posted on Oct, 18 2003 @ 01:00 AM
Actually, warpspeed, youre not to far off topic, tho, I, not being religious have different views.
But you are right on about China. The EU, the US, are totally transitory entities of power, China has stood as an entity for 4000 years and counting.
Where were the first civilizations? Middle east! You are catching me well then. The west will destroy itself. Because after Europe ruins the US,
Europe will fall into oblivion as well. It cant stand any longer than we, China, having eliminated the US, will shadow Europe into non existance. If
this is indeed the scenario that will be played out.
But, I feel Islam is a threat to humanity, as is Christianity, as the two intolerant warrior faiths of the middle east have led bloodshed in thier
wake, ultimately, the two will collide, rmeber, its not just the west that is Christian, but south America, much of Africa, the
philipines.......Chrisitianity and Islam shall cancel each other out.
But China and the middle east will remain.