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Very Scary Developments - WW3 just days away.

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posted on Mar, 24 2006 @ 06:58 AM
WW3 will be expected infact if you think about it WW3 is already on under a different name "the global war on terror" is the name i believe.

I am somewhat simpathetic to the insurgents in the middle east defending their values and way of life agains't the empire. Though i do no condone violence if my country was invaded i would do everything i possibly could to stop the occupier.

Just wait until America,EU,UK and others go toe to toe with Iran,Russia,China,North Korea and others. It will be what i like to call the global population reduction followed by a narrow victory for the west followed by a global crash economically to cripple sovereign nations and to brong about a new age like WW2 ushered in the age of global unity WW3 will usher in the age of global governance as a last resort to end wars and keep us in check.

it is never to late to stop a war you just have to destroy the source of the war and remove the power from the powers.

posted on Mar, 24 2006 @ 07:07 AM
Yet another month to mark on your calendar, folks. This is beginning to look like a shell game.


[edit on 24-3-2006 by Dark Magician]

[edit on 24-3-2006 by Dark Magician]

posted on Mar, 24 2006 @ 07:08 AM

Originally posted by The_Doctor
WW3 will be expected infact if you think about it WW3 is already on under a different name "the global war on terror" is the name i believe.

Well said.

Mod Edit: Big Quote – Please Review This Link.

Mod Note: One Line Post – Please Review This Link.

[edit on 24-3-2006 by mrwupy]

posted on Mar, 24 2006 @ 11:15 AM
In light of things stated in this thread, I feel it important to start a list, of people in each state, each zone of those states, that members can contact, in times of extreme crisis, terrorist attacks, etc.

Who's up for this?

posted on Mar, 24 2006 @ 11:30 AM

Originally posted by MichaelMyers
In light of things stated in this thread, I feel it important to start a list, of people in each state, each zone of those states, that members can contact, in times of extreme crisis, terrorist attacks, etc.

Who's up for this?

While I feel it is a good idea, two things come to mind:

1) the basic rule that it's never a good idea to exhcange information over the internet (basically the whole stranger rule).


2) the fact tat in the event of a cataclysmic disaster where a rather bad government would come into place, the list could be used as a virtual "shopping list" of those with a brain

posted on Mar, 24 2006 @ 11:37 AM

Originally posted by MichaelMyers
In light of things stated in this thread, I feel it important to start a list, of people in each state, each zone of those states, that members can contact, in times of extreme crisis, terrorist attacks, etc.

Who's up for this?

Welcome to ATS, if you have not been reading for awhile you may safely assume you have now been tagged as a government agent.

posted on Mar, 24 2006 @ 02:57 PM

Originally posted by Enkidu

Originally posted by Fuhr86

Originally posted by Enkidu
Well, I'm still waiting for World War III. How long has it been now since it was just "days away?" I don't think if it's like, 1,000 days, it should really be called an accurate prediction. "Days away," at least to me, means three or four days, a week on the outside.

Why would yo be waiting for WW3. Do you want to see people die? Im happy nothing has happened.

Hey, when somebody says that WW3 is days away, I either want it to happen or for the person who said it to come forward and apologize for being such a worry wart. But maybe you like the sound of people crying "wolf," because you are happy every time a wolf fails to appear. I guess I'm more of a "glass half empty" kinda guy.

I guess you did not read the original post. Thats too bad, the poster said he was terrified of recent events and that everything was speculation on his part. He backed up what he was thinking with news articles from legit mainstream news sources so I dont see what the problem is. Did he over react sure but was there reason to yes. So perhaps next time around you will actually read what you are complaining about.

posted on Mar, 24 2006 @ 04:56 PM
This was a very good post to read for once...

It's about time someone draw together all the recent happenings in the world and come up with a realistic theory. Absolutly well done.

The part I most enjoyed was reading the idea that the bird flu was all to prepare the people for the upcoming war scenarios. I can not believe I never put that together.

This post should be taken seriously. Good Work.

posted on Mar, 24 2006 @ 08:40 PM
Gloom and doom! Take some Kava and relax........The CIA has a handle on Iran......believe it...

posted on Mar, 25 2006 @ 03:48 AM
I am in Canada so no worries of terrorism here and we have huge muslim and minority populations. Most muslims i have talked to agree when i say America is the real terror threat. I have heard a lot of stories that have come from the middle east including executions in large numbers by U.S. and coalition forces. No wonder Canada said # you when it came to Iraq we knew what would happen.

