together. Again, I beg of you. Do I break out a keg on their arrival or start loading? Jimmy and I eagerly await your consensus.

Thanks for the great laugh, you realy cracked me up, for a minute there it felt like I was being hammered by my brother as he has the same opinion as you. And boy all this information is confusing and takes alot of time to decifer and agree on what is truth. I dont proclaim to have all the answers, I only remember my dreams.

I understand where you are coming from, but obviously as of yet you do not know where I am coming from.

So everyone just calm down as I have to run and will get back to all
to continue thread shortly.

thanks all for your continued input, there is so much more info out there on this


posted on Mar, 20 2006 @ 12:10 AM
Aliens, Comets, the Elite...Oh My. To quote some famous words, "Bring It On". Bring us your sick twisted unruly aliens bent on the enslavement of humanity. We shall show them the light. Bring your comets en mass. The door of escape is being held open. The Elite, well, they will get to see what being at the bottom of the pyramid really feels like. Currently, they are just lulled into a false sense of security. A staged alien invasion would actually be easy to pull off given the technology available. The problem is there are much more power beings, with an agenda, that might not like their name being used in vain.

There will be no consensus. Even if all the people on ATS came to a consensus it wouldn't do a bit of good to the other 99.999% of humanity. At least 4/6th of humanity is stuck in some religious belief system. There is not one religion that is pure. They have all been compromised by negative polarity lessons. All those people are subject to being controlled in some way. The other 2/6th are so dirt poor they can't think beyond the next grueling day of agony. The relative few that have an idea of what's going on can't agree on anything. And most of the stuff they try to agree upon is unimportant.

If aliens invade, a gun won't do you much good (except against humans). But the keg would. Fear would be the order of the day. A nice keg would help ease that fear and provide a paradoxical level of clarity that few will have. I'm afraid I'd be done for in the event of a staged or real alien invasion. I would simply die of laughter.

posted on Mar, 20 2006 @ 07:04 AM
Right then, now that some steam has been blown off, lets get back to it!

I forgot to mention that in the dream there was a sound that stayed with me. It was when the 4 story high robot was walking the streets patroling the curfew, I heard a loud elongated "roar" like that of a lion. And although this threatning monstrocity was physical, there was also holographics attached to its function.
Now this may be my own dream symbology here, and in reality it might play out differently or have totally different threats that control the event, but it does'nt mean it wont happen.

Can anyone else varify a dream or vision involving a staged alien invasion?


posted on Mar, 20 2006 @ 07:55 AM
What is this thread about, dreams?

why is it in the 9/11 section and entitled staged alien invason?

im a bit confused

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