The city is in turmoil. The Kaiser's republic has collapsed with the defeat of Germany in the First World War, and the whole country is up for grabs.
It appears as if Germany is about to fall apart into the warring city-states from which it had been assembled nearly fifty years ago. The victorious
Allies are demanding enormous concessions from Germany. The Russian Revolution has been in full swing for a year, and German soldiers returning from
the front are being cajoled into helping midwife the same type of Communist regime amid the ashes of the Second Reich
Kurt Eisner--an intellectual and a Jew, a defender of the League of Nations--takes the initiative and proclaims a Socialst Republic in Munich on the
seventh of November, 1918. It looks as if there is going to be a Communist regime in Germany-- or, at least, a Socialist one in Bavaria--after all.
Hysteria grows among the nationalists, and with it despair that their nation is on the verge of realizing the dreams of Marx and Engels as codified in
their famous Manifesto. Germans are bewildered, shocked... stunned into a kind of nervous stupefaction. They have lost the war, their country may be
broken up once again into many seperate bickering pieces, and there will soon be Communists calling the shots in Berlin and in the capitol of Bavaria:
Within forty-eight hours there is a meeting of the Thule Gesselshaft. The Thule, a mystical society based in part on the theosophical writings of
Guido von List and Lanz von Liebenfels--which is to say, an amalgam of Eastern religion, theosophy, anti-semitism, Grail romance, Runic mystification,
and Nordic paganism--meets every Saturday in spacious rooms at the elegant Four Seasons Hotel in Munich. There are roughly 250 members of the Thule in
Munich... and over fifteen hundred in Bavaria. On that day, November 9, a bizarre individual, an occultist, an initiate of the Eastern mysteries in
Turkey as well as of Freemasonry, and the leader and founder of the Thule--the self-styled Baron Rudolf von Sebottendorff--makes an impassioned plea
to the assembled cultists for armed resistance to the Reds. This plea eventually degenerates into a monologue on runes, German racial theory, Nordic
mythology, and other arcane lore. No matter. Most of his listeners know what to expect. They are, in fact, members of the supersecret, superracist,
and superoccult "German Order Walvater of the Holy Grail," or Germanenorden, which is using the name Thule Gesellshaft--or Thule Society, a
"literary-cultural society"--as a cover to confuse Munich's fledgling Red Army, which is on the lookout for right-wing extremists. Sebotendorff
himself is Master of the anti-Semitic Germanenorden's Bavarian division under its leader and founder, Hermann Pohl.
The Thule cultists--whose symbol is a long dagger superimposed on a swastika--need no encouragement. They begin stockpiling weapons in secret supply
dumps in and around Munich, anticipating a counterstrike against the new Socialist Republic. They make alliances with other nationalist groups, such
as the Pan-Germans under editor Julius Lehmann, the German School Bund, the Hammerbund... and an organized resistance movement is born. All the
mystical and clandestine labors of the past twenty years involving a series of secret occult organizations with elaborate initiation ceremonies and
complex magical rituals, from the List Society's inner HAO (Higher Armanen Order) to the Order of the New Templars, will soon culminate in a pitched
battle in the streets of Munich between the neo-pagan Thule Society and the "godless Communists".
February 21, 1919. The idealistic but hapless Kurt Eisner--who preceded political speeches with symphonic concerts -- is assassinated by a young count
and would-be Thulist. The police descend upon Thule headquarters, looking for inflammatory leaflets and other evidence of Thule Society involvement in
the plot. Was the notoriously anti-Semitic Thule Society somehow responsible for Eisner's assasination? Sebotendorff stonewalls, and threatens to
instigate a pogrom if the police don't leave the Thule Society alone. The police comply.
April 7, 1919. A rebel Bavarian Soviet Republic is proclaimed in Munich as the legitimate minister-president of Bavaria flees north with his council
to the town of Bamburg to prevent the Communists from taking over the government. The Thule organizes among the anti-Communist factions in Munich and
Sebottendorff begins conspiring with the "exiled" Bavarian government in Bamberg for a counterrevolt.
April 13, 1919. Sebotendorff is away at Bamburg, busy organizing a Freikorps (Free Corps) assault on Communist headquarters, when a Red Army unit
raids Thule Society offices and arrests it's secretary, the Grafin Hella von Westarp, and seizes the Thule membership lists. Six more Thulists are
arrested at their homes, including the Prince von Thurn und Taxis, a well-connected aristocrat with blood relations among the crowned heads of
April 30, 1919. Walpurgisnacht. The High Holy Day of European Paganism and Witchcraft. The Red Army executes the captured Thulists and other hostages,
shooting them against a wall in a courtyard of Luitpold High School. It is probably the worst mistake they could have made.
The next day, an obituary appears in Sebottendorff's Munchener Beobachter--a newspaper which a year later become the official Nazi propaganda sheet,
the Volkishcer Beobachter[Under Alfred Rosenberg]--giving the names of the seven murdered cultists and laying the blame on the doorstep of the Red
Army. The citizens of Munich are finally outraged, shaken out of their lethargy. Thulists continue their well-organized campaign of agit-prop against
the Communist regime. The people take to the streets.