25,000 american casualties in Iraq they only show 2 whatever thousand on tv because they don't count technicalities. ~Gary Hart on Real Time with Bill Maher

posted on Mar, 26 2006 @ 02:04 AM
The lady told me the power would go out, and then said I may want to stock up on DVD's, that is funny to me.

posted on Mar, 26 2006 @ 04:37 PM

Originally posted by torbjon
Okay, I’m curious…

for the people running out to ‘get prepared’, again just out of curiosity, why weren’t you ‘prepared’ before?

I have two survival knives, a multi-tool, baseball bat, a few books about warfare and doctrine, a bunch of old mobile phones, candles, hiking and my military service gear.

Mod Edit: Big Quote – Please Review This Link.

[edit on 3/26/2006 by 12m8keall2c]

posted on Mar, 26 2006 @ 06:16 PM

Originally posted by The_Doctor
WW3 will be expected infact if you think about it WW3 is already on under a different name "the global war on terror" is the name i believe.

I was going to say something similar.

WWIII can't be days away, because it is already here. It's just in a disguised and simmering state.

posted on Mar, 26 2006 @ 09:20 PM
Is there a link to your copied and pasted predictions>

I did try that website and get an error page.

For future reference, just a few paragraphs and the link would be very helpful.

posted on Mar, 26 2006 @ 09:35 PM
Humongoid copy paste post that was two posts above has mysteriously disappeared.

posted on Mar, 26 2006 @ 09:43 PM
Wow, TC, you perform miracles too??

Thank you- that made me madder than a legless Ethiopian watching a donut roll down the hill......

OK, to the Ethiopians out there, just kidding.

posted on Mar, 26 2006 @ 09:50 PM
are there any lists or websites to go to that list details of the necessities you should stock to prepare for a disaster?

Such as what foods to stock up on? how much fuel should you hold? how much water? which foods can last the longest etc.

I've built a storage area at home for all my survival equipment ans supplies and want to ensure that I have what I really will need.


posted on Mar, 26 2006 @ 09:56 PM


A 500 kiloton blast, 2.2 miles away, will arrive about 8 seconds after the detonation flash with about a 295 mph wind blast that lasts about three seconds. An even larger 1 MT (megaton) blast, 5 miles away, will arrive in about 20 seconds. Hopefully, you are not near any target area 'ground zero' and will only, like the vast majority, have to deal with just the fallout later.

[.PDF here]

I wanted to post this paragraph from an excellent article I found on the web. I should mention the author seems to want to sell survival gear, so he may be biased. The use of caps is the style of the author in titling his work, so forgive it please. The content is good, and describes a few simple steps families can take to increase their chances of survival if the worst happens.

Anyway, I highlighted the part I thought was really interesting.

My question is this: Does the 8-second and 20 second windows here describe a period of time which will be very hot? I'm asking if victims of nuclear bombs will actually writhe and burn like Sarah Conner in the famous Terminator movies? --that the first agony is from burning alive (deafened and blind, of course), and then the second is damage from the blast wave?

I ask this question to all you experts because I have a lot of friends near major targets who say, "Oh well look how smart I am: I live NEAR a nuclear target like [insert base/city here] and so I won't even feel it!" ...Seriously, this is what I hear from people.

Well no, actually, if you are near a target, that warhead could be off by miles, in fact. If it lands on your head, yeah, you will eperience the effects of nuclear bombs at the same time and be vaporized. BUT if you are on the periphery, you will see the light first, and then feel the burn, before the merciful blast wave hits.

Does the link above describe the time difference of flash and blast wave of a nuclear airburst correctly? 8-seconds of agony (500kt at 2.2 miles distance)? 20-seconds of agony (1-MT at 5 miles distance)?

Also, can so called "bunker busters" actually go so deep that they are like the atomic tests underground like we have seen and which throw up no debris? I think so-called "bunker busters" will throw consequential amounts of irradiated material skyward, and onto unprepared humans downwind and below.

[edit on 26-3-2006 by smallpeeps]

posted on Mar, 26 2006 @ 10:17 PM

Originally posted by Melbourne_Militia
are there any lists or websites to go to that list details of the necessities you should stock to prepare for a disaster?

If you can listen to PODcasts, this is a very good link:
There's also some written information in the thread.

I've built a storage area at home for all my survival equipment ans supplies and want to ensure that I have what I really will need.

Wow, that sounds cool! I want one. Ours is stacked and stuffed all around the place

I also like this site:

The Big List

I have to be careful not to go nuts.

posted on Mar, 26 2006 @ 10:34 PM

Originally posted by LazerLordz
I have two survival knives, a multi-tool, baseball bat, a few books about warfare and doctrine, a bunch of old mobile phones, candles, hiking and my military service gear.

My sister works in a store room for the army so i get pretty much anything i need + i have a fair bit of experience on being self sustaind (but only in Australia) ive got like our whold shed full of stuff. now thats prepaired.

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