posted on Oct, 8 2003 @ 07:36 PM
Sorry, fry, I was occupied in two different threads, and starting a new one was simply out of the question.
Anyway, its like a house that has been irreversable damaged by termites, you cant paint it, tenting the place didnt work.
The house must be burnt to the ground and built again.
This system is just too far gone and the corruption is entirely too deep to ever be used to save it. You cant use the tools they customized to obtain
and maintain thier position to dethrone them.
A total economic collapse would efefct everyone, including them. Were talking an entire collapse of stockmarkets,d efaulted loans, the WORKS. The
change in currency would proivde a good catalyst to change this, it would be the beginning.
Thier power base is based on money. Once the money is worthless, and this big juggernaut of a beast falls, it will take them with. They will have to
use military might to keep the chaos from overboiling, and the question is:
do they have the military? Do they ahve enough power to maintain the military? Soldiers who arent getting paid, do you think they will turn against
thier families and friends, thier fellow citizens?
No. Thus, the frighteing possibility of stationing UN troops in the aspect of Kerry that scares the hell out of me.
Anyway it must happen. Ill put it to you this way, we are doomed if we continue upholding the current system and keep our comfy society intact. We are
irreversably doomed. However, if it is destroyed, we have more a chance of regaining control of our own destiny than we would by trying to do things
the nice way.
Economic collapse destroyed the mighty soviet union. Economic collapse also destroyed the Pre Hitler regime in germany. Economic collapse has
destroyed many great powers. And it can be done again. The real worry is about who will take control, or who will be elected?
Right now, we have evil. But then, we would have at least a chance of not having evil rule us, which is more than we have now.