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Why did Hitler persecute Freemasons?

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posted on Mar, 22 2006 @ 11:55 PM
Indeed, for once I agree with you, so Christians are now fighting for Samael, and the good chosen jews are YHVH's boy scouts fighting the forces of darkness (veiled threat against Christianity)? The Thule society would be proud of that one. Give me one verse in Revelation where the Dragon is not the adversary. Anyway, Hitler hated freemasonry because it was secretive and he was paranoid, plus some aspects of rabbinic judaism were present in some lodges (as well as all other religions).

posted on Mar, 23 2006 @ 12:12 AM

Originally posted by Pyros
"All the supposed abominations, the skeletons and death's heads, the coffins and the mysteries, are mere bogeys for children. But there is one dangerous element and that is the element I have copied from them. They form a sort of priestly nobility. They have developed an esoteric doctrine not merely formulated, but imparted through the symbols and mysteries in degrees of initiation. The hierarchical organization and the initiation through symbolic rites, that is to say, without bothering the brain but by working on the imagination through magic and the symbols of a cult, all this has a dangerous element, and the element I have taken over. Don't you see that our party must be of this character...? An Order, that is what it has to be — an Order, the hierarchial Order of a secular priesthood... Ourselves or the Freemasons or the Church — there is room for one of the three and no more... We are the strongest of the three and shall get rid of the other two".

-Adolf Hitler, 1939

Wonderful, Hitler knew what the masons were, a cult of wannabes that were at the mercy of a satanic leadership.

Bravo Adolf!

posted on Mar, 23 2006 @ 12:18 AM

Originally posted by DrBones666
For the record, Hitler was never as much into the Pagan Mythology as much as Himmler was with his SS. If it can be said that Hitler had a god, it was himself, which is a common trait among Satanists interestingly enough, who see it as a manipulative force to be used, not some kind of fallen dark god to worship, however this is not true of all Satanists, but the form where you worship a god called Satan/Lucifer is generally reffered to within the Satanic Community as Devil Worship...Similarly, if Hitler had a religion, it was Architecture, as in the building of the totalitarian society, with him at the helm.

It can never be said that he was a decent man, but damn, he sure was an interesting one, imagine the strength of character and conviction to get an entire nation behind a movement you create, and then take on the world with.....truly amazing.

Who knows, maybe he was possessed by the spirit of AntiChrist ......

I agree, makes you wonder how things may have been different if the Germans did win the war.

posted on Mar, 23 2006 @ 01:25 AM
Seems we Freemasons proved the megalomaniac wrong by outlasting both him and his repellent cronies...

posted on Mar, 23 2006 @ 02:46 AM
The weirdest thing about the Nazi's long term vision was that they wanted to create an eternal war against Russia.
They seemed to believe strongly in the Masonic principle of unity created by opposition and the overall plan was to claim all of their supposedly ancient and rightful territory up to the Urals then engage in a never ending conflict against the Slavic races.

They assumed that over time the British and Americans would side with them and were secretly keeping up relations with both countries via ties to the various secret societies throughout the war, this lead in the end to the highly embarrassing yet relatively well covered up accident that killed The Duke of Kent and left Hess stranded in the UK to be captured by the allies.

posted on Mar, 23 2006 @ 03:04 AM
I want to point out that I am neither pro-masonic or anti-masonic.... I am in the middle of reading John Toland's "Adolf HitlerThe Definitive Biography"and was surprised to find Hitler lumped Freemasonry and Zionism together and that both groups in his mind were plotting to take control of the world, as pointed out on p.78..."

German Freemasonry's Attitude Toward The Nazi Regime

Germany's Grand Lodges Up To 1930

At the beginning of 1930, Germany comprised some 75,000 Masons and nine regular Grand Lodges, the numerical importance of which was very different.

Table 1- Masonic Membership In Germany 1930 -1932

Grand Lodges.............Founded........Lodges..............Membership


'Old Prussian'

Three Globes...............1744.......177......183........21,300....21,300
Grand Land Lodge...........1770.......179......180........20,400....20,400
Royal York of Friendship...1798.......108......109........11,400....11,000

'Humanitartian'(Clandestine, not recognized as Freemasons by U.G.L.E. & U.S. G.L.'s - FW)

Leipzig....................1924...... 10.......10.........1,900.....1,900
Othcrs ...............................
Rising Sun.................1907....... 2,000
Symbolic Grand Lodge.......1930.......8........13 800

About two-thirds of the brethren belonged to the three oldest, always Christian-oriented and at that time strongly nationalistic Grand Lodges founded in the 18th century which were called 'Old Prussian' because they were founded and had their seats in Berlin. They never initiated 'non christians', that is, Jews. Along the l9th century, five more German Grand Lodges were founded and a further one in 1924. They were called 'humanitarian' and initiated men of any religious denomination.