The Free Corps--twenty thousand strong--marches on Munich under the comand of General von Oven. For the first time in history, storm troopers--members
of the Ehrhardt Free Corps Brigade--march beneath a swastika flag with swastikas painted on their helmets, singing a swastika hymn. As they enter the
city, they find that the Thule has managed to organize a full-scale citizen rebellion against the Soviet government. They join forces.
When the dust settles on May 3, the Communists have been defeated in Munich, politically and militarily. Hundreds of people, including many innocent
civilians, have been senselessly slaughtered in their streets and homes by the crusading "Whites" with the swastika banners. But there will be no
Socialist or Communist government in Germany until after World War II, over twenty-five years later, and even then it will rule over half of the
country and will take its orders from Germany's most despised enemy, the Soviet Union.
But now, so soon after the victorious march of the Freikorps through the streets of Munich, the threat of a Soviet regime in the rest of Germany is
still very real. Units of the navy are in mutiny, raising the red flag over Germany's battleships. France will march into the Ruhr Valley, Germany's
industrial heartland. But the spectacular success of the Freikorps has aroused the admiration of anti-Bolshevik forces all across Europe. In Riga, the
newly formed Latvian Republic begs for Freikorps assistance to defend their country against the Bolsheviks and even the British support it's
decision. Hence, Freikorps units move to the defense of Latvia until the British themselves have to intervene to free Latvia from the death grip of
these rabid proto-Nazi brigands.
Even Germany's own right wing is divided into two camps: those in favor of restoring the monarchy and seperating Bavaria from the rest of Germany,
and those in favor of a unified Greater German Reich, without a monarch but with a leader, a leader with vision. A German messiah. A Fuhrer. Where is
that Fuhrer to be found?
Unwittingly, the Thule Gesselschaft provides the answer. Meeting in the expensive Four Seasons Hotel, the leading industrialists and aristocracy of
the city, along with a generous helping of local police and military officials, are designing a two-pronged strategy of political activism. The Thule
Society will do the organizing, will make the right connections among the society figures, the wealthy capitalists, the intelligentsia. They will
stockpile weapons. They will organize units of the Free Corps, particularly the Ehrhard Brigade (which will become an official unit of Germany's navy
as the Ehrhardt Naval Brigade and, eventually, subsumed into Himmler's SS) and the Freikorps Oberland.
But another arm of the Thule has already begun recruiting-- not among Munich's "beautiful people", the rich and the powerful-- but among the
working people, the lower and middle-class citizens who have been hit hardest by the civil wars, the enormous rates of inflation, the chaos and
confusion. There will be no overt involvement of the Thule Society in this group, which is to be called instead the German Workers Party and which
will be led by a serious, humorless, railroad employee and locksmith named Anton Drexler. They will meet in a beer hall. Perhaps between the two
groups--the Thule with its academics, nobles, and factory owners meeting at the Four Seasons, and the German Workers Party with its rought-and-tumble
factory workers meeting in beer halls-they will be able to form a united front against Communism, "international" Freemasonry, and world Jewry.
[Dear Reader: It is one of the more recuring facts of the occult secret societies of their habit of superficially turning on their own current public
petina's when they sense opportunity presented by political wind blowing in a new direction, then simply resurfacing under a new nom-de-plume when
the advantage of the situation has been taken. In order to detect and understand this it is necessary to have some background on the core theology of
this occult battle. The essence of it is this, which we hope to expand on in the future: that "God" of the Bible - Jehova or Yahwah (YHWH) is not
god but the jealous and vengeful Satan, and that Samael (Satan) is the real God of Light who is endevouring to "Free" man into "Liberty" from the
yoke of Jehova who want's to keep us in ignorance. Hence the Serpant (or Dragon as they prefer to refer to him as) is the "God" of Wisdom. This
theology is always consistent, please refer to the belief system of the Gnostics, Mandeans, Goths, "St. John" Christians et all. You will also find
this completely agrees with the writing's of the Freemason's if you pursue some of the treatises of their more well known authors, as well as of
course the accusations made against the Knights Templar. The Occult Religion of the Nazi's is entirely consistent with this. The objective is
destroying the "yoke" of Jehova and as the biggest advocate of Jehova is the "Jews" then that is why they are singled out for "special"
treatment. Of course there has been some Jewish Sects who have incorporated elements of this heresy in their secret doctrines, such as the early
Judeo-Gnostics and probably the infamous Benjamites. It is a very tangled tale but the important point to always remember is that the objective is not
ascendency of whatever current public organizational device they are using but the ascendency of the idea; the idea that Samael is the God of Light,
Liberty and Wisdom, while Jehova is the God of Darkness, Tyranny and Ignorance.]
Within a year, this project of the Thule Gesellschaft will become the NSDAP: the National Socialist German Workers' Party. The Nazi Party. It will
sport a swastika flag and a corporal who had been sent by the German Army to spy on the organization: Adolf Hitler.
And by Novemeber, 1923, the tiny German Workers Party will have grown to enormous proportions with many thousands of members, and will attempt to take
over the country in the famous Beer Hall Putsch. The Putsch will fail, but Adolf Hitler the Fuhrer will be born--not in a manger like the Son of God
he often believed himself to be--but in a jail cell at Landsberg Prison.
What was the Thule Gesselschaft?
What were cultists doing fighting Communists in the streets of Munich?
What did they believe?
How did it influence the Nazi Party?