Table 2 - German Grand Lodge and 'non-Christians' (S)

Grand Lodges........Formal decision.........Visit of..........Initiation of initiate only........non-Christians....non-Christians

'Old Prussian'

Three Globes.............1763................1849.............impossible
Grand Land Lodge.........1770................1857.............impossible
Royal York of Friendship.1815................1854.............impossible(*)

'Humanitarian'(Clandestine, not recognized as Freemasons by U.G.L.E. & U.S. G.L.'s - FW)

Dresden..................1831................before 1845......

In 1922, the Old Prussian Grand Lodges decided to withdraw from the German Grand Lodgs' Alliance founded in 1872, explaining: 'There is a border which strongly dfferentiates humanitarian from Old Prussian national Freemasonry. We, the three Old Prussian Grand Lodges refuse to take part in the general humanitarian fraternization movement between people in the world.' . (Steffens, p. 332)

Some brethren believe that there was only one type of German Freemasonry which was indifferently persecuted by Hitler. In fact, several masonic spiritual families existed side by side in Germany, which reacted and were treated differently by the Nazis.


In the March 1933 issue, the last one to be printed in Germany, the Symbolic Grand Lodge (Clandestine, not recognized as Freemasons by U.G.L.E. & U.S. G.L.'s - FW) announced that on March 28th, it had resolved to become dormant. That issue also included the text of a resolution in support of Hitler, adopted toward the end of March by the National Mother-Lodge The Three Globes. It was followed by an article from the Nationale Zeitung, Essen, dated March 30, 1933, declaring The Grand Lodge of Saxony [at Dresden] sent a telegram expressing its faithful support to Dr. Goebbels The three [Berlin] Grand Lodges even sent a congratulatory address to the Reich chancellor Hitler.

German Freemasonry and Its Attitudes Toward The Nazi Regime
Alain Bernbeim, MPS
Philaltethes Magazine
February 1997

posted on Mar, 23 2006 @ 09:27 AM

Originally posted by MrNECROS
The weirdest thing about the Nazi's long term vision was that they wanted to create an eternal war against Russia.

You must've learned history in the same place that you learned about Freemasonry.

Necros' claim that the Nazis wanted an "eternal war against Russia" does indeed fly in the face of the facts, as do most of his other weird ideas. In fact, the German Reich was seeking a quick victory in the east, so they could then concentrate on the western front against the UK. And it seems this would have happened too, were it not for the early winter that set in while German troops were almost within spitting distance of Leningrad.

It was the unexpected delay in the German conquest of the Soviet Union that spelled the Nazis' doom, and it seems from testimony and documents presented at Nuremberg that Hitler and the Reichstag leadership were well aware of this.

They seemed to believe strongly in the Masonic principle of unity created by opposition and the overall plan was to claim all of their supposedly ancient and rightful territory up to the Urals then engage in a never ending conflict against the Slavic races.

There's no such thing as any "Masonic principle of unity created by opposition". Necros is good at inventing stuff like that, which upon investigation is found to be nonsensical. Ditto with a "never ending conflict against the Slavic races". Either the Nazis wanted to conquer, or they did not. Necros cannot have it both ways.

Again, from testimony and documents presented in Nuremberg, and compiled by William Shirer, published in his great work "The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich: A History of Nazi Germany", German conquest of the east was meant to be rapid, and the Slavs (including the Russians) were eventually to be completely annhilated, saving only enough to use as slaves. It was the plan of the Reich to pretty much starve them all to death, transporting all Slavic agricultural goods for the use of Germans, making it a crime for Russians to eat their own food.

They assumed that over time the British and Americans would side with them and were secretly keeping up relations with both countries via ties to the various secret societies throughout the war, this lead in the end to the highly embarrassing yet relatively well covered up accident that killed The Duke of Kent and left Hess stranded in the UK to be captured by the allies.

Is this true? You guessed it...nope.

The Nazis never entertained the ridiculous notion that either the UK or the USA would side with them. The Reich had already devised a plan for the invasion of the UK, the establishment of a puppet government, and the deportation of all healthy British men to the continent to work as slave laborers. From the UK, it was the Nazi pipe dream to then launch an offensive against the USA (these plans are chronicled in Shirer's book).

Concerning Hess, Necros spins an interesting yarn, but one lacking in fact. To begin with, a mystery surrounds the entire escapade, and some historical scholars who aren't even conspiracy theorists question the actual identity of the man who was supposedly Rudolf Hess.

If it was really Hess that was captured, his story may have been true. Hess, and early leader in the Nazi Party, claimed he had become delusioned with the Party in general, and Hitler in particular, and wanted an end to the war by meeting with British leaders, and hopefully coming up with such a plan. This may have been naive on his part, but the Nazis weren't well known for their use of reason and common sense.

Lastly, concerning Necros talk about "secret societies", we should remember the Nazis' complete hatred of such things (similar in nature to Necros' own). Once more in Shirer's book, we can read a memo written by Hitler to Himmler, stating that the USA and UK cannot be trusted under any circumstances because both nations are "ran by Jews and Freemasons".

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